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File metadata and controls

170 lines (138 loc) · 6.93 KB

Manifest File

Manifest files represent the system used by Checker Bundles and Report Modules to register themselves with a framework installation. Manifest files depend on the operating system of the user. Manifest files are the way to tell the framework how to invoke Checker Bundles and Report Modules.

Below are the complete sets of example manifest files for all modules provided by the Quality Checker Framework. Users of the framework can modify the file paths in the example manifest files to create their own manifest files for their environment.

There are two types of manifest files in the framework: Framework manifest files and Module manifest files.

Framework Manifest File

A framework manifest file is a JSON file containing a list of module manifest file paths. The framework executable uses manifest files to discover and execute Checker Bundles, Result Poolers and Report Modules.

The framework manifest file must follow the JSON format as in the example below.

Linux example: framework_manifest.json

    "manifest_file_path": [

Windows example: framework_manifest.json

    "manifest_file_path": [

As can be seen from the examples, environment variables are supported in the framework manifest file. See Local Environment Variables for more details.

Module Manifest File

Each Checker Bundle or Report Module needs to provide a manifest file for the framework. Below are an example manifest files for a Checker Bundle and a Report Module

Example manifest file for a Checker Bundle

  "module": [
      "name": "qc-opendrive",
      "exec_type": "executable",
      "module_type": "checker_bundle",
      "exec_command": "cd $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR && /home/user/.venv/bin/python -m qc_opendrive.main -c $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE"

Example manifest file for a Report Module

  "module": [
      "name": "TextReport",
      "exec_type": "executable",
      "module_type": "report_module",
      "exec_command": "cd $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR && /home/user/qc-framework/bin/TextReport $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE"

Note that, it is possible to specify the manifest of multiple modules in one file. For example:

  "module": [
      "name": "qc-opendrive",
      "exec_type": "executable",
      "module_type": "checker_bundle",
      "exec_command": "cd $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR && /home/user/.venv/bin/python -m qc_opendrive.main -c $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE"
      "name": "TextReport",
      "exec_type": "executable",
      "module_type": "report_module",
      "exec_command": "cd $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR && /home/user/qc-framework/bin/TextReport $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE"

The manifest file is also used internally by the framework to specify the Result Pooling module. The Result Pooling module is provided by the framework. Standard users are not expected to implement a result pooling module.

  "module": [
      "name": "ResultPooling",
      "exec_type": "executable",
      "module_type": "result_pooling",
      "exec_command": "cd $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR && /home/user/qc-framework/bin/ResultPooling $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR $ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE"

The manifest of each module must contain the following information.

  • name: The name of the module. This name will be used in the configuration file.
  • exec_type: The type of module execution. Currently, only executable is supported as exec_type. This type supports the execution of any command in the exec_command.
  • module_type: The type of the module. It must have one of the following value.
    • checker_bundle
    • report_module
    • result_pooling
  • exec_command: The command to be executed when the corresponding Checker Bundle or Report Module is invoked by the framework. The command has access to the environment variables defined by the framework (see Framework Environment Variables), as well as environment variables in your local environment (see Local Environment Variables). The exec_command must accept the configuration file defined in ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE and output any files to the directory defined in ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR.

Framework Environment Variables

The Quality Checker Framework provides the following environment variables to be used in the exec_command in module manifest files.

Environment variable Meaning
ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE Path to the configuration file
ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_WORKING_DIR Path to the working directory of the framework, where all the output files should be generated

Note: Framework Environment Variables are set by the framework. Users do not need to set Framework Environment Variables.

Local Environment Variables

The framework resolves local environment variables in the file paths in Framework manifest files and in the exec_command in Module manifest files.

For example, the following manifest file is valid, given that the ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_INSTALLATION_DIR environment variable is set in your local environment.

  "module": [
      "name": "TextReport",
      "exec_type": "executable",
      "module_type": "report_module",

On Linux, environment variables of the form $name and ${name} are supported. On Windows, environment variables of the form %name% are supported.

Register a Checker Bundle or Report Module to the Framework

To register a Checker Bundle or Report Module with the framework:

  • First, a module manifest file must be provided.
  • Second, the path to the module manifest file must be included in the framework manifest file.
  • Last, the framework manifest file can be provided to the framework executable:
    qc_runtime --config=$PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE --manifest=$PATH_TO_MANIFEST_FILE