"Code never lies, comments sometimes do." - Ron Jeffries
Actool provides tools for validating comments in code - based on your config, code and commits history.
Tool was conceived to solve following problems:
Comments for code block loses their actuality fastly - during developing (becomes irrelevant)
- * Get schedules from server
+ const getSharedDictionaries = async () => {
const { data: schedules } = await API.getSchedules();
+ const { data: vehicles } = await API.getVehicles();
+ const { data: issueStatuses } = await API.getIssueStatuses();
Related rules:
Sometimes few parts of code stay commented. And after long time it might confuse you and your colleagues when you'll return to this block
return (
<div className="toolbar">
<Button onClick={handleRefresh}>Refresh</Button>
- {/* <Button onClick={() => dispatch(deleteEntity()))}>Delete</Button> */}
- {/* <Button onClick={handleAdd}>Add</Button> */}
Related rules:
After a while of your projects started - there are a lot of fixme
/ todo
tags, what hard to control and track during dev
// TODO: loading logic
// FIXME: temp logic, specify
// FIXME: invalid behaviour, fix later
Related rules:
Long time it was open question
User receive "actool/..." alert but how can he (or she) can fix it?
We stick the idea, that developer should update comments often as possible
Cause of it - every alert suggests you to refresh your comment content
Just update your comment any rational method