Created as analogue for the following recipe: But in comparison to java reflection, this particular code uses AOP / aspects for resolving the same task.
Implemented via maven, testng, aspectj.
Alos please see related developers discussions on
Main usage: collecting steps that were intercepted during tests' execution. This data could be used in test results report for increasing understanding of what was tested.
Inside of project you will see:
- StepsLogger aspect for intercepting methods calls
- Custom annotation for tracking what methods need to be intercepted
- Custom page factory implementation for creating page objects only when they needed
- Simple page object and base test for test background preparation
- Simple test that prints used annotated methods' names
Test looks like the following:
package info.testing.automated.tests;
import info.testing.automated.core.BaseTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static info.testing.automated.core.StepsLogger.getMethodsCallsList;
* Author: Serhii Kuts
public class MethodsInterceptorTests extends BaseTest {
public void interceptAndPublish() throws InterruptedException {
for (String method : getMethodsCallsList()) {
And implementetion of aspect looks like this:
public class StepsLogger {
private static final ThreadLocal<List<String>> METHODS_CALLS = new ThreadLocal<>();
@Before("execution(@info.testing.automated.annotations.Publish * info.testing.automated.pages..*.*(..))")
public void beforeInvocation(final JoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
getMethodsCallsList().add(joinPoint.getSignature().getName() +
"(" + Arrays.deepToString(joinPoint.getArgs()).replaceAll("\\[|\\]", "") + ")");
public static List<String> getMethodsCallsList() {
if (METHODS_CALLS.get() == null) {
METHODS_CALLS.set(new ArrayList<String>());
return METHODS_CALLS.get();
public static void clearMethodsCallsList() {
if (METHODS_CALLS.get() != null) {