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,"""THE DRUDGE REPORT\\n\\n\\n\\nYou won't see this story on foxfag forum because they suck bIacks and gay 0bama all the way to the crack.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nOn Tuesday Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House committee on \\nOversight and Government Reform, took a major step toward holding \\nAttorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to \\nprovide subpoenaed documents and other information about Operation Fast \\nand Furious.\\n\\n\\n\\nIn a Jan. 31 letter, Issa had threatened Holder with such a move if he \\nfailed to provide all the subpoenaed documents relating to the Fast and \\nFurious gunwalking scandal by Feb. 9. That deadline has come and gone, \\nand Holder\\xe2\\x80\\x99s Department of Justice still hasn\\xe2\\x80\\x99t provided most of those \\ndocuments. Issa\\xe2\\x80\\x99s subpoena dates back to Oct. 12, 2011.\\n\\n\\n\\nOn Tuesday in a seven-page letter, Issa revealed that Deputy Attorney \\nGeneral James Cole begged Congress to extend the Feb. 9 deadline. Issa \\nwrote that the request was \\xe2\\x80\\x9cironic\\xe2\\x80\\x9d and \\xe2\\x80\\x9cignores the reality that the \\nDepartment has unreasonably delayed producing these documents to the \\nCommittee.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d\\n\\n\\n\\n\\xe2\\x80\\x9cOn its face, the requested extension demonstrates a lack of good \\nfaith,\\xe2\\x80\\x9d Issa wrote to Holder. \\xe2\\x80\\x9cWith one exception, the Department has \\nonly produced documents responsive to the subpoena on the eve of \\ncongressional hearings in which senior Department officials testified. \\nThe Department appears to be more concerned with protecting its image \\nthrough spin control than actually cooperating with Congress.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d\\n\\n\\n\\n\\xe2\\x80\\x9cWe cannot wait any longer for the Department\\xe2\\x80\\x99s cooperation,\\xe2\\x80\\x9d Issa \\ncontinued. \\xe2\\x80\\x9cAs such, please specify a date by which you expect the \\nDepartment to produce all documents responsive to the subpoena. In \\naddition, please specify a Department representative who will interface \\nwith the Committee for production purposes.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d\\n\\n\\n\\nIssa added that whoever Holder designates as the go-to DOJ official for \\ndelivering subpoenaed documents \\xe2\\x80\\x9cshould also serve as the conduit for \\ndealing with the contempt proceedings, should the Department continue to\\n ignore the Committee\\xe2\\x80\\x99s subpoena.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d (RELATED: Full coverage of Eric \\nHolder)\\n\\n\\n\\nThe California Republican slammed Holder, too, for claiming the \\ncongressional investigation into Fast and Furious was a political game \\nfor Republicans.\\n\\n\\n\\nRead more:\\n\\n\\n\\n"""
20120618222256Z,"""@ian21\xa0""Roger Clemens is the fucking man, and never did any fucking steroids because he is fucking awesome. Did you all misremember Roger's incredibleness?"" - Roger Clemens"""
20120618213617Z,"""Agree with Alan you are an extremest idiot. You are not American, we native americans are, you are an alien"""
,"""Really?\\n\\nI see Marc Lamont Hill on various programs quite often, as is Al Sharpton, and Michael Moore even got his fat-ass handed to him by Bill O'Reilly. \\n\\nHow can you talk about a subject you obviously know nothing about?"""
20120620003825Z,"""Really suck isn't the word, when many of our nuclear power plants start melting down, it will literally be hell on earth in the US and we have no one else to blame but our own CORRUPT GOVERNMENT!"""
,"""...after a couple guys like him rape him first...."""
20120529201500Z,"""Matthews mentored Perry at USC. Bodes well..."""
20120619145613Z,"""How about we accept facts and patiently wait for you to back up your claim."""
20120609165037Z,"""To engage in an intelligent debate with you is like debating to a retarded person. It's useless. It looks like you're bent on disregarding the efforts of the government."""
20120612145537Z,"""Same reason no one cared Obama did cocaine, which is a felony as well."""
20120610100807Z,"""Well, Kris, you might just be surprised. Can you say Reagan Democrats? ROMNEY has a grasp of reality and the ECONOMY and the real world business experience to know what is needed to pull America out of the ditch and back on the highway of economic growth and lowering the national debt of which Obama has contributed more in 3 1/2 years than GW Bush did in 8 years. Unemployment is over 8% and GDP is less than 2% and Obama says the economy is doing just fine. He is in way over his's called the Peter Principle. (and no, that's not a dirty word...look it up)."""
20120610121904Z,"""In reality GWB put more people on food stamps because of his 100% failed economic policies!"""
,"""because the zionists will blow us up if we don't at least try!"""
20120528014019Z,"""Thank you. Unfortunately on this kindle I'm limited on how far back I can go."""
20120610001759Z,"""CNN supports HARCORE MASS MURDERING ISLAMIST TERRORISTS!!!!\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t ever forget this guys!"""
20120529020515Z,"""What is your problem AW"""
20120529003207Z,"""Name a corporation that has told the truth."""
20120528042038Z,"""You know, I don't think I ever actually put my gloves in the glove box..."""
20120529051354Z,"""then they shouldnt get mad when they read it."""
20120612030048Z,"""Richards passes it to Carter. \xa0Wow. \xa0Surprising"""
,"""I\\'m a second generation German working on my Master\\'s \\xc2\\xa0so I doubt you would be accurate in saying that I am a ignorant rube who can\\'t get over the civil war. what i can\\'t get over is self-righteous priks such as your-self who are uniquely qualified praise or condemn others values strictly based on your personal ""enlightened"" opinion.\\n\\nPS if i knew is was writting my thesis for you to critique i would have been more careful to meet your loft grammatical standards.\\n\\nnow go blow yourself."""
,"""@Fenestrate Even tough Mitt doesn't drink. I thought about Mitt Sat nite when I tried get into Slippery Noodle bar with blues musician Buddy Young playing. Bar wanted $100 cover charge get in. I said F that went bar across street paid $5 cover had great time."""
20120528221803Z,"""Then you don't understand basketball."""
20120619181302Z,"""yeah!!!! fuck undying!"""
,"""<b>Circumstances under which abortion is legal in Israel:</b>\\nThe termination committee approves abortions, under sub-section 316a,[1] in the following circumstances:\\nThe woman is younger than seventeen (the legal marriage age in Israel) or older than forty.\\nThe pregnancy was conceived under illegal circumstances (rape, statutory rape etc.), an incestuous relationship, or outside of marriage.\\nThe fetus may have a physical or mental birth defect.\\nContinued pregnancy may put the woman's life in risk, or damage her physically or mentally.\\n\\n"""
20120610161043Z,"""Koolnightie,\n\nYou, just like your bedmate Proud Marxist Shill, are a\xa0deluded and brainwashed ""useful idiot"" of the Marxists who are doing their damnedest to bring down our society to Socialism.\n\nThere is no hope for you and your ilk.\xa0 I feel sorry for you.\n\nWhen your Dear Leader, Comrade \xd8bama is voted out of office I expect that you will self-destruct,\xa0just like all of\xa0your Marxist heroes of the past."""
20120610080925Z,"""i live with my dad asshole!!! i anal fuked the shit out of you r mom and your sisters, and made them cry in the process."""
20120530023620Z,"""Those plays are easy for Crawford. It's the routine ones he has trouble with"""
20120619015242Z,"""You really think shes speaking spanish? You are a fool aren't you?"""
20120611202936Z,"""Hey race baiter take a hike you are a typical idiot"""
20120618223003Z,"""when Obamabots blame everything else for their own failures, including Bush, then the tsunami in Japan, etc...................they don't realize that Americanvoters hate BLAME and love real leadership.\xa0 That is a losing strategy . Maybe they should fire AxelFRAUD."""
20120619005130Z,"""Zimmerman and his wife look like brother and sister."""
20120609203436Z,"""Is that you, Yannick??????? Give it a rest."""
20120529172838Z,"""nah...that'd be your daughter"""
20120320115718Z,"""Maybe next time you say it, you'll write ""You're a moron"".\xa0 \n\nYou're a cretin."""
20120620132122Z,"""you are a closet, flaming homo"""
20120619145438Z,"""go away you trashy\xa0 tramp"""
20120529144915Z,"""You and your ilk are the reason why Paul will never be elected to any position except the one he currently has. Sadly this will effect his son''s ratings."""
20120530151416Z,"""LOL Lame old woman, mother of yellow chicken hawks."""
20120619052459Z,"""Wow you attack others and show your ignorance. You get exactly what you deserve. You are one those typle scum bag employees who don't pull their wait and hide behind the union. You make me sick."""
20120620125544Z,"""It's the old white men and women who saved our nation in World War 11 and many are still alive who will help save our nation again. This time from President Obama and his administration when they vote in November."""
20120610063153Z,"""So perfect!\xa0 LOVE to suck you!!!"""
20120619051528Z,"""If you mean awesome at killing jobs and reducing America to Greece, then you are absolutely right."""
,"""I'd be quite happy to win this and try it out."""
20120530000740Z,"""And you can be silly too!"""
20120612123230Z,"""I think I can encapsulate both your position and Gordon's in one phrase - "" a recession of choice"".\n\nThere is the (common) idea that it is possible for a government to ""create wealth"" ad infinitum by printing money and spending it.\xa0 And there is another idea that you grow rich through hard work and\xa0not through currency maniupulation.\n\nMy opinion is that people like yourself (and Gordon) are dangerous because you are very keen on spending money and not so keen on earning it.\xa0 When you run out of all the borrowed money you are spending you will need to start ""re-distibributing"" all the earned value in society..."""
,"""@SandyBerman Beached! Whaaaaaaaaale!"""
20120529160544Z,"""why not hire the most qualified and capable instead of discrimating based on race and gender?"""
20120529022410Z,"""Lol.......Ralph you are the guys who are still in Moi era..."""
20120610013433Z,"""Brian, get out of the drug business, you are far too stupid to be in ""the game"". Of all the countries in the world, you pick the one that is under the most scrutiny to buy illegal drugs from. Where you planning on setting up shop in front of the Police Station as well?"""
,"""@FamousOriginalLucas poor ian"""
,"""@noBjustRyan @skywaker9 (David) Yeah, streaming them out. My bad, thought you were asking sky about the jurisdiction piece"""
20120612145545Z,"""Homeland Security has a list of what constitutes a valid id.\xa0 Check with them."""
20120529051757Z,"""He's not spanking her, he's fingering her asshole. Hard enough to lift her off the ground. Man, I wish I worked with that dude."""
20120610131334Z,"""I think we need our skin removed to complete our PERFECT look says it all really.\nIn my eyes if someone else is paying for it then you will get what your given, thats what i got taught"""
20120530141252Z,"""I'll let you know when I start worrying about an invertebrate's opinion of me.\n:-)"""
20120611233409Z,"""Read Lincoln Hawk posts please..."""
20120619004807Z,"""2.. being nosey... who should've been interviewed?"""
,"""Right now, we supposedly have a 2 party state with some\\xc2\\xa0independents\\xc2\\xa0in the middle. \\xc2\\xa0In reality, we have the social-conservative republicans (pro-life, anti-gay, morals trump law). \\xc2\\xa0We have the fiscal-conservative republicans (pro-free-trade, anti-capital gains, fight-wars-outside-of-USA, business needs trump individual needs because fulfilling business needs naturally leads to the fulfillment of individual needs). \\xc2\\xa0And then you\\'ve got the Tea-Party.... who generally have a million varieties of the former two depending which one you speak to. \\xc2\\xa0\\n\\nAll three ""sub-groups"" are very intent on government playing an aggressive role in our economy or our social lives. \\xc2\\xa0Regardless of the talk, that\\'s what they do.\\n\\nAll three groups are very intent on a refusal to compromise their particular ideology. \\xc2\\xa0They lead. \\xc2\\xa0To compromise is failure. \\xc2\\xa0It\\'s top-down leadership, trickle-down-economics, trickle-down-regulation.\\xc2\\xa0\\n\\nFinally, we\\'ve got this weird group of Ron Paul supporters. \\xc2\\xa0People don\\'t really realize it, but they are out supporting the rights and freedoms of the individual.\\n\\nThere are many common issues with the right-wing groups, but in reality, they don\\'t fit there at all. \\xc2\\xa0If Ron Paul\\'s people are scared into thinking that a republican loss will bring 4 years of Obama and that\\'s worse than death.... \\xc2\\xa0they deserve the level of disdain that republican politicians treat them with.\\xc2\\xa0\\n\\nIf they had a real set of balls, they\\'d get together and walk into DNC headquarters and say, ""Of the 10,000,000 issues out there, here are 3 issues that we both agree upon. \\xc2\\xa0Make those happen and you can have our support"", then I\\'d 100%\\xc2\\xa0guarantee\\xc2\\xa0the DNS bosses would make that happen and probably get on their knees and give out BJs at the same time.\\n\\nRomney\\'s probably going to get the nomination. \\xc2\\xa0Obama\\'s probably going to spank him. \\xc2\\xa0The 20% of Ron Paul voters who write him in rather than voting for Romney will get 100% of the republicans blame for their loss - meaning they\\'ll do absolutely nothing to change.\\n\\nThe RP group could, issue by issue, make change in this country. \\xc2\\xa0Unfortunately, their ideology matches with the republicans in some ways, but it actually conflicts enormously in the process\\xc2\\xa0of how it works. \\xc2\\xa0\\n\\nThe RNC will never accept Ron Paul\\'s ideology. \\xc2\\xa0Ever. \\xc2\\xa0Fire and Water.\\nThe DNC changes constantly and can easily be managed by any organized group as long as the primary focus is on the protection of the rights of the individual and support of ""the little guy"".\\n\\nThere are sure to be a million Republicans who are going to go on and on and on about how evil the democrats are, but how many democrats out there find Ron Paul a total loon, but actually agree with much of what he says?"""
20120528180228Z,"""bluz i agree, love the way he can handle the bat....hope he stays healthy"""
20120611200109Z,"""Killing them should be a last resort, ""I'm gonna die!"" option.\n\nGoing out into the woods to kill 'em all because we see a couple in town is not right."""
20120612014408Z,"""And continuing on route 59 all the way to Nuevo Laredo"""
20120612003751Z,"""Hug a tree FAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!\xa0\xa0 Folks like you make REAL Men look like, well, Real are a little sissy girly-man who is, right now, twirling in his pretty little tu-tu, sending kisses to all the other little fairies out there....Man Up you little p*ssy!\xa0 Just sayin' queer!"""
,"""Bad as I dislike Obama I wouldn't wish this puke on his kids"""
20120528100746Z,"""ha ha ha! \xa0Back in your dirty Russian hole, comrade troll!"""
20120618230630Z,"""@Vojtass Go to a movie and have it start halfway through. Then smile complacently as the manager tells you you're lazy and (im)patient because you didn't understand the full story."""
20120611163446Z,"""I thought James Murphy introduced electronic music to the rock kids. He played it at CBGBs, everyone thought he was crazy."""
20120620140454Z,"""talk about a real cover up.................."""
20120529050116Z,"""Anyone that truly thinks the Celtics can beat the Heat needs to get their head checked."""
20120609201830Z,"""Don't\xa0 lecture about ABnoy's crusade.\n\nHindi lahat ng tao naloloko ng abnormal na presidente.\n\nMahiya ka naman."""
20120619185631Z,"""Non ho detto questo, quindi non inventare cose.\nAnzi, ho detto che delle scie mi interessa poco e vanno verificate, quindi di che parliamo?\nInsunto, chi e' contro il nucleare, esperti o meno che siano, sono tutti scemi?"""
20120529071003Z,"""I'm also excited for Nintendo's show. Wii U and some 3DS love for me!\n\nI might skip Microsoft's (don't hate, I have a valid reason) because it will probably a big shooter&kinect-fest, unless they are introducing a new console or something else other than Halo, CoD or Kinect games then I'll definitely going to stop, watch live streaming or read live blog, and be happy about it. I've lost interest in the 360 announcements ever since PS3 picked up the pace and began having more JRPGs than 360. Where you at MistWalker? Oh right, over Nintendo. Hmm...well, live blog's not gonna hurt. Going to follow MS's show then.\nSony have an amazing line-up of exclusives and they're boosting up the Vita so I'm definitely excited for that as well.E3 FTW!!!"""
20120529145503Z,"""I broke my ankle in February so I've been recovering from that as I need my left foot to shift.\xa0 I charged the battery on my Virago, cleaned it up, changed the oil and filter, but I've only ridden around the block a few times so far.\xa0 It's scary.\xa0 I don't have a lot of hours riding so I try to be extra careful when I'm out.\xa0 I wear over the ankle shoes, I bought a full face helmet last year and wear as much protective gear as I can, but none of that will help if something hits me head on."""
20120530040539Z,"""Don't be such an idiotic,\xa0 rude, little bitch. It takes a hell of a lot of work to run this place, and now that they have taken a break, you are STILL giving them shit?! Stupid. Like Demi said: UNAPPRECIATIVE ASS."""
20120619033759Z,"""@foxrock66 Why would you throw something like Porn out there in the middle of your argument? Is really easy to judge that way. You are right I am just assuming. Because ding ding you make it come across that way. As for the wife thing. I gave an example on how it helps people. You keep talking about yourself. Hence why I think is you don't indulge as you put it."""
20120611222308Z,"""If it's wrong to be ageist, why do we have a 'retirement age' for jobs?"""
20120529211537Z,"""Would probably be cheaper just to legally change your name."""
20120612025220Z,"""Obammass Care will be disolved by the SC.....They will base the desicion on the Constitution,,,,But in reality behind closed doors their true reason will be to save small buisnesses from bankruptcy"""
20120529142740Z,"""I can argue my point. Dont sit there and deny when you're program, coach, players have done something wrong and back it up bc ND did something a little more wrong. <div><br></div><div>If 2 men rob a person they're both guilty. Doesnt matter who had the gun. </div><div><br></div><div>You dont ever admit to anything wrong doing of your program, coach, players and you justify it being ok bc ND or BK did it too.</div><div><br></div><div>Thats whats annoying the sheet out of me. You cant talk anything football with you bc you wont ever just stay on a USC topic. You fire back with ""Well ND did this and that"".</div><div><br></div><div>If we're going to talk about what ND or BK did wrong fine lets talk it. But dont change the subject or justify wrong doing when we're on the USC or Kiffan subject. Get it now?</div><div><br></div><div>GO ND!!! </div>"""
20120529164758Z,"""...and with those shoes. \xa0Miss Brit needs to move into a more adult look. \xa0Her gyno length is now predictable and down right boring."""
,"""Churning out more of the same old story with just different cars.... Typical american film people who dont know when to stop milking the cash cow..."""
20120528033127Z,"""Take your pills. The Voices are obviously taking control again."""
,"""Harry Rednapp is English and he denied it."""
20120620160033Z,"""r_\n\nJust can't stand the truth can you?\n\nEither that or you are truly enjoying your blissful ignorance!"""
,"""There is a certain contrasting quality between judgments within the world view of the proponents of the war on cannabis and Christian theology. The ""everything is toxic"" philosophy embraced by the ONDCP toxicologists and controlling offices such as the FDA and DEA is the exact opposite of sound Christian theology [1,2], and the corollary truths built upon it are not Biblically founded, and can be proven to be Biblically incorrect. -And if it\\'s not Theologically true, if it\\'s not true in the Bible, than it isn\\'t true at all [3]. No Bible believing Christian can accept any ""toxicology"" studies or reports from the ONDCP in good conscience, when they consider the axioms that were used to build their studies. Do Christians adhere to ""scientific"" theories about big bang and evolution? No, and we can also reject the observations of the ONDCP about cannabis on similar grounds when all things are considered in a clear systematic theology. One must ""Test The Evidences"" that come from outside Scripture. Scripture, tradition, and reason imply that all things are good, and that substance (such as foods and drinks) only becomes toxic in it\\'s misuse, that is, in the uses that are not in order with the purposes God created them [4]. The Scripture\\'s warnings against these philosophies are traditionally viewed as warnings about the Gnostics of the second century. It was a blending of Jewish, Greek, or Eastern philosophy with Christianity. These Gnostic errors are widespread, they appear century after century, and shows itself in many forms of religion, not merely in distorted forms of Christianity. In life application today, we can see that same Gnostic germ resurface in our society in the influence of modernism and postmodernism. The war against cannabis is a frightening illustration, in that it is successful in stifling Evangelism within the local Church, and not many Leaders recognize what\\'s going on, despite the fact that it devastates the lives of millions in perdition. This ascetic teaching is unnatural, contrary to the constitution of the world as that has been arranged by a holy and wise Creator, and it is also subversive of Christian liberty. Nothing can be esteemed common or unclean without throwing a reproach upon the Creator. [5] To further discover the long term consequences of these unnatural teachings, we can observe the characterizations and acts employed in the war on pot have a resemblance to the warnings in Scripture regarding the signs of false teachers (which are directly linked to signs of the coming Rapture of Christ\\'s church). The war on cannabis shares at least 2 key qualities as the Gnostics. In the presence of the negative implications of statements such as ""there is no way to teach this to you in a brief, "" and, ""everything is toxic, there is no harmless substances. "", the Christian should be reminded that encouraging formalism and asceticism as the result of false teaching is traditionally known as the activities of demons [6]; and the acknowledgment of liberty of conscience in a free moral agent is the formation of evangelical theology- for this very reason the Reformers left the Roman Catholic Church! [7]. The binge drinking phenomena we see in the just say no generation, as well as the licentious rebellion in the 60\\'s, is evidences of the ""fleshly indulgence"", or antinomian development that results from these ascetic teachings. [8,9,10]To summarize; The Christian world view and the ONDCP world view can be sharply contrasted. In the ONDCP world view, the Truth is ""everything is toxic"" and application is ""just say no"". In the Christian world view, the Truth is ""God\\'s creation is good"" and application is ""be ye sober"". The Scripture provides us a sharper, more accurate understanding and response to the subjects of cannabis use in society than the secular drug use prevention community. And as Biblical passages are weighed and discovered as this more accurate Truth, it should bear witness that the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is Truth. We should lend thought to this greater spiritual Truth for which the Bible is compiled as evidence of; That Christ made atonement covering and salvation for our souls. ""For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that he world through him might be saved. God publicly displayed him as the mercy seat accessible through faith, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but by grace are you saved through faith, and it\\'s not of yourselves, it is a gift from God. For whosoever believes in Him will not perish. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."""""
,"""Start with impeaching this dumb ass usurper"""
20120528150613Z,"""""A lot of people like when oil and gas prices fall, but that's a negative for the economy, so you have to be careful what you wish for,"" said Schrader..............................................Maybe not. The thirty dollars I save when filling up can be used to buy a toaster or a shirt or something that is made in America instread of sending it to our enemies in the middle east."""
20120527191115Z,"""AKA, Rondo hit 2 outside shots late. Agreed."""
20120610022728Z,"""Who ever the fuck is going around saying I suck dick better run for their life. Imma set my dog on their ass."""
20120619072145Z,"""You're an idiot."""
,"""@christopher_m show off!"""
20120611221906Z,"""""I have no problem at all throwing my good friend Crowley under the bus for this post because that fucker (I say that with love) has a whole act in his comedy routine detailing one of our \u201cintimate moments.\u201d Punkass.\xa0You had this coming, Crowley.""\n\xa0\nAhahahahahahahaha! That's what he gets for throwing an ""OMGoodness, boobs!"" fit. IN LA!!"""
20120618232316Z,"""5 I was just goin to say that I love Brenda's got a baby and I Just Don't give a fuck!"""
20120612044741Z,"""These are mostly facts, something you just don't want to admit. Thanks for reminding us of what they are. I'm sure we can think of a few more. You know these are the truths but write it enough and you are disproving your point."""
20120620143617Z,"""Oh, you are such an just confirmed that you can't read...dumb@rse!"""
,"""Not right at all..... Schools have to make cuts but they can afford to pay a gay ass lunch police to look at are children's lunches screwed up way to screwed up.................."""
20120609203734Z,"""isalill are you fucking Norwegian cow face? Fuck norway bitch. Moo moo."""
20120529211928Z,"""Not merely untrue, but unreadable!\xa0 \n\nAs for the truth, case in point: ""The only place on Earth where people cultivate fields stolen from living refugees is, Israel.""\xa0 There are still living survivors of the German population that used to\xa0live in Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia before they were kicked out at the end of WWII.\xa0 Someone is cultivating their fields, but it isn't them!"""
20120619232604Z,"""Hell yea thats whats up got him a pabst he good to go brothers broke him in good"""
20120530040858Z,"""what an excellent email!\xa0 I totally agree with what she wrote!"""
20120611214144Z,"""No dear Vidkun Quisling, He will probably be a black baptist preacher.\xa0 And we live in a very nice neighborhood, all our life."""
20120529000910Z,"""Thunder down after the spurs sweep."""
20120619133730Z,"""Love this outfit. Is this a new plaited shopper??!!?? I LOOOOOVE it. I have one in black, but this is gorge!"""
20120618191023Z,"""Bei jedem B\xfcrger holen Banken vor einer Kreditvergabe eine Schufa-Auskunft ein. Vielleicht h\xe4tten die Banken so etwas \xe4hnliches auch mal machen sollen, bevor sie Griechenland einen Milliardenkredit nach den anderen hinterher geworfen haben, es konnte ja garnicht genug sein. Jeder Volltrottel, der einmal in Griechenland war, h\xe4tte denen sagen k\xf6nnen, dass die diese Summen mit ihrer albernen Kleinwirtschaft nie und nimmer zur\xfcckzahlen k\xf6nnen. Und es kommt wie es kommen mu\xdfte, die Griechen k\xf6nnen es nicht zur\xfcckzahlen und wir, wie auch andere Europ\xe4er, m\xfcssen mit erarbeiteten Steuergeldern einspringen um die Banken zu retten (nicht Grichenland) ... hallo, geht's noch ? \nWer Kredite an Kunden vergibt, die es nicht zur\xfcckzahlen k\xf6nnen handelt auf eigenes Risiko, also Pech gehabt. Ergo: Banken direkt finanzieren, dass sie sich jetzt bei uns (dem Staat, dem B\xfcrger) verschulden und endlich kontrollierbar werden, also verstaatlichen. Schmei\xdft endlich diese nichtsnutzige, nimmersatte Zocker-Mischpoke da raus, und macht Spekulanten arbeitslos. Es gibt 2 Dinge auf der Welt mit denen man eigentlich nicht spielt: das eine ist Essen und das andere ist Geld. Es sind immer und immer wieder die selben, die die Welt finanziell in den Abgrund treiben: B\xe4nker und Spekulanten"""
20120610123643Z,"""Obama wont be elected because he says the ""private sector is fine"" and government can cure any problems. Then the\xa0clown actually thinks we are going to believe that. \n\nAccept that you are backing a looser dumb @ss democrats."""
20120609210609Z,"""you mean the guy who didnt go to college and is worth millions? That guy? How much do you make a month while collecting welfare, foodstamps, unemployment, disability, section 8 housing, heating assistance, medicaid and free child care?"""
20120610043438Z,"""stretch her ass open mah nigguh spit in her asshole and put ya dick deep in it give her an ANAL INFECTION BRUH!!!"""
20120618203350Z,"""STFU you cunt. Not everyone wants to receive IWs cock in their bum hole like you do."""
,"""OK, who scored, who died today?"""
20120610131951Z,"""Wrong place wrong time and a black man saved him so shut the fuck up"""
20120529013550Z,"""LOL LOL Miami HEAT WIN... Now the NBA is in our side.. LOL YEAHHHHHH"""
,"""@shiki @SammyThunderer @The_Beard_Knows @Daniel Hawaii Ibaka was a monster game five of that series. One of reasons I totally didn't understand why people here wanted to get rid of him."""
20120619210536Z,"""You get a like based only on the last part of the comment!"""
20120620023920Z,"""christonastickJust now\nThere is no free speech here\n\n\xa0 Who prevented you from posting this?"""
20120527185700Z,"""Agreed. Neocons are the progressives of the right."""
,"""Good question, why bother taking out the garbage if your going to blow the house up in the first place?"""
20120620035001Z,"""You are all a bunch of wankers for not going, i'd give my left nut to go to this show. Don't tell me it costs too much or some other show is on the night before or, worst of all, it's not interesting enough. If you're not going to one of these shows you're not into metal and you're a gay piece of shit. Fuck you!\n\nDeath to all tour - please come to Australia!!!"""
20120619121856Z,"""You are far too generous in your comment about the odious Hamish Meldrum."""
20120610081426Z,"""I'm sure she looks better than the sloppy out of shape bitch you call your girl."""
