while looking at the page with the background music,
i noticed that the html source has lots of comments,
there's an entire (humorous) article about epitech and some other stuff
one of the comments caught my attention:
You must cumming from : "https://www.nsa.gov/" to go to the next step
this must be an allusion to the http referer
normally the browser sets this field to the previous address visited, but of course it can be spoofed
to try it, all we need to do is append -H "Referer: https://www.nsa.gov/"
to our curl command
in terminal do
e1z2r10p4% curl '' -s -o before.html
e1z2r10p4% curl '' -H "Referer: https://www.nsa.gov/" -s -o after.html
e1z2r10p4% diff before.html after.html
< <audio id="best_music_ever" src="audio/music.mp3"preload="true" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay">
> FIRST STEP DONE<audio id="best_music_ever" src="audio/music.mp3"preload="true" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay">
nice, we must be on right path
scrolling further through the html source code we notice another comment
Let's use this browser : "ft_bornToSec". It will help you a lot.
let's spoof it and see what happens, we just need to append -H "User-Agent: ft_bornToSec"
to our curl command
e1z2r10p4% curl '' -H "Referer: https://www.nsa.gov/" -H "User-Agent: ft_bornToSec" -s -o ftbts.html
e1z2r10p4% diff before.html ftbts.html
< <audio id="best_music_ever" src="audio/music.mp3"preload="true" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay">
> <center><h2 style="margin-top:50px;"> The flag is : f2a29020ef3132e01dd61df97fd33ec8d7fcd1388cc9601e7db691d17d4d6188</h2><br/><img src="images/win.png" alt="" width=200px height=200px></center> <audio id="best_music_ever" src="audio/music.mp3"preload="true" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay">