Piqi includes a data serialization system for OCaml. It can be used for serializing OCaml values in 4 different formats: Google Protocol Buffers, JSON, XML and Piq.
A typical Piqi usage scenario involves the following steps:
1. Build and install Piqi libraries for OCaml : Piqi source code is distributed as a self-contained package with no external dependencies. Builds have been tested on all major platforms.
The installation instructions are available
2. Describe data structures using the Piqi data definition language : The Piqi data definition language can describe many OCaml types, both primitive and user-defined. This includes int, uint32 and uint64, floats, bools, strings, lists, arrays, records and polymorphic variants (including sub-variants).
In addition to types supported by default, Piqi has a mechanism for adding
support for arbitrary monomorphic OCaml types. It can be used, for example,
to add support for OCaml's `nativeint` or `char`.
Refer to the "Piqi to OCaml mapping" section below for details.
3. Call piqic-ocaml
, the Piqi compiler for OCaml, to generate OCaml type
definitions and serialization code
: See the next section for the detailed description.
4. Use generated serializes/deserializers/printers in a user's program : When multi-format serialization mode is used, one can specify a desired format at runtime.
5. Link the user's program with the Piqi runtime library
: There are two Piqi runtime libraries: piqirun.pb
and piqirun.ext
. The
first one is for Protocol Buffers serialization. The second one is used for
multi-format serialization. See the next section for more details.
The Examples section contains links to several sample OCaml projects that use Piqi for data serialization and demonstrate usage of steps 2--5.
, the Piqi compiler for OCaml, can generate two flavors of OCaml
code. The first one is used only for Protocol Buffers serialization. The second
flavor can be used for serializing multiple formats, including Protobuf, XML,
JSON and Piq.
Multi-format serialization is an extension of the basic Protocol Buffers serialization mode. It requires linking with a different runtime library.
When called without --multi-format
, piqic-ocaml
generates OCaml type
definitions and code for Protocol Buffers serialization.
command takes a Piqi module <dir path>/<file>.piqi
and produces
an output <ocaml-module>.ml
file in the current working directory. By default,
is a valid OCaml module name equivalent to <file>_piqi
For each specified, imported or included module <m>.piqi
, the compiler tries
to load and automatically include <m>.ocaml.piqi
. This mechanism is called
Extension Modules. It is described in detail in the Piqi language
Output directory can be overridden using the -C
command-line option.
Generated <ocaml-module>.ml
file contains OCaml type definitions and functions
for serializing and deserializing OCaml values.
For each defined data type <typename>
, piqic-ocaml
produces several
-- for deserializing a value -
-- for serializing a value -
-- type constructor: returns a minimally serializable value of this type
Compiled .ml
files should be linked with the piqilib.pb
findlib package. For
# generate "test_piqi.ml"
piqic-ocaml test.piqi
# compile and link it with the runtime library using findlib/ocamlfind
ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package piqilib.pb test_piqi.ml
Under the hood, the piqilib.pb
package resolves to a single compiled module
named Piqirun
. This is the module the generated _piqi.ml
OCaml code uses.
Sometimes, it may be useful to use a modified version of the Piqirun
For example, a customized version could have extra optimizations, improve error
handling or implement serialization code for Custom OCaml
To swap the default runtime for a customized one, call piqic-ocaml
--runtime <module-name>
option, where <module-name>
is the name of the
module to use instead of Piqirun
When piqic-ocaml
is called with the --multi-format
flag, it generates an
additional code for serializing values in XML, JSON, Protobuf and Piq formats.
