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Useful and simple to use packages based on the

Package Description Status Readme
change-detection Improve application performance. In Progress Readme
prism Prism highlighter module. In Progress Readme
property Features to handle object properties. In Progress Readme
ui User interface. In Progress Github
type Common types, type guards and type checkers. npm version Github | npm


Features to handle properties.

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How angular-package understands


Is to check the provided argument to be the same as expected.

Type guard (constrain)

Is to constrain the parameter type to not let input unexpected value in the code editor.


Is a combination of both above to guard type in the code editor and in the provided argument by checking it.


Install @angular-package/property package with command:

npm i --save @angular-package/property


Wrapper for the ResultCallback type function to throw an Error with the specified message on the specified false or true state.

const errorCallback: ErrorCallback  = (
  message: string,
  on: boolean = false
): ResultCallback => {
  return (result: boolean, value: any): boolean => {
    if (result === on) {
      throw new Error(
        `${message}, got value ${
          is.object(value) ? JSON.stringify(value) : value
    return result;




Get object with all prefixed with get functions.

const get: Get = {
  descriptor: getDescriptor,
  descriptors: getDescriptors,
  existProperty: getExistProperty,
  object: getObject,
  properties: getProperties,
  property: getProperty




Wrapper function for the Object static method getOwnPropertyDescriptor(). Use getDescriptor() or get.descriptor() to return descriptor of the specified property from the specified object.

Gets the own property descriptor of the specified object. An own property descriptor is one that is defined directly on the object and is not inherited from the object's prototype.


Additional features instead of the default from the wrapped getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method.

  • Constraints the object parameter with a generic Obj variable of an object type.
  • Constraints the key parameter with a Key variable which is of a key of the Obj variable.


import { get, getDescriptor } from '@angular-package/property';


const getDescriptor: GetDescriptor = <Obj extends object, Key extends keyof Obj>(
  object: Obj,
  key: Key
): PropertyDescriptor | undefined;

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Obj extends object Constrained with the object type, by default of the value from the captured type of the provided object linked with the return type PropertyDescriptor | undefined
Key extends keyof Obj Constrained with the property name from the Obj variable to ensure to not grab accidentally a property that does not exist in the Obj, by default of the value from the provided key that's linked to the return type PropertyDescriptor | undefined


Name: type Description
object: Obj An object of a generic Obj type, by default of the type captured from the provided object, to get the property descriptor from it. The value is not being checked against the proper object type
key: Key A keyof type property name from the existing object, by default of type captured from the provided key as the name of the property that the object contains. The value is not being checked against its existence in the object


Function throws nothing.


The return value is a property value from the object.


// Example usage.
import { get, getDescriptor } from '@angular-package/type';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = 'first name';
  age = 5;

class People {
  firstName!: string;
  age!: number;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

getDescriptor(person, 'firstName'); // Returns {value: "first name", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
getDescriptor(people, 'age'); // Returns undefined

const noProperty: any = 'no property';
const noObject: any = 'my string object';

getDescriptor(person, noProperty); // Returns undefined,
                                   // It won't give you any `Error`, it's like an object has property with undefined value.
getDescriptor(noObject, 'age'); // Returns undefined
                                // The same here.



Wrapper function for the Object static method getOwnPropertyDescriptors(). Use getDescriptors() or get.descriptors() to return the value of the existing specified property from the object.

Returns an object containing all own property descriptors of an object.


Additional features instead of the default from the wrapped getOwnPropertyDescriptors() method.

  • Constraints the object parameter with a generic Obj variable of an object type.


import { get, getDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';


const getDescriptors: GetDescriptors = <Obj extends object, Keys extends keyof Obj>(
  object: Obj,
  keys?: Keys[] // Not working in this version.
): ObjectPropertyDescriptors<Obj> | undefined;

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Obj extends object Constrained with the object type, by default of the value from the captured type of the provided object linked with the return type ObjectPropertyDescriptors<Obj> | undefined


Name: type Description
object: Obj An object of a generic Obj type, by default of the type captured from the provided object, to get the existing property value from it. The value is being checked against the proper object type
keys?: Keys[] not working


The return value is a property value from the object.


