You can contribute to this proyect in many different ways:
To develop new Bubble modules you must use the basic structure guideline explained in this file. We use a variable system just to make the work easy, that's why new modules have to use them.
New modules must be in a github repository with a "version.json" file.
The version file have the following structure:
{ bubble: "1.0", name : "new_module", version: "1.0", author: "author", mail:"", github: "" }
The modules will be check by Bubble team and uploaded to the official server.
Yes, you can test modules and report problems in the oficial repositories just to help the developers to solve problems! If you find some issues in any module just check out the "issues" tab on github and share them!
Bubble is a community toolkit for web development. We made it open source to make sure that all the code is always public and visible, that's why sharing the code to new and experienced developers its so important for our team.
Learning CSS? No problem. We make code easy to understand with short and self-descriptive names.
Okay, this is so simple for u, that's why we want you in our proyect! Just write some modules to make it better and explain the community all the possible upgrades.