The additional module generated by this compiler is named
The parse_<typename>
and gen_<typename>
functions from this module take an
additional parameter specifying which serialization format to use:
type input_format = [ `piq | `json | `xml | `pb | `wire ]
type output_format = [ input_format | `json_pretty | `xml_pretty ]
In addition, piqic-ocaml --multi-format
generates some other functions:
-- for printing a value tostdout
in Piq format
Each parse_<typename>
and gen_<typename>
function accepts an optional
argument representing a set of serialization options that can be
constructed using Piqirun_ext.make_options
(* Construct serialization options to be passed as an optional argument to
* gen_<typename> and parse_<typename> functions. Available options:
* pretty_print
* Pretty-print generated JSON and XML output (default = true)
* json_omit_missing_fields
* Omit missing optional and empty repeated fields from JSON
* output instead of representing them as {"field_name": null} and
* {"field_name", []} JSON fields (default = true)
* use_strict_parsing
* Treat unknown and duplicate fields as errors when parsing JSON,
* XML and Piq formats (default = false)
* piq_frameless_output
* Print a frame (i.e. :<typename> []) around a single output Piq object
* (default=false)
* piq_frameless_input
* Expect a frame around a single input Piq object (default=false)
* piq_relaxed_parsing
* Parse Piq format using "relaxed" mode (default=false);
* For instance, when set to `true`, single-word string literals don't have
* to be quoted
val make_options:
?pretty_print:bool ->
?json_omit_missing_fields:bool ->
?use_strict_parsing:bool ->
?piq_frameless_output:bool ->
?piq_frameless_input:bool ->
?piq_relaxed_parsing:bool ->
unit -> options
Compiled .ml
files should be linked with the piqirun.ext
findlib package.
For example:
# generate "test_piqi.ml" and "test_piqi_ext.ml"
piqic-ocaml --multi-format test.piqi
# compile and link them with the runtime library using findlib/ocamlfind
ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package piqirun.ext test_piqi.ml test_piqi_ext.ml
accepts the following command-line parameters.
generate extended OCaml stubs for multi-format (JSON/XML/Piq/Pb) serialization, i.e.<module>_piqi_ext.ml
a file -
same as--multi-format
--normalize-names true|false
-- convert "CamelCase"-style identifiers from the original type spec into "camel_case" OCaml names (names will be capitalized when appropriate). When the argument isfalse
, the original identifiers will be lowercased without performing any additional transformations, e.g. "CamelCase" turns into "camelCase". The default value istrue
. -
-- add a reserved name in addition to the standard OCaml keywords. Can be used several times. Such names will be prefixed with underscores in the generated OCaml code. -
--runtime <module>
name of the Protobuf serialization runtime module (default = Piqirun) -
-C <dir>
-- specify output directory for the generated.ml
files. -
-I <dir>
-- add directory to the list of imported .piqi search paths -
-e <name>
-- try including extension for all loaded modules (can be used several times) -
-- generate code that preserves unknown Protobuf fields when they are serialized back. When enabled, unknown (unrecognized) Protobuf fields are captured during de-serialization in a special 'piqi_unknown_pb' field and automatically written back when the record is serialized to Protobuf. -
treat unknown and duplicate fields as errors -
-- don't print warnings -
-- turn on tracing (verbose output) -
-- print piqi-ocaml version and exit -
-- print piqi (piqilib) version and exit -
-h, --help
-- print command-line options help
The following sections describe how different Piqi constructs such as modules and types are mapped to OCaml.
The name of OCaml module is derived from Piqi module name unless overridden by
top-level field.
If Piqi module name is "example.com/foo/bar", then "Bar" (the last part of the
Piqi module name) will be used as the OCaml module name. It is possible to
override such default name assignment by specifying
.ocaml-module "<OtherName>"
in the Piqi module.
Piqi takes all "include" directives of a Piqi module, resolves them internally and produces a compound Piqi module which is then mapped to the resulting OCaml module.
Piqi "import" directives are mapped to OCaml modules in the following way.
