4.6.0 (2022-10-13) Bugfixes --------
- Owners tab - go up to group list when clicking the tab AAH-1733
- Moved to the *owners tab only clickable when already created AAH-1792
4.6.0 (2022-10-13) No significant changes.
4.6.0 (2022-10-13) Features --------
- Create new UI for object permission assignment AAH-1129
- Implement roles list and create role UI pages. AAH-1131
- Added detailed information to the sign all modal AAH-1313
- Add signature upload elements for Insights mode. Change the Sign buttons when upload certificate enabled AAH-1369
- Show the proper MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH in UI AAH-1573
- Create blue info alert at start of setDeprecation task. AAH-1601
- Add download icon to the aproval page. AAH-1621
- Localize collection modules/roles/... counter AAH-1684
- Surfacing feature misconfiguration alert messages. AAH-1739
- Users without core.view_task permission get alert notification. AAH-1803
- Expose signing service public keys AAH-1826
- Add validated content repo. AAH-1943
- Repaired - Do not use global active CSS selector in sort table headers AAH-1546
- Wait for setDeprecation task before running loadCollections and success handler. AAH-1596
- Fix not showing roles and optimize roles fetching on group access page AAH-1600
- Remove filter startswith and set content_object to null AAH-1602
- Rename Repo URL to Distribution URL in repo management list view. AAH-1610
- Update the flag for enabling collection upload AAH-1622
- Fixing the certification upload error surfacing. AAH-1623
- Edit group permissions - correctly hide user/group-related permissions in keycloak mode AAH-1688
- Fix success alert after signature upload failure AAH-1769
- Group list: filter by name__icontains, not name exact AAH-1806
- Fixed group filter - added icontains to name parameter. AAH-1846
- Ensure sorting, filtering, and resetting filters resets to page 1 AAH-1848
- Fix Owners tab permissions AAH-1875
- EE list: filter by name__icontains, not name exact AAH-1913
- AAH-518, AAH-625, AAH-626, AAH-628, AAH-1025, AAH-1104, AAH-1130, AAH-1192, AAH-1262, AAH-1265, AAH-1332, AAH-1428, AAH-1552, AAH-1553, AAH-1574, AAH-1575, AAH-1578, AAH-1591, AAH-1598, AAH-1599, AAH-1616, AAH-1641, AAH-1654, AAH-1677, AAH-1678, AAH-1694, AAH-1695, AAH-1696, AAH-1698, AAH-1710, AAH-1800, AAH-1818, AAH-1852, AAH-1858, AAH-1878, AAH-1926
- Implement edit group from group list view AAH-829
- Create a changelog for the UI. AAH-1228
- Unify success alerts and create new ones if not yet implemented. AAH-1236
- Unify fail alerts notifications across the application. AAH-1354
- Makes visible the delete alert upon deletion and redirect from ex env detail page. AAH-1383
- Create separate component for toggle dropdown on list views AAH-1427
- Fix "Publish container images" documentation link version - 2.0-ea -> 2.1 AAH-1364
- Insights token page - user.username -> cloud-services in the curl command AAH-1376
- NamespaceList: Clear filter text when clearing all filters AAH-1382
- Fixed insights mode redirect when deleting a namespace AAH-1461
- Fix an error where images created by ansible builder couldn't be inspected in the UI. AAH-1527
- AAH-149, AAH-396, AAH-624, AAH-628, AAH-635, AAH-820, AAH-822, AAH-832, AAH-968, AAH-1000, AAH-1059, AAH-1060, AAH-1061, AAH-1062, AAH-1069, AAH-1070, AAH-1072, AAH-1088, AAH-1106, AAH-1111, AAH-1189, AAH-1195, AAH-1198, AAH-1199, AAH-1204, AAH-1205, AAH-1207, AAH-1235, AAH-1245, AAH-1253, AAH-1264, AAH-1273, AAH-1282, AAH-1333, AAH-1357, AAH-1410, AAH-1432, AAH-1439