/* This file is (c) 2014 Abs62 * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "epwing_book.hh" #include "epwing.hh" #include <QByteArray> #include <QDir> #include <QRunnable> #include <QSemaphore> #include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include "btreeidx.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include "fsencoding.hh" #include "chunkedstorage.hh" #include "wstring.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "filetype.hh" #include "ftshelpers.hh" #include "btreeidx.hh" namespace Epwing { using BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink; using BtreeIndexing::IndexedWords; using BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo; using std::map; using std::multimap; using std::vector; using std::set; using std::pair; using gd::wstring; namespace { #pragma pack( push, 1 ) enum { Signature = 0x58575045, // EPWX on little-endian, XWPE on big-endian CurrentFormatVersion = 5 + BtreeIndexing::FormatVersion + Folding::Version }; struct IdxHeader { quint32 signature; // First comes the signature, EPWX quint32 formatVersion; // File format version (CurrentFormatVersion) quint32 chunksOffset; // The offset to chunks' storage quint32 indexBtreeMaxElements; // Two fields from IndexInfo quint32 indexRootOffset; quint32 wordCount; quint32 articleCount; quint32 nameSize; quint32 langFrom; // Source language quint32 langTo; // Target language } #ifndef _MSC_VER __attribute__((packed)) #endif ; #pragma pack( pop ) bool indexIsOldOrBad( string const & indexFile ) { File::Class idx( indexFile, "rb" ); IdxHeader header; return idx.readRecords( &header, sizeof( header ), 1 ) != 1 || header.signature != Signature || header.formatVersion != CurrentFormatVersion; } class EpwingDictionary: public BtreeIndexing::BtreeDictionary { Mutex idxMutex; File::Class idx; IdxHeader idxHeader; string bookName; ChunkedStorage::Reader chunks; Epwing::Book::EpwingBook eBook; QString cacheDirectory; public: EpwingDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles, int subBook ); ~EpwingDictionary(); virtual string getName() throw() { return bookName; } virtual map< Dictionary::Property, string > getProperties() throw() { return map< Dictionary::Property, string >(); } virtual unsigned long getArticleCount() throw() { return idxHeader.articleCount; } virtual unsigned long getWordCount() throw() { return idxHeader.wordCount; } inline virtual quint32 getLangFrom() const { return idxHeader.langFrom; } inline virtual quint32 getLangTo() const { return idxHeader.langTo; } virtual QString const& getDescription(); virtual sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const & ) throw( std::exception ); virtual sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getResource( string const & name ) throw( std::exception ); virtual sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults ); virtual void getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ); virtual void makeFTSIndex(QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ); virtual void setFTSParameters( Config::FullTextSearch const & fts ) { if( ensureInitDone().size() ) return; can_FTS = fts.enabled && !fts.disabledTypes.contains( "EPWING", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && ( fts.maxDictionarySize == 0 || getArticleCount() <= fts.maxDictionarySize ); } static int japaneseWriting( gd::wchar ch ); static bool isSign( gd::wchar ch ); static bool isJapanesePunctiation( gd::wchar ch ); virtual sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > prefixMatch( wstring const &, unsigned long ) throw( std::exception ); virtual sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > stemmedMatch( wstring const &, unsigned minLength, unsigned maxSuffixVariation, unsigned long maxResults ) throw( std::exception ); protected: void loadIcon() throw(); private: /// Loads the article. void loadArticle( quint32 address, string & articleHeadword, string & articleText, int & articlePage, int & articleOffset ); void loadArticle( int articlePage, int articleOffset, string & articleHeadword, string & articleText ); void createCacheDirectory(); void removeDirectory( QString const & directory ); QString const & getImagesCacheDir() { return eBook.getImagesCacheDir(); } QString const & getSoundsCacheDir() { return