20120620124135Z,"""It's the marketing change, not OMM. DO looking for a reason to blame some christian group so they can keep living in a boogey man fantasy world.\n\nGCB and Playboy club were cancelled because the shows fucking sucked. I gave both a try and both were absolutely terrible. Modern Family has a prominent gay couple and it does just fine on TV. And then there's Glee. Where's the mysterious power of OMM regarding those two?\n\nCEOs get fired for one reason only, ever, period: MONEY. Not making stockholders happy? You're fired.\n\nC'mon, DO, y'all can do better than this shit."""
,"""You better pack a lunch,\\xc2\\xa0 Maybe two of them :)\\nU think israel doesnt have NUKES? They have been working , \\nNOT throwing rock and brainwashing their young people to blow themselves up..\\n"""
20120611162247Z,"""Oh come on man. Do you ever step off your high horse? If I were to take one guess at what is making her ""go through stuff"" it would be meth ohhhh meth..."""
20120515165545Z,"""Because you troll to much."""
20120529011023Z,"""Oh my just goes to show how young you are. Yes I remember her and all her fancy hair colours. As a tiny girl my daughter loved her."""
20120527190157Z,"""FUCK YOU!!!! you only want to suck Phillip's dick!!!"""
20120611203301Z,"""You know, I have read your comments on here and can clearly tell that you are a sympathizer for those who kill children, women and others who can't defend themselves. \xa0Piss on Bin Laden, piss on Mohammed Merah and piss \xa0on you and your progeny you SOB!"""
20120610055550Z,"""You're Anti-White because you hate yourself, you're unhappy, and you take it out on our entire race.\xa0Pathetic.\nYou say you are Anti-Racist, what you are is Anti-White. Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.The GENOCIDE of an entire race is tolerated, but the genocide of jungle savages is guarded with impunity!\xa0You sick, sick ""anti-racists"" are a death cult, anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."""
20120612130940Z,"""Most Americians do not know grammer. I always see them writing your instead of you are or you're."""
20120529112805Z,"""we know that , i'm say the evil zionist think what happend in houla is more evil, then what they usaly do to palasinian children."""
20120502213210Z,"""You're dumb."""
20120528042003Z,"""Dr. Tuteur, Thank you for your response. What is the name of the study you are referring to, and which medical journal can I find it?\r\n\r\nalso, the 600% that you repeatedly mention, can you tell me the number of women in the sample? Thank you."""
,"""Tax Man......Yes it is dopey"""
20120620003615Z,"""Ah.... I do not ""hate' anyone....\xa0in fact\xa0one of my neighbors are muslin...sweet elderly couple... xxoo Canada...aka...heaven on earth"""
20120515155759Z,"""You are as naive as a teen-age girl."""
,"""@we r all husseins Thing just goes off all the time anyway, it's all good."""
20120620121923Z,"""You must have a very hot temper. I see you are losing your temper because you can't stand the truth?"""
,"""@NotBornEveryMin Is that the number of personalities you have?"""
,"""The GOP didn\\'t unconstitutionally overreach with the contraceptives, the GOP didn\\'t ""roll that back"" to a less offensive theft of liberty by unconstitutionally declaring what a private insurance company must do, how much it should charge, etc.\\xc2\\xa0 The GOP didn\\'t pull Planned Parenthood funding and they didn\\'t have anything to do with gay marriage legislation in looney land.\\xc2\\xa0 All examples of out of control liberalism going out of their way to decimate our Constitution.\\n\\nThe GOP didn\\'t seek any of this out.\\xc2\\xa0 These are convenient ways for the most corrupt, ignorant and tyrannical administration in the history of this country to try to change the topic from a complete failure of leadership in every single facet of government.\\n\\nJuan, you\\'ve really gone over the deep end, buddy."""
20120610034610Z,"""Holy shit. I want to do this, but I fear that it would prevent me from y'know, getting a job."""
20120320204957Z,"""Your a moron. Go\xa0snuggle yourself in potted meat."""
20120609194507Z,"""Holy shit, you're right!"""
20120530145905Z,"""Yours is jacked"""
20120619022806Z,"""how fucking DOPE"""
20120515133918Z,"""Don't try thinking for your betters, idiot. You have more than enough trouble thinking for yourself."""
20120610041402Z,"""By your reply, you did not learn much in the Navy. He is our commander-in-chief. My brothers served in vietnam, my bio dad and adopted dad in WWII, they came from all sides of the political spectrum and they respected the president. Did they agree with him always? NO, but they respected the office. We hear all the time that the vet fought for our freedom. Part of the freedom is to elect our president and other officials. Aparently you didn't learn about that in the Navy. At least this President is trying to get benefits for our vets, something the republican party is all for cutting, so they can buy the next obsolete toy for the DOD."""
20120502175743Z,"""Because the are pri__cks like you."""
,"""Peados , whores, men who batter women,, and now stalkers who also indulge in a bit of child porn,, what happend to vetting contestants ,,, will it have live oap sex next week as that is all its missed so far"""
20120529220025Z,"""don't know....but it did have Sandy Burger's sock on it. \xa0LOL"""
20120620050005Z,"""ium102, we realized you are a Muslim from seeing your other comments. Like a good Muslim, you see ""so much negativity"" in anything and anyone who does not subscribe to your ""higher purpose in life. \xa0The purpose to do good works and have faith"". What a load of crap. And like a good Muslim you of course ""... ponder how I can make people understand"". I'm surprised at you: you know very well how to make people understand. It's simple: stone them, murder them, blow them up, maim them, rape them, burn them. You Muslims are expert at this. Have a look at CNN, it's all over their website."""
20120528003118Z,"""Thanks, I thought it was funny. Sorry, I missed your funnies. I'll try scrolling down to find them"""
,"""Shut it Mcleish!!!\\n\\n \\n\\nYou cant ban him. How would RVP FC be able to play any games with their only player banned. """
20120527180312Z,"""plz dj jepi sms ne tv ok njesh"""
20120611235943Z,"""I missed the day when elected you to speak for ""90%"" of us. Carry on then."""
20120612015526Z,"""Please score one more time and then be done with it, NJ. Carter doesn't deserve to have that GWG by his name."""
20120529094241Z,"""Sarko's dream was not realized yet.\nTotal had the 35 % promise but the Americans didn't like it, so it didn't happen."""
20120515162004Z,"""i expect a little star wars charater from you for my bday :P"""
20120610012153Z,"""I have a fucked up brain. \n\nThis song just popped into my head. \n\n"""
20120618222927Z,"""They want big business to be successful only until they have to pay for that success."""
20120619173658Z,"""and then they were like... ""oh shit, how the hell are we getting down from here?"""""
,"""That's true, the red army did rape millions of women and girls...not only in Germany but in Eastern Europe as well. Although it was stopped eventually, that can never be forgotten. Our interracial rape problem is not being just continues to get worse. Since the civil rights movement, blacks have raped about several times more people than the red army did in WWII. Not much is being done to stop it, as it keeps getting worse."""
20120620153847Z,"""You are intentionally ignorant Dragon."""
20120620024531Z,"""I fault the fact that there are 20 qualifier tournaments for a TOURNAMENT OF LEGENDS, effectively making it any other tournament, and not at all a tournament of legends."""
,"""then get off the internet's a choice (still)"""
20120619220804Z,"""First of all idiot if someone whipped my @$$ they wouldn't be alive today nore will I go on a reality show and talk about it...if Memphiz did k Michelle so wrong than why is she still talking about it...if someone hurt me I wouldn't even mention their name because that's how upset ill be with them.....judging by your repost to my comment I take it that you're a bitter ex-girlfriend who probably got your head popped off by your ex-boyfriend....stupid moron h@ting on.Toya's and Memphiz like that....go join k Michelle on the jealous train....tutu!!!!"""
20120610074724Z,"""3057235903 alley a pussy...florida,nigga dnt fuck wit you woe.."""
20120529182201Z,"""thats whats happens when people dont care for the kid for nothing more than a free check."""
20120528221807Z,"""Keep talking shit anonymously, coward. It's what you're good at."""
20120610073731Z,"""Fuck this show-.-"""
20120530111950Z,"""you are a mental midget you can't be\xa0 a traitor if you aren't a citizen."""
20120610011112Z,"""flushres: Thanks caveman! I appreciate your Neanderthal mentality. You are welcome and good night..."""
20120610042512Z,"""Define the war on women please. You mean requiring me to pay for your birth control? That's about it. You are dead on with the talking points."""
20120620163043Z,"""Sadly its not just NJ. The whole visa system is rotten from head to toe, and hopelessly broken. There just arent enough people out there to investigate all the complaints and abuses that are so prevalent in the visa system, and so it has become a place of widespread fraud, abuse, dehumanization and exploitation. Sadder still is that companies dont realize that when they hire visa holders that they are helping to contribute to the problem. NJ just so happens to have stumbled across the tip of the iceberg."""
20120529013843Z,"""Tell the veterans who did serve and prefer Romney to ""go fuck themselves"", why don't you? Oh wait, leftists \xa0have been doing that for 40 years already."""
20120611210116Z,"""But that's the problem, Franklin...they don't have even an ounce of intelligence. \xa0You always find as you get older that the more people talk about their intellect, the less they really have.\n\nLiberals like to talk \xa0about their intellectual superiority, but its just more garbage.....because it is obvious that they are only intellectually superior to common ground slugs and like the cockroaches they are....."""
20120529224912Z,"""That sounds like racism. HE does not look like a monkey."""
20120320154513Z,"""You are a lying son of a bitch. \xa0Let's see you post some facts supporting your assertion..."""
,"""Sooooo cool. I want everything\\n\\n """
20120320153943Z,"""lol wow. so in your mind everyone whos racist is a murderer.. So you're a murderer too? Idiot..."""
20120619161418Z,"""Bigger than the Chicago Tribune and the Boston Globe? \xa0Are you HIGH???? \xa0 I've never even SEEN the daily caller, but I've bought the Tribune and read the Globe. \xa0What else you got? \xa0And by the way, your blog isn't legitimate. \xa0It's a fucking blog. \xa0A website. \xa0I don't think that truly qualifies, no offense Raw. \xa0But even YOU guys don't really count and you know it. \xa0IF they don't want to give them a press pass there really isn't much that they can do to force the White House's hand. \xa0If they give them a pass it's because they don't feel threatened and WANT him to keep up the bullshit to SHOW the country just what these people's true colors are. \xa0Obama and pals ARE NOT playing the race card and never have, no matter how many times the right wing assholes keep repeating that bullshit. \xa0But these people keep painting themselves into a corner of backwards-assed white power racist uncivilized and uninspiring troglodytes."""
20120618195336Z,"""What a piece of crap you know he will screw wawa or anybody else to make a nickle"""
20120528225250Z,"""No shane dies dammit u have 2 admit it shane wuz d life of d show btw darly and d sheriff they kept dis show interesting but witout dem 3 dis show wouldn't last 2 long becuz lori a slut and always starting shit wit her houes wife ass, we got a bitch who always cing killing herself a option and wants 2 b a guy and carl is just fucking stupid he came from we want 2 c him survive d gunshot dat almost killed him 2 y dis little bastard start acting weird and bing annoying and shit"""
20120610022702Z,"""Well I hope so...I have to say your in rare form tonight JC. I cant imagine going on Dodger site and trashing Kemp or Kershaw and expecting fans to NOT light me up. You should know better."""
20120620131032Z,"""Awesome game. even if grouped or not raids happen/event happen automatically by being in the area, the fact that anyone spells/benefits will work with yours...any elementalist can put down a wall of fire even one not in your group and you shoot you arrows through that fire, you get the benefit of flaming arrows is so cool. \nWell Done!!!"""
,"""\\nSeptember 19, 2010\\n\\nDear President Obama,\\n\\nI read that you went to church, on Sunday no less, without Reverend Wright. If you are trying to find religion things must be worse then even I think they are. Well, I\\xe2\\x80\\x99ve always said a little religion is a good thing, but in your case it just looks fake, kind of like when you play golf. You don\\xe2\\x80\\x99t believe in God. You believe in the God of Government. With the first commandment being \\xe2\\x80\\x9cThou shalt pay confiscatory taxes such that resting on the Sabbath is not even an option.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d Now that the riff raff have been kicked out of the private school, I guess that whole charity thing is shot too. Maybe, if you say \\xe2\\x80\\x9cHope and Change\\xe2\\x80\\x9d a few times you might convince those kids that they are suffering for you, and their sacrifice to the God of Government will not be in vein.\\n\\nLet\\xe2\\x80\\x99s get back to the Government God, the protector and defender of all that is graft and collusion. I\\xe2\\x80\\x99ve got to hand it to all of you and especially Blagojevich, I am impressed, not only have you committed rape, and pillage upon \\xe2\\x80\\x9cWe The People,\\xe2\\x80\\x9d but some of them thank you for it, they even get on a bus, and spit on people I really respect for you as you put in place the very plans that will destroy them. That\\xe2\\x80\\x99s really impressive, Bernie Maddoff, has nothing on all of you. The lot of you could screw a hooker and convince her to pay for it! Now, your God of Government is upset with you Mr. Obama, and frankly, while I may be impressed, he is not.\\n\\nWhy is this so? For one thing The United States of America is still here, chugging along with all the accumulated dead weight that liberal democrats have heaved upon her. Government God is also upset that the people still have a voice, he doesn\\xe2\\x80\\x99t like that. You, as his surrogate, should stop all free speech immediately; tell Kathleen Sebelious to issue another communiqu\\xc3\\xa9 threatening the CEO\\xe2\\x80\\x99s of insurance companies with summary execution unless they place the blame for higher premiums on those that truly deserve it; breast cancer patients, and further, that it is wholly unsatisfactory that they should live another day - The God of Government commands it to you Mr. Obama, you will obey.\\n\\nThe bigger cheese is likely also upset at the Godless turn of events in God\\xe2\\x80\\x99s country. \\xe2\\x80\\x9cI am the Lord your God . . . You shall have no other God\\xe2\\x80\\x99s before me.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d Boy, have you screwed that one up. I imagine that is a big one with the man upstairs. You see, God works his will through the faithful, and not those like yourself who pray to false Gods and bear false witness on a daily basis - you don\\xe2\\x80\\x99t even know what the truth is anymore. Hell, they even got you thinking you fight \\xe2\\x80\\x9cterrorists\\xe2\\x80\\x9d by killing one side of the same Arab coin. Whose the fool Barrak, you, or me? Don\\xe2\\x80\\x99t answer that, we know the answer. \\n\\nWell in 44 days the God of Government is going to have another problem. \\xe2\\x80\\x9cWe The People\\xe2\\x80\\x9d are going into those polls, and we are going to fire the first shots in the shape of ballots at your Government God, and we are going to put God back where He belongs. If this crop of politicians falls for the God of Government, we will just do it all again, we will be relentless, \\xe2\\x80\\x9cwe will not weaken or tire,\\xe2\\x80\\x9d we were given the tools by our founding fathers and we have deployed them against you to good affect. Remember, it only takes one person to shut the whole freak show down. I cannot wait to see the curtain come down on the latest installment of liberalism run amok, I have to say, the sequel was worse than the original. Roll credits . . .\\n\\nRespectfully,\\n\\nJoe Doakes"""
20120530100852Z,"""You might want to get a plastic cover to protect from any future ejaculatory spillages."""
20120619050054Z,"""In your world of delusion of course."""
20120530054943Z,"""""Notre Dame izzzzzzzz the eazzzzzzzzzy favoritezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz""-Lou Holtz"""
20120611022438Z,"""And Gibbo Still plays WOW by the sound of it, take your mothers tittie out of your mouth and grab a hanky to wipe the shit dribbling down your chin."""
20120320150845Z,"""I think Dirty Harry said it best. You are nothing but dog shit to me. Alot of things can happen to dog shit. It can be stepped on or dry up and blow away into the wind. So Russell, just beware of where the dog shits you."""
,"""I can see him reaching Roy Carroll's high standards. That wonderful save against Tottenham at Old Trafford years ago where he somehow stopped the ball going into the net..... oh wait!"""
20120529130947Z,"""These terrorist hiding behind masks are no more than the new Nazis.\nI would tell all good Americans should review the film ""Inglorious Bastards"".\nAnd for you pussy's hiding behind your masks, I'm Cossack, they make a good target.\nYou should also know that your masks have labled you the enemy. Your age and gender no longer matters. That goes for your females and kids. Dumb Bastards"""
20120611224028Z,"""Us whites don't like coloured people."""
20120619224810Z,"""Your comment shows how absolutely little you know"""
20120529031435Z,"""man anytime somebody makes a comment (especially one that accurately describes something) there's gotta be one motherfucker to come in an shake things up huh? shut your god damn mouth you fucking DIVA BOY!"""
20120609224303Z,"""dumbass that how you fuuking say it!!!! not spell it dumbass!!! GO SUCK A DICK!!!"""
20120611105310Z,"""If thats what you need to believe go ahead. ron paul is a fraud and you are a fucking idiot."""
20120612042047Z,"""Honestly Anons are the Fight Club of the Internet, but fucked up to unimaginable extremes\nDo not fuck with us."""
20120619205255Z,"""<cite>\nGee. \xa0That sounds like great advice. \xa0Now here's some for you: <b>Mind your own f\xf9cking business, assh\xf8le</b>.\n\nNow fuckoff.\n</cite>"""
20120515102455Z,"""Thank you very much"""
20120529044618Z,"""don't take your iphone (or android, smart phone, or whatever) out in front of gypsies. they will david copperfield that shit out of your pockets and into theirs"""
20120529172140Z,"""Pirates will join the Reds in Cubs Alliance against the St Louis Cardinals?"""
,"""Nice ass! Gotta let me go deep inside u doggy-style! Ima stick u so hard wit my 12 inch that you gonna be bleeding for a week out dat pussy n say you on your period"""
20120620141858Z,"""When President George W. Bush choked on a pretzel, our lefties were cheering for the pretzel."""
,"""i know how to do it but appreciating ur help to others :)\\n\\n """
20120620061353Z,"""Somebody owes you a refund."""
20120611235324Z,"""Gibbsdithers to 'terdpile':\xa0 Being a mental defective, you feel your use of filthy epithets and spewing Obama approved, fringy, far left ideology is acceptable. Not only acceptable, but the LAST word. Like the Nah.tzee's you represent, (Nah.tzee, because this administration pits race against race) and Communists, (communists, because the Obama administration operates on class warfare tactics) your lunacy is completely unacceptable to anyone with a functioning brain and who loves our Republic."""
20120612141239Z,"""FUCK ALL U PUSSY ASZ CRACKERS"""
20120610123341Z,"""You're defending that racist Killerman who acted as judge and jury. You suck at his. Go fuck yourself."""
20120620181742Z,"""Thanks for your comment, Peter. You said what I was thinking in a much better way."""
20120611175116Z,"""lol you are the 2nd person to say that. . .am I missing somethign?"""
20120610042301Z,"""On the real shut the fuck up, because you don't even know all the details yet you claim to use logic. How the fuck you gonna use logic, when you don't even know the details. Tell me \xa0what city dudes mom father died in? Oh you can't, because you don't know.\n\nAs for your ""mistaken"" supernatural events why don't you share some since you seem to make mistakes using your judgement occasionally."""
20120320174839Z,"""sounds a whole lot like you are the one acting tough from mommy's basement you pussy...."""
20120612081229Z,"""Well, time for me \xa0to head to bed...I have to re-qualify for my expert marksman rating in the morning and need to get a good night's sleep.\n\nGood Night Patriots! Soon our enemies will all be vanquished!"""
,"""Because it is due to him and his progressive cronies - including his wife - who have agendas to control everything we do.\\xc2\\xa0 The culture is out there that govt. should be involved in everything and therefore, it trickles down to local govts.\\xc2\\xa0 Don't you see all the stuff from his fat-ass wife?\\xc2\\xa0 Read the stories how she and this admin were involved in a schools changing the menu to supposedly healthier food and how they end up throwing out a ton of it because kids don't want it.\\xc2\\xa0 Read the stories how they have forced restaurants to post calories in certain cities and want to get involved with regulating potatoes and other things in school lunches.\\xc2\\xa0 I can guarantee that this culture of govt involvement would not be out there if this man weren't in office."""
20120527213427Z,"""Satriani? Vai? Adam Jones? Petrucci? Wylde? Buckethead? Hey Rolling Stone how about you guys stop trying to involve yourselves in leftest politics and weak trendy fashion and get back to what you are suppose to do, MUSIC. Another fine example of your piss poor rag of a magazine coming up with another irrelevant list of dribble. The guy from Radiohead? Kurt Cobain? Thurston Moore? The Police Guy? Joni Mitchell? Are you guys retarded or just this lame? What type of criteria do you guys use for this shit? Does holding a guitar once in my life qualify me for your top 100? Morons."""
20120611225211Z,"""Really, can we just get an address to the new dump?"""
20120612005441Z,"""The recall was brought by the unions, you know that. They were outraged at having to chip in their 'fair share' (as the left likes to say). This was a power play and your side lost. Time to move on."""
20120530030027Z,"""You're making fun of our grammar because your football teams are not good enough to do the trash talking"""
,"""<blockquote>I mean, he\\'s DEATH\\'S BOYFRIEND. </blockquote>\\nThat\\'s actually the exact point to which I refer:\\nThanos abandoned his love and need to appease Death during <i>The Infinity Gauntlet</i>. This was clear in anything and everything Starlin wrote following it (starting with <i>Infinity War</i>, which makes it pretty explicit, and was the next writing to feature Thanos\\xc2\\xb9), but boring, lame-o other writers couldn\\'t be arsed to keep up and went, ""What was his thing again...? Oh yeah, he\\'s in love with Death!""\\nStarlin brought it up once after that, in <i>The End</i>, in which Thanos has clearly progressed far beyond that, but refers to her as his love all the same--though still in a way suggesting he had moved on, long ago, from pursuing this. She didn\\'t appear at all in what was to be his ongoing series (until Marvel pissed Starlin off for good)--that is, until Keith Giffen took over for the last six issues of it.\\n\\nI say this with love for Ron Marz (I\\'m a Kyle Rayner fan, even with his writing leading to an infamous comics-critical blog named for an event in *that* story...) and Keith Giffen. But everyone other than Starlin (including those two) tried to boil Thanos back down to a simplistic core: ""He\\'s the dude in love with Death!"" Though, to be fair, Giffen and Marz at least had a handle on the tenuous nature of his villainy, and even that it was almost abandoned--indeed, Giffen supports his aim to prevent the destruction of the universe as he writes him.\\n\\nBut no, he <b>was</b> the lover of Death. The same as he was once a Darkseid knock-off of sorts. The same as he once pursued power purely for power\\'s sake.\\xc2\\xa0 But those things all changed. Each story Starlin put him through over time gave him more and more dimension--as he asked himself at the end of <i>Infinity War</i>: ""And what now are you, Lord Thanos? Hero? Villain? Neither? Maybe just wiser.""\\n\\nIt was shameful the way an extremely rounded character kept being sanded back down to two dimensions every time someone else got their hands on him...I actually got into a fight with the editor of <i>Annihilation</i> over this, who told me that the storyline of Thanos in said book was to prevent exactly what I hated: lame writers screwing the character up further (so I apologized).\\n\\nI grew up going ""Oooh! So many characters!!!"" when I first saw <i>Infinity War</i> on newsstands, but was taken in by Thanos and his peculiar character, which was neither good nor evil, nor even amoral or simplistically ""grey"" or antihero. Everyone turning him back into ""Oh, he\\'s in love with Death and wants to be with Death,"" was always such a waste of potential...\\n\\n\\xc2\\xb9""Death has rejected me. Like it or not, Thanos of Titan is now one of the living. Life is change."""""
20120609185853Z,"""Pe, you don't ""earn"" an exemption -- it's at the sponsor's discretion.\xa0 That's why it's called an ""exemption""; you are exempt from the normal qualifying requirements.\n\nPal, you have serious issues, IMO.\xa0 Ever consider diversity therapy?"""
20120529054656Z,"""If United get Kagawa they be one up on the mind games against Chelsea."""
20120515163718Z,"""Come on Jayson...other than Dee Gordon, what puny on base percentages are you talking about? The Dodgers are 3rd in the NL in OBP. Check your stats before talking on national radio."""
20120610192522Z,"""This whole shit go hard! I wish Maxx was on the hook!!! Fuck what the rest of yall niggas talking. I like the plot of the story, yall niggas need to pay attention more, and hate less. Get the fuck of the computer and make your own video if you can do better. If not, STFU!!!"""
20120618210046Z,"""It is entirely relevant, but you are afraid of the point I will draw if you were to answer the question truthfully. Your choice to evade is duly noted."""
20120529130950Z,"""You ain't a troll bro"""
20120529154724Z,"""Romney has been a serial liar, ask Santorum and Gingrich."""
20120527211629Z,"""No clause in any of your sentences is true."""
20120610154032Z,"""I love my federal government. I trust my federal government a LOT more than I trust the Fortune 500 company I work for. I trust my federal government a LOT more than I trust the global corporations I do business with, like Wells-Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, Disney, GE, Exxon, American Airlines, Shell, BP, Toyota, GM, Walmart, Allstate, Time Warner, Cox Cable, Verizon, AT&T, State Farm, etc.\n\xa0\nGlobal corporations want to pollute the air, ground, and water as much as legally permitted \u2013 and more if possible. My federal government wants to clean up the environment.\n\xa0\nGlobal corporations want to lay me off the moment is it profitable to do so. My federal government wants to help me if I'm unemployed and looking for work.\n\xa0\nGlobal health corporations want to increase the cost of medical care and they don't care whether I can afford it or not. My federal government wants to make sure I have access to medical care.\n\xa0\nGlobal corporations pay lobbyists who bribe and corrupt elected officials and government employees, undermining my democracy. My federal government prosecutes a few of those who offer bribes, but I wish they'd work a lot harder on this one. Lots of CEOs need to be in the slammer."""
20120528223356Z,"""3Rd row 1st lady fish man she can hold a pole"""
20120529204559Z,"""Bill Clinton = NAFTA\n\nyou are about to be confused.....again!"""
20120528180015Z,"""Now we find out: ""is Dirks\xa0 batting 7th a Good Thing?"""""
,"""@asianqueen get back in the kitchen and make some madras"""
20120610002238Z,"""But it seems like you read it..."""
,"""if the Obamamites wish to believe the economy is getting better I think we need to have an inspector general to look into fast & furious, Solyndra, China Gate, and many many other corruption theories Obama is pulling the rug out to try to get re-elected ask yourself with trillions in debt why would he want more time, is this just because greed is addictive and he cannot get enough, so he has to rape more social programs, he has to take more work over seas,is there an end to the\\xc2\\xa0Illinois, shade down of America,\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0"""
20120320182501Z,"""He just likes to suck on men. He is a faggot.\n\nBasically a worthless no use human"""
20120502201444Z,"""Yes you are. Don't play me like I'm a fool, fool."""
20120611204239Z,"""I fucking love your username"""
20120620022458Z,"""Stupid fool, maybe you should read the article before posting"""
20120515133245Z,"""One doesn't have a cat, the cat has you"""
20120529201607Z,"""Rubio has been bought and payed for by the Kochs. You have to be stupid thinking\xa0because\xa0he's latino that he wont crap on you like any other GOP..."""
20120530115422Z,"""Jenny you are and continue to be an inspiration!"""
20120620031150Z,"""@AngryPanda\xa0Overtime is always good, except for the having to work part. I just sent in an application to Sam's Club that's about a block away from my house, hoping to get that job even if it's a late night shift stocking shelves. I think I'd actually prefer that so I wouldn't have to deal with people."""
20120515215646Z,"""Now you are jumping on the bandwagon, because your gravy train may be affected by this childish ass bullshit.\xa0 It is so not sincere you should have apologized when you threw the bottle at Kenya because she would NOT admit to YOU what she said, and when you ran across the table because you were offended at what Jen said to someone who had JUST slapped her!!!\xa0 C'mon now.\xa0 I understand your hurt and beef with Jen but you have taken it to another level that makes you look like a HATER.\xa0 Jen has made you look like a complete fool because she is being a LADY!!!\xa0 Kesha made Tami look like a even bigger fool/bully because she is being a LADY.\xa0 Both you and Tami are making Shaunie look like a BIG PIMP!!!"""
20120620095539Z,"""You are an idiot.\xa0 You give real conservatives a bad name.\xa0 Of course, YOU'D give a saint a bad name.\xa0 You're an example of the people we can do without."""
,"""@JJRothery Donors have already given Planned Parenthood with $650000 in just one day"""
20120619235607Z,"""I know, horrid man, not taking a bundle of something fishy from Karchner. Are you actually as daft as you sound or are you putting it on ?"""