Imports that do not specify local module name are used directly as a part of Ocaml type names for imported types. For example,
.import [ .module example.com/foo/bar ]
.variant [
.name v
.option [
.name o
.type bar/t
is mapped to:
type v = [ `o of Bar.t ]
Imports that do have imported module name result in generation of module alias. For example,
.import [ .module example.com/foo/bar .name fum ]
is mapped to:
module Fum = Bar
It is possible to override ocaml names of an imported module by using
and .ocaml-module
properties in the import statement. For
example, given an import statement like this:
.import [
.module m
.ocaml-module "Foo.Bar"
.ocaml-name "Fum"
will generate the following statement at the top of the generated
module Fum = Foo.Bar
The table below represents correspondence between Piqi primitive types and OCaml types.
(Mapping between Piqi and Protocol Buffers primitive type is documented here).
Piqi type(s) OCaml type Protobuf type(s)
bool bool bool string string string binary string bytes int, uint int sint32, uint32 int32, uint32, int32-fixed, uint32-fixed, protobuf-int32 int32 sint32, uint32, sfixed32, fixed32, int32 int64, uint64, int64-fixed, uint64-fixed, protobuf-int64 int64 sint64, uint64, sfixed64, fixed64, int64 float, float64, float32 float double, float
If there is a need to add serialization support for other OCaml types, such as
, nativeint
or bigint
, refer to Custom OCaml
types section which describes a method for mapping custom
OCaml types to Piqi types.
Type names
Each user-defined type is identified by its name. Piqi type names are converted to OCaml type name using the following rule.
By default, Piqi identifiers are normalized and all hyphen characters are replaced by underscores. Normalization means converting "CamelCase" to "camel-case".
--normalize false
command-line option is specified, then instead of full normalization, the first letter of the type name is uncapitalized.Sometimes it is necessary to override this rule and specify a custom OCaml name for a type. For example, when a Piqi type name conflicts with one of OCaml keywords. In such case, custom OCaml name can be specified using
.ocaml-name "<ocaml name>"
field next to the original.name <name>
entry. (This feature also works for field names, option names, import names and function names).For those Piqi fields or options that do not specify names, OCaml name is derived from the name of the Piqi type for that field.
Records are mapped to OCaml records.
As a workaround for OCaml's flat namespace for record labels, Piqi puts each record definition in a separate OCaml module. The module's name is set to the record's name.
For example, Piqi record
.record [ .name r .field [ .name a .type int ] ]
will be mapped to the following OCaml module:
module R = struct record t = { mutable a : int } end
(In fact, the real example would be more verbose, because Piqi uses recursive modules which require signature definition in addition to module implementation.)
To make working with records defined in separate modules easier, you can use "local opens" introduced in OCaml 3.12. For example, records can be created as
R.({ a = 10; b = ... })
instead of
{R.a = 10; b = ...}
Similarly, if you have a significant portion of code working with some record's fields, you can
the record's module before the code:let open R in ... (let open R in ... is a full equivalent of R.( ... ))
This way, you can refer to record felds as
instead ofx.R.a
. Note that this doesn't work with several records simultaneously.required Piqi fields are mapped directly to OCaml record fields.
optional Piqi fields of type
are mapped to fields with type<t> option
.optional Piqi fields with specified default values are mapped to OCaml fields the same way as required fields unless
flag is specified in which case the field will have type<t> option
.If a value of such field is not defined in serialized object, it will be set to the default value during deserialization. Also, see Limitations section below.
repeated Piqi fields of type
are mapped to fields with type<t> list
. It is possible to use OCamlarray
instead oflist
by specifying an additional.ocaml-array
property in the field definition.It is possible for some fields to generate OCaml definitions but exclude them during serialization/deserialization. This is achieved by adding
flag under.field [ ... ]
. -
Enums and Variants are mapped directly to OCaml polymorphic variants.
For example, these definitions:
.enum [ .name e .option [ .name a ] .option [ .name b ] ] .varint [ .name v .option [ .type e ] .option [ .name f ] .option [ .name i .type int ] ]
are mapped to:
type e = [ `a | `b ] type v = [ e | `f | `i of int ]
List type is mapped OCaml list type.
