Why use eggnet instead of eggdrop docker?
EggNet is designed for the use of multiple robots automatically linking together. Eggdrop is for the use of a robot only for its simple use.
EggNet allows you to add additional system packages easily during its build, like tcllib, tcl-tls, mysqltcl, ..
EggNet compiles only eggdrop modules necessary for space saving and increased performance.
EggNet allows you to customize the ./configuration command during compilation.
EggNet makes it easy for you to load scripts with a structure designed for multi-robot use
EggNet uses a screen in its image that allows you to access from your host machine to enrich the use in addition to access to the partyline.
EggNet offers you logs of different types: script error, usual logfile, screen ..
If you have any remarks, suggestions, ideas, bugs, you can send them to me via the issue form:
Si vous avez des remarques, des suggestions, des idées, des bogues vous pouvez me les faire parvenir via le formulaire issues:
- github.com/ZarTek-Creole/EggNet-Docker/issues
git clone github.com/ZarTek-Creole/EggNet-Docker.git /path/to/install
wget github.com/ZarTek-Creole/EggNet-Docker/archive/refs/heads/master.zip -O /path/to/install/EggNet-Docker.zip
cd /path/to/install/
unzip -x EggNet-Docker.zip
rm EggNet-Docker.zip
cd EggNet-Docker
cp examples/develop/docker-compose.yml .
docker-compose up -d
If you like the code or the work done, you can make a donation to encourage:
Si le code ou le travail accomplit vous plaît, vous pouvez faire une donation pour m'encourager :
- https://ko-fi.com/ZarTek
- github.com/ZarTek-Creole/DONATE
Thanks to the various people who made the script possible
Merci aux différentes personnes qui ont permis la réalisation du script
All contributions are welcome!
Toute contribution est la bienvenue!
Official website of the EggNet-Docker script:
Site internet officiel du script EggNet-Docker:
- github.com/ZarTek-Creole/EggNet-Docker
ZarTek @ github.com/ZarTek-Creole