- Agustin.Lobo@ictja.csic.es
- Data by ageyertraver@gmail.com
- 20160720
Goal: do samples defined by their geochemical composition cluster according to field-diagnosed eruption phase?
rwd <- "/media/alobo/LACIE500/Adelina/GQDecepcion/RGQDecepcion"
dirdata1 <- "/media/alobo/LACIE500/Adelina/GQDecepcion/GQDecepcionData"
smellie <- read.csv(file.path(dirdata1,"smellie2001.csv"),header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Sample Formation Longitude Latitude sio2 tio2 Al2o3 FeO
## 1 751.5a Basaltic Shield 51.88255 4.264456 51.88255 1.518027 16.81814 0
## Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5
## 1 9.447718 0.1597923 6.062119 9.807251 3.914911 0.3495456 0.1997403
## Loi
## 1 -0.1597923
smellie$Longitude <- -smellie$Longitude
smellie$Latitude <- -smellie$Latitude
smellie.phases <- read.csv(file.path(dirdata1,"smellie_phases.csv"),header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## sample phase
## 1 751.5a pre
Make sure the ordering is the same:
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## [36] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
smellie$Phase <- smellie.phases$phase
smellie$Phase <- factor(smellie$Phase,levels=c("pre","syn","post"))
## Sample Formation Longitude Latitude sio2 tio2 Al2o3
## 1 751.5a Basaltic Shield -51.88255 -4.264456 51.88255 1.518027 16.81814
## FeO Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5
## 1 0 9.447718 0.1597923 6.062119 9.807251 3.914911 0.3495456 0.1997403
## Loi Phase
## 1 -0.1597923 pre
## [1] 57 17
smellie <- smellie[,c(1,17,2:16)]
## Sample Phase Formation Longitude Latitude sio2 tio2
## 1 751.5a pre Basaltic Shield -51.88255 -4.264456 51.88255 1.518027
## Al2o3 FeO Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O
## 1 16.81814 0 9.447718 0.1597923 6.062119 9.807251 3.914911 0.3495456
## P2O5 Loi
## 1 0.1997403 -0.1597923
## Sample Phase Formation Longitude Latitude sio2
## 1 751.5a pre Basaltic Shield -51.88255 -4.264456 51.88255
## 2 751.6b pre Basaltic Shield -52.70946 -5.128974 52.70946
## 3 791.2 pre Basaltic Shield -53.33732 -5.567195 53.33732
## 4 791.5 pre Basaltic Shield -53.79303 -5.694556 53.79303
## 5 B753.13 pre Fumarole Bay -52.15172 -4.923939 52.15172
## 6 B760.38 pre Fumarole Bay -50.91491 -4.779522 50.91491
## 7 786.6 pre Fumarole Bay -51.43655 -4.978053 51.43655
## 8 793.9 pre Fumarole Bay -53.09876 -5.656737 53.09876
## 9 867.3 pre Fumarole Bay -51.44509 -2.391868 51.44509
## 10 751.2 syn Outer Coast Tuff -51.45331 -4.519212 51.45331
## Sample Phase Formation Longitude
## Length:57 pre : 9 Length:57 Min. :-66.07
## Class :character syn :14 Class :character 1st Qu.:-56.09
## Mode :character post:34 Mode :character Median :-54.24
## Mean :-54.77
## 3rd Qu.:-52.66
## Max. :-48.50
## Latitude sio2 tio2 Al2o3
## Min. :-9.310 Min. :48.50 Min. :0.518 Min. :13.94
## 1st Qu.:-6.285 1st Qu.:52.66 1st Qu.:1.596 1st Qu.:15.74
## Median :-5.704 Median :54.24 Median :1.882 Median :16.00
## Mean :-5.737 Mean :54.77 Mean :1.813 Mean :16.23
## 3rd Qu.:-5.020 3rd Qu.:56.09 3rd Qu.:2.050 3rd Qu.:16.67
## Max. :-2.392 Max. :66.07 Max. :2.514 Max. :21.46
## FeO Fe2O3 MnO MgO
## Min. :0 Min. : 4.260 Min. :0.08953 Min. :0.340
## 1st Qu.:0 1st Qu.: 8.696 1st Qu.:0.15979 1st Qu.:3.266
## Median :0 Median : 9.848 Median :0.16939 Median :3.858
## Mean :0 Mean : 9.605 Mean :0.16840 Mean :3.927
## 3rd Qu.:0 3rd Qu.:10.701 3rd Qu.:0.17957 3rd Qu.:4.653
## Max. :0 Max. :12.407 Max. :0.20016 Max. :8.147
## CaO Na2O K2O P2O5
## Min. : 1.170 Min. :2.358 Min. :0.2188 Min. :0.0600
## 1st Qu.: 6.584 1st Qu.:4.501 1st Qu.:0.5415 1st Qu.:0.2493
## Median : 7.396 Median :5.004 Median :0.6900 Median :0.3187
## Mean : 7.422 Mean :5.021 Mean :0.7627 Mean :0.3072
## 3rd Qu.: 8.596 3rd Qu.:5.448 3rd Qu.:0.8771 3rd Qu.:0.3600
## Max. :12.364 Max. :7.092 Max. :2.2300 Max. :0.4677
## Loi
## Min. :-0.51990
## 1st Qu.:-0.37849
## Median :-0.24923
## Mean :-0.01027
## 3rd Qu.:-0.02999
## Max. : 4.16000
[Fe0] is 0 in all samples, we discard it:
smellie <- smellie[,-9]
smellie.melt <- melt(smellie,id=1:6,variable.name="Compound",value.name="Concentration")
smellie.cenLR <- cenLR(smellie[,6:15])
smelliecen <- smellie
smelliecen[,6:15] <- smellie.cenLR$x.clr
## Sample Phase Formation Longitude Latitude sio2 tio2
## 1 751.5a pre Basaltic Shield -51.88255 -4.264456 2.910097 -0.6214748
## Al2o3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O
## 1 1.783572 1.206887 -2.872767 0.7631735 1.244236 0.3259065 -2.090007
## P2O5 Loi
## 1 -2.649623 -0.1597923
smelliecen.melt <- melt(smelliecen,id=1:6,variable.name="Compound",value.name="LRC_Concentration")
## Sample Phase Formation Longitude Latitude sio2 Compound
## 1 751.5a pre Basaltic Shield -51.88255 -4.264456 2.910097 tio2
## 2 751.6b pre Basaltic Shield -52.70946 -5.128974 2.820914 tio2
## 3 791.2 pre Basaltic Shield -53.33732 -5.567195 2.794357 tio2
## 4 791.5 pre Basaltic Shield -53.79303 -5.694556 2.787703 tio2
## 5 B753.13 pre Fumarole Bay -52.15172 -4.923939 2.768322 tio2
## 6 B760.38 pre Fumarole Bay -50.91491 -4.779522 2.804505 tio2
## 7 786.6 pre Fumarole Bay -51.43655 -4.978053 2.754515 tio2
## 8 793.9 pre Fumarole Bay -53.09876 -5.656737 2.796068 tio2
## 9 867.3 pre Fumarole Bay -51.44509 -2.391868 2.786570 tio2
## 10 751.2 syn Outer Coast Tuff -51.45331 -4.519212 2.846602 tio2
## LRC_Concentration
## 1 -0.6214748
## 2 -0.4262413
## 3 -0.3516672
## 4 -0.3464901
## 5 -0.3521256
## 6 -0.4734254
## 7 -0.3862296
## 8 -0.2927181
## 9 -0.2818701
## 10 -0.5505409
ggplot(data=smelliecen.melt) +
geom_histogram(aes(x=LRC_Concentration)) +
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
smelliecen.lda <- lda(smelliecen[,6:16], grouping=smelliecen$Phase)
## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear
smelliecen.lda <- lda(prcomp(smelliecen[,6:16])$x, grouping=smelliecen$Phase)
## Error in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variable 11 appears to be constant within groups
smelliecen.lda <- lda(prcomp(smelliecen[,6:16])$x[,-11], grouping=smelliecen$Phase)
smelliecen.ldaclas <- predict(smelliecen.lda)$class
smelliecen.ldc <- predict(smelliecen.lda)$x
colorines <- as.character(mapvalues(smelliecen.ldaclas,from=c("pre","syn","post"),
plot(smelliecen.ldc, type="n", ,main="LDA Plot")
text(smelliecen.ldc,col=colorines, labels =smelliecen$Phase, cex=0.75)
legend("topright",title="Predicted Phases",title.col="black",legend=c("pre","syn","post"),text.col=c("green","red","blue"),bty="o",cex=0.75)
Labels refer to observed eruptive phases, while colors refer to LDA-predicted eruptive phases. Note 3 discrepancies:
- 1 observed "syn" predicted as "pre"
- 1 observed "pre" predicted as "post"
- 1 observed "syn" predicted as "post".