// Example usage.
import { get, getDescriptors } from '@angular-package/type';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = 'first name';
  age = 5;

class People {
  firstName!: string;
  age!: number;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

getDescriptors(person); // Returns {firstName: {…}, age: {…}}
getDescriptors(people); // Returns {}



Use getExistProperty() or get.existProperty() to return the value of the existing specified property from the object.


  • Constraints the object parameter with a generic Obj variable of an object type.
  • Constraints the key parameter with a Key variable which is of a key of the Obj variable.
  • Checks whether the provided object is of an object type and key of a Key type, and if not, throws an Error.
  • Checks whether the provided object has own property by using Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() method.
  • Possibility to use custom callback function of a ResultCallback type.


import { get, getExistProperty } from '@angular-package/property';


const getExistProperty: GetExistProperty = <
  Obj extends object,
  Key extends keyof Obj
  object: Obj,
  key: Key,
  callback: ResultCallback = callbacks.getExistProperty
): Obj[Key] =>, key, callback)
    ? getProperty(object, key)
    : getProperty(object, key);

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Obj extends object Guarded with the object type, by default of the value from the captured type of the provided object linked with the return type Obj[Key]
Key extends keyof Obj Guarded with the property name from the Obj variable to ensure to not grab accidentally a property that does not exist in the Obj, by default of the value from the key argument that's linked to the return type Obj[Key]


Name: type Description
object: Obj An object of a generic Obj type, by default of the type captured from the provided object, to get the existing property value from it. The value is being checked against the proper object type
key: Key A keyof type property name from the existing object, by default of type captured from the provided key as the name of the property that the object contains. The value is being checked against its existence in the object


By default throws an Error if the specified object does not exist or the object exists, but its key doesn't.


The return value is a property value from the object.


// Example usage.
import { get, getExistProperty } from '@angular-package/type';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = 'first name';
  age = 5;

class People {
  firstName!: string;
  age!: number;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

getExistProperty(person, 'firstName'); // Returns 'first name'
getExistProperty(people, 'age'); // Uncaught Error: Object with the specified key does not exist, got value {}
// Custom callback.
getExistProperty(people, 'age', (result: boolean, value: any) => {
  console.log(result); // `result` of the check is equal to the `false`
  console.log(value); // `value` is equal to `{}` - object is empty
  return result;
}); // Returns `undefined`, does not throws an Error cause of custom callback.



Use getProperties() or to get specified properties from the object.


  • Constraints the object parameter with a generic Obj variable of an object type.
  • Constraints the key parameter with a Key variable which is of a key of the Obj variable.
  • Checks whether the provided object is of an object type and key of a Key type, and if not, throws an Error.
  • Checks whether the provided object has own property by using Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() method.
  • Uses custom callback function of a ResultCallback type.
  • Returns the property value from the object.


import { get, getProperties } from '@angular-package/property';


const getProperties: GetProperties = <
  Obj extends object,
  Keys extends keyof Obj
  object: Obj,
  keys: Keys[]
): Pick<Obj, Keys> =>
    {}, =>
      !is.undefined(object[key]) ? { [key]: object[key] } : undefined

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Obj extends object Constrained with the object type, Obj variable by default of the value from the captured type of the provided object that is linked with the return type Pick<Obj, Keys>
Keys extends keyof Obj Constrained with the property name from the Obj variable to ensure to not grab accidentally a properties that does not exist in the Obj, by default of the value from the provided key that's linked to the return type Pick<Obj, Keys>


Name: type Description
object: Obj An object of a generic Obj type, by default of the type captured from the provided object, to get the values of the specified keys from it. The value is not being checked against the proper object type
keys: Keys[] An array of a keyof type property names from the object, by default of type captured from the provided keys in the array as the names of the properties that the object contains. The value is not being checked against the proper key type


Returns Type Description
Pick<Obj, Keys> object The return type is an object of a generic Obj type, by default of type captured from the provided object with picked properties from the keys

The return value is an object with the specified properties.


