##2015-03-30 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.6 ###Summary Bugfix release
####Bugfixes Add path to exec to install LWP::Protocol::https
##2015-03-27 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.5 ###Summary Bugfix release
####Bugfixes Fixing location of perl binary for exec to install LWP::Protocol::https
##2015-02-20 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.4 ###Summary Initial support for osfamily == Redhat 7 Code cleanup Metadata fixes Moved release notes to Changelog file
####Bugfixes Fixing package names on RedHat 7
####2014-12-04 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.3
- BUGFIXES: don't setup hostgroup for a node if it is undefined
####2014-12-01 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.2
- BUGFIXES: get monitoring_server and monitoring_type in defines from base class
####2014-12-01 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.1
- BUGFIXES: set monitoring_server and monitoring_type to under in params class
####2014-12-01 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.3.0
- BUGFIXES: Template fixes (@rfray)
- Initial move towards using base class as primary API.
####2014-04-08 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.2.2
- fix project url
####2014-02-10 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.2.1
- fix packages on ubuntu
- Depends on new version of abstractit/sudo
####2014-02-06 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.2.0
- fixing dependencies
####2014-02-06 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.9
- Final release for rendhalver-nrpe.
- First release as abstractit-nrpe.
- Code cleanups
####2013-08-20 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.8
- More Fedora 19 package fixes
####2013-08-20 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.7
- Fedora 19 package fixes
####2013-07-23 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.6
- fixing stupid error
- mysql scripts need to be in mysql service class
####2013-07-23 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.5
- added monitoring::hostgroup define for creating host groups on the monitoring server
- including more exported nagios resources
####2013-04-03 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.4
- fixing install packages
####2013-04-03 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.3
- adding mysql check options and commands
####2013-04-02 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.2
- added some missing scripts
- using validate_re to check monitoring_type
####2013-03-19 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.1
- Removed some old files that still need converting to the new format.
- Silly me has been including them in the forge builds the whole time without realising.
- Added detailed check scripts for smtp, imap and pop scripts.
- Added route service
####2013-03-19 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.1.0
- added new type for adding nagios commands this uses my sudo module for adding sudo rules if required
- new type for adding extra scripts
- new settings for adding sms notification script
- new documentation describing how it all works
####2013-03-14 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.7
- update to use new format for nrep::plugin
####2013-03-11 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.6
- need to install Unix::Lsof via cpan if it isn't installed
####2013-03-11 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.5
- adding docs and example node adding a few missing packages
####2013-02-20 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.4
- a few fixes and requiring new version of nrpe
####2013-01-16 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.3
- fixing reboot service clas
####2013-01-16 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.2
- switched back to old way of doing class chaining
####2013-01-18 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.1
- adding check_period to params and monitoring::host.
- Removing references to some old var names.
- Indentation cleanup
####2013-01-16 - Pete Brown pete@abstractit.com.au 1.0.0
- First Public Release