The whole pipeline runs in Python3 and relies on some dependencies; most notably:
- The FS planner (actually, a simplified version of it).
- Some MaxSat solver such as OpenWBO
- The Tarski planning problem definition module.
- CMake
If running on Ubuntu, you will need to install CMake:
sudo apt-get -y install cmake
We use the FS planner to fully expand state space samples. It is a bit of overkill, but might prove useful down the road if we need to use compact FSTRIPS encodings. To install the planner, you need the following packages (assuming Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential g++ python3 git scons libboost-all-dev
Now checkout the sltp-lite
branch (which contains a simplified version of the planner for our purposes)
and run the build script:
git clone -b sltp-lite fs-planner
cd fs-planner
git submodule update --init
./ -p
Once the build has finished, you'll need to create an environment variable named $FS_PATH
to point
to the installation location, e.g. adding this to your .bashrc
file (change the path to your actual
export FS_PATH="${HOME}/projects/code/fs"
Here you should simply download and follow
OpenWBO's installation instructions, and make sure that the resulting
binary is on your $PATH
We recommend installing the current project in development mode, and on a fresh Python3 virtual
environment. This will help debugging and troubleshooting. Assuming that virtualenv
is installed in you
machine, create a new environment for sltp
by running (usually in some user directory outside the project tree):
mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs/sltp
virtualenv -p python3 ~/virtualenvs/sltp
You should then be able to "enter" this virtualenv by running source ~/virtualenvs/sltp/bin/activate
Our setup script requires pip >= 18.1
. If pip --version
shows that you have an older version,
then you should be able to upgrade it with python -m pip install -U pip
Finally, to perform the installation (from inside the virtual environment) issue the following command on the root directory of the project:
pip install -e .
This should build and install all the required dependencies, including some the C++ feature generator module, which should be compiled and installed transparently.
Individual experiments are on the experiments
folder, e.g. see experiments/
for an example.
A file such as
contains different experiment configurations for learning in the blocks domain.
We invoke the pipeline with ,
where the last parameter is an optional list of experiment step IDs (e.g.: 1 2 3). All steps are run if no IDs are specified.
Example invocations:
# AAAI Experiment: BW with goal clear(x)
./ blocks:aaai_clear_x_simple_hybrid # Theory T_G
./ blocks:aaai_clear_x_no_marking # Theory T
# AAAI Experiment: BW with goal on(x,y)
./ blocks:aaai_bw_on_x_y_completeness_opt # Theory T_G
./ blocks:aaai_bw_on_x_y_completeness_opt_no_marking # Theory T
# AAAI Experiment: Gripper
./ gripper:aaai_prob01 # Theory T_G
./ gripper:aaai_prob01_no_marking # Theory T
# ...
The experiment names are not as informative as could be. The configuration of each experiment can be inspected by looking at the experiment file.