// Example usage.
import { getProperties } from '@angular-package/type';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;
  age: number;
  lastName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = 'first name';
  age = 5;
  lastName = 'last name';

class People {
  firstName!: string;
  age!: number;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

getProperties(person, ['age',  'firstName', 'lastName']); // returns {age: 5, firstName: "first name", lastName: "last name"}
getProperties(people, ['age']); // returns {}



Use getProperty() or to return the value of the specified property from the object.


import { get, getProperty } from '@angular-package/property';


const getProperty: GetProperty = <
  Obj extends object,
  Key extends keyof Obj
  object: Obj,
  key: Key
): Obj[Key] => object[key];

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Obj extends object Constrained with the object type, Obj variable by default of the value from the captured type of the provided object linked with the return type Obj[Key]
Key extends keyof Obj Constrained with the property name from the Obj variable to ensure to not grab accidentally a property that does not exist in the Obj, by default of the value from the provided key that's linked to the return type Obj[Key]


Name: type Description
object: Obj An object of a generic Obj type, by default of the type captured from the provided object, to get property value from it. The value is not being checked against the proper object type
key: Key A keyof type property name from the object, by default of type captured from the provided key as the name of the property that the object contains. The value is not being checked against proper key type


The return value is a property value from the object.


// Example usage.
import { getProperty } from '@angular-package/type';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;
  age: number;
  lastName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = 'first name';
  age = 5;
  lastName = 'last name';

class People {
  firstName!: string;
  age!: number;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

getProperty(person, 'age'); // Returns 5
getProperty(people, 'age'); // Returns undefined



Sets the value of indicated property by its name in the object.


import { setProperty } from '@angular-package/property';


const setProperty: SetProperty = <
  Obj extends object,
  Key extends keyof Obj
  object: Obj,
  key: Key,
  value: Obj[Key]
): Obj[Key] => (object[key] = value);

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Obj extends object Constrained with the object type, Obj variable by default of the value from the captured type of the argument object linked with the return type Obj[Key]
Key extends keyof Obj Constrained with the property name from the Obj variable to ensure to not grab accidentally a property that does not exist in the Obj, by default of the value from the key argument that's linked to the return type Obj[Key]


Name: type Description
object: Obj An object of a generic Obj type, by default of the type captured from the provided object, to set the value with the indicated key as its property name. The value is not checked against the proper object type
key: Key A keyof type property name from the object, by default of type captured from the provided key as the name of the property that the object contains
value: Obj[Key] The value of the type captured from the provided key in the provided object. The value is not checked against the proper type


The return value is from the property of the specified object.


// Example usage.
import { setProperty } from '@angular-package/type';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;
  age: number;
  lastName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = 'first name';
  age = 5;
  lastName = 'last name';

class People {
  firstName!: string;
  age!: number;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

setProperty(person, 'age', 7); // Returns 7
setProperty(people, 'age', 27); // Returns 27

Descriptor sub package

Descriptor features to import.

// Class.
import {
} from '@angular-package/property';
// Interface.
import {
} from '@angular-package/property';
// Type.
import {
} from '@angular-package/property';



Handles object property descriptor.


  • Strictly defines accessor and data descriptor with the defineAccessor() and defineData() static methods.
  • Strictly sets, and stores accessor and data descriptor with the Descriptor instance respectively set.accessor() and methods of the instance.
  • Get privately stored accessor descriptor defined by the set.accessor() method by using get.accessor property of the instance.
  • Get privately stored data descriptor defined by the method by using property of the instance.

Strictly means, it guards inputted descriptor by checking it against its unique keys and by picking only properties that belong to the appropriate descriptor.


import { Descriptor } from '@angular-package/property';


Descriptor<Value, Obj = any> { ... }

Descriptor static methods



Returns defined accessor descriptor of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type, on get or set property detected.


static defineAccessor<Value, Obj>(
  descriptor: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>,
  callback?: ResultCallback
): ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value type of the get() and set() methods of the descriptor object, and in the return type ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>
Obj Gives the possibility to use the this keyword that refers to the Obj variable inside the get() and set() methods of the descriptor object, and in the return type ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>


Name: type Description
descriptor: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> An object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type to define with the default values of the CommonDescriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object with get or set property, by default it uses accessorCallback() function


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type, which means it doesn't contain get or set property.


The return value is an object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type.


// Example usage.
import { Descriptor } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = Descriptor.defineAccessor<string, Person>({
  configurable: false,
  enumerable: false,
  get(): string {
    return people.firstName;
  set(value: string): void {
    people.firstName = value;

// Define the property `firstName` in the `person` object to link with the same property in the `people` object.
// Changes to the property `firstName` in the `person` object affect the property `firstName` in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);



Returns defined data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface, on writable or value property detected.


static defineData<Value>(
  descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value>,
  callback: ResultCallback = dataCallback
): DataDescriptor<Value> { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value property from the descriptor object, and the return type of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface


Name: type Description
descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value> An object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface to define with the default values of the CommonDescriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object with writable or value property, by default it uses dataCallback() function


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> type, which means it doesn't contain writable or value property.


The return value is an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.


// Example usage.
import { Descriptor } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = Descriptor.defineData<string>({
  configurable: false,
  enumerable: false,
  writable: false,
  value: people.firstName

// Defines the property `firstName` of a type string in the `person` object with the same value as the property in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);



Returns property descriptors from the specified detected object.


static fromObject<Obj extends object>(
  object: Obj
): ObjectPropertyDescriptors<Obj> | undefined { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value property from the descriptor object, and the return type of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface


Name: type Description
descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value> An object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface to define with the default values of the CommonDescriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object with writable or value property, by default it uses dataCallback() function


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> type, which means it doesn't contain writable or value property.


The return value is an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.


// Example usage.
import { Descriptor } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = Descriptor.fromObject();

// Defines the property `firstName` of a type string in the `person` object with the same value as the property in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);



Returns property descriptors from the specified detected object.


static fromObject<Obj extends object>(
  object: Obj
): ObjectPropertyDescriptors<Obj> | undefined { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value property from the descriptor object, and the return type of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface


Name: type Description
descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value> An object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface to define with the default values of the CommonDescriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object with writable or value property, by default it uses dataCallback() function


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> type, which means it doesn't contain writable or value property.


The return value is an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.


// Example usage.
import { Descriptor } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = Descriptor.fromObject();

// Defines the property `firstName` of a type string in the `person` object with the same value as the property in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);



Strictly defines, sets, and stores privately property accessor descriptor of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type.

Strictly means, methods picks configurable, enumerable, get, set properties from the provided descriptor object.


  • Guarded process of defining the object descriptor, but properties are not being checked against proper values.
  • Strictly defines property accessor descriptor.
  • Strictly sets, and stores at the same time property accessor descriptor.
  • Accessor descriptor is of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type:
    • The return value of the get() function is of a generic Value type.
    • The parameter of the set() function is of a generic Value type.
    • Keyword this refers to an Obj variable in both get() and set() functions.
  • Method set() of the instance and static define() picks configurable, enumerable, get, set properties from the provided data.
  • Get privately stored accessor descriptor defined by the set() method of the instance.


import { AccessorDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';


AccessorDescriptors<Value, Obj = any> { ... }

AccessorDescriptors callback


The default callback function for the AccessorDescriptors.guard() static method that's used to guard inputted value.

