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Build instructions for libiio

Install Prerequisites/Dependencies

Basic system setup

analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get update
analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

Install Prerequisites

analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libzstd-dev bison flex libcdk5-dev cmake

Install libraries for Backends

analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get install libaio-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get install libserialport-dev libavahi-client-dev

Install to build doc

analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz

Install to build python backends

analog@precision:~$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools


analog@precision:~$ git clone
analog@precision:~$ cd libiio

Configure & Build

when configuring libiio with cmake, there are a few optional settings that you can use to control the build. The recommendation is to leave things to the default.

Cmake Options Default Target Description
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON All Build shared libraries
LIBIIO_COMPAT ON All Build Libiio v0.x compatibility layer
WITH_MODULES OFF All Build modular backends
'COMPILE_WARNING_AS_ERROR' OFF All Make all C warnings into errors
CPP_BINDINGS OFF All Install C++ bindings (C++17 required for examples)
WITH_UTILS ON All Build the utility programs (iio-utils)
WITH_EXAMPLES OFF All Build the example programs
NO_THREADS OFF All Disable multi-threading support
CSHARP_BINDINGS OFF Windows Install C# bindings
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /usr Linux default install path
ENABLE_PACKAGING OFF Linux, MaC Create .deb/.rpm or .tar.gz packages via 'make package'
WITH_DOC OFF Linux Generate documentation with Doxygen and Sphinx
WITH_MAN OFF Linux Generate and install man pages
INSTALL_UDEV_RULE ON Linux Install a Linux udev rule for detection of USB devices
UDEV_RULES_INSTALL_DIR /lib/udev/rules.d Linux default install path for udev rules
WITH_LOCAL_CONFIG ON Linux Read local context attributes from /etc/libiio.ini
WITH_HWMON ON Linux Add compatibility with the hwmon subsystem
WITH_GCOV OFF Linux Build with gcov profiling flags
OSX_FRAMEWORK ON Mac OS X frameworks provide the interfaces you need to write software for Mac.
OSX_PACKAGE ON Mac Create a OSX package for installation on local and other machines

Which backends the library supports is dependent on the build system, but can be overridden. (If cmake finds libusb, it will use it, unless turned off manually)

Cmake Options Default Depends on Description
WITH_XML_BACKEND ON libxml2 Enable the XML backend, required when using network, serial, or USB backend
WITH_USB_BACKEND ON libusb Enable the libusb backend
WITH_USB_BACKEND_DYNAMIC ON Modules + USB backend Compile the USB backend as a module
WITH_SERIAL_BACKEND OFF libserialport Enable the Serial backend
WITH_SERIAL_BACKEND_DYNAMIC ON Modules + serial backend Compile the serial backend as a module
WITH_NETWORK_BACKEND_DYNAMIC ON Modules + network backend Compile the network backend as a module
WITH_EXTERNAL_BACKEND OFF Support external backend provided by the application
HAVE_DNS_SD ON Networking Enable DNS-SD (ZeroConf) support
ENABLE_IPV6 ON Networking Define if you want to enable IPv6 support
WITH_LOCAL_BACKEND ON Linux Enables local support with iiod
WITH_LOCAL_CONFIG ON Local backend Read local context attributes from /etc/libiio.ini

There are a few options, which are experimental, which should be left to their default settings:

Cmake Options Default Description
WITH_LOCAL_MMAP_API ON Use the mmap API provided in Analog Devices' kernel (not upstream)
WITH_LOCAL_DMABUF_API ON Use the experimental DMABUF interface (not upstream)
WITH_ZSTD ON Support for ZSTD compressed metadata

Developer options, which either increases verbosity, or decreases size. It can be useful to keep track of things when you are developing with libiio to print out warnings, to better understand what is going on. Most users should leave it at 'Error' and Embedded Developers are free to set it to 'NoLog' to save space. this is invoked as "-DLOG_LEVEL=Debug".

Cmake Options Default Description
NoLog : Remove all warning/error messages
LOG_LEVEL Error : Print errors only
Warning : Print warnings and errors
Info Info : Print info, warnings and errors
Debug : Print debug/info/warnings/errors (very verbose)

Options which effect iiod only. These are only available on Linux.

Cmake Options Default Description
WITH_IIOD ON Build the IIO Daemon
WITH_IIOD_NETWORK ON Add network (TCP/IP) support
WITH_IIOD_SERIAL ON Add serial (UART) support
WITH_IIOD_USBD ON Add support for USB through FunctionFS within IIOD
WITH_IIOD_USB_DMABUF OFF Enable DMABUF support on the USB stack
WITH_IIOD_V0_COMPAT ON Add support for Libiio v0.x protocol and clients
WITH_LIBTINYIIOD OFF Build libtinyiiod
WITH_AIO ON Build IIOD with async. I/O support
WITH_SYSTEMD OFF Enable installation of systemd service file for iiod
SYSTEMD_UNIT_INSTALL_DIR /lib/systemd/system default install path for systemd unit files
WITH_SYSVINIT OFF Enable installation of SysVinit script for iiod
SYSVINIT_INSTALL_DIR /etc/init.d default install path for SysVinit scripts
WITH_UPSTART OFF Enable installation of upstart config file for iiod
UPSTART_CONF_INSTALL_DIR: /etc/init default install path for upstart conf files
analog@precision:~/libiio$ mkdir build
analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ cd build
analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ cmake ../ -DCPP_BINDINGS=ON -DPYTHON_BINDINGS=ON
analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ make -j$(nproc)


analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ sudo make install

Note: Some things (specifically building doc) need to find libiio or the bindings on path. That means that you configure (with -DWITH_DOC=OFF), build, install, configure (with -DWITH_DOC=ON), build again to get the doc. If you have issues, please ask.


Special Note on Microsoft Visual Compiler (MSVC):

MSVC in debug mode is just very stupid. If it sees this code:

if (0)

It will try to link against the call_function symbol even though it's clearly dead code.

For this reason, when building with MSVC, please build in RelWithDebInfo mode. If you try to build in Debug mode, it will error.