Edumate-Backend This is a dynamic ERP whose backend is made in Django Rest Framework. Backend Key Features API Endpoints written following the best practices. Common SignIN interface for Admin, Teachers and Students using a unique userID. JWT Authentication with complete integration of Refresh and Access tokens. Bulk Addition of users. PostgreSQL for the DB because of its open source nature and several useful features. Celery for background tasking (Sending Emails in the Backgroud). Redis to act as a broker and task queue. Gunicorn as the Application Server. Nginx for Load Balancing & Reverse Proxy. Is Deployed on Azure Virtual Machine (Ubuntu 20.04). Preview Login using your userID and password Admin Section 1. Dashboard 2. List of students with filtering options 3. Add Students & Faculties 4. Monitor Feedbacks 5. Monitor & Update upcoming events 6. Update Departments & Classes 7. Schedule Classes Faculty Section 1. Dashboard 2. Profile Section 3. Assigned Classes 4. Mark Attendance 5. Provide Feedback to Students Students Section 1. Dashboard 2. Profile Section 3. Class TimeTable 4. View Attendance 5. Provide Feedback to Faculty View Upcoming Events Change Password Change Email Contributors Dhruv Goyal Anshuman Nandan