20120611200757Z,"""Can @NoahRothman be any more of a teabagger??? \xa0I understand the whole ""fair and balanced"" thing but posting plain bullshit is ... wait, that's Fox News. \xa0Noah's trying to steal ""fair and balanced"" from Fox??? \xa0Noah ... here's a clue ... your boat has sailed!"""
20120609173134Z,"""<cite>You're the most depressingly buttf++ked piece of shite ever to vomit their halfassed moronic excuses for the English language on this site. \xa0You think you're being clever, but your grasp of colloquialisms and sarcasm are hilariously pathetic. You're a fool. Your posts are puerile and you personally have no value. \xa0Nobody here likes you. H\xe9ll, nobody here even <i>tolerates you</i>. If these people could recognize you on the street they would spit on you.\xa0\n\nNow do us all a huge favor and <b>go fuckyourself with a chainsaw</b>. \xa0Slowly and painfully.\n</cite>"""
20120610062708Z,"""That's one hellaciously gorgeous cock."""
20120612000234Z,"""It's yet another piece of crap you have to remember on every trip."""
,"""@Hoodathunk He's gonna have to do more than tie Obama's hands, he'll have to hit him on the head too. And that just ain't right."""
,"""@jakesnake99 @PaulMomo @ben. @TiMB FIFA makes me think of ""Song 2"" every time.\\n\\n \\n\\n"""
20120527175414Z,"""You apparently don't watch the celtics floppers lmao"""
20120320165052Z,"""You are a loser.\xa0 Always whining about the ownership.\xa0 It is not society's fault you still live in your momma's basement and you are overweight."""
20120529155552Z,"""And while we're at it, we should teach our children that marriage is indeed a fully committed, stable relationship that should only be embarked upon when they sincerely believe they have found that absolutely right partner you mention."""
20120618215819Z,"""Since Leah doesn't come around anymore I'll make her normal comments for her.\n\nI'LL BLOW OUT HIS BIRTHDAY CANDLE!\n\nSPREAD MY WINGS (MEAT CURTAINS) AND SING!\n\nI think I covered it!\n\nHAPPY FUCKDAY, FIFTY!\n\nx"""
20120611054925Z,"""is this the first aakar patel article you read? there is a clear pro-pakistan anti-india angle and bias in all of his writing ever, and if you cannot notice that you are a dumb brainless IQ-less idiot. if you do not know about it, then you are an unaware uneducated loudmouth who needs to collect some facts first.\n\ntyroinfinzie ... italian scum"""
20120620160202Z,"""Malia, go take an intelligence test so you can see, in black and white, how room temp you are. Then get rid of the dog. Now if for any reason you cannot do these two things then start spelling your name the right way.. I D I O T."""
20120610053120Z,"""nizam emitante i am not fan for any actor movie is not good hindi original flick dabaang is excellent watch both the movies and tell me gabbar singh is worst movie"""
,"""He had the potential but blew every one of his chances.\\n\\n \\n\\nNot good enough for Arsenal and he'll not be missed.\\n\\n \\n\\nI expect him to be at Spurs in 10 years or so."""
20120610131755Z,"""I'm a little fed up with you also. I usually just\nignore your childish petulant posts.\xa0 You\ndon\u2019t add much to the discussion any more."""
20120528213418Z,"""""Democratic Progress"":\n\n"""
20120618211714Z,"""Fucking idiots. They should all be in jail. Make things worse for all of us responsible and respectful cyclists."""
20120611181457Z,"""Holy cow! I just woke up to the fact that if government has a ""spending problem"", maybe that spending could actually be put to work stimulating the economy! The idea that if government doesn't invest AND business doesn't invest, that that will somehow grow the economy - it's laughable! Boy, what a chump I've been!"""
20120619180715Z,"""Nobody understands why you're a Paulbot, probably not even Ron Paul."""
20120620043941Z,"""My point is that there are no Facts yet. \xa0That's for a jury to decide.\n\nYou'r saying Zimmerman was acting in self defense is ""boot-strapping"": you are using your conclusion as proof of your assumption.\nStop it!\n\nYou know better."""
20120611221637Z,"""<b> The AV Club:</b>\n<i> Oh, fuck Megan's mother</i>\n\nSorry, Yuri, I've always wanted to."""
20120529125905Z,"""And if you don't tell them that you're breaking, then they'll just unintentionally wait for you to just crack. They definitely won't help you unless you ask for it."""
20120609231946Z,""""" we let you in""? Who's we? YOU didn't let anyone in. You are a nobody, you have no say, remember? Nobody that is actually responsible or has a say on who comes and goes shares you're views. That's why ""we"" are here. You are a loser. Don't ever forget or let someone tell you otherwise. End of discussion."""
,"""So disappointing. What an ass. Hollywood actors and singers have turn it into a town of druggies. They deserve their fate. """
20120529045121Z,"""MrRobP: I think this conversation honestly just boils down to a matter of opinion. I like Burton's Batman's too but i felt he changed so much as well to fit his gothic style. Just like Nolan changes a lot to fit his realism edge. I dont want ultra realism for all comic books i just feel it really works for Batman. Plus i like more mature movies and the darkness in this series really makes me believe that these people can exist out there. When i saw TDK, an aspect that made it so mezmerizing and great for me was that i can truly believe that a man like Ledger's Joker is out there somewhere, idk but it made the experience of that film so visceral. But that approach wouldnt work for Spiderman or\xa0 Avengers or basicallly all other superhero movies. Nolan's Batman gives the audience something no other superhero movie can give. One that can honestly happen, and that makes it more fantastical in my opinion."""
,"""@james3012 really?? more name calling?? i would have never guessed it. what a sad little boy you must be. just because the big kids bully you at school doesnt mean you have to try to be some internet gangster because i promise you you are not scaring anyone. you must be a wh fan. once again you guys continue to prove my comments about no class no character true. maybe for now on that can be your clubs motto.... NO CLASS NO CHARACTER by the way your comment ""Just be glad someone from Manchester actually has a career"" doesnt really make much sense. actually it doesnt make any sense at all. but what else can we expect from dense people such as yourself and the other two i was talking to. keep supporting rubbish people who shouldnt be allowed to profit from the beautiful game. ok i will shut it because i know you are feeble minded so go back to your nintendo"""
20120610045347Z,"""Not unless some come back or show up!\xa0\xa0 They seem to have pretty much done whatever trolls do when their arse has been soundly kicked."""
20120529124818Z,"""All I do is work work work work \n\nAll I want is golf golf golf golf"""
20120619134125Z,"""It would seem like it's a start to get the ball rolling. No plea deals, to spring people out of jail that still have a ""misguided"" mentality.\n\nTaking a stand starts at home, but that's a can of worms I'm afraid..."""
20120502214541Z,"""Guest I have been reading your post for a while,are you a female?"""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0So if the majority in a state legislator votes in favor of gay marriage, it becomes law - simple right?"""
20120320174412Z,"""look, douchey,\xa0 how about i holster my cock in your mouth\xa0 hmmmmm?\n\nlike i said,\xa0 FOX NEWS is number one for a reason..\ndeal with it\n\nand im sure the closer we get to november more and more people will see how much this dickwad in chief has been fucking up this great country.\n\nNothing\xa0I \xa0say is going to sink in your thick bubble head.\xa0 If its not comming from the left, then your libtard brain says its lies... so you are helpless"""
20120515121824Z,"""The vocals in this song aren't the normal kpop boy band that you normally here from kpop. they seem...stronger, which is impressive because you can't normally have that strong while still being in sync"""
20120619003611Z,"""Everyone here (even gays) will tell u that you are a stupidfaggot who is brainless and proves the anti-gay cause right.. lol"""
20120611214131Z,"""@imjustsaying....: you got that right afro-american negro & we don't have respect for negro's who is still a ""PU-CEE"" to the clans from the south, so they make up an excuse to destroy one another & can't face the klans to get revenge."""
,"""@Kick Ass I've been reading around. The GOP wants it both ways."""
20120320184552Z,"""What people are sick of is asstards like you. Self-deport, mofo!"""
20120610000958Z,"""It's a free country.\xa0 She can talk about anything she wants."""
,"""@David Considering the proven litigious nature of SGK, I suspect it's not so much a lack of will, but a lack of funding to fight off their bulldog legal team(s).\\n\\n """
20120530061011Z,"""BBU, What are you planting if you don't mind me asking."""
,"""You say that Marriage is a divine institution. Let me just crack open my King James Bible here and see what it has to say. \\n\\nIn Genesis 2:24, I must stone my bride-to-be to death if she is not a virgin on her wedding night. Also, can't marry outside my faith, so best put that on the books as a legal requirement for marriage.Deuteronomy 22:28-29, I could just rape a woman, pay her father 30 silver and she is compelled to marry me. Quick, we need to add exemptions to our sexual assault laws so that we allow for rapist-victim marriages.\\xc2\\xa0\\n\\nI could follow in the footsteps of Abraham, Caleb, Jacob and Solomon and take concubines, as blessed by God.\\n\\nOR, instead of claiming that your biblical view of marriage is the ONLY justified view, you could allow for other interpretations in our laws. Such as equality and common sense.\\xc2\\xa0"""
20120612032246Z,"""Why even enter if you knew you aren't good with freestylling w/o your notebook,sad thing is lyrically he better than 50% of these bum ass rappers...."""
,"""@Bunny77@llindsay@jess1\\n\\nGinie Sayles books are great! Have you read Sophia Nelson\\'s book, ""Black Woman Redefined.""? She talks about how most BW\\'s social circles are lacking and gives advice on how to expand them for professional interests.\\n\\n \\n\\nI think expanding social circles and not self-segregating is one of the most important things BW need to do. There are a lot of BW that could be more advanced professionally, socially, etc. if they had better social and strategic circles. If we did we would see more BW CEO\\'s, etc."""
20120609234503Z,"""I am proud to be your friend, Denny... Tanks..."""
20120619025337Z,"""and you bash me...moron..\n\nyou can't be that stupid as to make the assertion and have nothing to provide as proof other than your assertion? Maybe you can be and the messaged attached proves it."""
,"""@ThunderWins Of course not. The better Ibaka does, the more he'll be able to fetch in trade (though it'd make the trade hurt more). Unless we're willing to go heavy into the tax for multiple seasons (highly unlikely with the harshness of the tax penalty under this CBA), it's either trade Ibaka or let him walk for nothing. """
20120527190023Z,"""Thank you. You are the first person that I know of to say that. I got it from reading his body language."""
20120529014904Z,"""""Come on Eddie."" All of you know that is not technical worthy."""
20120618210741Z,"""@Kenemeka Yeahhhhh!!!!....Now Kene can finally put down his rifle....and climb down the water tower! Fletcher is my BOY!"""
20120619005418Z,"""A bit lower please, from what I see of your dick, it looks promising."""
20120611205007Z,"""Look who's calling the kettle black!\xa0 Egyptian soldiers have killed some.\xa0 Shaken down many others, Sinai Arabs have raped women, shaken them down, and even held some for ransom.\xa0 And you dare to impugn Israel?\xa0 You hypocritical bastard!"""
20120320073853Z,"""hey carles..hows this sound..fuck off about grimes..shes my fucking girlfriend..and your fucking annoying.. i fucking love her..and your a dick"""
20120528194247Z,"""Of course he fucking wants Harrison Ford. And Harrison Ford better fucking want him after his last 20 years of choices."""
20120530143657Z,"""Novant, like so many other HUGE companies, WELCOMES the ability to cut the fat from their payroll. Due to the complete collapse of the economy, every single company FINALLY has the right to cut fat. Publicly, they say it's ""the economy, we hate to lay people off, we will hire many back when we can."" Privately, they are like ""woohoooo!! we can FINALLY do it!!"" They are now allowed to get out the HR files, go through sick leave, hr complaints, work-from-home ""workers"" that never get their work done....etc and they can pick and choose who gets laid off. The cream rises to the top. The bottom scum gets fired. You know, the way America USED TO be. They are lovin' it! Thousands of companies have rebounded well, and have TONS of cash on hand now that they have been able to trim the fat off their payrolls. Do you think even ONE of these companies will be ""twice-bitten"" and start hiring people back now that they see they can make MORE money with LESS employees??"""
20120320111452Z,"""obj fuck u......."""
20120611031029Z,"""YOu are one very SICK peron.\xa0 YOU are psychotic and that is a professional diagnoses by ME.\xa0 If you continue to your sick post I will have to report YOU and you will be commited to a psyhicatric hospital."""
,"""\\nWake up people. All Obama is doing is using the federal reserve and if he wins - \\xc2\\xa0tax increases to blow the budget out-of-control to fund his vision of who wins and loses in America !!!"""
20120514050854Z,"""Gays make most peoples skin crawl. \xa0You are all fuckkled up."""
,"""BYTCH, you sound STUPID as F*CK!!! First off, if those were MY GOT DAMN kids (NOTE: I don\\'t have any kids,but if I DID,) I\\'d be calling my girlfriend up and letting her know that my kids would be referring to her as ""MOMMY SHANNON"" from now on, and if the BYTCH didn\\'t like it, TOO MOTHAF*CKIN BAD.... If her talentless a$$ didn\\'t have to pay for D!CK, she wouldn\\'t be having all these f*ckin issues in the FIRST PLACE, but apparently, her same sex game must be awfully WACK, because I\\'ve noticed that she never keeps any man she\\'s ever been with interested in her for more than a few years...Then she either gets DUMPED or CHEATED ON, and truth be told, SHANNON De LIMA is 100 times finer than J-LO is.....and this whore thinks she can stand up and walk on stage and act as if her pussy just gleamin like the damn day she was born. Aint no man gonna touch that stanky fish ass sandwich no way!"""
20120620174512Z,"""Man not for nothing but them niggas was wack last night sung like four song and lefted. From the dude wit da spikey jean vest..."""
20120620002512Z,"""Are you stupid?"""
20120611175721Z,"""Who the hell are you to judge? Must be one of those who casts the first stone. Your NWO will fail\xa0period. You just don't know it yet, opps, now you do."""
,"""@AK1984 I think you mean ""theirs enough"""""
20120529182133Z,"""Thanks cowboy. You can get back to your bashing now because thats about all your good at on this board."""
,"""Great, another one. Really, we\\xc2\\xa0don't\\xc2\\xa0need any more of this crap. Your life sucks. People judge you. Good job, go tell your mom, not the internet. We. Don't. Care. Same with the stupid anti-religious\\xc2\\xa0(or, conversely,\\xc2\\xa0religious) posts on dbpb. Okay, so you don't think that abortion is bad. Okay, then. You don't need to shout it out to the world. Just like you don't think\\xc2\\xa0religion\\xc2\\xa0should exist, that it's evil, ect. Yeah, yeah, God bless ya, we don't need to hear it on this site. All it does it annoy people and start flame wars. Only thing flame wars are good for are to roast marshmallows.\\n\\n\\nSorry guys, I think I'm on some sort of man period >.<\\n\\nOff topic: Anyone else love Blackbird by the Beatles?"""
20120609172741Z,"""He he he! That is funny. I see what you did. You took her name and changed some letters that make it sound like a criminal. Wow! Strong work!"""
,"""30mm Rarden Cannon in the picture was always a good weapon. I used to repair them, good rates of fire as well."""
20120619014221Z,"""He's an idiot !"""
20120515145937Z,"""Have you read through ALL the comments yet?"""
20120610103000Z,"""That is one fat set of cock and balls!!! I'd try 'em on!!!"""
,"""Run along to your Klan meeting now, hoodie. The truth is that TODAY, Democrats refuse to provide good educations to minorities and inner city children. You can bang that, ""the partys have switched"" drum all you want. BUT HERE IN THE 21ST CENTURY DEMOKRAUTS STILL DON\\'T TREAT MINORITIES VERY WELL BASED ON THEIR DENIAL OF QUALITY EDUCATIONS. PERIOD....AND THOSE MINORITIES ARE WAKING UP TO YOUR PARTY\\'S LIES A LITTLE MORE EVERYDAY!"""
20120529025049Z,"""Wait, all of your likes are gone?! 0_0"""
20120611225632Z,"""Apologies.\xa0 You are correct.\xa0 It was the 'terd fumes'.\xa0 Mea culpa, I certainly know better.\xa0 Sorry."""
20120612064015Z,"""I guess actually smiling would help with the body language..."""
20120619181035Z,"""You really wow us with such prose... You are so stupid..."""
20120527195239Z,"""are you saying lbj will fail covering rondo?"""
20120610065355Z,""" better learn to live with us!\xa0\nWe will be the majority, white trash. Or you can go back to your foggy land of the retard royality."""
20120620151906Z,"""Eve, I love your commentary on Bachelorette... my wife makes me watch it and I wholly look forward to you skewering it the next day."""
20120514051226Z,"""How dare you say such a hateful thing!"""
20120529050910Z,"""You'll be bloody miserable though!"""
20120515130209Z,"""then you better learn English than talking trash here."""
20120530135939Z,"""Charges were dropped? No they weren't, they were plead down. \n\nAlso, Underwood remained with the team after his rape/prostitution issue. They let him go after he beat his wife."""
20120620020821Z,"""My sister, I have never trolled this site. I am here only because I enjoy giving my unbiased opinions, asking questions, sparking open debates, and trying to get a feel of other people's perspective. Please stop calling me a troll because I feel like you are insulting me and I have not called you out of your name at all."""
20120528212030Z,"""Let me see maybe it was a deep cut and his doctor told him not to fight.Normal\nPerson28 I told you before that the doctor was against it,and you still ask the same STUPID Question .Please just learn how to read it helps"""
20120619150457Z,"""You know, of course, that you are just another ""mac-douche"", right?"""
20120529103519Z,"""screw you. you have no idea what you are talking about"""
,"""@TA@miami Agreed and the best one available on paper is Flynn. You have more to play backup in case he fails and a 2nd or 3rd on Tannehill, Weeden, or a flyer on a guy like Case Keenum gives us a far greater potential for success than we've had in a long time!"""
,"""I would have told her broke ass Norway! too.\\xc2\\xa0 Black white\\xc2\\xa0 it don't matter...ppl are ppl but what is done haunts Black skin and as long as a negro acts like that I will always feel ashamed it's someone from my race."""
20120527215015Z,"""Ideally, some issues that men more to one person than the other can lean in the direction of that person. \xa0Where this all breaks down is when the wife takes on the role of always deciding everything. \xa0Good riddance to that garbage. \xa0I am happier alone."""
20120619000127Z,"""oust: so they will change for the better if we start another war and fund it by cutting taxes on the rich?"""
20120619230335Z,"""This guy is just bitching for the sake of bitching. You know how I know? I used to be the same way when I was a miserable piece of shit. I can spot it from a mile away. If I gave a shit what my favorite bands wore, then I wouldn't have any favorite bands. Green Day has outlasted any punk rock band in history as far as reinventing and maintaining huge success."""
,"""I personally don't give a toss about Palin, she is now just a media whore LOL, she obviously lives in your head """
20120320063715Z,"""fuck you faggot go suck your beho panot abnoy's small chinese dick (if anything's left, i heard it was shot off during the coup leaving abnoy with only one ball haha buti nga si panot)"""
20120619085921Z,"""Hi Elvis- totally agree with everything you said - especially Jac and her messed up, misguided daughter whom she continued to bad mouth and trashing. I would never share with the world that my daughter called her dad an a**hole - like Jac did. The Menzos are all losers as you said. And Jac is a demented drunk. She punched Bozo Manzo and pulled Ashley hair. Pretty sure she said that early this season in her talking head."""
20120528151811Z,"""parker had more points, assists, rebounds then westbrook despite taking less shots. How did Westbrook do a terrific job on parker? lol\n_________________\n\nThunder fans are not very bright"""
,"""Not the ChickenHawks on this site....They whine like Little Girls about the Deficit and when some needed cuts are finally make their heads blow..."""
20120502164557Z,"""Like you for slander!!"""
,"""Apparently little else besides unnecessary longwindedness and ignorance of the facts is required to\\xc2\\xa0win a caption contest if it slams a Conservative.\\xc2\\xa0 Obama killed Bin-Laden and several other terrorists?\\xc2\\xa0 Really now... and when exactly did someone hand him a rifle and throw his ass out of that helicopter over Abbottabad?\\xc2\\xa0 As I recall, our Armed Forces... sent into\\xc2\\xa0that region\\xc2\\xa0by Obama's predecessor...\\xc2\\xa0accomplished that feat.\\n\\nObama's insulting salvo against our Governor the minute he met her and then arrogantly turning away from her\\xc2\\xa0the\\xc2\\xa0minute she attempted to respond\\xc2\\xa0is, of course, completely ignored... as also have been her repeated pleas for him to actually take the time to visit the border to see the situation first hand before continuing to pronounce judgment on our efforts to protect\\xc2\\xa0Arizona from the drug-related violence spilling into our State across the very border that Obama has refused to help us protect, as is supposed to be the Federal Government's (i.e., his) job.\\xc2\\xa0 \\xc2\\xa0\\n\\n\\xc2\\xa0But... the facts don't make for cutesy sucker-punch potshots against those who actually\\xc2\\xa0know them, now do they?\\xc2\\xa0 """
20120609223628Z,"""Because too many idiots sue to make money."""
,"""How many terrorists are in the U.K?, cannot be deported because of their human rights, lets get them out 1st."""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0don't forget the wh0re that is your mother, and the c um depository that is your wife"""
20120612033038Z,"""lol I told you already if you actually read I amnot a birther and romney is not hid anything unlike Obama"""
20120530101902Z,"""depth lol alot of unproven players"""
20120619190117Z,"""I know you are speechless when you hear the truth."""
20120611200108Z,"""I hate whiny people, and most seem to be conservative"""
,"""Have you ever seen a vibrant pond, full of life, being slowly smothered to death by algae fed on fertilizer run off?\\xc2\\xa0 The decline is fairly subtle in the beginning, perhaps a bit of turbidity to the water, a few dead fish, withered leaves, but then, as the algae blooms and grows, using up all the oxygen, soon nothing is left but rot.\\xc2\\xa0 In just the same way, the ever growing reach of the government's appetite for more and more money will suck the life blood out of this country, leaving nothing but a wasteland."""
20120610080814Z,"""Seriously dude, fuck you. I'm catching up on the episodes I missed and now you've ruined the next one for me. Think before posting on the review of the PREVIOUS EPISODE next time. Asshole"""
,"""Over priced and over rated,for the price of a ps3 i could get a Xbox and a blu ray player and if one broke id still have the other also you`re online service sucks no cross game chat you mad?"""
20120610075418Z,"""doesn't matter who you are you could be jay z or nas or dr dre who ever if you fuck up long enough then do some shit like this your no longer a legend period lol"""
20120527213613Z,"""Check your Zombie Manual. Headshots are the only cure."""
,"""start your congressional white caucus and stop crying like a beeeeoch about it."""
20120530105400Z,"""Maybe you just didn't listen."""
20120620132719Z,"""dumbing down gop, dumbing down gop, dumbing down gop.\nYou have been repeating this every three minutes for hours now. Do you think\xa0repeating\xa0it over and over for hours on end makes you seem smart?Makes me think someone dumbed you down, but good."""
20120610130112Z,"""You are so ignorant but allowed to come out and share it with us."""
20120618200313Z,"""@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus\xa0\n\nI fucking predicted it last week.\n\nWhich means I'm better than the showrunner for this show (and so are you!)"""
20120529162722Z,"""Rubio is not a liberal. You have us liberals confused with repubtards."""
20120530000549Z,"""Dont you have a cross burning to go to?"""
20120515180031Z,"""The answer to your question, as you are well aware, is ""no"""""
20120620011937Z,"""Don't sell yourself short, Wayne. You are a crappy actor and a pathological liar."""
20120502133658Z,"""it's spelled basement you idiot"""
,"""Don't worry, maybe next year."""
20120320201902Z,"""Then go away Nobody here wants to hear your bull crap.\xa0 You're like the flu. Just when you think you're over the worst here you come with your lib talking points that make no sense and just show how d u m b you are."""
20120515224719Z,"""When you get depressed, look at your beautiful water and your beautiful men!"""
20120502124410Z,"""We better run a little farther each time we go out ;-)"""
20120618200317Z,"""Yeah, Japanese game shows are completely outrageous."""
20120529022604Z,"""Lol.......Ralph you are the guys who are still in Moi era..."""
20120610061840Z,"""Breaking News \u200f@BreakingNews\nRussian oligarch coming to London 2012 for Olympics caught up in arms export to Syria regime row - @telegraph"""
20120527211005Z,"""top of the order... big hits for all!!!"""
20120528194331Z,"""you're more worried than we are about it. <div><br></div><div>GO ND!!!</div>"""
20120611212333Z,"""The romney people will squeeze as much blood as they can get from that turnip as they like all republicans cannot stand on substance, integrity or a positive track record.\xa0 Lies are really all they have as they are on the wrong side of all the issues."""
20120502225534Z,"""I know. I come here to tell you that you are a...piece of...shit."""
20120609183141Z,"""You mean the U.S. state of Hawaii? \xa0Lovely place, been there several times. \xa0I don't blame him for going back there on vacations."""
,"""@NCSteve 3.0 @dopper0189\\n\\n If I could dry hump your post I would"""
,"""Thanks for licking mine Teabaggin!"""
20120530061112Z,"""<i>His father was born in America. He grandfather, yes, did go to Mexico (after being born an American). Facts matter. </i>\n\nMy point is you are clueless about Willard's facts.\n\nYou're not even curious ?"""
20120530080938Z,"""Once again Wilshaw is babbling away about things that are not in his job description. Ofsted's role is to inspect schools and they have failed to do this consistently. Their standard in social care is even worse.\n\nPerhaps we need to consider what Ofsted's role should be. \nInspecting and publishing a report is clearly not working. It is not what Ofsted was set up for in the first place. Mission creep is a real problem for Ofsted. The large one-off cost for a\xa0widespread inspection to identify and help schools has become an on-going and rapidly increasing cost.\n\nIf they are inspecting, they should also be advising and working with weaker schools. If the school does not improve, Ofsted should be held to acount."""
20120529020901Z,"""Defense is 25% of _discretionary_ budget."""
20120529223324Z,"""Dont say that jimdog you are a hater"""
20120619171437Z,"""<i>""Top 3 items that needs to be fixed:#1 REMOVE OBAMA FROM OFFICE#2 REMOVE DEMOCRATS FROM OFFICE#3 REMOVE RINOS FROM OFFICE""</i>\n\n\n\n\ that is setting some priorities regarding campaigning for the election in November!\n\nPretty much what everyone who isn't a con has said the priority is for cons all along.........\n\nThanx for proving us right!!!\n\n<b>: )"""
,"""@SammyThunderer Im just saying, we could have done nothing, lost Kristic during the lockout, lost jeff green to heart surgery, and been much worse off.... Presti has a hot tub time machine"""
20120619024329Z,"""Name me one really decent person in the union wing of the parliamentary labour party. Someone who you would value as a good neighbour or seek help from. Yeah, there's some clever bastards there but most have been rejected by their electorate and have been shoe horned in on the list or given an absolute sinecure of a seat."""
20120529211819Z,"""It is still 500 miles away. That isn't close."""
,"""i'm sorry but the fact is she choose to get behind the wheel and drive while intoxicated there really is no one else to blame for her actions yes maybe the ems did not do their job right but even if erica would have lived with how bad her head trama was she more the likely would have been declared brain dead so either way in the end she would have died because of ybarra's actions and she should pay for what she did if this would have been a little kid that would have died what do you think people would have wanted then i know no matter how old the person is that dies due to someone elses stupidity in the end they died and she was someones daughter and the loss the parents and friends have been put through is just heartbreaking justice needs the be served and she should get the max i feel no pity for her she should not have got behind that wheel and her kid will grow up knowing that their mother killed someone because of her actions.......dont drink and drive plain and simple"""
,"""A muslim Grandma says to her daughter, Oh, they blow up so fast."""
20120609195118Z,"""Why are the hours so cheesy? Opening at 5 p.m. during the week and 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday? But, for $5, you get what you pay for. \xa0Last year was a joke, keep your fair, Merced; Stanislaus County has you beat by miles."""
20120503045405Z,"""Well you are using half your brain....use the other half and objectively analyze the Democrats. \xa0They are no better."""
20120620144807Z,"""Hai ragione, Marco Travaglio era libero, non doveva per forza fare le interviste/chiaccherate come dice Marco Travaglio!"""
20120320204145Z,"""fact: never text a person ever. it will just confirm that you are a big time piece of shit and nobody wants anything to do with you."""
