Releases: apexcharts/apexcharts.js
Releases Β· apexcharts/apexcharts.js
π Version 3.3.0
π Enhancements
- Code formatter (prettier) applied globally in all files
π₯ Breaking Changes
- revert
to 'between' by default - fixes #305
π Bug fixes
- check el existence before removing listener - fixes apexcharts/vue-apexcharts#54
- typings corrected; fixes #306
- In multi-yaxis, ignore hidden yaxis - fixes #291
- In a multi-axis chart - fixed yaxis being cropped; fixes #98
- Heatmap color bug on updated fixed; fixes #312
π Version 3.2.2
π Enhancements
- dropshadow color added - fixes #300
- A new property named "forceNiceScale" in y-axis added which generates nice numbers forcefully even when user provides min/max; fixes #302
π Bug fixes
- annotation small values (replaced parseInt with parseFloat to allow tiny values) - fixes #292
- crosshairs stroke dashArray issue fixed which produced 2 lines on thin crosshairs; fixes #290
- y axis fix for very small range - fixes #294
- bug fixed on update when = false; fixes #289
- radialbar fix for values exceeding 100
- donut small value fix - fixes #301
π Version 3.2.1
π Bug fixes
- Tooltip re-enabled for pie/donuts.
π Version 3.2.0
π Bug fixes
- Bar chart fix for single dataPoint chart - apexcharts/react-apexcharts#34
- candlestick - prevent first/last candle cropped; fixes #280
- fixed radialBar mousedown event - fixes #279
- baselineY issue in multi-axes charts - fixes apexcharts/vue-apexcharts#41
- horizontal bar chart - fixed min-max and ticks of xaxis
- small fixes in checking/parsing data
- a small check for xaxis.labels replaced to bar instead of column
- dataLabels clipping fix
- discrete marker issue - fixed dataPointIndex
π₯ Breaking Changes
- radar chart -
added which accepts array of colors.radar.polygons.strokeColor
will be deprecated in favor of this new property. - allow
to accept array.markers.strokeColor
will be deprecated in 4.0
- new property - xaxis.tickPlacement
Other changes
- samples - unnecessary props removed
π Version 3.1.0
π Bug fixes
- fix legend fontSize - fixes #272
π₯ Breaking Changes
- IE11 support restored. After getting feedback from users, refactored code to eliminate some ES6 features and made the build IE11 compatible again. This means, users don't need to load polyfills to run ApexCharts in IE11
Other changes
- Pie/Radar charts samples updated (removed invalid properties in those samples).
π Version 3.0.0
π Build improvements
- Build pipeline has been reduced from Webpack, Gulp, and Rollup to only Rollup. The new pipeline was mostly inspired by what is done in the vue.js project.
- The build now creates proper UMD, UMD + minified, ESM and CJS output files with proper package.json configurations. This modification allows all usage scenarios, UMD can be used directly in browsers, ESM with the latest build tools and CJS with older ones.
- Package.json entries were added for jsdelivr and unpkg. This allows CDNs to choose the proper UMD build output.
- Dev dependencies were cleaned up and locked to a specified version (current latest) so that it is possible to have reproducible builds.
- All require and module.exports have been removed and converted to ecmascript modules import/export in all src and tests folders. The mix and match use of cjs and esm was probably the root cause of all build issues.
π₯ Breaking Changes!
method is replaced withdataURI()
for generating base64 image which can be used in other tools like jsPDF - fixes #222
π Bug fixes
- Legend custom formatter hover issue - fixes #265
- Hierarchy issue fixed in responsive options ; fixes #255
- Added new types in apexcharts.d.ts
- Radar chart samples created for Vue/React