This demo will show how to protect API endpoints with an Approov token and with the Approov token binding.
For this Approov demo we will use the API at
to simulate a Third Party API which we have no control over, but which we want to protect from being abused and exploited.
The v1
API has three routes: v1/hello
, v1/shapes
and v1/forms
. We will not be protecting the v1/hello
, but the other ones we care about protecting. The v1/shapes
and v1/forms
will be protected by an Approov Token check. For v1/forms
we require user authentication and for enhanced security we will bind the Authentication
token with the Approov-Token
, thus we will enable the Approov Token Binding check.
This demo runs on top of the Kong Docker Stack, and it's made easy to use by invoking the ./kong helper script.
This wraps a series of curl
requests to the Kong Admin API in order to setup the Approov demo. If you want to learn how it works under the hood, then feel free to read the Kong Admin API Step by Step or the Deep Dive.
This will take some time, especially on the first run, where it needs to pull and build the docker images and run the migrations. Subsequent runs will be much faster to start.
./kong demo
Creating network "kong-approov_kong-net" with the default driver
Creating volume "kong-approov_kong_data" with default driver
Creating kong-approov_db_1 ... done
Creating kong-approov_kong_1 ... done
Creating kong-approov_kong-migrations-up_1 ... done
Creating kong-approov_kong-migrations_1 ... done
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
... some content omitted for brevity ...
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:24:30 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Server: kong/1.5.0
Content-Length: 432
X-Kong-Admin-Latency: 9
TIP: If you need to start over from a clean state, then just destroy the Kong demo and start a new one with:
./kong destroy && ./kong demo
In order to test the Approov integration with the Kong API Gateway we will perform some requests to the Third Party API which will cover both valid and invalid requests for Approov Tokens, with and without token binding.
Feel free to modify the examples we are providing for Postman and Curl, so that you can try as many edge cases as you can think of.
Use the Postman collection to start playing with the request examples.
If you don't have Postman installed or you prefer to do it from the terminal, then just go through the