20120612013830Z,"""What a fucking joke!"""
20120610023148Z,"""you seem to be one of those turd minions I see when I've been playing Diablo"""
20120620143930Z,"""Ruby's probably stuffing his pockets with cash, that's what he's doing about it."""
20120619154429Z,"""did you mean '""I'm a retarded fuck"" wrong'? I think you did, now you look like a huge fucking tool"""
20120612150332Z,"""jimbo here think Americans are a bunch of suckers, to follow for the same deception twice in a row. what a joker"""
20120620013714Z,"""I don't think we have a shitty team."""
,"""Anyone know what the Vegas line is on how long it will take Karen Handel to step down from Planned Parenthood to spend more time with her family? Komen miscalculated the fall out from this badly. Great article in the Atlantic that describes the situation:"""
20120514051242Z,"""Casa to say you are not that bright is to say a bear s hits in the woods and liberals dont have the intelligence that god gave to animals."""
20120612022425Z,"""International treaty on drugs?? You think that overrides the Constitution of the United States. Think again. When in the U.S the constitution reigns supreme."""
20120619195433Z,"""I know. I called it a while ago when I had a bug in my ear. Fuck Luongo, I would take Backstrom and his one year left way before him"""
20120530022855Z,"""what do you mean... he copies every fukicg comment i make idiot!!!!!"""
20120620181206Z,"""I feel like some poor bastard saw this news report and went, ""Oh fuck me, they went digging there\u203d"""""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0Because we agree that Obama, Gingrich, Romney and Santorum are ALL wrong and we should not be sticking a stick in the hornet's nest. We may be able to blow the nest to bits but the individual hornets are going to lite your a55 up. Best not to poke the hornet's nest even if you can. It just ain;t worth it. If the hornets leave you alone then leave them alone. Wisdom comes with age sometimes. """
20120612123100Z,"""What's ""fucking pathetic"" is considering anything you are politically opposed to as ""tyranny."""""
20120529190453Z,"""(I had a witty bon mot about said elevator, aussi.)"""
,"""@john-derby: Do you fly in your personal jet to the games or do you use a helicopter? I know parking is tight at the Emirates and you wouldn\\'t want to risk getting a dent in the ""Porche""."""
20120611163636Z,""" comment -_-"""
20120620160552Z,"""@alex22, lol what the hell are you on about? you clueless moron!\n\xa0\nSeeing most\xa0 comments, I dont know whether you lot are being deliberately stupid or its just your ugly nature..."""
20120530131921Z,"""ac tro gi ma hay va kho the fuck"""
20120620174950Z,"""I would gladly spend a few days in jail to be able to punch each and every one of those little fucks in the face and knock out a tooth or two."""
20120515154549Z,"""Thank you again Adam and John.\n\nK, bye"""
20120619213510Z,"""Don't worry, you aren't either"""
,"""If gay marriage is so bad, why hasn't Canada collapsed yet? They've had it for seven years now, and you'd think that after seven years we'd have at least ONE pastor being arrested or one church being sued. Nobody is marrying their dogs or their furniture or their siblings...where is the slippery slope? Where is the disaster? Where are the earthquakes? Anyone?"""
20120515230153Z,"""Only if you are."""
20120619165033Z,"""Looks like he is being thrown under the bus to cover them politically, and if the bash him,..they can now demand more costly regulations that serve mainly to cost,..we the people a lot more money every year, is the same old, same old leftists bull-chit brand of looking busy politics. my opinion"""
20120610032548Z,"""I bet this is the most action OC weekly ever got cause there dumbass bitches who aint got any stories to report! OC WEEKLY TAKES IY UP THE ASS -Love Gabriel San's Mom"""
20120503043321Z,"""Sir you are an idiot you clearly don't anything about corporate law either in the US or here. No chairman can fire a director that has been elected by the share holders. Only share holders can dismiss directors. \n\n\nAs regard News Corp you idiot - Murdoch only holds 20% of the stock. So it wouldn't be to hard for the share holders to vote him off moron.\n\nDo you actually have an MBA or degree in economics - if not stop making stupid posts."""
20120620141642Z,"""'re an idiot. Period."""
20120612141232Z,"""As a father to a 3 year old I would have done the same thing. Kudos to the dad for protecting his child and I'm glad that pedo is dead."""
20120619195248Z,"""Hehehe\n\xa0\nProFootballTalk \u200f\nAnthony Hargrove denies voice on videotape is his\n\xa0\nIt's refreshing that Anthony Hargrove has broken out the always-effective Eddie Murphy defense"""
20120530024842Z,"""I like it when Sox work for common goal"""
20120609175803Z,"""Ha ha fuck u Wenger, fuck u Gooners."""
20120610202138Z,"""<font face=""Arial, Verdana"" size=""2"">""</font><span style=""color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "">Ya I'm just a moron troll""</span><div style=""text-align: left; ""><font color=""#333333"" face=""Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif""><span style=""font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px;""><br></span></font></div><div style=""text-align: left; ""><font color=""#333333"" face=""Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif""><span style=""font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px;""><br></span></font></div><div style=""text-align: left; ""><font color=""#333333"" face=""Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif""><span style=""font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px;"">Do not sell yourself short, you are an idiot as well.</span></font></div>"""
20120609193621Z,"""As comparatively wealthy as FDR was, I don't think he ever had five.\n\nHe had the Hudson River mansion, and the vacation place at Campobello.\n\nWhere were the other three?"""
20120320120030Z,"""Your life must really suck wpgguy, walk your fat ass into oncoming traffic already ....wpg traffic lol"""
,"""If they aren't careful, they may get a REAL big bang !\\xc2\\xa0\\n\\n"""
20120528030202Z,"""You must be very proud to say your team won 37 years ago. Go Devils"""
,"""Well Happy BIrthday should we asked how many candles to blow out"""
20120320211130Z,"""you are a moron"""
20120515164206Z,"""Dam n but you are stupid."""
20120612054018Z,"""@EephusBlue\xa0he certainly knows how."""
20120530000442Z,"""The real reason comments sections are limited.\xa0 The_racecard_ is just smoke and mirrors!\nTHE PAID TROLLS DISHONOR ROLE:NOW WITH OVER ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND\nPOSTS!\xa0 THEYARE ONLY here for the paycheck!_Meddiamatters_blogger TROLLS!\n(spiderbotcrawler tracking) <----Legal, GOOGLE IT) (ALL hate Fox, So, why do they LIVE HERE?\nPROOF POSITIVE THEY ARE SCARED OUT OF THEIR WITS!! THESE HACKS ARE REAL!!\nMINIMUM # OF POSTS:\n66,008\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SUKI39\xa0 34,735\xa0 (aka) SUKI38 23,091 (aka) suki38\xa0 8,173 (recycled stats to hide)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 HER OWN WORDS: ""I live in British Columbia. I am Canadian, some people on here get\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 a little mad when we interfere"" <-------Well, there goes YOUR CREDIBILITY!!\n52,726\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DATADAWG 19,466 (aka)\xa0 NORMAN\xa0 16,006\xa0 (aka) DR_DUMPY 15,602(now recycled #'s)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 AS DR_DUMPY HIJACKED:\xa0\xa0 THE OBSIDIAN ORDER 1,078\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DATADAWG HIJACKING ANY AVATAR HE CAN TO DISRUPT! LASTEST HIJACKINGS:\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FRANK\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RCLAWRENCE\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 VEE TWIN\n48,766\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 YOU_BETCHA 35,158 (aka) you_betcha 6,297(aka)OBAMAUNTIL2016\xa0 6,936 (recycles)\n38,410\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MARYA\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 <----\xa0 48% likes, ""F"" in any institution, which is where she belongs!\n37,925\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 AREALCONSERVATI\xa0 (aka)\xa0\xa0 REALCONSERVATI\xa0\xa0 5,765\xa0 recycled to hide\xa0 LIKES 34%!!\n32,982\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MITTENS_the_MEXICAN_RomneyCARE\xa0\xa0 LIKES:\xa0 12,084\xa0 LIKES:\xa0 36% UTTER FAILURE!\n30,690\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FARFARAWAY\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 the very definition of a RANTER!\n29,855\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GAYATHEIST\xa0\xa0\xa0 Dems especially love this loser!\xa0 LIKES 59%\xa0 LOL\n26,273\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 YALLAREPATHETIC 20,709 (aka)\xa0 YERPATHETIC\xa0 5,335 recycled stats now--> 101\n29,262\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 NOME772\xa0\xa0\xa0 (low Meddiamatters employment number) and what a filthy mouth!\n26,145\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JESS 13,696\xa0 (aka) KEITH 2,973 (aka)\xa0 NICK68 2,730 (aka) REPULICANFILTH 5,998 \n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ROBINHOODED42\xa0\xa0\xa0 648\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (^recycles all his stats to hide ^ ) <--crawler tracked\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (Disqus killed Republicanfilth 05/28/2012)\n24,167\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MODERATE54\xa0\xa0 (aka)\xa0 moderate45\xa0 6,777 (in 3 mos.) LIKES 57% <--- has new one. WHY?\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 IN HIS OWN WORDS: ""I got the dreaded you are blocked message.."" (on 54 name)\n21,745\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GOVER\xa0\xa0\xa0 (recycled stats to hide)\xa0\xa0 Also uses:\n20,865\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FLOPDOG\xa0\xa0 Claims over 1/2 million posts in 3 yrs to Usenet.\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 LIKES:\xa0 51%\xa0 LOL\n20,776\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BARDFAST\xa0\xa0 aka\xa0 canadian99\xa0 6,266 (trying to hide) same IP (crawler tracked)\n20,510\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 AMERACLOWNS 20,012\xa0 NOW: 498\xa0 (recycles stats to hide)\xa0 Admitted Canadian\n20,258\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RAPTORADDICT\xa0\xa0 (aka) Raptoraddict 5,423 (recycles stats to hide)\n20,087\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 OTISB.DRIFTWOOD 13,772 (aka) PROFESSORWAGSTAFF\xa0 6,365\xa0 (SAME IP)(crawlertrac)\n19,249\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 INDEPENDENT_AZ\xa0\xa0 so far left, the liberals have his picture on their wall! 65% likes!\n18,946\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 COLMARK2\xa0\xa0 another_rascist_the dems can be proud of\n17,861\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MARKGOLEM\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 made over 4,500 posts in 1 mo.\xa0\xa0 37% likes LOL\xa0 paralegal!\n17,826\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RIGHEOUSWIND\xa0 (""BAG"")\xa0 Caps lock SCREAMER!\xa0 LIKES:\xa0 58%\n17,666\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CAPTAINCHAOS2\xa0\xa0 developmentaly\xa0 challenged\xa0 <---28% likes rating (a real genius)\n17,581\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CHENEYLIED\xa0 10,444\xa0 (aka)\xa0 IMVERITAS\xa0 7,147\xa0 (same IP) (crawler tracked)\n17,442\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 LETSGOBYFACTS\xa0 9,525 (aka) JUSTTHEFACTS2011\xa0 7,689 (aka) JSTDAFACTS\xa0 228\n17,324\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 INDITHUNKER (ISBAAAAACK)\xa0\xa0 never had an independent lucid thought in his life\n17,319\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 HAZEEGREY 15,195\xa0 &\xa0 - hazeegrey - 2008\xa0 recycled stats to hide (same IP)(crawlertrac)\n17,261\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JAMMER5\xa0\xa0\xa0 only thing that you can say about this dufus is he is a zero\n17,215\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 OGDRUJAHAD\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 never a fact to back up a thing. offers he is gay for some reason\n16,692\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TRUTHTELLERNOW\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 narcissism personified\n16,644\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DR.BUMPY\xa0\xa0 self absorbed.\xa0 Still in denial about 2010 election results!\n16,566\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KEYSERSOSE\xa0 (avgs 200 posts a day)\xa0\xa0\xa0 49% likes\n16,476\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FORFOXXSAKE (aka)\xa0 FOR_FOX_SAKES) (trying to hide)\n15,288\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KENWHITE\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 61% peer reviewed likes!\n15,246\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 STINATION\xa0\xa0 filthy mouth and zero head knowledge\n14,944\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TALLMIKE65\xa0 14,107\xa0 FOX registered (aka) Tallmike65\xa0 DISQUS registered\xa0\xa0 837\n14,776\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SOUTHERNLUNG\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 southernblowhard!\n14,451\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ShelbyAnne\xa0 1,809<---recycled stats to hide\xa0 (aka)\xa0 AnneShelby 2,207\xa0 LIKES: 27%\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (aka) Shelby Anne\xa0 606<---recycled stats (aka)\xa0 ShelbyfromHomePA\xa0 7,829\n14,384\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 NOT_A_FOXTARD\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 consumate purveyor of false facts and drivle\n14,329\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FOOTLONGTERD <--INDEED filthiest mouth online (OVER 10,270 in the last 45 days!)\nUP AND COMERS:\xa0 (working hard to get into the TOP 40)\n13,973\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ALPHACAT (aka) alphacat601255\xa0 1,154 AlphaCat\xa0 3\xa0 <---recycled stats to hide\n13,728\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KATHY0715\xa0\xa0\xa0 9,218\xa0\xa0 NOW:\xa0 4,474\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 recycles stats to hide\n13,722\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MYNAMEISEARLENE\xa0 freak who thinks I am sooner\xa0 LOL (avg 300 posts a day)\n13,505\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RT480\xa0\xa0\xa0 (inane joke)\xa0 Likes:\xa0 4,778 <-----34%\xa0 Failing grade anywhere!\n13,532\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 URDISTURBED\n13,408\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TEABAGEN4JEEBUS\xa0\xa0 one sick puppy!\n13,227\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FREELOADNFREDDY\n13,206\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ROOSTERTHEGOAT\xa0\xa0\xa0 and a goat indeed he is Baaaaaa!\n12,586\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 USEGODFORPOWER 10,963(aka) usegodforpower 1,382 /248(recycle his stats to hide)\n12,562\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 PJCONN\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (self proclaimed genius) rabid anti mormon zealot!\xa0 sick puppy\n12,286\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SUEBOO2\xa0 7,556 (FOX REGISTERED (aka) sueboo2\xa0\xa0 4,730 DISQUS REG. (same IP)\n11,965\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ZAPDAM\xa0 9,869\xa0 (aka)\xa0 ZAPPDAM\xa0 1,820\xa0 (recycles stats)\xa0 (Same IP) 61% LIKES\n11,637\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 COBRA19-THE-SUCKING-DICK-WEED\xa0\xa0 32% APPROVAL RATING\n11,498\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MBIGGMIIKE\n11,468\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TOPOFTHEROCK\n11,457\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CASAMILLER\xa0 10,620 (2,000 posts a month)\xa0 NOW: 920 <--now recycled to hide\n11,029\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BRIGHTRWORLD\xa0 (aka)\xa0 BRIGHTERWORLD\xa0 544\xa0\xa0 (aka)\xa0 Foxtards_Crack_Me_Up\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (aka)\xa0\xa0 Foxkilledbrightrworld\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (^recycles his stats to hide^)\n10,923\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MICHELEISHOT\xa0\xa0\xa0 says he is retiring.\xa0 LOL\xa0 don't they ALL\n10,905\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ADAPTO1432\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 recycler of stats to hide.\n10,825\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DANGLINGBAGS\xa0 (aka) -\xa0 danglingbags\xa0 2nd account\xa0 7,765\n10,687\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 LIFESEEKER1\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (Chicago based) what a surprise! Say howdy to Rham Emanuel\n10,621\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SCIENCEISREAL\n10,526\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TAHOE3\n10,489\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 VIRTUAL_MIND_PROBE\xa0 (been probed too much on the callipygian side)\n10,407\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 EIGHT_BALL\xa0\xa0 5/9/12 No posts in 2 months.....fired for missing quota?\n10,354\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 OLDGRUNT777\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 needy - loves attention\n10,353\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 IZZYKIDDNYA\n10,287\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BUBDA\xa0\xa0\xa0 (immature and a filthy mouth)\xa0 terrible ""like"" ratings even from trolls\n10,081\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CHINESECENTURY\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 pure narcissist ....race baiter. Dems love her!\n10,068\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 AMERICATORTURES\n10,004\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MAMATRUCKER\xa0 5,894\xa0\xa0 NOW:\xa0 4,110\xa0 recycled stats to hide\xa0\xa0 ""butch""\n9,990\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 STARBURSTS\xa0\xa0\xa0 self absorbed narcissist\n9,940\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ATOMICPUNK\xa0\xa0 claims to be Republican.....but tears them down all the time!\n9,729\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 OTHERSIDE\xa0\xa0\xa0 100+ a day slug\n9,728\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DOWNBOUND\n9,513\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MAJORFRANKBURNS\n9,468\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GOBAMA2012\n9,453\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 PLIGNURPHER\xa0\xa0 trying to build himself up by tearing others down. All he does!\n9,322\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TRENTMADCAT\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 Likes:\xa0 3,888\xa0\xa0 peer reviewed w/trolls included 41% - failure\n9,123\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 UHHHHH\n9,096\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JAIM57\n9,071\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TOONCES69\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 smug and self absorbed\n8,926\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 PROUDANDTRUE\xa0\xa0\xa0 rabid anti-mormon racist\n8,796\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SQUID51\n8,757\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MADHATTERTC\xa0 (aka)\xa0 madhattertc 3,595 (aka)\xa0 MADHATTERTC LIVES AGAIN\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (aka\xa0 unaticinmyhead---->\xa0 ( ^recycles his stats^)\n8,731\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 EASYRAWLINS\xa0 (aka) easyrawlins\xa0 75\xa0 (just recycled his stats to hide)\xa0 LOL\n8,704\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 HALEDA53\n8,448\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 INDEPENDENTWA\xa0\xa0\xa0 rabid, ranting, leftist feminist - filthy mouth 56% likes\n8,310\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 LAGEORGIA\n8,139\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CHEPBURN77\xa0\xa0 classic ""Mr. negative""\n8,047\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CIMARRON\n8,034\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ORANGE500\n7,838\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CHEWYIVAN\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 never had a topic he didn't think HIS opinion was the best.\xa0 LOL\n7,807\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JHNJUL\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 Likes:\xa0 3,854\xa0\xa0 49%\xa0 another one intellectually bankrupt!\n7,787\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CROSSWALKUSER\n7,771\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ALTEREGO1955\n7,738\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MIKE.O'BRIEN\xa0 screams he is a republican.\xa0 NOT!\xa0 Read his activity!\n7,630\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 UNKNOWNLIBERAL\n7,351\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MOOSELOVER\n7,315\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DAVEYDAVEY\n7,195\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 REDDITDOTCOM 6,275 (aka)\xa0 REDDIT_DOTCOM\xa0\xa0 964\xa0 BOTH BLOCKED & BANNED!!!!!\n7,127\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 VERNON.WILLIS\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 cybertoughguy\xa0 (pollywog)\xa0 consumate griper!\n7,066\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BMA150\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 vuglar nimwit!\xa0\xa0 Likes:\xa0 1,420\xa0 LOL\xa0 19%\xa0 Intellectually Bankrupt!\n7,010\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 USN69\n6,863\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FREEDOMEAGLEONE\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 100 % caps screamer - thinks it makes him smarter! LOL\n6,828\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MYRNA.MINKOFF-KATZ\xa0\xa0 cut & paster 100 a day, filthy mouth - Joan Crawford poser!\n6,751\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CTOWNGAMBLER\n6,675\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ELUCIDATED1\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 self absorbed\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 Likes 3,431\xa0 51%\xa0 failure\n6,618\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ROBERTC\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 scraped the bottom of the barrel with this one. Read his activity!\n6,556\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 EASYRAWLINS\n6,468\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DAVE636\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 LIKES\xa0 3,150\xa0\xa0\xa0 48%\xa0 abject failure.\xa0 climbing the troll ladder daily\n6,415\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GL269MM\n6,309\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 PATRIOT_PRIEST\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 no Patriot....and for sure no priest\n6,305\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TRADERTOM2\n6,188\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DOOBIEDOTOO\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 without a doubt one catatonic ranter\n6,123\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SDD2357 (Fox link addy)\xa0 5,914\xa0\xa0 (aka)\xa0 sdd2357 (Disqus link addy) 209\n6,042\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JIMMYDUNN88\n6,029\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 UNHUEMAN\xa0\xa0\xa0 NOW:\xa0 53\xa0\xa0\xa0 recycled stats to hide\xa0 cut & Paste FANATIC!\nON THE RADAR: (racing for 6,000 when the 5 cents a rant pay increase kicks in)\n5,873\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 EUGENEWILLET\xa0\xa0\xa0 (aka)\xa0 EUGENE.WILLET\n5,535\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CHEVELLE\xa0\xa0\xa0 (just another self absorbed filthy mouth)\n5,530\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ANARANSOL\xa0\xa0 abuseroffacts\xa0 Likes: 2052\xa0\xa0\xa0 37% percent peer approval - failure\n5,402\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BILLYBEAR3\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 50 a day like clockwork (even from his cell phone LOL) desparate\n5,365\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RZARC2\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 historical revisionist\n5,343\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SEVENTYEIGHT\n5,333\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 THOMASZABEL\xa0\xa0\xa0 rabid anti-Morman and fanatic.\n5,329\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JIMMYJAMES66\n5,275\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CHUGACH - tacit bender of the truth. Self absorbed!\n5,215\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GHOSTOFZZLASH\xa0\xa0\xa0 wow, what a filty mouth this one has - racist & biggot\n5,214\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MYDEARWORMWOOD -\xa0 ""Only my opinion matters"" (according to him) LOL\n5,206\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RON\n5,155\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 MORNINGJOE\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 Alinsky devotee - blame everyone else.\n5,136\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ILLNEWS\xa0\xa0\xa0 cut his teeth on teenie chat rooms.....still treating a forum like one\n5,130\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 AFROCRAFT\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 racisit much?\n5,088\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ANONYMOUSLULZ1 ""all ffuuCKIN VETS DIE SOONER OR LATER""--YUP he said it!\n5,043\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 M..J.\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ""Parrot""\n4,997\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GLENNTX\xa0\xa0 -\xa0 just another filthy mouth - exposing his immaturity\n4,842\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GOPAREFOOLS\xa0\xa0 (faithful_AlJAZEERAHreader - see his profile site visits )\n4,729\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BUDTARKEN\xa0\xa0 rabid ranting anti Mormon and bigot!\n4,622\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 WETOLDYOUSO\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 LIKES 49%\xa0 Intellectually bankrupt! Read his Activity & see why!\n4,403\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 COLORADOSKIER\xa0 one of the worst cases of 'in denial' yet!\n4,279\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 CORRECTINGERRORS\xa0\xa0\xa0 Likes-\xa0 1,257\xa0\xa0 <-----30%\xa0\xa0 ""F\n4,153\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 AWOLGEROGEB\xa0 NOW: 367\xa0\xa0 Likes: 68\xa0 <---18%\xa0 LOL\xa0 Intellectually Bankrupt!\n4,106\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BUNKER555\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 pre-provided posts master\n4,055\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 REALTHOUGHT\xa0 -\xa0 another new hire working hard to move up in rank\nDISHONORABLE MENTIONS:\xa0\xa0\xa0 (LOTS OF NEW HIRES & filthy mouths)\n4,061\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KAYFABE\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (for the filthy mouth!)\n4,009\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BRIAN_NORWOOD\xa0\xa0\xa0 loves to see his real name in print!\xa0 narcissist!\n3,962\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RICHHAPPYLIB\xa0 -\xa0\xa0 (self absorbed narcissist - obsessive compulsive)\n3,887\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 EXREPUBLICANNOW (for MASS spamming like a child)\n3,951\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 DBJO7C\n3,565\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BESOSUE2\xa0\xa0 filthy mouth &\xa0 Ms negative.\xa0 roots are showing!\n3,522\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ZIZI.JEANMER\xa0\xa0\xa0 new hire cut & paster fanatic\n3,509\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TXDUDE\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 just another filthy liberal mouth - borrows his posts from other trolls\n3,424\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 IN_DOG_WE_TRUST\xa0\xa0 filthy mouth\xa0\xa0 Likes:\xa0 1,150\xa0 33%\xa0 LOL\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 Idolizes Suki39\n3,424\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FOXWHAT\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 consumate bush basher - old news chump\n3,364\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RAILBOXCAL\xa0\xa0\xa0 consumate bender of the truth.\xa0 Laughs at his own posts\xa0 child!\n3,355\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 HEAVYMETALCOBRA\xa0\xa0 (Filthy mouth and uses MYNAMEISEARLENE for credibility!)\n3,140\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 SMPLETON\xa0\xa0\xa0 (that's Simpleton) rabid ranting new hire\n3,116\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 BARKINGAPPLE\xa0\xa0 Likes-884<------ 29%\xa0 Failing grade in any insitution\n3,104\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KNEE JERK CONSERVATIVE\xa0 OUTRAGE\xa0 - (aka) Obama_or_bust_ 2012\xa0 Hiding\n2,854\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 RAGE21\xa0\xa0 cut and paster with a filthy mouth to boot. RAGE----needs some meds.\n2,329\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JESUS_IS_A_MYTH\n2,292\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 HELLOYOOHOO (1,700 POSTS IN 11 DAYS!) (aka)\xa0\xa0 _hello_yoohoo\xa0 818\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 GAY_JESUS\xa0\xa0 ( one sick puppy - ADMITTED MEDDIA MATTERS HACK)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 JIHNNY\xa0\xa0 rabid cut and paster\xa0\xa0 44% approvals\xa0 LOL\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 TECHNOABC2\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (paranoid - he's had 9 names & recycles his stats once a week)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KIA.TUT\xa0\xa0\xa0 New hire\xa0\xa0 (with a filthy mouth)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 KEENWA\xa0\xa0 (massive cut and paste pre-provided rants specialist)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 FOXNATIONASSHOLES\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 (Desparate for someone to notice him)"""
20120612002424Z,"""I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THAT SPEECH."""
20120528070504Z,"""what are your picks?"""
20120619210023Z,"""I wonder how bo feels when no one bows for him...idiot president we have.."""
20120619082251Z,"""You are a moron @Kenny"""
,"""Yes, it was a re-enactment of the ""big bang"" theory."""
,"""@adrian It's funny when I hear TeaChoads talk about voting for Newt. It doesn't annoy my, it entertains me. Like a monkey playing with his poop or a dog eating it's own vomit."""
20120619053248Z,"""At least I pay taxes. Regrettably to keep bludgers like you. \nMy game Ford? I'm a rich prick, made my dough by hard work. You should try it sometime."""
20120610082059Z,"""Love the chairs too...and the white leather sofa."""
,"""@ericAZ Maybe they have decided that redefining incest and date rape as consensual sex would be received better by the general public?"""
20120609222024Z,"""Qka i ka bo Barcelona tere keto 4 vite terror realit asnje kup sja ka lene mu gezu e as me shiju ja paten nis me harru edhe kupa qfare oshte. Ec more idiot palo mos shit filozofina se Barca juve jeten jau ka nzi ."""
,"""@pbreaker Did that and still no luck...."""
,"""@reino2\\n\\n Tea Party Murder Suicide is not freedom my friend"""
20120610123126Z,"""If he was jail in 19 years and this was first cell phone ever, how would he know to call 611?"""
20120515172808Z,"""butt scales sound like a big problem. You all should go see your doctors and get treatments for that."""
20120618212637Z,"""Get rid of this fuckin player plz so slowww"""
20120618234813Z,"""Hey moron ""soonanTX"", I hope you wore your favorite Tin Foil Hat when you typed your comment."""
20120612013404Z,"""some of you morons and your comments are breath takingly stupid. you blame everything on bush no matter how many years ago it was, as if you're all some economic free lance experts. \nplease, keep posting your silly comments, it's giving us common sense people a good laugh."""
,"""@Kick Ass Suuuure you will. Because you know all the places in L.A. hiring an accomplished sound designer/audio engineer/editor."""
20120528181349Z,"""also\n\n""............That developing and emerging nations are now rushing to become ""enriched"" and to drink from the fountain of plenty, is not a bad thing. However, that they are doing so on the backs of their lowly paid and generally ignorant citizenry, and which comparative labor pricing advantage, effectively eliminates the jobs of once great and productive workforces in other nations, is a truly significant and Global problem! ........."" \n \nDoes this mean that suddenly the American worker should be willing to live at a standard of living that is more the norm in an emerging marketplace?... This could be the dynamic for all American workers if there is a ""Walker"" win in Winsconsin"""
20120619040609Z,"""wounder if obots learned anything from hereing\xa0 klayman explan in detail what a nbc is and it aint what these obots say it is\xa0 like rubio is can not be vp"""
20120610212310Z,"""I'm The BMF ... who's the bitch now, motherfucker?\n\n:-)"""
20120611030552Z,"""how can you call\xa0African\xa0Americans\xa0and white\xa0Americans\xa0stupid??..and we are not shown the so called ""expensive"" clothes they wear..i mean it's not our fucking fault..i mean shit all i see on t.v. and the internet is what i see!!!'s not our fault..and also it's not that fucking\xa0serious!!"""