eBook.getSoundsCacheDir(); } QString const & getMoviesCacheDir() { return eBook.getMoviesCacheDir(); } friend class EpwingArticleRequest; friend class EpwingResourceRequest; friend class EpwingWordSearchRequest; }; EpwingDictionary::EpwingDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles, int subBook ): BtreeDictionary( id, dictionaryFiles ), idx( indexFile, "rb" ), idxHeader( idx.read< IdxHeader >() ), chunks( idx, idxHeader.chunksOffset ) { vector< char > data( idxHeader.nameSize ); idx.seek( sizeof( idxHeader ) ); idx.read( &data.front(), idxHeader.nameSize ); bookName = string( &data.front(), idxHeader.nameSize ); // Initialize eBook eBook.setBook( dictionaryFiles[ 0 ] ); eBook.setSubBook( subBook ); // Initialize the index openIndex( IndexInfo( idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements, idxHeader.indexRootOffset ), idx, idxMutex ); eBook.setDictID( getId() ); cacheDirectory = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + QString::fromUtf8( getId().c_str() ) + ".cache"; eBook.setCacheDirectory( cacheDirectory ); // Full-text search parameters can_FTS = true; ftsIdxName = indexFile + "_FTS"; if( !Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictionaryFiles, ftsIdxName ) && !FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); } EpwingDictionary::~EpwingDictionary() { removeDirectory( cacheDirectory ); } void EpwingDictionary::loadIcon() throw() { if ( dictionaryIconLoaded ) return; QString fileName = FsEncoding::decode( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ) + QDir::separator() + eBook.getCurrentSubBookDirectory() + "."; if( !fileName.isEmpty() ) loadIconFromFile( fileName ); if( dictionaryIcon.isNull() ) { // Load failed -- use default icons dictionaryNativeIcon = dictionaryIcon = QIcon(":/icons/icon32_epwing.png"); } dictionaryIconLoaded = true; } void EpwingDictionary::removeDirectory( QString const & directory ) { QDir dir( directory ); Q_FOREACH( QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList( QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files, QDir::DirsFirst)) { if( info.isDir() ) removeDirectory( info.absoluteFilePath() ); else QFile::remove( info.absoluteFilePath() ); } dir.rmdir( directory ); } void EpwingDictionary::loadArticle( quint32 address, string & articleHeadword, string & articleText, int & articlePage, int & articleOffset ) { vector< char > chunk; char * articleProps; { Mutex::Lock _( idxMutex ); articleProps = chunks.getBlock( address, chunk ); } memcpy( &articlePage, articleProps, sizeof( articlePage ) ); memcpy( &articleOffset, articleProps + sizeof( articlePage ), sizeof( articleOffset ) ); QString headword, text; try { Mutex::Lock _( eBook.getLibMutex() ); eBook.getArticle( headword, text, articlePage, articleOffset, false ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { text = QString( "Article reading error: %1") .arg( QString::fromUtf8( e.what() ) ); } articleHeadword = string( headword.toUtf8().data() ); articleText = string( text.toUtf8().data() ); string prefix( "<div class=\"epwing_text\">" ); articleText = prefix + articleText + "</div>"; } void EpwingDictionary::loadArticle( int articlePage, int articleOffset, string & articleHeadword, string & articleText ) { QString headword, text; try { Mutex::Lock _( eBook.getLibMutex() ); eBook.getArticle( headword, text, articlePage, articleOffset, false ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { text = QString( "Article reading error: %1") .arg( QString::fromUtf8( e.what() ) ); } articleHeadword = string( headword.toUtf8().data() ); articleText = string( text.toUtf8().data() ); string prefix( "<div class=\"epwing_text\">" ); articleText = prefix + articleText + "</div>"; } QString const& EpwingDictionary::getDescription() { if( !dictionaryDescription.isEmpty() ) return dictionaryDescription; dictionaryDescription = "NONE"; QString str; { Mutex::Lock _( eBook.getLibMutex() ); str = eBook.copyright(); } if( !str.isEmpty() ) dictionaryDescription = str; return dictionaryDescription; } void EpwingDictionary::makeFTSIndex( QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ) { if( !( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( getDictionaryFilenames(), ftsIdxName ) || FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName ) ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); if( haveFTSIndex() ) return; if( firstIteration && getArticleCount() > FTS::MaxDictionarySizeForFastSearch ) return; gdDebug( "Epwing: Building the full-text index for dictionary: %s\n", getName().c_str() ); try { FtsHelpers::makeFTSIndex( this, isCancelled ); FTS_index_completed.ref(); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Epwing: Failed building full-text search index for \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); QFile::remove( FsEncoding::decode( ftsIdxName.c_str() ) ); } } void EpwingDictionary::getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ) { headword.clear(); text.clear(); vector< char > chunk; char * articleProps; { Mutex::Lock _( idxMutex ); articleProps = chunks.getBlock( articleAddress, chunk ); } uint32_t articlePage, articleOffset; memcpy( &articlePage, articleProps, sizeof( articlePage ) ); memcpy( &articleOffset, articleProps + sizeof( articlePage ), sizeof( articleOffset ) ); try { Mutex::Lock _( eBook.getLibMutex() ); eBook.getArticle( headword, text, articlePage, articleOffset, true ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { text = QString( "Article reading error: %1") .arg( QString::fromUtf8( e.what() ) ); } } /// EpwingDictionary::getArticle() class EpwingArticleRequest; class EpwingArticleRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { EpwingArticleRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: EpwingArticleRequestRunnable( EpwingArticleRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~EpwingArticleRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class EpwingArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class EpwingArticleRequestRunnable; wstring word; vector< wstring > alts; EpwingDictionary & dict; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: EpwingArticleRequest( wstring const & word_, vector< wstring > const & alts_, EpwingDictionary & dict_ ): word( word_ ), alts( alts_ ), dict( dict_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new EpwingArticleRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by EpwingArticleRequestRunnable virtual void cancel() { isCancelled.ref(); } ~EpwingArticleRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); hasExited.acquire(); } }; void EpwingArticleRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void EpwingArticleRequest::run() { if ( isCancelled ) { finish(); return; } vector< WordArticleLink > chain = dict.findArticles( word ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < alts.size(); ++x ) { /// Make an additional query for each alt vector< WordArticleLink > altChain = dict.findArticles( alts[ x ] ); chain.insert( chain.end(), altChain.begin(), altChain.end() ); } multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > > mainArticles, alternateArticles; set< quint32 > articlesIncluded; // Some synonims make it that the articles // appear several times. We combat this // by only allowing them to appear once. wstring wordCaseFolded = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( word ); QVector< int > pages, offsets; for( unsigned x = 0; x < chain.size(); ++x ) { if ( isCancelled ) { finish(); return; } if ( articlesIncluded.find( chain[ x ].articleOffset ) != articlesIncluded.end() ) continue; // We already have this article in the body. // Now grab that article string headword, articleText; int articlePage, articleOffset; try { dict.loadArticle( chain[ x ].articleOffset, headword, articleText, articlePage, articleOffset ); } catch(...) { } pages.append( articlePage ); offsets.append( articleOffset ); // Ok. Now, does it go to main articles, or to alternate ones? We list // main ones first, and alternates after. // We do the case-folded comparison here. wstring headwordStripped = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( Utf8::decode( headword ) ); multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > > & mapToUse = ( wordCaseFolded == headwordStripped ) ? mainArticles : alternateArticles; mapToUse.insert( pair< wstring, pair< string, string > >( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( Utf8::decode( headword ) ), pair< string, string >( headword, articleText ) ) ); articlesIncluded.insert( chain[ x ].articleOffset ); } // Also try to find word in the