For example,
.list [ .name l .type x ]
is mapped to:
type l = x list
It is possible to use OCaml
instead oflist
by specifying an additional.ocaml-array
property in the field definition, e.g.:.list [ .name l .type x .ocaml-array ]
is mapped to:
type l = x array
Aliases are mapped to OCaml type definitions.
For example,
.alias [ .name a .type x ]
is mapped to:
type a = x
Piqi provides a way to define mappings between custom OCaml types and Piqi types. Such mechanism is useful when there is a need to automatically serialize an OCaml type using some relevant Piqi type, but there is no way to describe the desired OCaml type using Piqi.
Inability to use Piqi to define an OCaml type would mean that the OCaml type is
either a primitive built-in or abstract type (e.g. char
or bigint
), or some
higher-order parametric type (e.g. string Map.Make(String).t
The mapping mechanism works as follows. Suppose we need to add support for
serializing OCaml's char
type as Piqi int
. This can be done in a few steps:
First, define Piqi alias for such mapping:
.alias [ % the new Piqi type .name char % the original Piqi type .type int % OCaml type (should be point to the namespace with the mapping % implementation -- see below) .ocaml-type "Piqirun_custom.char" % optionally, define a custom OCaml name for this type % .ocaml-name "char" ]
Second, implement runtime functions for mapping the custom OCaml type to the Piqi type:
In module
:type char = Char.t let char_of_int: int -> char = Char.chr let char_to_int: char -> int = Char.code
After that, the only thing that's left is to compile and link
with your OCaml program.
More examples of how to map various OCaml types to Piqi types can be found here.
There is no direct notion of Piqi extensions in OCaml: Piqi extensions are all resolved and applied to Piqi types before generating OCaml types from them.
The first example is based on the "addressbook" example from Protocol Buffers source distribution. It contains OCaml implementation of two simple programs: for adding a record to an addressbook and for listing addressbook contents. The programs implement the same functionality as programs from the Protocol Buffers examples written in C++, Java and Python.
Data serialization in XML, JSON and Piq formats using
piqic-ocaml --multi-format
In the same directory, there is the
OCaml module. It reads and writes the addressbook data structure from the previous example in a variety of formats. -
Piqi implementation itself makes another example
Piqi is implemented in OCaml but the Piqi language and Piqi internal representation are defined in a series of Piqi specifications which are mapped to OCaml types.
More complicated example demonstrating complex types and module imports
Piqi compiler for OCaml (
) produces OCaml parsers and generators from Piqi self-specification (piqi.piqi). After that, an OCaml program reads (and writes back) Piqi self-specification represented as a binary object. -
Examples of serializing custom OCaml types using Piqi
Example of using Piq as a config file format
The way how Piqi records are mapped to OCaml records introduces several limitations.
Limited support for defaults.
There is no way to tell if the value of an optional field came from the original serialized object or it is the default value.
There is no way to skip default values when serializing an optional field since concrete value for that field must be always present in the OCaml record. This behavior may be optimized in the future, but at the moment, it will produce somewhat excessive serialized representation for optional fields with default values.
No other dynamic properties.
For example, in Protocol Buffers, there is a way to get the count of repeated fields and access them using field index. (Update: now it is possible to do that by specifying to use OCaml arrays instead of lists for repeated fields).
An alternative method would use OCaml objects for representing records, providing "setters" and "getters" for object fields. Such method is used, for example, in Protocol Buffers mappings for C++, Java and Python languages.
Although it is possible (and even easier) to implement this method for OCaml, the current method has several advantages:
Native syntax for record construction and field access.
Pattern matching works with records.
No runtime overhead of calling constructors, setters and getters.
Other limitations:
- Piqi runtime library hasn't been heavily optimized for performance yet.
Piqi works with OCaml >= 3.12 and Protocol Buffers >= 2.3.0