,"""Some people take things to far but they will learn to keep gob shut next time"""
20120529153830Z,"""your kitty cats are the cutest :) \nthank you for your lovely comment, \n\n♥\n\nCharlotte Elizabeth \n\nx x x"""
20120515074952Z,"""i want to fuck your face"""
20120529160557Z,"""The Pac 10 originally wanted 6 schools from the Big 12 but only Colorado jumped. Nebraska was getting nervous about being left behind and started talking to the B1G"""
20120619050436Z,"""Theriot remembering that he used to be a base stealer."""
20120618191208Z,"""You never saw 'Animal House'?........"""
,"""They have no chemical companies or nuclear plants?\\xc2\\xa0 Right?\\xc2\\xa0 And it's not like we've caught their agents getting ready to blow anything up or anything, right?\\xc2\\xa0 So sure, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about, unless they.....\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0 Oh, oh, should I cut the red wire or the blue wire?...\\xc2\\xa0 Is that a political thing or are explosives just naturally bipartisan?"""
20120619201846Z,"""Yes this idiot @ Annelli gots to go!!!!!....did you call her a gorilla lol (I'm done)"""
20120515070618Z,"""All of you dumb turds just lost that argument."""
20120611194847Z,"""Yeah, right, sure believe that. You pudding."""
20120320172227Z,"""more solider? are you retarded?"""
20120610132820Z,"""Porque tu vida es una mierda y te ves reflejado."""
20120619065818Z,"""Are you shure Neil's last name isn't Moron ? Tucker looks like you should get another visit from Jon Stewart"""
,"""You are a filthy P# IG"""
,"""No matter how much the politicians cut the military budget, they are continuing to spend money at\\xc2\\xa0an astronomical rate.\\xc2\\xa0 While the military budget is much too high, the truly destructive expenditures are medicare, medicaid and social security payments.\\n\\nUnless these and other social welfare payments are cut to the bone, are debt will continue to spiral out of control and in just a few years we will only be able to afford the interest payments on our national debt.\\n\\nRight now, the government is priinting money to pay our debts, inflation is on the rise and our currancy is slowly being devalued. In just a few years, the government will be forced to print even more money at a faster pace such\\xc2\\xa0that our currency will be worthless.\\n\\nWhat is happening is Greece will seem like a picnic in this country when the\\xc2\\xa0state supported portion of our\\xc2\\xa0population takes to the streets to vent their frustration at the completely corrupt politicians who let Obama get away with this debacle. The man is a corrupt politician to the core and is only interested in maintaining power.\\n\\nHe is doing this by appealing to the equally corrupt public sector employees, such as teachers, cops, firemen, city, state and federal employees, along with the elderly and lazy\\xc2\\xa0welfare recipients\\xc2\\xa0who suck up freebee handouts from the state."""
20120528053356Z,"""Yes, that is how I remember it. I wonder why Josh can't understand that. It seems pretty simple to me."""
20120528233319Z,"""Gay. Douch'e turd fuck."""
20120620004042Z,"""Serious? Software aside, how is this phone not far superior to the nexus? Hell how is the gs2 not superior to the nexus?"""
20120320215613Z,"""Hey tito decides to talk more crap. Go jump off a tall building you dickless wonder."""
20120515234513Z,"""He was washed up when he came to the Cavs, he had one good year and you expect 20 every night?"""
20120611232411Z,"""the retina display one comes with SSD only big fat liar"""
,"""@gregariousred The GOP doesn't listen to what the people want. They listen to that 1% and the bible."""
20120619231346Z,"""No.He's going to get on that\xa0\xa0mothership that picks up only black people\xa0with Farrakhann to go build more pyramids for space aliens,remember?"""
20120530115643Z,"""ok. Off you go."""
20120610022059Z,"""Like your pictures. Follow?"""
20120610062520Z,"""Yes. Now we're talking. Lots of good ideas. But many I think would be rejected as ""tax increases"" by republicans. And lobbyists would fight them all and congress on both sides would fight them. \nDo you think \nRomney orobama would be be more open to your proposals?"""
20120619193617Z,"""@Rourke needs to give me a fucking like\xa0\xa0@LambeauOrWrigley\xa0\xa0@aciddragon\xa0\n\xa0\nReesy's thermos dented? \xa0Reminds me of a killer line from ""Horrible Bosses"".... Jennifer Anniston's horny dentist character reports watching some beefcake guy on TV and ""... fingering [her]self so hard, [she] broke a nail."""""
20120514050416Z,"""Hey fucko, I tried Snafu parts when they just came out,Their tires like the Rimjob and the fat seat they had at the time were fucking horrible.I haven't brought a product since,Word has it Snafu hasn't improved hardly a bit since then.So fuck Snafu and Jerry Bagley."""
20120611161511Z,"""LOL, I am the adult and you are the childish coward hiding behind a phony username. You are the one hiding behind your mothers computer."""
,"""@PassTravelFool suck it republiklans"""
20120609221536Z,"""Hi circum,\n\nI see no problem with that of dogs and foxes in England.\xa0\nAs nobody seems to see any problem (as if ti could, ahahahahah) when the lions torn to shreds zebras and other animals for example.\nIt's Nature.\n\nBut the pathetic twisted post-modernist-politically-correct idiots want to regulate everything.\n\nThey can regulate their fat a*ses!"""
,"""They're against abortions in the case of rape because Jesus was conceived by God raping Mary."""
20120619151436Z,"""Nothing like imitating a sex offender for laughs. \xa0Ha ha! \xa0I might be a rapist.\n\nAsshole."""
,"""I certainly hope that intelligent thinking Americans are paying attention to how their representatives are voting.\\xc2\\xa0 It is imperative that we find those who are leaning to port in regards to tax increases, budget increases rather then cuts in intelligent areas other then defense, in favor of raising debt ceilings and if up for re-election are putting them in their cross-hairs for replacement.\\n\\n\\nDisclaimer: The term \\xe2\\x80\\x9ccross-hairs\\xe2\\x80\\x9d used in fore written\\nstatement was in no way implied that removal would be by any other means other\\nthen ballots (not to be construed with bullets). It also is not meant to imply\\nthat any sort of weapon which emits projectiles such as but not limited to: Any\\nand all handguns of all calibers including but not limited to revolvers,\\nsemi-automatics, single shot derringers, over-under 2 shot derringers, Rifles\\nof all calibers including but not limited to single shot, over-under\\nrifle/shotgun combinations, bolt action lever action, semi-automatic, fully\\nautomatic, explosive devices including but not limited to dynamite, C-40\\nplastic explosives, Nitro-glycerin, Chemical or improvised explosive devices,\\nland mines, claymores, arrow slinging devices to include but not limited to\\nlong bow, cross bow, compound bow, air powered projectile devices to include\\nbut not limited to Crossman CO2 powered and pump, Daisy air rifles to include\\nbut not limited to the \\xe2\\x80\\x98Red Rider\\xe2\\x80\\x99 model, sling shots including but not limited\\nto wrist rocket, home made rubber bands, blow guns of any design.\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0\\xc2\\xa0 \\n\\n\\nI think that about covers it.\\n\\n\\n"""
20120610005030Z,"""I love your un-originality. ^.^"""
20120610063448Z,"""I am a electronic product loving people. I like your bolg post. Thanks a lot for your great shearing."""
20120529172316Z,"""Prove your AMERICAN and you can vote all you want.\xa0\n\n\nGet it?"""
,"""Where does it say that their actions were in the name of Islam? Where does it say that their crimes were anything to do with their religion or ethnic background. Non-Muslims commit rape and kidnapping, look at that Josef Fritzl from Austria a few years ago. He locked up his daughter for years and had children with her after raping her. Why do you seem to think that there's a correlation between their religion and their crimes?"""
,"""go do whatever, pray tell, gay atheists do...."""
20120527210842Z,"""Let me ask you a like fishticks?"""
20120529141700Z,"""It's funny the ""Big 12"" would claim ""naming rights"" after stealing the whole ""Big #"" thing from the Big Ten because they were too stupid to think of their own brand name."""
20120530010839Z,"""It's not coincidence, seeing that Jason Rubin actually left Naughty Dog at 2004, and that the tablet-controller hybrid functionality and new platform architecture has nothing to do with the cancellation of the Wii U port."""
20120611204006Z,"""why are you turning this fun event into a race thing?\xa0 miserable fuck."""
20120611201128Z,"""If you knew anything about the law, you would then know that would not be possible. \xa0But, then, conservatives loathe education and that's why you need to keep ""JustAsking"" because you are completely clueless."""
,"""nah but im sure he fucked your mom"""
20120609220422Z,"""You are a lying, libeling, loser."""
20120529020117Z,"""I think this is a very good point. LW probably hosts parties and would like to be invited to the kind of parties that she hosts. But it seems that a lot of her friends just don't entertain that way. What are you gonna' do?"""
20120529205948Z,"""Or Rampage... ... ... You need a little danger in your life, right?"""
,"""It's the INTENT that makes it illegal you fucking retard. I think it'd be easier explaining something to an actual chimp than it is to a person with a chimp IQ (you)."""
20120619215250Z,"""I have been watching and playing roundball much longer than you been alive young man. So you need to stop with you ignorant comments about others not being able to read the ""Full Story"". Now you say I am uneducated on the sport. You are young man with a Miami Heat type ego. This has been fun reading your post getting all upset. Too funny, and YOU @facebook-1440870071:disqus\xa0, you need to grow up."""
,"""@jla Thanks, jla! I am having switch or modem issues and got knocked off line for a spell."""
20120514051233Z,"""Dumb Azzzz........... Watch Our Trains in The Winter....... Almost Everyday Tracks Are Shut Down Because of Slides. 72 Hour Hold On The Trains When it Happens......... Go Look FOOL.......... Trains Can't Do The Job Alone............."""
20120610070314Z,"""personalized girls prints or canvas for the little ones"""
20120612073437Z,"""stupid_communist_silly_billy,_the_only_real_thing_you_know_about_duck & cover_is when_you_are_\ngiving up_your_silly_faggot_ass_to_comrade_obozo_and_his_communist_merry_men!"""
20120620165135Z,"""No I think it's a majority. You wouldn't trust him to mind your kid, that's for sure. Especially if it was a little boy, no what I mean."""
20120610150145Z,"""The pres himself said this ""He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood \nby and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has \nbeen made, he said, \u201cwe can\u2019t have special interests sitting shotgun. \nWe gotta have middle class families up in front. We don\u2019t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.\u201d\n\nSo who exactly is partisan.\xa0 So sick of hearing you id iot libs talk about us not working with lib tar ds"""
20120612145014Z,"""Public workers are answerable to the taxpayers representatives, Mayor , city council and in the case of bargaining processes community representatives such as CofC, church groups etc.\xa0 But not silly, uninformed trolls."""
,"""@clemsaucy i dont know. i only see her once a week now :(((. i pretend when i'm at OSU she just sits by the window all week waiting for that one day when i get home. lol"""
20120610030749Z,"""she does put an effort into her singing in other performances especially durng their be my baby comeback also during the performances for like this and girlfriend. you say that you are a wonderful and sohee is your second fav but it also seems like your bashing her for not trying when she is."""
20120610012649Z,"""Yeah it can be.....especially when you're with a bunch of friends, and you know they noticed;)"""
,"""Scandalous? \\xc2\\xa0So illuminating. \\xc2\\xa0So profound.\\nThe.sour.kraut must expect that anybody that listens to him will just accept his conclusions without presentation of any objective analysis.\\nHe is correct that is all anybody who believes in the pretentious pundit needs. \\xc2\\xa0He knows that there are lickspittles about that suck up his swill."""
20120527213158Z,"""Only winning at home.\n\nBut both west finalists have HCA"""
20120527181700Z,"""The OP does not know how to write in English."""
20120529085149Z,"""Ha, ha, ha,ha. If there is a troll around here, it is YOU!\xa0\n\nGo back under your bridge. We don't need you to garbage up another thread with your BS and non-sense. Best president. That is droll. If he is such a great president, then why does he give a free pass to torture?"""
20120620035536Z,"""Yes I do and i'm still not buying that bullshit!"""
20120612052936Z,"""wow what a shock the douche bag and the pig hated something others like because they are just to simple to understand things. what dumb fucks why do you morons defend this retard and his pig brother when they are obviously to stupid to look past just the images on the screen and read the subtext and nuances in movies. for fucks sake people quit being sheep and think for yourselves"""
20120529121901Z,"""doubt it. Burke will make a pretty huge splash after being embarrassed last year. Its down to NY and TOR. We are getting more depth every year. If he was gonna offer Kadri for Mike Richards then Im sure he would for Nash"""
20120527155319Z,"""I really want to slap this fat fuck - right in his face... WTF is wrong with you wingers? I can't wrap my head around it - Sweet Jesus, we gave you guys 8 years to run the country, and ya fucked it up, royally....Now, you want to lay the blame on us? What in the hell? Palin? Romney? Are you fucking serious? It boggles my mind."""
20120609220842Z,"""not into that, more into celebrating how much chenney loves America"""
20120618213119Z,"""It's Trayvon, you moron. If you're going to trash talk a dead kid, at least have the class to get his name right. Not that it matters to you."""
20120610141848Z,"""I can't stand when people like you bring talking points to the debate, clearly your not in tune with reality! The budget that you say was voted 414-0 is a joke and you should be upset with congress for wasting our tax payer $$."""
20120530123117Z,"""how are you a fan of 3 football teams?"""
,"""You would be the one to know that. But I dont think the color of the cock matters to you as long as you have cock you sick aids infected sodomite. They should charge a cum guzzler like you more for healthcare. the actuary tables prove that your lifestyle choice is a deadly one. """
20120530142516Z,"""It has been more than one draft class. And they have had more discipline issues than the norm."""
20120620170745Z,"""Just because an HTC vivid runs like shit doesn't mean other android phones do."""
20120609213057Z,"""You are probably the most ignorant fake exile wannabe ever to post here, always kissing the arse of Posada & company."""
20120619120124Z,"""@KottiKaDottiisthenameofGod:disqus That's what I find funny.. how people think that because I believe in God, that means that I am supposed to just stand there and take whatever people hand to me. No, I am not out indulging in petty arguments or living ANY kind way.\xa0 If something were to come my way, it would be because they are LOOKING to cause me harm. My Bible tells me to protect my annointing with my life. =) That's why I feel comfortable calling you Uncle Tom. You are the ""negro"" who acts and thinks just as white folks would have you to.\xa0 They used the Christian faith to make brothers and sisters submit... What people DON'T mention is that THAT is why they didn't want slaves learning to read and write. They might've read that Word and couped!\xa0 It didn't happen because God has much BIGGER plans for people who have misused His teachings."""
,"""'s just Ozark lapsing on his ADD meds again. Wondering, now, who shows up for the Sac game."""
,"""What the fuck hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Go shoot yourself in the head or go jump off a cliff. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking piece of shit hahahaha."""
20120619091012Z,"""Charles, I've just had a good idea, when you go into work and you have a lunch hour, why not \xa0buy yourself a computer, a laptop just for for yourself, they are not expensive now, then you are free to write posts at a reasonable hour."""
20120610151937Z,"""Amen! Big ta tas are overrated. I would rather be fit and trim and tone. Keep up the great work, Kelly. I am so glad she is happy. She deserves it. Best voice on this here planet!!!"""
20120612023352Z,"""dan_amd\n\nYou have realy no clue on every single idiotic comment of all your posts.WE ALL DON'T enjoy your stupid PRO AMD B:U:L:L:S:H:I:T ignorance.Please crawl back then in the fat ass of your gay loving buddy charliedemerjian semiinaccurate and try to find the light inside - U stupid FAG!\n\nWE REALY DON'T NEED AND WANT YOUR POST HERE ANYMORE!"""
20120609165549Z,"""oh my f*cking God! i can't wait for their come back stage!!!"""
20120612114552Z,"""Are you just trying to be naughty? Athlone is a Coloured area, and I know many Coloureds with that surname, who by the way also lived in Athlone. So the gardener might be Coloured or African (local or foreign)."""
20120527180605Z,"""Catholic majority countries do the same thing, Priest routinely rape little boys and then cover it up. Whistleblowers are cast out or sometimes arrested."""
20120612064155Z,"""You broke it down perfectly. I think they all rank equally in my book. However since I am an avid study of Ancient Alien theory that postulates humans actually have an artificial origin (not denouncing evolution, just suggesting something interfered with that process to ""adjust"" our evolutionary path), I find myself a tab bias in favor of Prometheus. Additionally I am also a sucker for the latest, greatest effects & tech concepts. So many of which I saw finally given a silver screen nod."""
20120610161544Z,"""1962\nwillie mccovey\nbobby richardson\n\n*sigh*"""
20120619111614Z,"""Bill from the House never get past Reid...the House is made up of both parties...they are doing it, so what's up with the Senate?"""
20120610155225Z,"""bitch stfu u prolly smash anything walkin... lame ass internet thug"""
20120609214113Z,"""You go from absurd to moronic."""
20120528111257Z,"""Most likely, they understand what's happening and they're being paid to do it, so they don't really care."""
20120503025317Z,"""just in case you need reminding, you're an idiot."""
20120611010144Z,"""hey bete u sounds like gay.u fucking faggot.shut the fuck up u ghetto ass. idk if u are Ethiopia or nor but thats how it works in ethiopia,"""
20120619121240Z,"""What's pathetic is your ignorance."""
20120529064528Z,"""I was not able to crack JEE when i was young :("""
20120619202011Z,"""I like it. It's probably one of the tamer satianstuck designs, which is a nice change around here."""
20120619222536Z,"""now that you have given him instructions i am sure he will"""
,"""Tony used to have a nose like a six year old girl. Now he can suck up two good sized watermelons with his nostrils. """
20120612145833Z,"""Wow no kidding? Thats why its MY opinion Monica you stupid female. Add you to the moron list."""
20120529190256Z,"""Lunch is over. I would love to stay and chat with my cooooool friends Ricky and Bmann, but someone has to pay taxes so they can collect welfare."""
20120611231705Z,"""Hey Caucasians time to start identifying with your race because you are at war with blacks in America and all of the western world. \xa0Anybody that calls me a racists will get f'cked up and I can't even wait to put these knuckles on some skinny as-, newport smoking nigel. \xa0\n\nhow very right you are Sir, time to arm up \xa0and prepare for war with these apes..."""
20120515165845Z,"""We are mostly straight henri, the View is for gay dudes like you isn;t it?"""
20120618203753Z,"""lack of reality lmao like seriously are u fucking kiddin me. we got married is nothing but FAKE! this is reality here, ji hyun woo and yoo in na! so mbc we got married psycho fans get real! an mbc come up with a real reality show!"""
20120529025321Z,"""Like if you are a Rangers fan."""
20120611181905Z,"""You know, because you are an expert drunk?"""
20120619231924Z,"""Let the CPC openly embrace the Wildrose next election... kill both those buzzards with one stone!"""
,"""There is a meteorlogical phenomenon occurring as we speak...Obama Science puke has tried to blame it on global warming.\\xc2\\xa0 In reality, it is just Obama and his presidency s uc king"""
,"""We are looking for leadership from Grayson. Leaders - Scott, Shackleton, Churchill and even Revie will persevere, and generally prevail, whatever the adversity. SG still has a lot of advantages other Championship managers would kill for. He should not be overcome by despondency. His body language, which has never been good IMO was particularly poor on Saturday. He needs to get a grip."""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0It must suck to be so stupid.\\xc2\\xa0 Mindless, though-controlled libturd sheeple.\\xc2\\xa0 """
20120529194846Z,"""Then state that without being the school marm & having other people explain their rationale. That would make for a more honest discussion if that is what you are really after. Lady 4 wants to call the teacher for people not liking her, and you & Doyce want to school people for their opinions....this is not kindergarten and some of us get tired of the same old every single day. Let's do something new and actually talk about the best way to get Obama out of office."""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0That's right Rockgirl, don't let anyone get away with using facts. Facts suck, we need more government to tell us what we need. """
20120610151531Z,"""No, building much better automobiles. Your pathetic bmw isn't the best at anything while Audi and Mercedes-Benz have some qualities to boast. That;s why I call bmw fans like you absolute idiots."""
,"""Being is gay is already legal. So says the majority. """
20120529022714Z,"""Yanksthruthicknthin, you are welcome here anytime :)"""
20120619194417Z,"""Current deficits essentially 100% due to Bush policies - two extremely expensive wars unpaid for, massive tax cuts for the wealthy (also unpaid for), Medicare Part D giveaway to Big Insurance and Big Pharma (you guessed it, unpaid for), and then of course the Great Republican Recession brought about by deregulation of Wall Street and their runaway greed and corruption."""
20120612064212Z,"""Were you even watching the race? So according to you, Ferrari were in the lead before Hamilton made his last pit stop?\nAnd your comment about Ron Dennis clearly exposes your ignorance. He's attended nearly all the races this year! Don't be such a moron!"""
20120620175658Z,"""Dip shit, W followed Clintons left wing standard.You HYPOCRITES crack me up your so transparent."""
,"""Actually the system has become so ambiguous that you can be charged with what's called a thought crime. Much like they can charge you with DUI even if you blow under the legal limt, pass the bogus field sobriety tests. It's mainly about money and power not public safety."""
20120502134029Z,"""Gonzophiles \xa0 admire \xa0you, no matter what."""
20120609204036Z,"""@faustshausuk\xa0sad. \xa0And just like that you fucked up. \xa0Apple....Apple. \xa0You sir need to do some research on your friend Apple when it comes to hardware. LOL!"""
20120530142645Z,"""Connor Brewer is an early enrollee and should be the back up. Tyronne Swoops comes in next near"""
20120612010819Z,"""@mahstah\xa0\xa0@MaddHatter\xa0\xa0@shooter \xa0CARTER method, Come (in) after richards then enter rear"""
20120320160847Z,"""you lie all the time about fucking gwen stafni and make fake questions on formspring to yourself about it right? yea your a loser /// liar."""
20120502150055Z,"""I'm a liberal moron. I smell cause I don't bathe as Media Matters pays my meager check. I slept in some Occupy Wall Street tent doing coke and getting porked by michael moore. I'm a drone and live in my mother's basement. My only out is posting stupidSHIT here on fox news; I've learned Cut & Paste as my poor logic tells my inbred brain that in doing so, I will CONVINCE all conservatives to REALLY see things my way and follow my lead. I own an obama picture that hangs over my bed. I also own and sleep with my very own inflatable-obama-doll which I hug & squeeze and love a long time"""
20120528180219Z,"""Repost: I have reread this blog article, and feel the need to\xa0repost it:\n\n<b>Massacres Never Again; We Will Not Silence iFiU-4p</b><p>If you do not act in any mean available to you to help raise awareness, donate money, demonstrate, campaign, etc for Syria and specifically for the latest massacre in Al Houleh in Homs\u2019s province, you are an accomplice in Bashar Al Assad\u2019s and his pigs\u2019 crimes. Everyone should be responsible enough to know that massacres should immediately be halted.<p>I\u2019m sick of repeating the same news, same words, same sentences all over again. If everyone acted and stood in solidarity with the people of Syria, this would not have happened. None would have. I can barely dare to imagine the pain and fear these families underwent as they were watching each other being slaughtered. I cannot believe how much the children have wept and screamed before being silenced forever as the sharp knives slit their throats.<p>My people are not numbers. Just imagine how would you feel if you were in their place, victimized, torturered, then executed in the most horrifying means ever. We all deserve to live.\xa0<p>Everyone must stop blabbering about the mistakes of our revolution, what do to, what not to do, what should happen to us, what should not\u2026 You do not control it and you do not matter as this is none of your business. When the people are being bombarded and besieged, denied access to food, water, electricity, etc, no one will listen to you so stop trying to hard to convey your bloody political suggestions to a populace under fire.\xa0<p>Act in the name of Humanity. Let the feelings of humanity move you, not the worries of geopolitics. Just as Vittorio Arrigoni used to say, just \u201cStay Human\u201d.\xa0\n\n<p>_____________________<p><b><i>My comment: \xa0</b></i> I am taking this to heart today. \xa0Today, I am going to send the ""Shabiha State"" article to every political figure I can think of, demanding governments stop fogging \xa0the responsibility for the massacres in Syria, stop compromising at the UN with the Russians on Syria, and put a stop to Russian (and allies)'s arms shipments to Syria."""
20120619215837Z,"""Now do you see why people call you a moron? You get back what you give out.\n\nGo spread your hate to someone else.\n\nHypocrite.\n\nLMAO"""
20120620163439Z,"""I was a monkey\nButane in my veins\nSo I'm out to cut the junkie\nWith the plastic eyeballs,\nSpray-paint the vegetables\nDog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose\nKill the headlights\nAnd put it in neutral\nStock car flaming' with a loser\nAnd the cruise control\nBaby's in Reno with the vitamin D\nGot a couple of couches,\nSleep on the love seat\nSomeone keeps saying'\nI'm insane to complain\nAbout a shotgun wedding\nAnd a stain on my shirt\nDon't believe everything that you breathe\nYou get a parking violation\nAnd a maggot on your sleeve\nSo shave your face\nWith some mace in the dark\nSaving' all your food stamps\nAnd burning' down the trailer park"""
20120619222503Z,"""You are just plain wrong."""
20120612071035Z,"""Well you never know if its an internet woman on the other side do you....this is the internet my friend, for all you know you might be chatting to a baboon right now...also who's giving you the thumbs down and for what reason?"""
20120612005805Z,"""This is why Obama will LOSE in 2012. You won\u2019t find the trolls, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Telling you this information . . .Even though it is public information available to EVERYONE.\n\nOBAMA vs BUSH\n(Just the Facts)\n\nFOOD STAMPS\nObama \u2013 46.2 million : Bush \u2013 28.2 million\\n\nCREDIT RATING\nBush AAA - Obama AA+\n\nGAS PRICES\nBush - $1.65 a gallon (End of term) : Obama - $3.40 a gallon (Current)\ \n\nUNEMPLOYMENT\nBush - 4.71% (Average) : Obama - 9.4% (Average) \u2013 8.1% Current\ \nNATIONAL DEBT\nBush \u2013 Increased 4 trillion (8 Years) : Obama \u2013 Will increase 18 trillion (8 years, according to OBAMAS budget)\\n\nDEFICIT\nBush - $0.5 Trillion per year : Obama - $1,8 Trillion per year \\nJOBS\nBush \u2013 GAINED 3 million jobs over 8 years : Obama - LOST 6 MILLION JOBS IN 3 YEARS\\n\n\nINFLATION:\nBush +0.1% (End of Term) : Obama +3.6% (Current)\ \n\nHOPE and CHANGE - We HOPED for BETTER, and got a CHANGE for WORSE\n\nGO TEA PARTY 2012 !"""
20120612123003Z,"""More reasonable does not mean more likely. More reasonable is more logical and more possible, but it does not affect the factor as which it increases the chance of that happening, and I'm not butthurt. I love F(x) too."""
20120529043636Z,"""Hopefully the oil will run out soon and the ME will go back to being what it was until the beginning of the 20th Century: a navigational obstacle on the sea route from Europe to the East.\xa0 Cynical Western governments will then be blameless as the ME continues to be engulfed in turmoil.\xa0 Although if Robert Fisk is still around and writing, he will continue to point the finger at them, either\xa0purely out of habit or out of senility."""
20120612042257Z,"""I find it hilarious that ALL of his comic hyperlinks have disappeared off of FJ.\nIf they are going defensive while Oatmeal doesn't give a fuck, who is in the wrong here?"""
20120529051151Z,"""No doubt the kid is a major douchenozzle,\xa0 But i saw a documentary some time ago on paparazzi, Those f**kers dont just snap pics of the celebs, they say and do all kinds of messed up sh*t to get a rise out of them....Imagine you coming home from your job as a bag packer at spar, and you wanna go catch a bite at wimpy, and as you come out..Some doos flashes you trying to give you epilepsy, and tells you your hair looks like sh*t and your cherrie's hips are getting fat...that being said...Justin Bieber is a fag."""
20120619083217Z,"""Can you please crawl back in your pathetic little hole. Trolls don't accept you because you're stupid as fuck."""
20120503012910Z,"""Awww, you are so sweet!"""
