SwiftKey is a powerful macOS productivity tool that provides quick access to applications, shortcuts, and custom actions through customizable keyboard shortcuts and an elegant overlay interface.
- Download the app from the Releases and drag it to your
folder - ...or
brew install --cask swiftkey
- 🎯 Multiple overlay styles:
- Panel mode with horizontal/vertical layouts
- HUD mode for a compact interface
- Menu bar mode for minimal interference
- ⌨️ Fully keyboard-driven interface
- 🔧 YAML-based configuration
- 🔄 Dynamic menu generation
- 🚀 Support for various action types:
- Launch applications
- Open URLs
- Run shell commands
- Execute Apple Shortcuts
- 🎨 SF Symbols integration for menu icons
- 🔍 Deep linking support
- 📦 Automatic updates with beta channel support
- Download the latest release from the Releases page
- Move SwiftKey.app to your Applications folder
- Launch SwiftKey and follow the onboarding process
SwiftKey uses YAML for configuration. Here's a comprehensive set of examples demonstrating all available options and common use cases:
# Simplest example - just key, title, and action
- key: "c"
title: "Launch Calculator"
action: "launch:///System/Applications/Calculator.app"
# With custom icon (from SF Symbols)
- key: "n"
icon: "note.text"
title: "Launch Notes"
action: "launch:///System/Applications/Notes.app"
# Basic submenu
- key: "b"
icon: "bookmark.fill"
title: "Bookmarks"
- key: "t"
title: "TechCrunch"
action: "open://https://techcrunch.com"
- key: "v"
title: "The Verge"
action: "open://https://www.theverge.com"
# Nested submenus
- key: "d"
icon: "folder.fill"
title: "Development"
- key: "e"
title: "Editors"
- key: "v"
title: "VS Code"
action: "launch:///Applications/Visual Studio Code.app"
- key: "x"
title: "Xcode"
action: "launch:///Applications/Xcode.app"
- key: "t"
title: "Terminal"
action: "launch:///System/Applications/Terminal.app"
# Batch mode - all items in submenu will execute when selecting this item
# Using batch: true flag
- key: "s"
icon: "bolt.fill"
title: "Start Workflow"
batch: true # Execute all submenu items at once
- key: "1"
title: "Open Mail"
action: "launch:///System/Applications/Mail.app"
- key: "2"
title: "Open Calendar"
action: "launch:///System/Applications/Calendar.app"
- key: "3"
title: "Open Slack"
action: "launch:///Applications/Slack.app"
# Alternative: Press and hold Option (⌥) key when selecting any submenu
# to execute all items in batch mode
# Sticky items - UI stays open after execution
- key: "v"
icon: "volume.3.fill"
title: "Volume Up"
action: "shell://osascript -e 'set volume output volume (output volume of (get volume settings) + 10)'"
sticky: true # UI stays open after executing this action
- key: "m"
icon: "volume.fill"
title: "Mute Toggle"
action: "shell://osascript -e 'set volume output muted (not output muted of (get volume settings))'"
sticky: true
# Show notification after execution
- key: "r"
icon: "text.append"
title: "Run Script"
action: "shell://~/scripts/update_database.sh"
notify: true # Show notification when script completes
Hidden Items
# Hidden items - not shown in UI but can be activated with key or hotkey
- key: "h"
title: "Hidden Action"
action: "shell://say 'Secret action activated'"
hidden: true
hotkey: "cmd+shift+h"
# Single hidden item in submenu will still be shown despite being hidden
- key: "s"
title: "Special Menu"
- key: "x"
title: "Only Item (Hidden but Still Shown)"
action: "shell://say 'I am shown because I am the only item in this submenu'"
hidden: true
# Dynamic menu - content generated by a script
- key: "p"
icon: "terminal"
title: "Running Processes"
action: "dynamic://dynamic_menu.sh"
# Global hotkey for direct action
- key: "c"
title: "Launch Calculator"
action: "launch:///Applications/Calculator.app"
hotkey: "cmd+ctrl+c" # Global shortcut: Cmd+Ctrl+C
# Global hotkey to open specific submenu
- key: "d"
title: "Development Tools"
hotkey: "cmd+shift+d" # Global shortcut: Cmd+Shift+D
- key: "1"
title: "VS Code"
action: "launch:///Applications/Visual Studio Code.app"
- key: "2"
title: "Terminal"
action: "launch:///System/Applications/Terminal.app"
# Developer Workflow
- key: "d"
icon: "hammer.fill"
title: "Developer Tools"
- key: "c"
title: "VS Code"
action: "launch:///Applications/Visual Studio Code.app"
- key: "g"
title: "Git Operations"
- key: "s"
title: "Git Status"
action: "shell://'cd ~/projects/current && git status'"
notify: true
- key: "p"
title: "Git Pull"
action: "shell://'cd ~/projects/current && git pull'"
notify: true
- key: "b"
title: "Build Project"
action: "shell://'cd ~/projects/current && make build'"
notify: true
- key: "t"
title: "Run Tests"
action: "shell://'cd ~/projects/current && make test'"
notify: true
# System Administration
- key: "s"
icon: "gear"
title: "System Tools"
- key: "d"
title: "Show Disk Usage"
action: "shell://'df -h | grep /dev/disk1s1'"
sticky: true
notify: true
- key: "m"
title: "Show Memory Usage"
action: "shell://'top -l 1 | grep PhysMem'"
sticky: true
notify: true
- key: "n"
title: "Network Tools"
- key: "i"
title: "External IP"
action: "shell://'curl -s ifconfig.me'"
sticky: true
notify: true
- key: "p"
title: "Ping Google"
action: "shell://'ping -c 4 google.com'"
sticky: true
notify: true
- key: "r"
title: "Restart Services"
batch: true
- key: "1"
title: "Restart DNS"
action: "shell://'sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder'"
notify: true
- key: "2"
title: "Flush DNS Cache"
action: "shell://'sudo dscacheutil -flushcache'"
notify: true
# Quick Actions
- key: "q"
icon: "bolt.fill"
title: "Quick Actions"
- key: "e"
title: "Empty Trash"
action: "shell://'osascript -e \"tell application Finder to empty trash\"'"
notify: true
- key: "c"
title: "Copy SSH Key"
action: "shell://'pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && echo \"SSH key copied to clipboard\"'"
notify: true
- key: "s"
title: "Take Screenshot"
action: "shell://'screencapture -i ~/Desktop/screenshot-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).png'"
notify: true
— Launch applicationsopen://
— Open URLsshell://
— Execute shell commandsshortcut://
— Run Apple Shortcutsdynamic://
— Generate dynamic menus
— Single character trigger keyicon
— SF Symbol name or omit for automatic iconstitle
— Display titleaction
— Action to executestick
— Keep overlay open after execution (optional)notify
— Show notification after execution (optional)batch
— Execute all submenu items (optional). Alternative: hold ⌥ for batch execution.hidden
— Item is not shown in UI but can be triggered by key or hotkey (optional, defaults to false). Note: If a submenu contains only a single hidden item, it will still be shown.submenu
— Nested menu items (optional)hotkey
— Global keyboard shortcut (optional)
SwiftKey allows you to assign global hotkeys to menu items. Hotkeys work even when the overlay is not visible.
Supported hotkey formats:
- Modifiers:
- Keys: letters, numbers, function keys (f1-f12), arrows, and special keys
- Examples:
Hotkeys can:
- Execute actions directly — work globally without showing the overlay
- Open specific submenus
SwiftKey supports deep linking through the swiftkey:// URL scheme:
This opens the menu and navigates through the specified path.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.