built-in dictionary index try { string headword, articleText; QVector< int > pg, off; { Mutex::Lock _( dict.eBook.getLibMutex() ); dict.eBook.getArticlePos( gd::toQString( word ), pg, off ); } for( int i = 0; i < pg.size(); i++ ) { bool already = false; for( int n = 0; n < pages.size(); n++ ) { if( pages.at( n ) == pg.at( i ) && abs( offsets.at( n ) - off.at( i ) ) <= 4 ) { already = true; break; } } if( !already ) { dict.loadArticle( pg.at( i ), off.at( i ), headword, articleText ); mainArticles.insert( pair< wstring, pair< string, string > >( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( Utf8::decode( headword ) ), pair< string, string >( headword, articleText ) ) ); pages.append( pg.at( i ) ); offsets.append( off.at( i ) ); } } } catch(...) { } if ( mainArticles.empty() && alternateArticles.empty() ) { // No such word finish(); return; } string result = "<span class=\"epwing_article\">"; multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > >::const_iterator i; for( i = mainArticles.begin(); i != mainArticles.end(); ++i ) { result += "<h3>"; result += i->second.first; result += "</h3>"; result += i->second.second; } for( i = alternateArticles.begin(); i != alternateArticles.end(); ++i ) { result += "<h3>"; result += i->second.first; result += "</h3>"; result += i->second.second; } result += "</span>"; Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( result.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), result.data(), result.size() ); hasAnyData = true; finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > EpwingDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const & ) throw( std::exception ) { return new EpwingArticleRequest( word, alts, *this ); } //// EpwingDictionary::getResource() class EpwingResourceRequest; class EpwingResourceRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { EpwingResourceRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: EpwingResourceRequestRunnable( EpwingResourceRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~EpwingResourceRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class EpwingResourceRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class EpwingResourceRequestRunnable; EpwingDictionary & dict; string resourceName; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: EpwingResourceRequest( EpwingDictionary & dict_, string const & resourceName_ ): dict( dict_ ), resourceName( resourceName_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new EpwingResourceRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by EpwingResourceRequestRunnable virtual void cancel() { isCancelled.ref(); } ~EpwingResourceRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); hasExited.acquire(); } }; void EpwingResourceRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void EpwingResourceRequest::run() { // Some runnables linger enough that they are cancelled before they start if ( isCancelled ) { finish(); return; } QString cacheDir; { Mutex::Lock _( dict.eBook.getLibMutex() ); if( Filetype::isNameOfPicture( resourceName ) ) cacheDir = dict.getImagesCacheDir(); else if( Filetype::isNameOfSound( resourceName ) ) cacheDir = dict.getSoundsCacheDir(); else if( Filetype::isNameOfVideo( resourceName ) ) cacheDir = dict.getMoviesCacheDir(); } try { if( cacheDir.isEmpty() ) { finish(); return; } QString fullName = cacheDir + QDir::separator() + FsEncoding::decode( resourceName.c_str() ); QFile f( fullName ); if( f.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { QByteArray buffer = f.readAll(); Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( buffer.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), buffer.data(), data.size() ); hasAnyData = true; } } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Epwing: Failed loading resource \"%s\" for \"%s\", reason: %s\n", resourceName.c_str(), dict.getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); // Resource not loaded -- we don't set the hasAnyData flag then } finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > EpwingDictionary::getResource( string const & name ) throw( std::exception ) { return new EpwingResourceRequest( *this, name ); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > EpwingDictionary::getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults ) { return new FtsHelpers::FTSResultsRequest( *this, searchString,searchMode, matchCase, distanceBetweenWords, maxResults ); } int EpwingDictionary::japaneseWriting( gd::wchar ch ) { if( ( ch >= 0x30A0 && ch <= 0x30FF ) || ( ch >= 0x31F0 && ch <= 0x31FF ) || ( ch >= 0x3200 && ch <= 0x32FF ) || ( ch >= 0xFF00 && ch <= 0xFFEF ) || ( ch == 0x1B000 ) ) return 1; // Katakana else if( ( ch >= 0x3040 && ch <= 0x309F ) || ( ch == 0x1B001 ) ) return 2; // Hiragana else if( ( ch >= 0x4E00 && ch <= 0x9FAF ) || ( ch >= 0x3400 && ch <= 0x4DBF ) ) return 3; // Kanji return 0; } bool EpwingDictionary::isSign( gd::wchar ch ) { switch( ch ) { case 0x002B: // PLUS SIGN case 0x003C: // LESS-THAN SIGN case 0x003D: // EQUALS SIGN case 0x003E: // GREATER-THAN SIGN case 0x00AC: // NOT SIGN case 0xFF0B: // FULLWIDTH PLUS SIGN case 0xFF1C: // FULLWIDTH LESS-THAN SIGN case 0xFF1D: // FULLWIDTH EQUALS SIGN case 0xFF1E: // FULLWIDTH GREATER-THAN SIGN case 0xFFE2: // FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN return true; default: return false; } } bool EpwingDictionary::isJapanesePunctiation( gd::wchar ch ) { return ch >= 0x3000 && ch <= 0x303F; } class EpwingWordSearchRequest; class EpwingWordSearchRunnable: public QRunnable { EpwingWordSearchRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: EpwingWordSearchRunnable( EpwingWordSearchRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~EpwingWordSearchRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class EpwingWordSearchRequest: public BtreeIndexing::BtreeWordSearchRequest { friend class EpwingWordSearchRunnable; EpwingDictionary & edict; public: EpwingWordSearchRequest( EpwingDictionary & dict_, wstring const & str_, unsigned minLength_, int maxSuffixVariation_, bool allowMiddleMatches_, unsigned long maxResults_ ): BtreeWordSearchRequest( dict_, str_, minLength_, maxSuffixVariation_, allowMiddleMatches_, maxResults_, false ), edict( dict_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new EpwingWordSearchRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } virtual void findMatches(); }; void EpwingWordSearchRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void EpwingWordSearchRequest::findMatches() { BtreeWordSearchRequest::findMatches(); if ( isCancelled ) { finish(); return; } while( matches.size() < maxResults ) { QVector< QString > headwords; { Mutex::Lock _( edict.eBook.getLibMutex() ); if( isCancelled ) break; if( !edict.eBook.getMatches( gd::toQString( str ), headwords ) ) break; } Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); for( int i = 0; i < headwords.size(); i++ ) addMatch( gd::toWString( headwords.at( i ) ) ); break; } finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > EpwingDictionary::prefixMatch( wstring const & str, unsigned long maxResults ) throw( std::exception ) { return new EpwingWordSearchRequest( *this, str, 0, -1, true, maxResults ); } sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > EpwingDictionary::stemmedMatch( wstring const & str, unsigned minLength, unsigned maxSuffixVariation, unsigned long maxResults ) throw( std::exception ) { return new EpwingWordSearchRequest( *this, str, minLength, (int)maxSuffixVariation, false, maxResults ); } } // anonymous namespace vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( vector< string > const & fileNames, string const & indicesDir, Dictionary::Initializing & initializing ) throw( std::exception ) { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionaries; vector< string > dictFiles; QByteArray catName; catName += QDir::separator(); catName += "catalogs"; for( vector< string >::const_iterator i = fileNames.begin(); i != fileNames.end(); ++i ) { // Skip files other than "catalogs" to speed up the scanning if ( i->size() < (unsigned)catName.size() || strcasecmp( i->c_str() + ( i->size() - catName.size() ), catName.data() ) != 0 ) continue; int ndir = i->size() - catName.size(); if( ndir < 1 ) ndir = 1; string mainDirectory = i->substr( 0, ndir ); Epwing::Book::EpwingBook dict; int subBooksNumber = dict.setBook( mainDirectory ); for( int sb = 0; sb < subBooksNumber; sb++ ) { QString dir; try { dictFiles.clear(); dictFiles.push_back( mainDirectory ); dictFiles.push_back( *i ); dict.setSubBook( sb ); dir = FsEncoding::decode( mainDirectory.c_str() ) + FsEncoding::separator() + dict.getCurrentSubBookDirectory(); Epwing::Book::EpwingBook::collectFilenames( dir, dictFiles ); QString fontSubName = FsEncoding::decode( mainDirectory.c_str() ) + QDir::separator() + "afonts_" + QString::number( sb ); QFileInfo info( fontSubName ); if( info.exists() && info.isFile() ) dictFiles.push_back( FsEncoding::encode( fontSubName ) ); // Check if we need to rebuid the index string dictId = Dictionary::makeDictionaryId( dictFiles ); string indexFile = indicesDir + dictId; if ( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictFiles, indexFile ) || indexIsOldOrBad( indexFile ) ) { gdDebug( "Epwing: Building the index for dictionary in directory %s\n", dir.toUtf8().data() ); QString str = dict.title(); QByteArray nameData = str.toUtf8(); initializing.indexingDictionary( nameData.data() ); File::Class idx( indexFile, "wb" ); IdxHeader idxHeader; memset( &idxHeader, 0, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); // We write a dummy header first. At the end of the process the header // will be rewritten with the right values. idx.write( idxHeader ); idx.write( nameData.data(), nameData.size() ); idxHeader.nameSize = nameData.size(); IndexedWords indexedWords; ChunkedStorage::Writer chunks( idx ); Epwing::Book::EpwingHeadword head; dict.getFirstHeadword( head ); int wordCount = 0; int articleCount = 0; for( ; ; ) { if( !head.headword.isEmpty() ) { uint32_t offset = chunks.startNewBlock(); chunks.addToBlock( &head.page, sizeof( head.page ) ); chunks.addToBlock( &head.offset, sizeof( head.offset ) ); wstring hw = gd::toWString( head.headword ); indexedWords.addWord( hw, offset ); wordCount++; articleCount++; vector< wstring > words; // Parse combined kanji/katakana/hiragana headwords int w_prev = 0; wstring word; for( wstring::size_type n = 0; n < hw.size(); n++ ) { gd::wchar ch = hw[ n ]; if( Folding::isPunct( ch ) || Folding::isWhitespace( ch ) || EpwingDictionary::isSign( ch ) || EpwingDictionary::isJapanesePunctiation( ch ) ) continue; int w = EpwingDictionary::japaneseWriting( ch ); if( w > 0 ) { // Store only separated words gd::wchar ch_prev = 0; if( n ) ch_prev = hw[ n - 1 ]; bool needStore = ( n == 0 || Folding::isPunct( ch_prev ) || Folding::isWhitespace( ch_prev ) || EpwingDictionary::isJapanesePunctiation( ch ) ); word.push_back( ch ); w_prev = w; wstring::size_type i; for( i = n + 1; i < hw.size(); i++ ) { ch = hw[ i ]; if( Folding::isPunct( ch ) || Folding::isWhitespace( ch ) || EpwingDictionary::isJapanesePunctiation( ch ) ) break; w = EpwingDictionary::japaneseWriting( ch ); if( w != w_prev ) break; word.push_back( ch ); } if( needStore ) { if( i >= hw.size() || Folding::isPunct( ch ) || Folding::isWhitespace( ch ) || EpwingDictionary::isJapanesePunctiation( ch ) ) words.push_back( word ); } word.clear(); if( i < hw.size() ) n = i; else break; } } if( words.size() > 1 ) { // Allow only one word in every charset size_t n; int writings[ 4 ]; memset( writings, 0, sizeof(writings) ); for( n = 0; n < words.size(); n++ ) { int w = EpwingDictionary::japaneseWriting( words[ n ][ 0 ] ); if( writings[ w ] ) break; else writings[ w ] = 1; } if( n >= words.size() ) { for( n = 0; n < words.size(); n++ ) { indexedWords.addWord( words[ n ], offset ); wordCount++; } } } } if( !dict.getNextHeadword( head ) ) break; } dict.clearBuffers(); // Finish with the chunks idxHeader.chunksOffset = chunks.finish(); // Build index IndexInfo idxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedWords, idx ); idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements = idxInfo.btreeMaxElements; idxHeader.indexRootOffset = idxInfo.rootOffset; indexedWords.clear(); // Release memory -- no need for this data // That concludes it. Update the header. idxHeader.signature = Signature; idxHeader.formatVersion = CurrentFormatVersion; idxHeader.wordCount = wordCount; idxHeader.articleCount = articleCount; idx.rewind(); idx.write( &idxHeader, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); } // If need to rebuild dictionaries.push_back( new EpwingDictionary( dictId, indexFile, dictFiles, sb ) ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "Epwing dictionary initializing failed: %s, error: %s\n", dir.toUtf8().data(), e.what() ); continue; } } } return dictionaries; } } // namespace Epwing