This folder helps users recompile their own DPU models so they can be deployed on the board. The recompilation is needed if users want to retarget a different DPU configuration.
We provide a
script that helps users compile their own deployable
models from Vitis AI model zoo.
Make sure you have cloned this repository onto your host machine:
git clone
If you have not installed docker on your host machine, please refer to the Vitis AI getting started page to install docker.
Once you have docker set up, go to the DPU-PYNQ/host folder and run the
script will download the necessary files from the Vitis AI github repository for running the docker image, including the
script. You only need to run the following command once.
cd DPU-PYNQ/host
There are 2 cases for different boards:
- For most boards in this repository the DPU architecture (DPUCZDX8G_ISA1_B4096) is the same as the KV260/ZCU102/ZCU104 arch.json files in the Vitis AI docker. In this case the arch.json files in the docker container can be used to compile models.
- Some of the smaller boards, like the Ultra96v1/v2 and ZUBoard, the Vitis AI release does not contain
necessary files to recompile the DPU models directly. For the aforementioned boards we provide custom arch.json files comatible with the overlays shipped with DPU-PYNQ. You can use
files as an--arch
parameter when compiling for these boards.
If you have rebuilt the DPU hardware design by yourself, you can see
file inside folder
You can also use the find . -name arch.json
command to locate this file.
For example, the arch_ultra96.json
file for Ultra96v1/v2 DPU configuration has content:
Note: if you have changed the DPU configurations in your hardware design,
you must prepare your new arch.json
The Vitis AI compilers are provided in the Vitis AI docker image. Make sure you ran the
script first, then run the following to enter the docker environment:
./ xilinx/vitis-ai:2.5.0
will download a Vitis AI docker image after users accept
the license agreements. It may take a long time to download since the image
is about 18GB. After the download is complete, the
will help you log onto that docker image.
The Vitis AI docker image gives users access to the Vitis AI utilities
and compilation tools. If you have run
before, it will simply
launch the docker image without downloading again.
The helper script takes 3 parameters, you can get more information about the script by invoking --help
./ --help
usage: [-h] [-n NAME] [-a ARCH] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
DPU-PYNQ helper script for downloading and compiling models from the Vitis AI modelzoo. For list of models see:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the model as seen in the model zoo list.
-a ARCH, --arch ARCH Path to the arch.json file for the DPU architecture you want to compile for.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to output folder
The main requirement is the model name, which we can get by navigating to the Vitis AI github repository and going to the model_zoo/model-list directory:
For example, if you would like to compile a resnet50 model as shown in the screenshot above you would copy that entire name string and pass it as an argument to the
script, as such:
./ --name tf2_resnet50_imagenet_224_224_7.76G_2.5
By default the compile function uses /opt/vitis_ai/compiler/arch/DPUCZDX8G/ZCU104/arch.json
as the target DPU architecture, but you can pass your own architecture as a parameter with --arch
If succesful you should see a compilation output as below:
Instead of using the deployable models from the Vitis AI model zoo, advanced
users may even train their own machine learning models. We will show
one example in train_mnist_model.ipynb
, where a small convolutional neural network
is trained on the MNIST hand-written digit dataset.
From inside the docker environment, activate tensorflow2 conda environment and the launch jupyter notebook. step-by-step.
conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2
jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8080
Then simply run the train_mnist_model.ipynb
notebook and follow the instructions.
For more information such as training your own model, please refer to the Vitis AI user guide and Vitis AI Tutorials.
Copyright (C) 2021 Xilinx, Inc
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 License