20120619213705Z,"""We know what a piece of crap you are so help yourself.\nYou are nothing but pure low life."""
20120529233742Z,"""Judge not others, lest you be judged."""
20120530011622Z,"""To all the idiots in Detroit who bashed me for saying verlander sucks, go get an education because I didn't say that in any form but you attacked me for saying the bad economy making you mad? Lol"""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0David Brock, homosexual militant who obviously hires other homosexual militants to rag on Fox News because Fox News exposes them for what they are. Daily Caller may not be able to say it, but I will.\\n\\nIn his autobiography, Blinded By the Right: By David Brock\\n\\xe2\\x80\\x9cAt Berkeley, I had no cause to associate conservatism with prejudice against gays. In the early \\xe2\\x80\\x9880s gay issues weren\\xe2\\x80\\x99t polarizing our campus\\xe2\\x80\\xa6since arriving in Berkeley I no longer put aside my deeper desires. With some hesitation, during my freshman year, I went on uneasy dates and had hurried sexual encounters with other guys in neighboring dorms. By the end of the year I considered myself gay and had surprisingly little trouble accepting that reality\\xe2\\x80\\xa6.\\xe2\\x80\\x9d\\n"""
20120609231431Z,"""Who do you think assisted him with the Olympics in Salt Lake?"""
,"""3 euros half a liter here...hehe"""
20120619175622Z,"""I don't know why you people think AMERIKKKA will change cause it won't, it's always been a racist fucking country and racism will be it's down fall remember these words."""
20120619153655Z,"""Knowing O'blamo, he bowed deep twice,.. then asked: Yes Sir,.. anything else you desire President Putin????"""
20120529233519Z,"""lol who are you rooting for??"""
20120619174502Z,"""What about Onslaught?\n\nI merely use the well honed tactics of the liberal democrat, and all of a sudden I'm a horrible monster?\n\nI employ your standards and you have a problem with that?\n\nMay I remind you that I am the very model of a modern liberal democrat?\n\nYes, Yes I may:\n\nI AM THE VERY MODEL OF A MODERN LIBERAL DEMOCRAT\n\nLIBERAL\nI am the very model of a modern liberal democrat\nA hurtful, hate-filled, vile, vicious, low down, no good, dirty rat\nI\u2019m venal and pernicious and obnoxious and deplorable\nAnd yet despite it all my mother still finds me adorable.\nI spend my time producing copious amounts of excrement\nThen fling it, like a monkey, \u2019round all over Al Gores internet\nI loudly shout to one and all my intellect superior\nThen demonstrate with equal verve my acumen inferior.\n\nALL\nThen demonstrate with equal verve my acumen inferior.\nThen demonstrate with equal verve my acumen inferior.\nThen demonstrate with equal verve my acumen inferi-eiror.\n\nLIBERAL\nMy grasp of fact is not the best; in truth it is quite tenuous\nMy view of history, \u2018bout the same, is fractured, filtered, nebulous.\nA hurtful hate-filled vile vicious low down no good dirty rat\nI am the very model of a modern liberal democrat.\n\nALL\nA hurtful hate-filled vile vicious low down no good dirty rat\nHe is the very model of a modern liberal democrat.\n\nLIBERAL\nI\u2019ve studied Saul Alinsky and I\u2019m practiced as a radical.\nI cling to every tenant of the socialist, fanatical.\nI make my rounds of all the liberal hotspots on the internet.\nThen parrot what I read just like some kind of mind numb malcontent.\nThe topics that I comment on are peppered well with BDS.\nI get the talking points I mouth from CNN and PBS.\nThe New York Times is like a bible that I pray to everyday.\nI never question anything, no matter how dumb, that they say.\n\nALL\nI never question anything, no matter how dumb, that they say\nI never question anything, no matter how dumb, that they say\nI never question anything, no matter how dumb, that they say, they say.\n\nLIBERAL\nI bloviate and obfuscate and knowingly prevaricate\nI castigate, vituperate, at slinging mud, I\u2019m really great.\nA hurtful hate-filled vile vicious low down no good dirty rat\nI am the very model of a modern liberal democrat.\n\nALL\nA hurtful hate-filled vile vicious low down no good dirty rat\nHe is the very model of a modern liberal democrat.\n\nLIBERAL\nIn fact when I can denigrate an African American (R)\nWith slurs the like of which were never dreamt of by the Ku Klux Klan.\nWhen I can fight for death row cads just like they were my son or brother \nOr the right of murder that belongs to an expectant mother. \nWhen I can call my enemy, but not my homo friend, a fag\nAnd tolerate behavior that would likely make a maggot gag.\nThen all my wastrel pals would turn their beaming faces up at me \nAnd say a better liberal democrat they never hope to see.\n\nFor my militant proclivities, both overt and clandestine-y,\nHave only been brought down since the middle of our last century.\nBut still, a hate-filled vile vicious low-down no good dirty rat,\nI am the very model of a modern liberal democrat."""
,"""You seem obsessed with gay help"""
,"""All this is aimed at non-EU nationals but isnt the government aware of the hordes of EU nationals taking over all jobs in this country?If everything is skewed in favour of EU nationals of course people are going to look at it with a jaundiced eye.Anyway this is a Tory Government so am not really shocked"""
20120620040925Z,"""Tatum you suck. These drums are better than your mom."""
20120620072352Z,"""It what way is it hideous? ""no quad exynos = quad fuck no"" doesn't even make sense.. Try speaking English."""
20120619014500Z,"""when the fU cK are we getting some new footage. fuck this shit"""
20120612013318Z,"""Hey, folks, you know that the only question will be: ""Is it true that the guy was committing the crime when the father entered the room?""\xa0 If all we have is the father's word for why he punched the guy (enough times to kill him), we have to ask whether his claim is true.\xa0 The FOUR-year-old is not a reliable witness.\nIf the prosecutors are convinced that the father caught the man doing that to his daughter, there will be no charges.\xa0 (Not in Texas, anyway.)"""
,"""@okcjim I don't think there was anything super egregious, but in aggregate, OKC seemed to get a lot of touch fouls called that weren't getting called on Dallas's end."""
20120528135138Z,"""Its ONE of many factors. \xa0\nThere needs to be a speculation tax. \xa0i.e. if you 'flip' your property in less than one year. \xa0Unless you can show you needed to move for work."""
20120618225623Z,"""You ain't a physician. You are a physical idiot."""
20120610043912Z,"""Look at your name. Of course you don't think Rondo was under him. You're butt hurt by the butt fucking they just gave to your team."""
20120609220514Z,"""Tombstone is useless. It produces nothing. It survives only because of the legends of Wyatt Earp. It's nothing but a tourist trap and no one who lives there was born there. They're all retirees acting as pitiful stage props. It's time to shut Tombstone down."""
20120612001050Z,"""But could he have played through it."""
20120612123139Z,"""If you are afraid to name dead late abusers, who has guts to name living ones!!!"""
,"""Yep, what all these SICK people who yell ""We are Penn State"" fail to realize is a CHILD...a 10-year old CHILD was ANAL RAPED in a Football Locker room..the same room your ""beloved football team"" showers in...and you praise and mourn a man that was 40+ years friends with a CHILD MOLESTOR----as far back as 1998 Paterno *KNEW* Sandusky was raping Children, he simply ""Let him retire""---then in 2002 when someone ELSE found out...and TOLD PATERNO he witnessed Sandusky ANAL RAPING a child...""Paterno told his bosses ""oh, he was horsing around or something""=---once again protecting Sandusky when he KNEW Sandusky anal raped a the Grand Jury\\'s in black and white...Victim #2-----and then McQueary told the President and A.D. and they did nothing. Do you realize McQueary told Paterno (his friend of 40-years anal raped a child)---and Paterno didn\\'t even bother to find out what the kids NAME WAS? That is how little your sick human being of a coach cared about children....he is without a doubt in HELL right now.\\xc2\\xa0"""
20120503002231Z,"""CAUSE YOU ARE A PHUCKING LIAR"""
20120530052036Z,"""Terrorism is NICE. Communism is NICER.\n\nAdults are yucky. Naming EVIL, is almost as bad as CONDEMNING IT.\n\nAllahu Akbar!<B>\n\n\n""""Mohammed is God's apostle.\xa0 Those who follow him are ruthless\n\xa0to the unbelievers but merciful to one another""""\xa0 Quran 48:29\n\nSWOON, GUSH, FAWN, SLURP...\n\n\n\n"""
20120529083721Z,"""you don't have to comment when you are high !"""
20120612043710Z,"""Thanks for sharing your thoughts Tink. I'm very literal in my thinking too. I see the 1 + 1 = 2 thing too. So when I read that Eric kills his bodyguard and was cold and detached about it, I automatically think... Ughhh evil Bastard. I can't see past someone, character or in real life person kills another and feel nothing about it. I can't forgive that. It disturbs me but I'm not an actress trying to get inside a character so I get that Rob and I see people and characters differently.\nI'm curious to see Rob's performance in this because if he was to make me, not like, but understand George, I wonder how he'll make me feel about someone I already commits murder."""
,"""I just can't chill down..... If they tell me, Christianity **YES!!!** but only under these and those circumstances, and never under those circumstances, the bird considers this anti-Christianity. These people would HATE Jesus, if they would seriously think his ideas over......"""
20120620000509Z,"""Don't play dumb, oh wait, never mind."""
20120609223913Z,"""@f80ec2112a358a6980e7e3e2e10c1002:disqus \xa0Your post is a fucking joke."""
20120620045006Z,"""Also, I'll probably stick around for The Browning just to beat up pit ninjas. Fuck pit ninjas, and FUCK The Browning. I don't know how anyone can stand to listen to those clowns."""
20120612123306Z,"""Maher is an idiot.. and you are too if you defend his stupidity"""
20120619042030Z,"""This could all be staged like the Acid attack woman or Ballon boy.\n\nThis is America. All kinds of weirdo freaks exist here \n\nSomeone needs to go slap him real hard\xa0in\xa0the face and see if he jumps right out of bed."""
20120530141243Z,"""One thing that disappointed me about DT last night... since my cable was out I was drawn to the threads and it was disgusting. People on here cussing at brooks, the refs, calling for whole sale changes.\n\xa0\nTo those where in the game thread last night. you should be ashamed. Knee-jerking and lambasting our team for every single thing that didn't go right. Seriously. I expected more from this group.\n\xa0\nyou want to complain? You want to give your advice? Then do that in a constructive manner. The time for debating whole sale changes and coaching extensions and amnestying Perk and what not will come later. But right now lets focus our energy on support OUR TEAM and looking at what they can do to improve.\n\xa0\nTHUNDER UP!"""
20120619201209Z,"""Shouldn't have the US officials kept their mouth shut until the notification process was complete? \xa0I agree with you, but the blame is more on them... the press will just run with what they're given."""
20120609173449Z,"""No matter how old you get, she thinks about you and worries....and prays for you."""
20120609182525Z,"""Thanks but it wasn't in the morning at all"""
20120609223003Z,"""why niggas slappin bitches ass nowadays smh we punchin bootys were im from bruh"""
,"""Here's who should be hardest hit by this policy - The Susan G Komen Foundation."""
20120528152429Z,"""<font face=""Arial, Verdana"" size=""2"">the AFC west was the Special Olympics of football. winning the division wouldnt be bragging.</font>"""
20120529013745Z,"""wapo: pul - lease. Is this all you got? get some better interns"""
20120529042204Z,"""Again, your fallousy is in not recognizing the difference between murdering citizens\xa0 (the Nazi example), and humane prosecution of\xa0illegal aliens. Sounds like the current Israelies are trying to deal with illegal immigration as humanely as possible."""
20120619182053Z,"""@Rourke needs to give me a fucking like\xa0how sad is it that this song makes me think of the California Raisins?"""
20120620021553Z,"""Tss who does he think he is? Britney Spears brother or sumpthin' tss."""
20120530151914Z,"""For those are that still think obama has a hint of intelligence, look at the poor sap that gave him Bin Laden, he is now serving a thirty year sentence for treason in Pakistan, because obama was too stupid to keep his mouth shut."""
20120529151651Z,"""Ha, you really want to go there?"""
20120620144313Z,"""One Pimp & One Prostitute, both smell very nasty"""
20120503005936Z,"""GO YOU CHICKEN FAT GO!"""
,"""@DF2691 He also continued the meme CPAC was pushing about Occupy: ""The rapes, the murders..."" They want people to think Occupy is run by the Manson Family... and in Breitbart\\\\\\'s addled little brainbox, they probably do! He\\\\\\'ll be on Shammity (radio & TV) Monday, bragging about how he bravely faced the killers down. Anyone want to bet me?\\'"""
20120619230640Z,"""On the bright side she will always know that her father will beat a man to death with his bare hands to protect her."""
20120528212009Z,"""The Pirates pitching is going to get atleast a little bit worse, but to be honest the offense needs to get better, Pedro will have to be more consistent, and so will Walker.\n\nI don't like Bedard and Burnett because they hold back guys who are part of the future, but it's whatever I suppose."""
20120320160928Z,"""I see you and your sister got together to have a couple of kids......"""
20120611172544Z,"""that it lets raise taxes so public employee union can continue to steal from the tax payer -better benefits early retirement plans so way over the top that they cant even be compared to what the tax payer gets.\xa0 What make you soo special thqat you should benefits that are better than the very tax payer that supports you get ?\xa0 you talk about romney and evil coprs - better take a long look at what took place in WI, SJ, SD.\xa0 The gravy train is over \n\nstop your class warfare on the tax payers\xa0\xa0 - Obama is done and the public empoyee union is on its last legs"""
,"""You parade your ignorance like it was a crown for all to see, a most pathetic puke you are, America Hater!!!"""
,"""Christi... I hope somehow you do see this comment. You are completely on target!!! My three sons danced ballroom for years!!! I KNOW. You have Abbys number and she hates that. She IS living through those girls since she is never going to be a professional dancer and because they have young, strong, beautiful bodies.... Which she clearly is envious of. She hates that she cannot intimidate you. \\n\\nI relate very much to your feelings as a mother and as a dancemom. This is a difficult situation as a parent. You are doing the right thing!!! Abby has no boundaries... Quite literally. She is trying to control everyone else, because she has clearly no personal boundaries whatsoever. Our coach told us straight up that he does not want parents watching rehearsals because they won\\'t be able to handle the harshness required. And it is rough!!!! But we win. Everything. We even win on dancing with the stars. Everytime. We win. The difference between Rick and Abby is simple: she is vicious and personally cruel. It is unacceptable. If she were a parent, childrens services would have had her kids removed. Rick is tough at rehearsals without being personally vicious!! Abby is destroying their psyche. And poor Maddie will end up with PTSD because she clearly feels badly for the way chloe is treated. It is so obvious!! That even Maddie backstage feels terrible for Chloe. Melissa would see that if she wasn\\'t such a ""mean girl"" selling herself to pay for dance (talking about living through your kid!! Wow. She\\'s a walking dysfunction. Trust me Christi, you and Hollie would not be able to live with yourselves to act like she does to pander to Abbys insecurities. She is a special kind of mess). Melissa is far more nasty and catty about ""Maddie is the best"" than I have ever seen Maddie be. Melissa acts as if it\\'s her accomplishment!! I don\\'t see her out there dancing for hours! \\n\\nYou have a very challenging situation. Keep handling it with strength and dignity!! What Chloe learns about life and handling difficult people, whom we all have to deal with, is what is most important. Stand up for what you know is best for your daughter!! And don\\'t engage with any one else who makes an ass of herself. Keep your focus on not allowing Abby to negatively affect Chloe. But don\\'t worry about the moms as much, unless they say it in front of or to Chloe. If she is unaffected by it, do not engage them. Jill is so freaking insecure because she can\\'t buy enough goodwill to make Kendall a quality dancer. She doesn\\'t have core strength. She doesnt have strong technique. She is simply an immature dancer. If the mom would put half the energy she spends bribing Abby into helping Kendall, she could become a stronger dancer!!! Jill is a nightmare. Let her live in that nightmare all by herself. Let no mom speak with her for a couple of weeks until she can clean up her act. Shut her out. So that she does not affect you guys. You all have enough pressure!! \\n\\nNow.... The catholic school girl costumes for the bullying number.... First the irony was so rich!!! And Abby is clueless. Second, our girls had the exact same costume for a lyrical number. My sons was just watching that number and I was livid!!! We were at the emerald ball in LA (I love how Abby name drops LA and NYC all the time). We are all over the country every single weekend and sometimes entire week. We have ballroom teams and regular girls lyrical/jazz/tap type teams. When these girls walked out looking like living child porn, the entire ballroom of adult competitors and professionals gasped. It was repulsive. The number had gyrating, overly sexual moves, with the girls doing spilt legs with their crotches aimed at the audience. I about died!! Did some guy turn this team into a living vignette of his favorite porno?!? We did not have the fishnet stockings. I would have loved the fishnets over the thigh highs our girls were wearing!! I am very proud to see you moms stand up and say ""No!! These are children!!"" I cheered when I saw you have such an impact! Our teams moms decided to make it goofy so it would not get the reaction we got in LA: after gasping when the girls walked on, there were no cheers, no clapping, dead awkward and uncomfortable silence!! Broken up only by other gasps! It was embarrassing. Such bad taste level. These are almost all Mormon children competing. This was just atrocious. I am hoping the dance moms learned something from watching you stand up for what is right. All our moms did was put swim googles on the girls to make it look more goofy. It did work. The short skirts, the little panties crotch aimed at the audience, and gyrating pre-teens looking like walking porn was not mitigated one bit by swim googles. \\n\\nCHLOE: you are not snotty. You have never exhibited a mouthy or cocky attitude. That is Abbys projection on you. Because if she had been born as pretty as you are and as talented as you are, SHE would be a total brat to everyone!! So she assumes your a nasty bratty girl. It is obvious to everyone watching how gentle and kind and sweet and generous you are!!! You deserve to walk tall!!! Every time Abby berated you, tune her out!! Put her voice far away in the background and tell yourself, america is watching Abby make herself look like absolute jerk!! And we all think you are an incredibly strong and elegant dancer!!!! And phenomenal for your age. I would not lie to you kid!! You are phenomenal!! I promise everyone sees that. Even Abby ;) everytime she picks at you, she is doing it because she is so stinking jealous of you she can\\'t stand it!!! She will never ever be as beautiful and as talented and kind and wonderful of a person as you are. Smile, because every snotty thing she says or does reveals her ugliness to us and shows everyone how terribly jealous she is of YOU!! You are a remarkable young woman!! And an incredibly strong dancer! There is good reason for Abby to be so jealous of you!! Everyone should ;) who wouldn\\'t want to be Chloe!!! She is a fabulous person and a dynamic dancer!! Abby can never take that from you. So don\\'t give it to her. You are amazing!!"""
20120611190823Z,"""Clarrisani is as Australian and Muslim as Barney Frank is straight.\n\nAnother domestic liberal Democrat blog troll - BUSTED.\n\nGo back to MediaMatters: you failed. You liberals are REALLY SCARED - relax.\n\nObama and you scumbags will be nuked this fall - nothing you can do about it.\n\nRelax! Don't get a migraine over all this blog talk. You're not that smart."""
20120611204135Z,"""You can OD on water so I guess marijuana is better for you than water. That is the logic you are using...if it CAN kill you then marijuana is better. Not sure that is the criteria used when determining what is ok for a breast-feeding mom to put in her body."""
,"""So your Stupid Ass Wouldn't You Dumb Fuck!!!!!"""
,"""I think Kirchner needs to concentrate on her countrys ailing economy, and stop all this nonsense about the Falklands.\\n\\n \\n\\nThis is all simply deflection to galavanise the Argentinian people, its why she constantly brings the subject of the Falklands up, because whilst the people of Argentina are focuses on the Falklands, there is less focus on the economic woes of the country.\\n\\n \\n\\nIs this what she wants her legacy to be? Plastic Surgery and nonsense about the Falklands???? \\n\\n \\n\\nQuite how the UK sending a ship to the Falklands which they do so regularly be considered a risk to ""international security"" is laughable rhetoric of the lowest kind. There is no danger from the UK ship so long as no-one starts anything against that ship or the Falklands.\\n\\n \\n\\nThe people of the Falklands have made it clear they want to be a part of the UK, so how about the Argentinians respect that and just move on?\\n\\n \\n\\nAlso, if Kirchner is so disgusted with the \\'oppressive\\' nature of colonisation, will she now be making a concerted effort against other countries that have colonies and trying to claim those for Argentina?\\n\\n \\n\\nFind a new hobby Kirchner, maybe one that involves economic stability for Argentina might be a better use of your time."""
20120612150747Z,"""No my dude you don't get it. Plainly said, take him out back and shoot him. No appeals no nothing. Just a couple of bullets and bill his family for the cost of the ammo..."""
,"""joder como os envidio por tener lineas de 50 megas, yo con una de 10 lloraba de alegria, no por descargarme el juego sino porque me vaya bien el internet en general, porque con 2 megas soy una tortuga."""
20120611195501Z,"""I have known lots of people on drugs, booze, had their kids taken away, that were in other professions such as nurse, mortgage broker, big time attorney, etc."""
20120619152630Z,"""@Idrees1993 @caljb7 hahaa not even expensive fakes #fakejordan1"""
20120529051751Z,"""Tolerance? For dictators? I never said such a thing, and I never would. You bring shame upon yourself making excuses for tyrants and murderers."""
20120529035845Z,"""I know maybe half these women, but I support your list nonetheless"""
20120529171855Z,"""That might be what other countries give, but the standard in the U.S. is 72 hours. I'd fight NPR over that."""
,"""Why do i have to scroll down to see this but jorden getting back with that guy is top news???"""
20120612020005Z,"""dan_amd\n\nYou have realy no clue on every single idiotic comment of all your posts.WE ALL DON'T enjoy your stupid PRO AMD B:U:L:L:S:H:I:T ignorance.Please crawl back then in the fat ass of your gay loving buddy charliedemerjian semiinaccurate and try to find the light inside - U stupid FAG!\n\nWE REALY DON'T NEED AND WANT YOUR POST HERE ANYMORE!"""
20120612141553Z,"""And you have ""little girl syndrome"". And yet another piece of rock snot blobs on to GW in the form of ""joannaca""."""
20120609222408Z,"""yeah like you know me, faggot ass nigga"""
20120612020126Z,"""dan_amd\n\nYou have realy no clue on every single idiotic comment of all your posts.WE ALL DON'T enjoy your stupid PRO AMD B:U:L:L:S:H:I:T ignorance.Please crawl back then in the fat ass of your gay loving buddy charliedemerjian semiinaccurate and try to find the light inside - U stupid FAG!\n\nWE REALY DON'T NEED AND WANT YOUR POST HERE ANYMORE!"""
20120529154634Z,"""Perhaps it will make you feel better to know that my wife hit a cyclist with her car (accidentally!) a few months ago because he was riding on the sidewalks and popped out in front of her in the intersection. She was not ticketed but the cyclist got a stern warning from the cops."""
20120612040551Z,"""This Marine will NEVER compromise ! Obama NO Romney HELL NO!... never EVER would I EVER consider Romney.. I will take Obama over that son of a bitch any day!"""
20120529155932Z,"""Well, after all, Rmoney DID hire a speechwrighter/debate coach who worked for Jerry Falwell. What would you expect? Truth? Believability? Accuracy? Honesty? From Rmoney?\n\nPuhleeze!"""
20120529030328Z,"""Dre WTF are you doing not even close"""
,"""Other than ignorant ass-hats like you, who has used the word, ""crazy""?\\xc2\\xa0 It\\'s not used in the story.\\xc2\\xa0\\n\\nI understand that in the poorly educated and morally bankrupt segments of society where liberal dogma is most commonly used, fabricating words for someone else and then attacking them for the lie YOU create is considered ""smart"" debate.\\xc2\\xa0 But there are still a few Americans remaining who see through that middle school garbage and won\\'t put up with it.\\xc2\\xa0 \\n\\nYour post says a lot more about you than it does anyone involved in researching or publishing this story.\\xc2\\xa0 If you want to debate the story, stick to the content of the story, and stop pretending they\\'re saying things that weren\\'t written...liar."""
20120529123108Z,"""I find the ""Big Fundamental"" more original and appropriate."""
20120619210816Z,"""Those engineers are for mobile processors... as in for iPhones...\n\n\xa0\n\nYou are clueless for not reading before you post crap :/"""
20120529020752Z,"""You don't even have to try really"""
20120529022409Z,"""Lol.......Ralph you are the guys who are still in Moi era..."""
20120620055513Z,"""See three other people wih IQ's lower then you clicked like on your comment!\n\nCongrats!\n\nYou are not the dumbest one on the blog!!"""
20120620000542Z,"""Well stop letting Jenny sit on it"""
,"""Did you know the national average of same sex couples is .77. Not even 1% of the population according to the 2010 U S Census. So I ask why does the news media and entertainment industry try to convince us that being gay is OK. Why should we change the Constitution to include marriage between same sex partners? Marriage is between one man and one woman. Why should we amend our laws or the Constitution for less than one percent of our society. You can not legislate morality. Our teachers and professors should not be teaching morality. """
20120611182909Z,"""You know there are people who still haven't seen <I>Prometheus</I>, right? The fucker's only been out for one weekend."""
20120529171058Z,"""Membername.....1960's have zero relevance to now. \n Actually, as much as you Packer fans will hate it, Farve made the Packers much more popular. \n\n\nthe 1960's have not lost relevance. And yes, Favre added to the Packers popularity, as the Packers were terrible to mediocre before he arrived."""
20120619185433Z,"""@Rourke needs to give me a fucking like\xa0\xa0@aciddragon\xa0well its me and my friend Jawn."""
20120611200633Z,"""yep...right on the Llano river \n\nignorance becomes you"""
20120610013450Z,"""You are a complete jackass to blame the Mayor. Get a life!!!!!!!!!!"""
20120611171014Z,""" know only I will get that fag joke...bahahah...(and before anyone blasts Johnny, it is a\xa0brand of bearing FAG, swear to god)\xa0 It's ok though, if they fuck with me they are leaving some other poor soul alone.\xa0 \n\nMy son is doing great, his ship is due for its first deployment this month...\xa0 we are gonna go up to Norfolks when it returns for the big hoopla for it next spring.\xa0 Been pretty busy here too.\xa0 Sure have missed ya around here for sure."""
20120612102115Z,"""You are not ready for this show and you new this before you started you a punk and do talk BS behind ppl back get courage up let the black side come out"""
,"""genuinegooner sorry if you take it the rude way but a manager who has been voted the best in the decade by the IFFHS and awarded with golden trophy in world football galas and is considered with ferguson and mourinho as the three most influential managers of modern football CAN NOT be critisised, offended and have his name and reputation tarnished by little engladers ........OK ?\\n\\n \\n\\nas for arsenal winning titles...when they repay the stadium and can pay some money for top players and integrate with what they have produced..thats when you can start having demands of them. certainly not now when they are still a work in progress.\\n\\n \\n\\nyou want arsenal to win titles? lol .....with who? walcott and eboue and almunia? lol and fabreags on his own ?..or van persie? is that how you win titles? lol my freind manchester united spent 34 million on two teenagers ..and 30 on one teenager..... chelsea got drogba malouda ballack essien etc etc to win titles.....arsenal has never spent those amounts for have built a stadium and trying to stay on their feet while the rest collapse from their own financial mismanagement. still though they are always there or thereabouts....and have been for the last 15 years and more...whether vieira is on or frimpong is on ...... if that is no testament to wenger;s ability for you little englanders then maybe its yoru logic that is at fault and not the one voted best manager of the decade......\\n\\n \\n\\nwenger does not have to give exams to anyone for his is a football guru/scientist and you are just a frustrated soul with a keyboard..... and the arsenal fans should consider themselves lucky to have him. after him its chaos .........\\n\\n \\n\\n \\n\\n \\n\\n """
,"""retired soldier\\n\\nI remember the time when being gay was considered to be a mental illness. In the military we used to throw you creteis in the slammer...ah those were the days.\\xc2\\xa0 """
20120611052919Z,"""LOL Allen Iverson was right, he told Lebron people was gonna hate him.Jealous ass pussy fucks, say what you want about him.He's in the finals and you're behind a\xa0computer scratching \xa0\nyour nuts.Know your place.BTW Okc vs Heat is gonna be a good ass game."""
20120530142516Z,"""Would someone who regurgitates and parrots the sheep line from the tape recording really understand?"""
,"""@dale0987654321 NO it's number fifteen on my list, asking a dumb question and persisting on getting an answer, LOL"""
20120527175922Z,"""Funny that this should be the first time you brought this up...."""
20120619153007Z,"""This piece of human excrement is certifiably insane ... she's so full of crap she needs to go to the bathroom. \xa0The people who put her in office must enjoy enriching her and her husband at their expense ... they are bottom scum that feed off of the crap from this Benedict Arnold"""
20120609193931Z,"""Fontaine123 your an idiot."""
20120530011147Z,"""Did I say he sucks or did I say he's the best?"""
20120527190240Z,"""I've seen so many videos I don't think I can see any more."""
20120619090510Z,"""I'll try not to miss this!\n\nAnd fuck you title \u0ca0_\u0ca0"""
20120610011130Z,"""I suspect you are usual."""
,"""Well, I\\'m glad that some tickets have been handed out but I have to say I see the same number of idiots on their phones, or texting below the steering wheel, or eating a bowl of cereal or any number of other stupid things on my daily drive.\\xc2\\xa0 It\\'s just a sad statement that so many people just don\\'t give a rats ass about anyone but themselves.\\xc2\\xa0 It\\'s simple arrognat ignorance to drive distracted.\\xc2\\xa0 It\\'s always ""Oh I\\'m a good driver I can handle talking on my cell phone and driving, its easy.""\\xc2\\xa0 Yeah right up until you go to answer your phone, look up and see that kid you plow through as you run a red light.\\xc2\\xa0 Then it\\'s all ""OMG I didn\\'t see him, I only glanced away for a second to answer my phone.!""\\xc2\\xa0 The penalty should have included demerits and a heftier fine for it to be taken seriously."""
,"""@christopher_m hooray for Chris and his DE making powers."""
20120620083742Z,"""And you are meet example."""
20120619225707Z,"""Boy, you are puerile, aren't you?"""
,"""Just because Arshavin is the captain of his country doesn't mean he's not prone to dips in form...and frankly his form has been pretty poor for a while now.\\n\\nChamberlain was offering Arsenal creativity and a real attacking threat, Arshavin offered them nothing as he was an almost immediate passenger. I could see little signs of fatigue or injury in the lad, and neither did Van Persie judging by his reaction to the substitution...and you'd think he'd know being the on field captain and all. This was an important game, and not the time to save him for the next fixture."""
,"""your all talk; if you saw a black man in the street your pale ass would run the other way. you stupid racist bastard."""
20120619212351Z,"""Gee Mitch. \xa0 As I recall, you and Boner would not bargain with the president when he offered a $4 billion deal that would have had a tiny tax increase on the 1%.\xa0 You blew it.\xa0 I hope you and Boner get driven from office.\xa0 You have fucked up the economy for your own greedy political gains."""
20120620180145Z,"""The shrub was desperately stupid and he had greatness thrust upon him, well, great power at least."""
20120610075605Z,"""Admiration for a Ghetto tramp? \xa0I know that you are putting me on. \xa0You really are not serious. \xa0No way that you can be. \xa0I ain't falling for it Suki. \xa0 You were raised better then that."""
20120610051012Z,"""O ano ngayon, NoyNoy?\n\nTuwang tuwa ka ano at talo si Pacquiao?\n\nDi ba, training pa lang niya, kinukulit mo na ng tax evasion cases, na pwede namang gawin pagkatapos ng laban?\n\nSira ulo ka talagang tao."""
20120612020809Z,"""dan_amd\n\nYou have realy no clue on every single idiotic comment of all your posts.WE ALL DON'T enjoy your stupid PRO AMD B:U:L:L:S:H:I:T ignorance.Please crawl back then in the fat ass of your gay loving buddy charliedemerjian semiinaccurate and try to find the light inside - U stupid FAG!\n\nWE REALY DON'T NEED AND WANT YOUR POST HERE ANYMORE!"""
20120320195124Z,"""Shut up you stupid ho.\xa0 LOL"""
20120620164027Z,"""Who the fuck is this regular joe?\n\nSeriously that's all they got CNN, Wallstreet journal... did they miss all the other stuff that happened\n\nSo the game was to fake a funk and hope no one notices.\n\nAnyways-- its all about the white voters."""
20120610162824Z,""""" Oh shit there's more ! "" Fucking perfection lmao !"""
20120529051811Z,"""So much win in your comment"""
20120619193933Z,"""@Vanity you just proved your ignorance."""
20120620095528Z,"""YES, rigoman33, I am. Why on earth would I be for someone who has an economic plan that is basically the same one GW Bush used in 2000, when we had a surplus."""
20120619235746Z,"""Your comments are always spot on!!.. The voice of common sense and telling it like it is, never goes out of style..Well said, Ira7."""
20120320180505Z,"""Get your facts straight idiot, 70% of crim is NOT committed by black people, what a buffoon!"""
20120620015953Z,"""why you gotta trash Cali?"""
20120528233748Z,"""Hamilton is a risk because of his past though. Rangers have the money to overpay him.."""
20120529182554Z,"""If you pay for those services and you don't have another way to easily get them on your television, XBL gold is not a bad method especially if you already own XBoxes.\n\nI mean.. realistically at most it will cost you $5 a month if you sign up for a whole year. Chances are if you are buying multiple Xboxes simply to use them as media extenders, you aren't going to miss $5 a month.\n\nAlso, if you hunt around a little bit you can save money on your Sub. Amazon, Walmart, Newegg and even Microsoft occasionally have sales on XBL Gold subscriptions. I have my price set @ $40 for the next 3 years. That works out to just over $3 a month. I spend more than that on coffee every day."""
20120502084310Z,"""Because the more you shine.. the more d shadows"""
20120609201143Z,"""There is one Judge and He is over all, He is the one who calls sin what it is and tells us to repent of it. Homosexuality G_d calls it an abomination, it is detestable to Him and it should be to us.\xa0G_d did not create killers, muders, rapists, pedophiles, lesbians, gays, transgender, adulterers, thieves, fornicators, etc. Your logic fails when you say that the Creator made them this way for a reason, that is an evil position to hold. We make choices in this life and what we become is all based upon our own individual freewill, no one forces them to become rebellious against G_d, they have done it to themselves. In your trying to have others accept evil to create peace what you are actually doing instead is creating chaos, because righteousness and evil rebelliousness cannot co-exist."""
,"""@Blue Grit Oh, they have already started that campaign. Didn\\\\\\'t you see Juan Williams get ""put in his place"" at one of the debates? The base ate it up and Newt shot to the top of the polls. Unfortunately, David Axelrod was right: The higher the monkey climbs, the more you see of his ass."""
,"""I thought a peep was those marshmellow things we eat around easter time?\\xc2\\xa0 lol\\xc2\\xa0 But on a serious note, this millionaire is an idiot.\\xc2\\xa0 Research the area where you're going to build a mansion first and second, if you get robbed there are local people 700 yards to protect your rich ass."""
20120527213751Z,"""I pity the trolls that troll trolls."""
20120529131704Z,"""Too bad Tim Duncan didn't retire in 1997."""
20120611141058Z,"""Razor2myWrist... when will you take that razor there?\xa0 Hopefully soon.\xa0 You are a major moron.\xa0 When HE calls you home HE will call you home.\xa0 I'm sure that HE did not let\xa0Patrick\xa0suffer.\xa0 Prayers and condolences for those he left behind."""
,"""Between Craig Custance, LeBrun and Burnside and Katie Baker at Grantland, ESPN's web coverage of the NHL is outstanding. Corey Pronman, who writes for ESPN Insider is awesome also. Say what you will about their damn-near refusal to show highlights on a nightly basis, but don't let it spill over into your opinion of ESPN's written content."""
20120530052236Z,"""There's ""team SEC"" again. You're a Kentucky fan. Go away."""
,"""@Kaneblues And an audience that believes what it sees on TV."""
,"""@MikeLeeds @TSS absolutely right\\n\\n \\n\\n """
20120320204233Z,"""\u201cF**k you man. Who do you think you are you poor c**t. F**k you, f**k your mother, f**k your father, f**k your wife, your children and your life. You are f**kall P***face.... Go f**k your hand.\u201d F""""k your dogs"""
20120619131251Z,"""Vacman, Foxtitues is lame, corny.\xa0 I know you are proud of yourself for thinking you invented the term but I have seen it in other folk's posts.\xa0 It just makes me groan.\xa0 I also don't like libtard, Rachel Madcow, etc.\xa0 These terms are tiresome.\xa0 And you need to\xa0quit watching CNN, MSNBC, Anderson Cooper, Ed Schultz, etc.\xa0 You really need to develop some views of your own."""
,"""She isn't THAT annoying....give her a break, that's a low blow.\\xc2\\xa0"""
,"""The entire gay community will mourne the loss of an epic diva performer. She like Michael Jackson, Farrah Faucet-Majors, & Patrick Swayze were all icons of the 80's & 90's and will forever reside in my most pleasant memories of joy and love.\\n\\nGod Bless Whitney as she enters the Kingdom of our loving father in heaven.\\n\\nWe love you Whitney\\nTom Duffy, Alexandria VA"""
20120611203847Z,"""OK, now TWO great things come outta Shiner, Texas. Shiner Bock Beer and one hell of a Dad. This guy is only guilty of not having a gun on him."""
20120610161152Z,"""What ever happened to the notion that local decisions be made at the local level and paid for with local resources. I guess the 10th Amendment really doesn't mean anything anymore? It will probably be the first to go of the first ten which limit big brother's power over the individual."""
20120618231843Z,"""This kinda fucked up thinking is why you need a civics lesson... you have no understanding of simplest concepts of democracy."""
,"""A sad fact indeed but the crime data does not lie..Let""s take the great state of virginia for example with a population of around 24% of black citizens between the age of 16 to 35 yet\\xc2\\xa0of in this particular\\xc2\\xa0age bracket they still manage to commit\\xc2\\xa039%\\xc2\\xa0of all the crimes in this state be it robberies car jackings rape \\xc2\\xa0or murders.Sadly most other states have the same or worse 2008 crime stats for the state of virginia."""
20120528064045Z,"""So there I was soloing a Dominix on the minor gate in my Catalyst. :D But of course it was only there to bait..."""
20120320164303Z,"""The only language you understand would have to penetrate the walls of your rectum and vibrate your eardrums."""
,"""so u a real bitch can u take dis real polish hotdog i got for u """
20120320180305Z,"""no, it didnt, your comments just proved even more that you are a self absorbed pretentious asshole"""
20120514050801Z,"""I hope you aren't balancing over the cursed springs."""
20120609165510Z,"""In honor of the 44th \nPresident of the United States , Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new \nflavor: "" Barocky Road ."" Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half \nchocolate, and surrounded by n uts and flakes.The vanilla portion of the mix \nis not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The n uts and \nflakes are all very bitter and hard to s wallow.The cost is $92.84 per \ns out of a hundred dollar bill you are at least promised some \nCHANGE..!When purchased it will be presented to you in a large \nbeautiful cone, but after you pay for it, the ice cream is taken away and given \nto the person in line behind you at no charge.You are left with an almost \nempty wallet, staring at an empty cone, and wondering what just \nhappened.\nThen you realize this is \nwhat ""redistribution of wealth"" is all about.Now, aren't you \nstimulated?"""
20120612115622Z,"""I'm sorry but YG entertainment also does VERY good story line MVs.\nand the story line is there to tell the song through the MV, what's there to analyse if nothing tells the story?\nall I could analyse in F(x)'s MV are the electric streams, that's it.\nthere's nothing else.\xa0\nbut those kind of MVs aren't supposed to have story lines,\n\xa0it's just for partying anyway."""
20120620072626Z,"""You seem desperate and psychotic.. go away."""
20120609184208Z,"""I'm asking quellepotat a question, you stupid son ofabitch! Why do you keep hijacking everyone's post? Do you think you know it all you a s shole!"""
20120610025123Z,"""by the way, typical Leadership, trying to imitate Sid's down on one knee wicked one timer"""
20120609184728Z,"""Looks like You Sarah!"""
20120320172033Z,"""Haha.\xa0 A black kid was shot by a hispanic and you still find a way to blame whitey.\xa0 Your ignorance is astounding."""
20120515175906Z,"""who are the two starters you have him better than \n\nand who are the two backups better than him"""
20120320165122Z,"""Fuck yourself."""
20120529131319Z,"""@Beatzxx\n\xa0AND YOU DESERVE TO DIE"""
20120529153519Z,"""Yeah, Clinton really dropped the ball o that one ..."""
20120609211256Z,"""Here, let me call your cretin buddies for ya!\n\nSQUEEEEEE!! SQUEEeeeeeeee!!!!\n\nSquee Oink ong... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!\n\nThey should all be galloping in here soon. Don't get distracted with comparing photos of Obama. He loves it, but he needs your help right now. He's dug himself into a whole."""
,"""@...PetrsMailbox She's applied to North Carolina and and Baylor. She was epic disappoint """
,"""oh no well embarrassing dont think i could do that"""
20120611131005Z,"""you are an idiot"""
,"""Marriage is a religious ceremony, not a federal right. The act of being gay is a mental illness. It goes against nature and needs to be stopped. A product of the evil one\\xe2\\x80\\xa6."""
20120619195810Z,"""I think Sil3nt ascended into space, and ethan is at ESPN sometimes"""
20120609225507Z,"""You are more fun than the old chick down the street!"""
20120611170215Z,"""GET YOU HEAD OUT OF YOUR\xa0\xa0\xa0 A\xa0 Z\xa0 Z!!!!!!!!!!!"""
20120514050404Z,"""Have you seen birdsong, yet?"""
20120610085636Z,"""You are such an asshole it isn't even funny anymore. You must be one of those people that is near impossible to be around and who corrects people when they say ""less"" instead of ""fewer.""\n\nPeople like you never make it very far, regardless of how great you think you are, because you are impossible to work with and a\xa0complete\xa0snob that everybody tends to dislike."""
20120320093543Z,"""Let me guess, your a UGLY_FAT_ASS_WELFARE_COLLECTING_CAUCASIAN, correct ?"""
20120612074154Z,"""@HDnatureTV I gave a 7.5 because it focuses too much on multiplayer and the drivers are missing only 3 were there. If you like multiplayer games only. Is awesome. Is really team focus game. In conclusion, Online great, Offline not so great."""
20120612001431Z,"""If you have the money, go right ahead and purchase it. I must admit OSx is very User Friendly, however anyone with a basic knowledge of C++, hell even a basic knowledge of computers will learn and make much more use from Windows Operating Systems.\xa0\n\nYour ""retina"" display screen is a nice gimmick. But, unless you're willing to dish out 2.7 grand on a laptop, you're going to get stuck with the weak Ivy Bridge CPU.\xa0\n\nI know I cannot change #iSheep, but I gotta try."""
20120618201637Z,"""But don't you know as crazy as the two of us are, we'd have a blast together.\xa0 And then imagine the blog posts?\xa0 Awesome.\xa0 And you are not lame, no way.\xa0 Nothing wrong with trying to hang on to your cash.\xa0 I definitely have issues with that though.\xa0 \nXOXOs my friend."""
20120528221931Z,"""their team as a whole needs to play better."""
20120620031414Z,"""""...our country is in a pile of deep shit.""\xa0 Thanks to rich/greedy White people, our country is in a pile of shit."""
20120610065358Z,"""are you (hate to saythis word)...retarded?"""
20120528194015Z,"""If the Spurs sit out Duncan, Parker and Manu in Game 4 the Thunder could probably win that game."""
20120529031330Z,"""You cant be president of Harvard Law Review without top grades. What dont you understand?"""
20120610021846Z,"""What does that mean? Does that mean all languages are equal? Are you retarded?\n\nTo write good code in PHP takes an enormous amount of knowledge of all the inconsistent and unorthogonal crap that is in PHP, and vast amounts of time, and not a little luck."""
,"""@Wild Willy Thank you for this link. It proves that Komen is pure political manipulation with no interest in helping humans it pretends to help. BS at it's highest level of stinking and sucking."""
,"""Alara cant go kill herself what the sick she looks like some fagget in girls close and no alara you would not be the perfect juliet so go die!!!!"""
20120528193101Z,"""Yea the white iPhone was on time."""
20120611202255Z,"""Are you always this stupid or just when you are defecating on the internet?"""
20120527210956Z,"""I cant wait until the Spurs are up three nothing in the series, so I can look at all the post from OKC fans saying Okc will win 4 straight"""
20120528152705Z,"""As a Bengals fan, I'd have to say the Lions don't look that bad."""
,"""EWWWW ~ Regal pose??? More like about ready to spew puke all over the place! Ugly genes in the family somewhere!!!"""
,"""Let\\\\\\'s cut little Newton a break. Product of an emotionally unstable teen mother, forced into a shotgun marriage. Grew up in a dysfunctional family, rejected by his father. Small wonder he is given to delusions of grandeur and narcissism, inept at running anything but his mouth.\\\\n\\\\n \\\\n\\\\nSurely the American electorate couldn\\\\\\'t invest their hopes in this.\\\\n\\\\n \\\\n\\\\nOops, we did: Obama \\\\\\'08. Stupidity is doing the same dumb thing over again expecting a different result.\\\\n\\\\n \\\\n\\\\nTime for ""Change you can believe in."" Why not try electing an adult for a change in 2012?"""
20120610054035Z,"""You don't want a president you want a God! Presidents can't walk on water they can only work with their legislation and it so happens that they're Rightwing fanatics!"""
20120530095555Z,"""An incompetent\xa0pos that nobody should be burdened with. Start the criminal proceedings"""
,"""Bravo Bev, kill em with facts. Very well put. People like Jane who brag about the fund raisers they have or attend for the likes of Babs Boxer, thier rich husbands, and the top colleges that their children attend, make me want to puke. They have no concept of anything outside the relm of their own closed neighborhoods. Jane like other token liberals in this forum all wear rose tinted glasses, and the sun always shine on them and their neighborhood. Jane would not last a single day in a neighborhood as you described it. Sad, so darn sad. Pops..."""
20120619024633Z,"""Justin I totally think you are right because if someone talks crap about me I don't care. But if someone started talking crap about my family or friends or someone I look up to like you I would say that's not cool. But if someone touched me I would do what they do to me put harder. Because I don't believe in fighting for no reason I do not fight but for the real reasons only."""
,"""um..uh...ah shyte, never mind..."""
20120529061856Z,"""Chelsea gonna start their own cup, Bus Cup"""
20120619084451Z,"""This is fucking illuminati!!\xa0 I mean if you see the video - there is this scene where she is on a wheelchair and the little girl tries to protect katy perry from the 2 gigantic bull faced people - which is a symbol of devil - \nP.S - The girl is a mere reflection of katy perry when she was young -"""
20120620181823Z,"""Hitler also claimed guidance from God when the situation called for it. So what?"""
20120620033346Z,"""You call people racist & idiots, yet you say ""you are mad that your momma wants a nice black p*nis in her life"" you sound like the idiot to me......loser"""
20120514051022Z,"""This is what happens when you_fuck dirty dudes you just met at the bowling alley."""
20120612042942Z,"""Ben Richards have you seen your mom or your granny titties cause she only show a nipple.I guess when your wife gets 60 you'll stop looking at her titties too."""
20120619222024Z,"""To those of you who think defense lawyers are scum-- hopefully you'll never need one on your side."""
,"""@memphisdawg you can look for us to probably do 28 next year with 3 early enrolees (henry, ramsey, and someone else). we're fine on the o-line. we have 14 guys with zero graduating next year. you do have to take attrition into account, but we're already in the running for a ton this year. most of which would be top 5 linemen in the nation this year."""
20120612001655Z,"""@ExplicitMikenaa I played the other MoH, .... idk from like 2 years ago, it was alright just too short."""
20120502214439Z,"""There is no shame in getting beaten when you are up against the most awesome strikes of the season."""
20120619220349Z,"""Fuck The Great Gatsby.\n\nI'm sorry, that book sucked ass and the movie will suck even more. \n\nYou know what, I'm NOT sorry. I hate that book as much as fucking Terry Tempest Williams, who (whom?) I had to read in college."""
,"""And we for sure didn't get any help from cook tonight ha"""
20120515072502Z,"""Grammynut -\xa0 I'm betting that next week we'll see they set up 2 cameras and the footage of Magic from the front is after the footage from the side. Adam's crew would have to be colossal idiots to not film him from the front. You don't have to be a professional camera crew to know that footage of someone talking from the side is useless. \n\nAlso, Magic isn't exactly a stranger to being on camera. I very much doubt he'd talk to nothing. I don't know anything about Adam's crew, but from what I've seen of Magic, I'm pretty sure he's not that dumb."""
20120620154342Z,"""these dummies would know a fact if it bit their over sized azzez"""
20120515203513Z,"""That is NOT true. You either don't know what you're talking about or you're lying.\n\nEmployees don't ""sign-up for them."" The default is the withholding. An employee can only opt-out during one month each year, usually June. And opting out is not as simple as you think.\xa0 A letter with very specific language sent certified mail to the union has to be sent EVERY year or the Purple-shirted Thugs get to your paycheck before you can.\n\n<b>And you want to talk about 'undemocratic?' What's undemocratic is that unless you pay full political dues, you don't get to vote on <u>ANYTHING.</u>\xa0 Not contracts. Not officers. Nothing. How's that for undemocratic.</b>"""
,"""And once again, we see the ""love"" inherent in religion, fervently hoping that the end of the world will come and smite everyone who doesn\\'t believe in the same fairy tales that you do.\\n\\nHow very Christian of you. \\n\\nAnd don\\'t be silly. You and every other religious zealot relishes in the opportunity to judge and deem themselves superior to all others. \\n\\nPeople such as neiman and yourself are the exact reason that church needs to be separated from state. \\n\\nUntil there are no more religions. \\n\\nUnfortunately, given the history of every religion, it\\'s quite likely that religion will kill us all soon anyway. Not your much-hoped-for rapture, of course, which is simply a spooky story for simpletons, but real, actual world-ending death. \\n\\nUnfortunately, as there is nothing after death, you won\\'t be able to gloat."""
,"""@pdoggy @...PetrsMailbox Whiskey them away"""
20120530040644Z,"""hahahahaha.\xa0 What a jack a $ $\xa0 you are."""
,"""Gessh, If you're going to debunk myths you can't do it only in the way you want. The Amercian Revolution was based on many different factors, slavery only one of them. Industrialism was also one of them. Many of our founding father's had slaves up until the time that Lincoln set them free.\\n\\nOh... and slavery was the white man putting the black man in the yoke of the plow? Sorry but blacks sold blacks into slavery, that is how the white people got them. But the truth does not end there. Whites and native americans were also slaves. If you are still disillusioned Africa still has a slavery problem with blacks are kidnapping blacks and .... selling them into slavery.\\n\\nBlacks should get over slavery because you are not slaves, you have not been slaves. Those who were slaves, the ones who had a right to be pissed about it are now dead. Move on and concetrate on making the most out of your life that you can.\\n\\nBlacks fighting for America? No I'm not one of those who thought they didn't fight until WW2 but I'm sure that many blacks don't know or refuse to acknowledgs that there were free blacks who fought for the south against the north. \\n\\nI am not racist. \\n\\nBut I am damn tired of someone expecting something because the color of their skin. When I was in high school a black boy came to me and said 'move over'. I replied 'No.' He went and told the vice principal that I wouldn't allow him to sit down because he was black. I only wish I had had the courage to speak up and say that it was because he was rude. Had he asked politely I would have shared my seat.\\n\\nDuring highschool I endure quietly being struck in the back of the head by black girls because I was white. I had to endure vicious teasing from them because I was white. To what civic group to I complain to to get justice for this?\\n\\nI once worked in a video arcade where a young black girl grabbed a moving game and held on to it so that the alarm went off. She must have been four so I crouched down not to over whem her, talked softly and told her the game was ment to be hit with the mallet and she couldn't hold on to the pieces. Her father started screaming at me for correcting his child because she didn't know any better and threated to cause me physical harm. I had to run to my office while his wife tried to pull him away. Of course she didn't know any better that is why i explained how to play the game to her... and you call me racist?\\n\\nI believe that black's still have problems because they don't want to let go of the excuse... 'if something doesn't go my way it must be because I am black'... not that you could have behaved better or worked harder... or just like the rest of us poor white folks... sometimes you just don't get what you want."""
20120527182714Z,"""Didn't he get hit in the eye last week?"""
20120610132017Z,"""Gee, if only it were possible for you to start your own blog instead of telling Atrios how to run his . . . ."""
20120619003951Z,"""She needs to cover her damn head!!"""
20120502085302Z,"""Wow, you guys talk like grown-ups."""
,"""There is not ONE gay couple anywhere that is LEGALLY married----It simply is not recognized as a marriage---\\nNo matter what the state says---------"""
,"""You blowing someone 100 times doesn't make you a better c0ck sucker than if you blow someone 10 times ..... bottom line you just blow"""
,"""Lets see.......The man who lost his legs while trying to blow up civilians was Iranian. They arrested a second Iranian trying to flee the country at the airport in Bangkok.......Do you need any more information to figure it all out. At least there was no evidence that the ""scientists"" in Iran were\\xc2\\xa0assassinated\\xc2\\xa0by the Israeli\\'s and were probably dealt with by the Brits and the CIA."""
,"""Great stuff I am so ready to learn! but I wonder how gmail power works when I read much of my mail on iOS devices--do I use a gmail app? or go through a gmail mobile site? I wonder.....will you be addressing this aspect in future videos? Thanks for what I've seen & learned here thus far!"""
20120529202503Z,"""You could actually be a corn dog"""
20120611200904Z,"""Don't ever put words in my mouth, \xa0Russell."""
20120620155438Z,"""Hey\xa0 Chris, if everyone thought like you we'd be wearing swastikas on our ass. You little pussy!"""
20120528093426Z,"""Elizabeth was a paranoid despot ( with good reason ) who employed a secret police to root out dissent and the punishment was often death. I see you are a bit fan of piracy ( commerce), as that was all the rage at the time, as was \xa0profiteering from the slave trade.\nTimes don't change that much and the ripples of our former exploits still laps into modern times."""
20120620004913Z,"""I am betting I will get an overwhelming amount of hits from Right Wing NRA members blogs\xa0promoting the fear without any real substantiation, basically quoting each other to prove they are right ,like some massive circle jerk.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 It is simple: Do you think the majority of the military forces including the national guard and armed reserves would turn their weaponry on American citizens at home,\xa0 Their mothers, fathers, brothers, sister and friends at the say so of\xa0any President.\xa0\xa0You don't control the military you have\xa0nothing. MIght as well pee into the North Dakota\xa0wind because\xa0the takeover you all are fearing is hysteria and hysterical if not down right paranoid........unless you sneaky bastards.....;you are trying\xa0to get into control with all you weaponry to takeover the gov't setting up you own totalitarian states..\xa0 It is like you rant about Muslims that they are taught to lie......Everything is geared to 2As\xa0 to come to power.......OMG I am becoming paranoid and delusional ;you sneaky sneaky 2As."""
20120620023950Z,"""Like you?"""
20120530144311Z,"""Clarke's fantastic - big beast, hard hitting, eminently sensible on all the major issues.\n\n(Much as the far right keep willing all things European to fail, the fact remains that we're doing just fine thanks, and you're not going to drag our rights away from us)"""
20120529114022Z,"""Skyrim's winning? I can deal with that. But ""Still Alive"" would have still been funny because that poor orchestra would be like ""wtf m8 ^^""."""
20120529003615Z,"""Are you kidding me? One ATM on ELM near the hardware store just raised their fee to $3. This is exactly like the life of a troubled boxer.\xa0\n\nIn fact, to take the analogy a bit further and make it even more relevant--so hopefully you'll see the connection--My Internet connection speed wasn't fast enough to stream Arrested Development in HD!"""
20120611175620Z,"""Just for the record ""Tingles"" is not a centrist."""
20120610001531Z,"""Wow, you really are just a post troll or truly an uneducated moron.\xa0 What exactly do you do for a living and why do you feel like you are qualified to judge doctors, their salaries, or anything of that matter?\xa0 Some doctors do make a lot of money, but you forget a vast majority probably do not make that much.\xa0 Insurance reimbursements are down, loans, family, etc etc.\xa0 Just because you watched ER or House doesn't really qualify you to judge anybody's income or way of life.\xa0 They work hard for people they don't even know and give them more attention on a daily basis than their own family may receive.\xa0 You should be thankful we actually have modern medicine.\xa0 Maybe you could take a gunshot wound to the leg and let the barber use a hacksaw to take it off with nothing but a piece of wood to bite on.\xa0 Grow up."""
