All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- various modifications related to adding or subtracting spaces in annotated texts
- remove the lowercasing of institutions' names
- therefore, all structured annotations have texts matching the original text in the same span
- warn if there are any structured annotations whose annotated text does not match the original text in the span denoted by the structured annotation
- Internal code formatting improvements
- Contributing guidelines
- Bug with multiple 4-digit mg dosages in one text
- Minor bug where tag flattening had no effect
- Changelog
- Additional unit tests for whitespace/punctuation
- Various whitespace/punctuation bugs
- Bug with nested tags not related to person names
- Bug with adjacent tags not being merged
- Structured annotations
- Some unit tests
- Error with outdated unicode package
- Bug with context
Release to PyPI
Small bugfix for None as input
Initial version