The Astro CLI is a command-line interface for data orchestration. It allows you to get started with Apache Airflow quickly and it can be used with all Astronomer products.
1.19 or later. See Download and install Go. -
Clone and build:
cd $GOPATH/src/ git clone cd astro-cli make build
Run the following command to install
and run lint on every commit:brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Run lint locally:
pre-commit run --all-files
Lint the
code with the following command:make lint
To test Astro locally you'll need to update your global or local config to point to right platform type and local Astro endpoint. For example:
platform: cloud
astro: http://localhost:8871/v1
Similarly, to test software locally you'll need to update the platform type and local houston endpoint. For example:
platform: software
houston: http://localhost:8871/v1
Before you run tests, make sure you have running locally houston or Astro on http://localhost:8871/v1. This is a requirement for running some tests.
To run unit-tests run:
make test
Astronomer uses mockery to generate mocks for Golang interfaces.
To regenerate an existing interface mocks, run make mock
To generate mocks for a new interface, add it to .mockery.yml and rerun make mock