20120620005209Z,"""Stupid Nokia, actually you can split the team into Windows Phone and Android because you have the capability to manufacture more than 20 model per year. Why not just run the plan A and B together? Selling Android phone, you can survive and slowly have your sweet time to growing your windows phone market. Better hire me as your company strategic planner. :)"""
,"""@attrip @oOsp00nOo \\xe7\\xa7\\x81\\xe3\\x81\\xaf\\xe5\\xa4\\xa7\\xe4\\xb8\\x88\\xe5\\xa4\\xab\\xe3\\x81\\xa7\\xe3\\x81\\x99\\xef\\xbc\\x81 \\xe3\\x82\\xba\\xe3\\x83\\x9f\\xe3\\x83\\x9e\\xe3\\x83\\xab\\xe3\\x81\\x95\\xe3\\x82\\x93\\xe3\\x81\\xaf\\xe5\\x8e\\xb3\\xe3\\x81\\x97\\xe3\\x81\\x84\\xe3\\x81\\xa8\\xe6\\x80\\x9d\\xe3\\x81\\x84\\xe3\\x81\\xbe\\xe3\\x81\\x99\\xe3\\x81\\x8c\\xe2\\x80\\xa6 @Sayobs \\xe3\\x82\\x8c\\xe3\\x81\\x84\\xe3\\x81\\xa1\\xe3\\x82\\x83\\xe3\\x82\\x93\\xe3\\x81\\xa8\\xe3\\x81\\x8b\\xe3\\x82\\x82\\xe4\\xb8\\x80\\xe7\\xb7\\x92\\xe3\\x81\\xa0\\xe3\\x81\\xa8\\xe3\\x82\\x88\\xe3\\x82\\x8a\\xe6\\xa5\\xbd\\xe3\\x81\\x97\\xe3\\x81\\x8f\\xe3\\x81\\xaa\\xe3\\x82\\x8b\\xe3\\x81\\x8b\\xe3\\x82\\x82\\xe3\\x81\\xa7\\xe3\\x81\\x99\\xe3\\x81\\xad\\xef\\xbc\\x81"""
20120610042818Z,"""Why isn't race tied to the crime in this case?"""
20120320205145Z,"""looks like more Obama nut juice on your face punk"""
,"""stick that up your-ass fruit cake. You get no tolerance and you get no special rights. We are not required to give you jackshit. I'm sorry I used the sh|t word. I know that gets you excited like a fart does...the homo-mating call."""
20120612040201Z,"""Come on Simon throw the trash out she's ruining your show . Dump the bitch!!"""
20120618223540Z,"""Like all fools on this site, you aren't intelligent enough to understand an intelligent person, you dolt...!"""
20120528213333Z,"""I do believe that @boby:disqus\xa0 & @aproudELF:disqus\xa0 are the same girl with two different accounts .. the same sick mentality ... trashy and trolly"""
20120611175024Z,"""not guilty. \xa0He didn't take the law in his own hands - this wasn't meted out as punishment.\n\nHe caught the guy in the act - meaning he had the right to stop the guy by any means necessary.\n\nHe didn't know the guy would die, he just struck him in the head with his fists.\n\nFrankly I wouldn't have blamed him for picking up any nearby object and striking him on the head.\n\nNo parent is going to do anything else, geez. \xa0 He's completely innocent and has no reason to even feel bad. \xa0I'm sure his only regret in the long run was even inviting that guy to his house."""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0Popes Gone Wild: What the Catholic Church Would Rather You Forget\\n\\n\\xc2\\xa0Pope John Paul II, our current pope, was also part \\nof H itler's Youth. This would probably disqualify him for political \\npositions if he went that route instead of the papacy. Though he's \\npublicly condemned all forms of birth control and gay marriage, his only\\n reaction to the pedophile priest scandals was merely to issue a feeble \\napology for 2000 years worth of pedophile church swapping, record \\nburying, and secret payoffs to families for not denouncing the church \\npublicly. He never condemned the behavior and only started defrocking \\npriests when the masses started to put intense pressure on him to do so.\\n Even so not that many priests were let go compared to what are likely \\nout there. Apparently pedophilia is a more forgivable sin then birth control."""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0well--you piss off black people comparing that to gay marriage--but thats there problem"""
20120529194024Z,"""Try training for a job that makes you too important to treat like that. Hamburger flippers are a dime a dozen."""
,"""Yeah i have waited over 10 minutes...i think it is normal it says wait 10-30 minutes\\n\\n """
20120528100421Z,"""This is one of many reasons why you are the face of failure."""
,"""wow, so just be gay, and trip laughingly through the world, and tra la la, everything will be so groovy.\\xc2\\xa0 What a retard."""
20120320151137Z,"""You don't deserve a call honey, 'cause you really are a slut, and like your mom, you'll do anything for money."""
,"""USDA guidelines for healthy lunches has been on the books for about 10 years now and for those of you who have trouble reading they are GUIDELINES nobody is being forced to do anything there is now repercussions from the gov for not following the GUIDELINES as they are only GUIDELINES can i make it clearer? this has nothing to do with Obama or the 1st lady but i notice typical for you righties you go directly to racism (mullato) ignorance (his fat ass wife) and murder (shoot him the head), i do love your moral compass though tell women what to do with there own bodies, delete great men in history if they dont meet your conservative values (texas board of education, tennessee tea party) decide who can or cannot marry the person they love all A OK with you guys but dont dare issue guidelines for healthy eating thats just socialism. dont ever change conservatives you keep me smiling\\xc2\\xa0"""
,"""@Hobbes83 @Kick Ass @Disgusted But Hopeful I wasn't responding to your statement but to Kick Ass's original question that he asked of me. I did read your post. I didn't mean to be facetious. Was is fallacious about my statement?"""
20120610113001Z,"""when you are slaves you don't make demands ,,time for a revolution"""
20120612023050Z,"""Funnyjunk are a bunch of assholes."""
20120618225611Z,"""You are a total idiot.\xa0 You are probably unemployed and will never be able to find a job.\xa0 I'm glad you won't be able to figure out how to vote so we don't have to worry about you on election day.\xa0 Do you just sit in a dark corner 24 hours a day, or do you just act like you do?"""
20120609201237Z,"""COME ON SM ITS 05:12AM ......ITS THE 10TH I WANT THE MV!!!!!!!!!!!"""
20120618191833Z,"""make your own sammitch bytch and I don't need porn I got your fat mamma for that"""
20120620180212Z,"""Fast and Furious is just another GOP political game."""
,"""Mayne, SHUT the F*CK up, HOES.....You hatin heffas are just mad that JONESY can see her cooch and doesn't have to use a mirror tied to her foot to see how to wash the mothaf*cka!!!! You fat, ugly, STANK, Weave wearin' BYTCHES are a GOT damn mess!!! Now don't get me wrong, Jonesy needs a better stylist for her shyt too, but she STILL looks better than the majority of you wack a$$ed FAT hoes on here......"""
,"""Ahhhhh!!..bless him!!....but i suppose the 100k+ a week sought of softens the blow eh!!!!\\n\\n \\n\\nGrow up and get in the real world!!\\n\\n \\n\\nRidiculous!!"""
,"""If Iran wants these guys to blow them selves up they need to give them some show and tell training....\\nThis is terrible.......\\nYou wanna be jihad warriors need to complain to your union......This is totally unfair working conditions"""
20120619203635Z,"""I feel like you just tricked me into clicking that link again of shit I don't want to see.\n\nIt's not appealing to everyone. I really don't want to have to look at this work and ponder the philips head screw indents of her nipples and why the artist made that decision. There isn't anything I personally can take away from that piece in terms of line art, color and composition,\xa0 that I can't get from non-fetish work. \n\nThis is a taste issue, not an art issue."""
20120530134830Z,"""I am aware of these statistics and can you tell me what's righteous about any military conflict?\nIf it weren't for Perel Harbor the US would have completely stayed out of WW2!"""
20120320155900Z,"""hey s c u m are a phukin and your kind are irrelevant!!!!!!!!!! be afraid jack a $ $ be very afraid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the end is near for your messiah !!!!!!!!!!!!"""
20120619103044Z,"""you fuck there heads"""
20120611210242Z,"""You are using details from the 1977 law. In 1993, under Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd got those rules and lending standards revised which led to the practice of liar loans ( not requiring proof of income or ability to repay the loan) and zero down payment and those new lending rules were pushed on banks through Freddie Mac who was headed up by Franklin Raines, Clinton's hand picked man."""
20120620013022Z,"""What do you expect?remember the time when he said you can't be fat because you're a woman but he can simply because he's a man."""
20120502194348Z,"""@Esther Sussman - the coffee candle you always wanted. Apparently the heat from the candle gives off a coffee smell."""
20120530145411Z,"""Wow, there really are some insane Americans on here.\n\nGuys, Europeans can tell that ""Polish death camp"" means ""death camp killing Polish people in occupied Poland"".\xa0 We can also tell that Obama didn't personally set off the volcano that made it impossible for him to fly around the world to attend a funeral.\n\nIf you want to apologise, our troops are still fighting and dying, and our citizens still live under threat of terror, thanks to the actions of your former unelected President Bush.\xa0 That's our problem with America."""
20120530022828Z,"""Murray just needs a big win - I think if he could get a big win in a GS he could go all the way but as I told Wojo before I am starting to feel like if it doesn't happen for Murray this year he is done"""
20120619160120Z,"""@Rourke needs to give me a fucking like\xa0\xa0@LambeauOrWrigley\xa0\xa0@SDL\xa0\n\xa0\nHuh? No mainly that other people on here ridiculed you mercilessly."""
20120609182800Z,"""You should be soundly thrashed, trash."""
20120502142819Z,"""You arent real smart are you? \n \ncacoethes scribendi"""
20120619052502Z,"""@Rourke needs to give me a fucking like\xa0I feel the republicans have been over lobbied by doctors to ever support a free market solution to the problem"""
,"""I am pretty well educated and I have never heard of a gay animal. \\xc2\\xa0Give me one instance where an animal tried to procreate with the same sex. \\xc2\\xa0They are animals. \\xc2\\xa0They do not have sex for pleasure. \\xc2\\xa0They have sex for procreation.\\n\\nEducate yourself on the subject."""
20120527190026Z,"""Who are ""the Muslims""? I didn't know a whole region was represented by a few people. If you haven't noticed, Libya is naming street and squares after Western leaders who backed them when Qaddafi was murdering them.\n\n\nGet a clue. You're repeating stale old lines that have no relevance, and you're making excuses to let the massacre continue."""
20120619152652Z,"""there is something wrong with you. I hope something horrible happens to you"""
,"""They look like they come from one of thoses UFO's that regularly vist your side of the pond."""
20120529124641Z,"""You do what you gotta do to win and make money"""
20120620143651Z,"""Start a new trend to help kill off the last one"""
20120610015734Z,"""shit its saturday night"""
,"""@jsdavis13 Making all care for the least among us ""voluntary"" is a great way to put all the burden on the good guys while leaving the greedy bastards with plenty of money to destroy the good guys.\\n\\n \\n\\nThe only people that object to being required to do good are the ones who would not do good otherwise."""
,"""@Hoss Robert Frost, and Willie Dixon, who wrote ""Bring it on Home"", which most people know as being by Led Zeppelin"""
20120515175333Z,"""Well, we weren't talking about you alone."""
20120619232507Z,"""I'll do it for Fijian dollars, even"""
20120529064859Z,"""A speech by a ""bloodthirsty loonie"":\n\n!"""
20120514051118Z,"""""Welker isn't a top 20 WR""<div><br></div><div>LMFAO. Please stop talking. You are no longer allowed to post as a Patriots fan.</div>"""
20120502174336Z,"""you are a funny girl!"""
,"""Can we please start with the head of the (cl)ass? """
,"""I don't mind stuff like this as long as it's funny (but this doesn't sound that funny). It's hard for me to be mad at Canal Plus, though, for commenting on something that seems pretty obvious."""
,"""shut the fuck up faggot keep ur comments to ur self and get off my shlong cuz i dnt roll dat way u fucking dick rider made me get ignorant even tho i knw ill neva see ur bitch ass fucking computer pussy"""
,"""Only an unaccomplished unemployed bed-wetter who lives with his mom would boast about how many disallowed posts he made. A real over-achiever, isn't he? It's very telling. \\n\\nFFS, he's so excited he p\\xc2\\xa1ssed his pants...that is, if he WORE pants."""
20120620144928Z,"""You're still an idiot."""
20120527233351Z,"""You seem to forget the past three years.\n\nBush is back home in Texas and is no longer President."""
20120611215746Z,"""Robin, I NEVER, NEVER do this, but I feel compelled today. I just heard the news about your health situation and I am devastated. I have been watching you for years and love, love, love you. People call me strong, but I haven't faced anything like you have and although I have always admired the woman you are, I feel that so much stronger now. May God Bless and keep you, as I know He has till now. I believe you are a vessel for Him to tell us all that we should put on our big girl (and boy) pants and stop whining. No matter how bad we think we have it, someone is truely suffering. You WILL walk away from this through His love and your faith, and because of you, someone will watch, listen, learn and be saved. You are an amazing woman."""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0I think you are a chicken_fucking moron."""
20120611084151Z,"""You don't even have the file, this is a fucking scam. I piss on your vip member, god damn rice eater."""
20120620125701Z,"""Besides, he can rescind all of Obama's directives on his first day on the job."""
20120515100451Z,"""ROFL!!!\n\nYou libscum can't even WHISPER ""bush"" anymore without causing rolling pathetic you are and always have been. SO taps...."""
20120609211856Z,"""@fresh2deff @Trey YOU are the idiot fresh 2 deff and probably a friend of Treys since you never posted here before this. Storm and everyone else who is offended by this inhuman loser are regular posters. So you can come here and Tell us how to think? Your the real loser along with Chris and Trey."""
20120610105530Z,"""well sheez...whatever he did seems to be working...shootings and murders have been down...he must be making them do their job, no wonder they are quitting"""
20120320145026Z,"""@YinzerinKT\xa0\xa0@Guinning\xa0Your mother's a whore Trebec."""
20120527194005Z,"""to have everything for free? and u dont upgrade untill the new jailbreak is out.. but yeah you're a heat fan.. sorry"""
20120612143107Z,"""Don't be a fucking asshole, don't strike up awkward conversations with strangers on the subway"""
20120612045327Z,"""I like your other moniker FIREBOHNERANDMcCONNELL or something like that better than Antonio Sosa"""
,"""@SlimShadyzzz yeah you are so number 1 in terms of stupidity! who cares when you're the first one to post! :)"""
20120619011212Z,"""Crimpela I don't understand why you have to be insulting? \xa0In your few posts you have used the words, ""idiots, get over your self righteous selves, get off your high horse, naive and stupid"" to describe other peoples responses. \xa0Why do you feel so threatened? \xa0Why don't you engage in an intelligent way, in defending your point, without name calling?"""
20120619082206Z,"""I'm a troll and I atleast have wise things to say other than 'so-and-so is gay'. GO BACK TO TROLL SCHOOL AND REPORT BACK TO ME WHEN YOU'RE DONE. Anyways, Kangin is the only one I liked in Super Senior so..."""
20120612145923Z,"""That music is from Zombies Ate My Neighbors, a Super Nintendo game. Used to be one of my favorites."""
20120527233426Z,"""He was on last night for a while while bert was being pulverized by the 'fake bert'.\xa0 Fake bert handed bertha his assss on a platter...very funny!"""
,"""Another Obama-Funded Solar Company Goes Belly Up \\xe2\\x80\\x93 Blew $13.3 Million in Stimulus Cash\\nPosted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 8:54 PM\\n \\n \\n\\nLast Year Energy Conversion Devices moved 140 jobs from Michigan to Mexico to save money.\\n\\nThis week the Obama-funded solar company went belly up.\\nEnergy Conversion Devices managed to blow $13.3 million in secured loans before filing for bankruptcy.\\nReuters reported:\\n\\n Lightweight solar product maker Energy Conversion Devices Inc filed for bankruptcy protection on Tuesday, the latest in a string of solar companies that have collapsed in an industry shakeout.\\n\\n The company, whose filing follows years of losses and months of public discussions with bondholders, said it would sell its United Solar Ovonic unit and other assets in bankruptcy.\\n\\n Energy Conversion, whose solar laminate products are used for panels on rooftops and buildings, said it would continue to operate during the sale process.\\n\\nOf course\\xe2\\x80\\xa6 Democrats praised the company as one of his solar success stories before they tanked.\\n\\n"""
20120529234531Z,"""Not many when it counts, though...."""
20120612023927Z,"""by laptop, are you referring to the position you have the children assume, white Sandusky?"""
20120620001826Z,"""Cigani bolo etnikum z Indie,ale nastastie na slovensku vyhynuli.Objavili sa romovia pred nedavnom,cert vie z ktorej psej riti.AI spolu s EU ich chrani.Vyvazajme ten poklad tym ktory ho lubia.Alebo ho Chemicky deratizujme ako vsi."""
20120612081038Z,"""Good your style!"""
,"""Gently pull the tampon out of your pussy and stop bitching... Bitch"""
20120618195558Z,"""Why not do a story on the 22 year old Arizona chick who did XTC at this show in las vegas and she was having a bad XTC trip and she jumped from the circus circus hotel room from the 11th floor and died."""
20120620012648Z,"""Are you a mentally weak flagger bagger stuckinstupid?"""
20120610160447Z,"""Are you better off now then you were 2 years ago before lepage went into office?"""
20120612035956Z,"""F \xa0u Ron Paul sell out schill bastard. Rand, you're no dif than any sob on the hill! Romney.. BURN in HELL! Id sooner vote for Satan"""
20120620142440Z,"""There is totally nothing wrong with having a fetish for black girls. I'm a black guy who has spent most of my life fucking white girls.....those gorgeous pink nipples do it for me! Don't think so much deny your sexual self would be to deny yourself completely."""
20120530054038Z,"""<b>LMFAO AT YOU!!!!!!!! WHERE IS YOUR RECORD CAREER GOING DOG?!"""
,"""Can you say out of touch? Out of his mind? Making this statement to try and back up his BS? Elizabeth is gonna kick his butt in a landslide!!"""
20120619190828Z,"""heheh I wear heels bigger than you dick it is incredibly awesome note!"""
,"""Israel has had over 500 Missiles go into their Country in 2011 alones. Had their gas pipelines blown up 12 Times from Egypt since the uprising. I think they are allowed to blow the he11 out of all of them. """
20120527154924Z,"""Bitch please, I wake up with no socks!"""
20120611232652Z,"""Enlighten us...their excuse 135 yars ago? 85 years ago? 55 years ago? 25 years ago? Do the answers change to fit your arguement?"""
20120527194641Z,"""May the best team win this year, because the Bobcats will win it all next year."""
,"""I apologize but I must correct you - it is NOT that Obama doesn't give a.rat's.ass about the border - it\\xe2\\x80\\x99s that Obama doesn't give a.rat's.ass about this Country!\\n"""
20120620010508Z,"""You're an idiot."""
,"""@...PetrsMailbox maybe I am to. Have a runny nose for like 2 days now. Thought i had a cold"""
20120619193740Z,"""There was dancing in the street after 9/11!! \xa0\xa0 AND WE (THE US) CONTINUE TO GIVE THESE MOTHER FUCKERS MILLIONS\xa0 OF DOLLARS AND GUNS!!"""
20120610135803Z,"""'I play a lot of games where I just get into the flow of combat and it's getting good then, boom, cutscene. I'm like, 'Fuck you, get back to the gameplay.' - Cliff B\n\xa0\nMax Payne 3, anybody?"""
20120320204852Z,"""you with the 'racist' screen name\n\nyou are a PieceOfShit"""
20120530023504Z,"""Oooh I want that soo bad! \xa0I want to be your fuck toy!"""
20120612145508Z,"""you are stupid"""
20120530031626Z,"""Dont ever knock the Great Bob Dylan. America's greatest songwriter"""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0My 18-year old son says she sucks-ass."""
20120612142316Z,"""Arr\xeate de le traiter d'idiot d'immature etc car je risque de devenir blessant"""
20120529223609Z,"""You get used to it after a while. You have too."""
20120620113928Z,"""No, I am not, we had this discussion the other day where I posted the information for you from CBS. \xa0This isn't something you can argue about.\nAnd yes, the surplus was there, if you took social security and medicare off the books. \xa0So there never was a surplus."""
20120609210836Z,"""There is no ""short-term"" solution if coal is the option of choice.\xa0 It is three years minimum to get the thing permitted, two years minimum for the civil work and especially the equipment foundation design and construction (especially under the steam turbines; usually 3/4 of their bulk is below ground level), five years to build and two years to commission and test. \n\nBesides which coal is baseload not peak just as is nuke.\xa0 There is no coal nor nuke peaker option on this planet, even with IGCC gasification plants driving combustion turbines LOL\xa0 \n\nTakes 10-15 years after construction and startup just for coal plants to break even\xa0through amortisation of\xa0\xa0first costs.\n\nBlooby couldn't change a battery in a flashlight without committee-level participation."""
20120611172806Z,"""Nope nope nope. You betcha has never lynched anyone. Are you really this dumb?"""
20120620022929Z,"""THAT is one BIZARRE opinion that Roberts fuckingup the Presidential Oath of Office resulted in a Totalitarianism over the USA. LOL, have another drink, pal."""
20120320205137Z,"""fuck off bitch, stop the fucking spam this is a fucking lie and you people are fucking retarded.\nwork done here."""
20120619014327Z,"""In a country with little-to-no building codes, and ample disposable manpower; would I step foot in that catastrophe-waiting-to-happen?\r\nOh. \r\nHell. \r\nFucking. \r\nNo. \r\nWay."""
,"""@fargo116 Apparently the Foundation is run by wingnuts who think reproductive health care for women is a cancer. I tend towards the opinion that it's such people of whom we need to be cured."""
20120612023237Z,"""dan_amd\n\nYou have realy no clue on every single idiotic comment of all your posts.WE ALL DON'T enjoy your stupid PRO AMD B:U:L:L:S:H:I:T ignorance.Please crawl back then in the fat ass of your gay loving buddy charliedemerjian semiinaccurate and try to find the light inside - U stupid FAG!\n\nWE REALY DON'T NEED AND WANT YOUR POST HERE ANYMORE!"""
20120618231106Z,"""You know that sound you hear thumping in your chest? No? Right; that's because you are clearly heartless. You're more vile than those you are gloating over."""
20120620122003Z,"""Looked at completely objectively, whose version of what really happened 2000 years ago is more plausible, mine or the bible's?"""
20120619203357Z,"""Her fucking trap should be sewn shut with a very stout thread this POS barbara espinosa."""
20120320170022Z,"""Do not talk to your MOM like that you stupid omeba."""
,"""Please cite your proof for that claim. I'll bet you cannot. But 100% of public school teachers are unionized and that's where the proble lies, junior. Masters degree my happy.ass. You're the lease educated person posting here at this moment!"""
,"""\\xc2\\xa0Ah, big difference between them though, he has money...which he pays taxes on...unlike the occutards who suck off the government ti tty.\\n\\nNice try at the spin-spin libby id iot.\\n\\n\\n\\n"""
20120611183248Z,"""If this man goes to jail Ill burn down the capitol building"""
,"""So fat roo can do no wrong, even the fa protect the thug......mancs don't like the fact they are paupers of manchester supported by loyal london reds, who will travel on thursday nights 2 watch EUROPA LEAGUE wow..."""
20120529172355Z,"""Except you gave away your civil liberties for the illusion of security. \xa0Good job!"""
20120530124123Z,"""Yeaahhh, everything was perfect! Thank you."""
20120610145746Z,"""No just makeing us not like you anymore."""
20120619012959Z,"""I would be okay if I were half as awesome lol"""
,"""Yeah, course he will kick them out after 5 years. 1/ The cuddly wuddlys won't let him 2/ Labour will probably veto the proposal 3/ He won't do it anyway ( who'll remember that it was mentioned in 5 years time once the election has been and gone?? ) and 4/ Can you imagine how much it'll be to have your car washed????"""
20120529222929Z,"""Please keep us informed as to what they will do if and when they do press charges; I read your earlier post.\n\nHave you thought of actually contacting the television news division to see if they're interested in doing an expose?"""
20120610034902Z,"""You are absolutely right. They took his trek out yesterday, he is out of ICU now for almost a week. They are going to go to his house and make sure that everything is set up properly for when he does go home. His wife, my sister-in-law is also getting nervous, reality is setting in and she is a little nervous about the changes they both are going to go through with this heart pump. God will take care of them and I will be there to help her."""
20120620155837Z,"""I have a big dik you should suck on that loser"""
20120529163722Z,"""Did you actually know her personally or are you always this nasty?"""
20120503020946Z,"""Uggggh!!!! I left that bitch, and I'll never come back!"""
20120515201523Z,"""Maybe it's just me, but doesn't all of this seem kinda petty. I thought we, for the most part, were all adults here. It sucks to have somebody be a constant pest, but it's the internet. And I have never come across this person you speak of but I was bullied in elementary school for years and I just dealt with it, I never ran to tell the teacher. You just got to grin and bear it, chances are it's some lonely dip shit with mommy issues and being a dick is his way of dealing with it. If somebody calls you a slut, and you in your heart know that you aren't, why let it bother you. I'm not saying that what he was doing was okay, far from it."""
,"""@Kaothic kaothic haciendo hamijos? xD"""
,"""@Global Centric yes people that are in interracial relationships for the right reason (love) seem to me more civil. """
20120620164342Z,"""You are trying to mix health issues with birth control. \xa0Not the same thing."""
20120528201319Z,"""Just seen the Panorama on this and it was disgusting.\n\xa0\nNow this is where\xa0aggressive\xa0muslims should go if they want war.\n\xa0\nLet them fight it out amongst themselves."""
20120609223059Z,"""That's right. It would probably do them some good to lose weight."""
20120609174009Z,"""Man im gna get one of those . And his fucking was hot as shitt ;) <3"""
20120609221148Z,"""just another one from the Odumbo crowd"""
20120529083535Z,"""I don't think anyone deserves a second chance when it comes to squandering taxpayers money.\xa0 That's tantamount to treason in my mind because you're betraying the countr you are supposed to have deicated your life to\n\nOnce someone has acted in a corrupt manner, I believe it is all to easy to repeat that behaviour.\nMy opinion though, we'll see if Cele's licked Zuma's a$$ enough over the years"""
20120320183610Z,"""you're a moron"""
,"""Whoa, retro recap. Very nice."""
20120620172545Z,"""Right? That's always bugged the shit out of me in that dumbass series. That and the fact that they assume that if a human sees a sparkly fuck out in the woods they'll immediately assume they're a vampire. It's just too damn ridiculous."""
20120620080125Z,"""real talk u already snow these niggas be cryin we on real nigga time and we fucks wit all da battles not just big names.....snow dat boyz in da buildin"""
20120619213733Z,"""To ti je Crveni \u0161korpion, ovaj je pripadao Hugu Prattu, a se inspirisao gledaju\u0107i uvodne scene Peckinpahovog filma ""Divlja horda"". U\u010deni ljudi ka\u017eu \u0161korpija najbplje simbolizuje ljudsku prirodu. Mo\u017eda si \u010duo onu pri\u010du kad \u017eaba nosi \u0161korpiju (koja ne mo\u017ee da pliva) preko reke. Na pola puta \u0161korpija ubode \u017eabu, koja je zaprepa\u0161\u0107eno upita: ""Ali za\u0161to to radi\u0161, sad \u0107emo se obe utopit?"" \u0160korpija joj ladno odgovori:""Znam, ali niko ne mo\u017ee protiv svoje prirode:"" \u0160korpija je kick ass hardcore motherfucker(ka)!"""
,"""Good riddance you special pile of human excrement."""
20120529032548Z,"""Fanclub? I would never join...... *joins fanclub* I couldn't help myself. XD"""
20120320213820Z,"""NO....YoU An iDiot..."""
,"""Sitting in my office... laughing all by myself. Good stuff! :-)\\n\\n \\n\\n--Tony Gnau"""
,"""Did you force yourself to be straight? If you did, you probably are gay."""
20120529020758Z,"""Fuckkk you dodgers!!! score some frickin runs for fucksake"""
20120611190633Z,"""Barbareschi \xe8 stato rapito da un iPhone?!?!?"""
20120620051005Z,"""to dummy scummy adam caith\n\nstop twisting history, you despicable fool. you are soon choking with your own lies."""
20120619060109Z,"""@Jsfordays510\xa0Can you please explain how Nike is killing the ""game"". I'm not challenging you, I just want to hear the theory. I Think Nike ID Is the only thing close to a game killer and that is because it eliminates the re-sellers for the most part. So It kills the commercial \xa0re-seller game a little. I think its genius. Now people can get a shoe close to their own wants instead of buying a stale remake over and over( I bought plenty of remakes)."""