Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contentMetadataId | Number | Id of content metadata | [optional] |
id | Number | Unique Id | [optional] |
title | String | Look Title | [optional] |
contentFavoriteId | Number | Content Favorite Id | [optional] |
createdAt | Date | Time that the Look was created. | [optional] |
deleted | Boolean | Whether or not a look is 'soft' deleted. | [optional] |
deletedAt | Date | Time that the Look was deleted. | [optional] |
deleterId | Number | Id of User that deleted the look. | [optional] |
description | String | Description | [optional] |
embedUrl | String | Embed Url | [optional] |
excelFileUrl | String | Excel File Url | [optional] |
favoriteCount | Number | Number of times favorited | [optional] |
googleSpreadsheetFormula | String | Google Spreadsheet Formula | [optional] |
imageEmbedUrl | String | Image Embed Url | [optional] |
isRunOnLoad | Boolean | auto-run query when Look viewed | [optional] |
lastAccessedAt | Date | Time that the Look was last accessed by any user | [optional] |
lastUpdaterId | Number | Id of User that last updated the look. | [optional] |
lastViewedAt | Date | Time last viewed in the Looker web UI | [optional] |
model | LookModel | Model | [optional] |
_public | Boolean | Is Public | [optional] |
publicSlug | String | Public Slug | [optional] |
publicUrl | String | Public Url | [optional] |
queryId | Number | Query Id | [optional] |
shortUrl | String | Short Url | [optional] |
space | SpaceBase | Space of this Look | [optional] |
spaceId | String | Space Id | [optional] |
updatedAt | Date | Time that the Look was updated. | [optional] |
user | UserIdOnly | User | [optional] |
userId | Number | User Id | [optional] |
viewCount | Number | Number of times viewed in the Looker web UI | [optional] |
dashboards | [DashboardBase] | Dashboards | [optional] |
can | {String: Boolean} | Operations the current user is able to perform on this object | [optional] |