const accessorCallback: ResultCallback = callbackErrorMessage(
  `Accessor descriptor must be an \`ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>\` type`

AccessorDescriptors static methods



Returns defined accessor descriptor of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type, on get or set property detected.


static define<Value, Obj>(
  descriptor: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>,
  callback?: ResultCallback
): ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value type of the get() and set() functions of the descriptor object, and the return type ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>
Obj Gives the possibility to use the this keyword that refers to the Obj variable inside the get() and set() functions of the descriptor object, and in the return type ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>


Name: type Description
descriptor: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> An object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type to define with the default values of the CommonDescriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object with get or set property, by default it uses accessorCallback() function


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type, which means it doesn't contain get or set property.


The return value is an object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type.


// Example usage.
import { AccessorDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = AccessorDescriptors.define<string, Person>({
  get(): string {
    return people.firstName;
  set(value: string): void {
    people.firstName = value;

// Define the property `firstName` in the `person` object to link with the same property in the `people` object.
// Changes to the property `firstName` in the `person` object affect the property `firstName` in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);

AccessorDescriptors Constructor



Creates an instance, and optionally sets an accessor descriptor of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type.


AccessorDescriptors<Value, Obj>(descriptor?: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>)

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value type of the get() and set() functions of the descriptor object
Obj Gives the possibility to use the this keyword that refers to the Obj variable inside the get() and set() functions of the descriptor object


Name: type Description
descriptor?: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> An optional object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type to initially set accessor descriptor


// Example usage.
import { AccessorDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = new AccessorDescriptors<string, Person>({
  get(): string {
    return people.firstName;
  set(value: string): void {
    people.firstName = value;

AccessorDescriptors instance methods



Strictly sets with the last saved descriptor values, and stores privately accessor descriptor of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type.


  descriptor: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>,
  callback?: ResultCallback
): this { ... }


Name: type Description
descriptor: ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> An object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> interface, to set with the last saved descriptor values
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object containing the get or set property, by default it uses accessorCallback() from the static guard() method


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type, which means doesn't contain get or set property.


The return value is the AccessorDescriptors instance for the chaining.


// Example usage.
import { AccessorDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = new AccessorDescriptors<string, Person>().set({
  configurable: false,
  enumerable: false,
  get(): string {
    return people.firstName;
  set(value: string): void {
    people.firstName = value;

AccessorDescriptors instance properties



Get privately stored accessor descriptor of a ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> type defined by the set() method.


get get(): ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> { ... }


// Example usage.
import { AccessorDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = new AccessorDescriptors<string, Person>().set({
  configurable: false,
  enumerable: false,
  get(): string {
    return people.firstName;
  set(value: string): void {
    people.firstName = value;

// Define the property `firstName` in the `person` object to link with the same property in the `people` object.
// Changes to the property `firstName` in the `person` object affect the property `firstName` in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor.get);



Strictly defines, sets, and stores privately property data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.

Strictly means, data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> is type guarded and methods picks configurable, enumerable, writable, value properties from the provided descriptor object.


  • Data descriptor is of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface:
    • The value property is of a generic Value type.
  • Guarded process of defining the object descriptor, but properties are not being checked against proper values.
  • Strictly defines property data descriptor.
  • Strictly sets, and stores at the same time property data descriptor.
  • Method set() of the instance and static [define()][datadescriptors-define] picks configurable, enumerable, writable, value properties from the provided data.
  • Get privately stored data descriptor defined by the set() method of the instance.


import { DataDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';


DataDescriptors<Value> { ... }

DataDescriptors static methods



Returns strictly defined data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface, on writable or value property detected.


static define<Value>(
  descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value>,
  callback?: ResultCallback
): DataDescriptor<Value> { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value property from the descriptor object, and the return type of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface


Name: type Description
descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value> An object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface, to set with the default values of the CommonDescriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object with writable or value property, by default it uses dataCallback() function from the static guard() method


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface, which means it doesn't contain writable or value property.