We can also run experiments from within the Docker image. Assuming you want to run experiment p1
from the Visitall
domain, leaving all intermediate files and results in a workspace
directory in the host machine:
mkdir workspace
docker pull gfrancesm/sltp
docker run -it --mount src=`pwd`/workspace,target=/root/projects/workspace,type=bind \
gfrancesm/sltp sltp gripper:aaai_prob01 --workspace /root/projects/workspace
You can also run experiments that are not integrated within the standard SLTP command runner, just as you would run
any normal script within a Docker image. Suppose you have in the host machine a SLTP experiment script such as the one
found in the examples
/tmp/workspace$ ls
You can run that script within the Docker container as follows:
/tmp/workspace$ docker pull gfrancesm/sltp
/tmp/workspace$ docker run -it --mount src=`pwd`,target=/root/projects/workspace,type=bind \
gfrancesm/sltp /root/projects/workspace/ aaai_prob01 --workspace /root/projects/workspace
where aaai_prob01
is the experiment name configured in your
The SLTP pipeline uses a modified version of the FS planner (see installation instructions above)
in order to sample the (reachable part of the) state spaces of given PDDL instances. The sampling
steps of the pipeline write a few files with a textual representation of the state space. To see
an example, run e.g. from the experiments
$ ./ gripper:aaai_prob01 1 2
(pid: 17590) STARTING STEP #1: Sampling of the state space
(pid: 17606) STARTING STEP #2: Generation of the training sample
2020-02-23 20:21:18 INFO Sample after resampling: roots: 2, states: 381, transitions: 812 (28 optimal), goals: 4, unsolvable: 0
2020-02-23 20:21:18 INFO Resampled states logged at "/home/frances/projects/code/sltp/workspace/2020022320.gripper.prob01_sample02.2000.cs-8/resampled.txt"
2020-02-23 20:21:18 INFO Printing transition matrix with 381 states and 812 transitions to '/home/frances/projects/code/sltp/workspace/2020022320.gripper.prob01_sample02.2000.cs-8/transition-matrix.dat'
The above command runs two different pipeline steps: one for calling n
times the FS planner on n
given problem instances; the second step, reads all outputs, and consolidates them into a single set
of transition samples, assigning all states a unique ID, etc. The result of this consolidation is
output, in the example above, to file
The format of the file is relatively human-readable. Each state has an id such as #7, plus a number
of symbols that denote different (possibly complementary) properties of the state. These can be:
"*": the state is a goal
"^": the state has been fully expanded
"º": the state is a dead-end
"=": the state is a root of one of the sampled instances
"+": the state lies on an optimal path to the goal of its instance
This sampling pipeline step also generates a second output file, in a somewhat more machine-readable
file, but also with less informatoin. In the example above, this file is
This file contains one line per every expanded state, such as e.g.:
11 2 5 31
This line corresponds to state with id 11, and denotes that state 11 has children states 2, 5 and 31.
In order to be able to build the C++ feature generator, run cmake . && make
on directory
. As it stands now, this generator generates features up to a certain syntactic
complexity bound and based on a given set of transition samples (i.e. sampled state space).
Ideally, one could also want to generate features independently of any transitions or state spaces,
but at the moment the generator creates only features that are non-redundant based on the denotation
over the whole set of sampled transitions, hence the requirement of having those transitions.
Two features are considered redundant if they have exactly the same denotation over all sampled
As an example, the feature generation step for some set of Gripper can be run with
$ ./ gripper:aaai_prob01 1 2 3
(pid: 18828) STARTING STEP #1: Sampling of the state space
(pid: 18848) STARTING STEP #3: C++ feature generation module
2020-02-23 20:54:08 INFO Generating non-redundant concepts from sample set: roots: 2, states: 381, transitions: 812 (28 optimal), goals: 4, unsolvable: 0
2020-02-23 20:54:08 INFO Invoking C++ feature generation module
DL::Factory: #concepts-final=60
A total of 0 features were marked as goal-identifying
FEATURES: #features=7, #nullary=0, #boolean=2, #numerical=5, #distance=0, #conditional=0
2020-02-23 20:54:08 INFO Reading feature information from /home/frances/projects/code/sltp/workspace/2020022320.gripper.prob01_sample02.2000.cs-8/
2020-02-23 20:54:08 INFO Reading denotation matrix from /home/frances/projects/code/sltp/workspace/2020022320.gripper.prob01_sample02.2000.cs-8/
The above command runs 3 different steps; the first two generate the sample (see above section);
the third is the one that actually generates all non-redundant concepts and features.
The relevant output of this step is, in the example above, file
This file is the denotation matrix of the generated features. The value at row i, column j
is the denotation of the j-th generated feature in state #i.
File /home/frances/projects/code/sltp/workspace/2020022320.gripper.prob01_sample02.2000.cs-8/
also contains the textual representation of each feature.
SLTP has been tested on Python 3.6+ / Ubuntu