plot(smelliecen.ldc,col=colorines,pch=" ",main="LDA Plot")
text(smelliecen.ldc,col=colorines, labels =smelliecen$Sample, cex=0.75)
legend("topright",title="Predicted Phases",title.col="black",legend=c("pre","syn","post"), pch=19,col=c("green","red","blue"),bty="o",cex=0.75)
According to this plot, the samples correspond to:
- 751.2 observed "syn" predicted as "pre"
- 793.9 observed "pre" predicted as "post"
- 751.3 observed "syn" predicted as "post"
ggplot(data=smelliecen.melt) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x=Compound,y=LRC_Concentration)) +
ggplot(data=smellie.melt) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x=Compound,y=Concentration)) +
Check multi-variate significance
summary(manova(data.matrix(smelliecen[,-(1:5)]) ~ smelliecen$Phase),test="Wilks")
## Error in summary.manova(manova(data.matrix(smelliecen[, -(1:5)]) ~ smelliecen$Phase), : residuals have rank 10 < 11
This seems to be a consequence of the co-llinearity again. So we use the same solution:
summary(manova(prcomp(smelliecen[,6:16])$x[,-11]~ smelliecen$Phase),test="Wilks")
## Df Wilks approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
## smelliecen$Phase 2 0.18829 5.8705 20 90 1.795e-09 ***
## Residuals 54
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Phase groups significantly differ in terms of Geochemical composition
smelliecenHmat <- ldaHmat(smelliecen[,-(1:5)], grouping=smelliecen$Phase)
smelliecen.eleaps <- eleaps(smelliecenHmat$mat,kmin=2,kmax=10,H=smelliecenHmat$H,r=smelliecenHmat$r,crit="tau2",timelimit=15)
Plot of quality of subsets
plot(2:10,smelliecen.eleaps$bestvalues,xlab="Nb. of variables", ylab="Tau2 value")
xlab="Nb. of variables", ylab="Delta of Tau2")
Table of subsets
subsets <- smelliecen.eleaps$bestsets
subsets[subsets==0] <- NA
subsets2 <- names(smelliecen)[subsets+5]
dim(subsets2) <- dim(subsets)
colnames(subsets2) <- colnames(subsets)
## Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4 Var.5 Var.6 Var.7 Var.8 Var.9 Var.10
## [1,] "Fe2O3" "P2O5" NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [2,] "MnO" "K2O" "P2O5" NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [3,] "sio2" "Al2o3" "Na2O" "K2O" NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [4,] "sio2" "Al2o3" "Na2O" "K2O" "P2O5" NA NA NA NA NA
## [5,] "sio2" "Al2o3" "Fe2O3" "Na2O" "K2O" "P2O5" NA NA NA NA
## [6,] "sio2" "Al2o3" "Fe2O3" "MnO" "Na2O" "K2O" "P2O5" NA NA NA
## [7,] "sio2" "tio2" "Al2o3" "Fe2O3" "MnO" "Na2O" "K2O" "P2O5" NA NA
## [8,] "sio2" "Al2o3" "Fe2O3" "MgO" "CaO" "Na2O" "K2O" "P2O5" "Loi" NA
## [9,] "tio2" "Al2o3" "Fe2O3" "MnO" "MgO" "CaO" "Na2O" "K2O" "P2O5" "Loi"
ggplot(data=data.frame(smelliecen.ldc,Phase=smelliecen$Phase)) +
geom_text(aes(x=LD1,y=LD2,label=Phase,col=Phase),size=3) +
ggtitle("LDA with all variables")
for(i in c(5,7,10)){
selvar <- smelliecen.eleaps$bestsets[i-1,]
selvar <- selvar[selvar!=0]+5
delme <- paste(names(smelliecen)[selvar], collapse=" ")
smelliecensub.lda <- lda(smelliecen[,selvar],grouping=smelliecen$Phase)
smelliecensub.ldc <- data.matrix(predict(smelliecensub.lda)$x)
smelliecensub.ldc <- data.frame(smelliecen[,1:5],smelliecensub.ldc)
print(ggplot(data=smelliecensub.ldc) +
geom_text(aes(x=LD1,y=LD2,label=Phase,col=Phase),size=3) +
ggtitle(paste("LDA with", delme)))