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Releases: andreykaipov/goobs

v0.7.0 for obs-websocket v4.9.1

29 Aug 16:45
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new feature:

  • configurable debug logging, see new options WithDebug(bool) and WithLogger(requests.Logger) (#20)

maintenance things:

  • CI stuff and e2e tests (#17, #18)
  • documentation stuff (#19, #21)

v0.6.0 for obs-websocket v4.9.1

21 Jun 02:58
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  • Nested anonymous structs are now declared as their own structs, e.g. Font, Scale, StreamSettings, etc. (#8)
  • Many fields now have the omitempty JSON tag option (#12) by default

Thank you to @muesli for helping me test out this library!

v0.5.0 for obs-websocket v4.9.1

14 Jun 06:37
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