The return value is an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.


// Example usage.
import { DataDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = DataDescriptor.define<string, Person>({
  get(): string {
    return people.firstName;
  set(value: string): void {
    people.firstName = value;

// Define the property `firstName` in the `person` object to link with the same property in the `people` object.
// Changes to the property `firstName` in the `person` object affect the property `firstName` in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);

DataDescriptors Constructor



Creates an instance, and optionally sets a data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.


DataDescriptors<Value>(descriptor?: DataDescriptor<Value>)

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value property from the descriptor object


Name: type Description
descriptor?: DataDescriptor<Value> An optional object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface to initially set data descriptor


// Example usage.
import { DataDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = new DataDescriptors<string>({ // Initialize
  writable: false,
  value: 'not writable'

DataDescriptors instance methods



Strictly sets with the last saved descriptor values, and stores privately data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface.


  descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value>,
  callback?: ResultCallback
): this { ... }

Generic type variables:

Name Description
Value Guards the value property from the descriptor object


Name: type Description
descriptor: DataDescriptor<Value> An object of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface, to set with the last saved descriptor
callback?: ResultCallback An optional ResultCallback function to handle the result of the check whether or not the descriptor is an object containing the writable or value property, by default it uses dataCallback() function from the static guard() method


Throws an Error if the descriptor is not an object of a DataDescriptor<Value> type, which means doesn't contain writable or value property.


The return value is the DataDescriptors instance for the chaining.


// Example usage.
import { DataDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = new DataDescriptors<string>()
  configurable: false,
  enumerable: false,
  writable: false,
  value: people.firstName

// Defines the property `firstName` in the `person` object with the same value as the property in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor.get);

DataDescriptors instance properties



Get privately stored data descriptor of a DataDescriptor<Value> interface defined by the instance set() method.


get get(): DataDescriptor<Value> { ... }


// Example usage.
import { DataDescriptors } from '@angular-package/property';

interface PersonShape {
  firstName: string;

class Person implements PersonShape {
  firstName = '';

class People {
  firstName!: string;

const person: Person = new Person();
const people: People = new People();

const firstNameDescriptor = new DataDescriptors<string>()
  configurable: false,
  enumerable: false,
  writable: false,
  value: people.firstName
// After set, get the value.

// Defines the property `firstName` in the `person` object with the same value as the property in the `people` object.
Object.defineProperty(person, 'firstName', firstNameDescriptor);

Descriptor interface



Descriptor with its unique optional get() and set() functions, of the Value type. For the accessor descriptor with also the object type, please use the type ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj>. More about property descriptors here.

interface AccessorDescriptor<Value> extends CommonDescriptor {
  get?: () => Value;
  set?: (value: Value) => void;



Common keys configurable and enumerable of a boolean type for accessor and data descriptor, picked from the default PropertyDescriptor. More about property descriptors here.


interface CommonDescriptor
  extends Pick<PropertyDescriptor, 'configurable' | 'enumerable'> {}



Descriptor with its unique optional keys, writable of a boolean type and value of a generic Value type. More about property descriptors here.


interface DataDescriptor<Value> extends CommonDescriptor {
  writable?: boolean;
  value?: Value;

Descriptor type



AccessorDescriptor interface as a type cause of ease of use this of an Obj type in the get() and set() functions. More about property descriptors here.


type ThisAccessorDescriptor<Value, Obj> = AccessorDescriptor<Value> &




Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

FAQ How should I deal with revisions in the 0.y.z initial development phase?

The simplest thing to do is start your initial development release at 0.1.0 and then increment the minor version for each subsequent release.

How do I know when to release 1.0.0?

If your software is being used in production, it should probably already be 1.0.0. If you have a stable API on which users have come to depend, you should be 1.0.0. If you’re worrying a lot about backwards compatibility, you should probably already be 1.0.0.


MIT © angular-package (license)