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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I disable the login alert box?

Screenshot of the SSO alert box

Under the hood, Auth0.swift uses ASWebAuthenticationSession by default to perform web-based authentication, which is the API provided by Apple for such purpose.

That alert box is displayed and managed by ASWebAuthenticationSession, not by Auth0.swift, because by default this API will store the session cookie in the shared Safari cookie jar. This makes single sign-on (SSO) possible. According to Apple, that requires user consent.


See this blog post for a detailed overview of SSO on iOS.

Use ephemeral sessions

If you don't need SSO, you can disable this behavior by adding useEphemeralSession() to the login call. This will configure ASWebAuthenticationSession to not store the session cookie in the shared cookie jar, as if using an incognito browser window. With no shared cookie, ASWebAuthenticationSession will not prompt the user for consent.

    .useEphemeralSession() // No SSO, therefore no alert box
    .start { result in
        // ...

Note that with useEphemeralSession() you don't need to call clearSession(federated:) at all. Just clearing the credentials from the app will suffice. What clearSession(federated:) does is clear the shared session cookie, so that in the next login call the user gets asked to log in again. But with useEphemeralSession() there will be no shared cookie to remove.


useEphemeralSession() relies on the prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession configuration option of ASWebAuthenticationSession.

Use SFSafariViewController

An alternative is to use SFSafariViewController instead of ASWebAuthenticationSession. You can do so with the built-in SFSafariViewController Web Auth provider:

    .provider(WebAuthentication.safariProvider()) // Use SFSafariViewController
    .start { result in
        // ...


Since SFSafariViewController does not share cookies with the Safari app, SSO will not work either. But it will keep its own cookies, so you can use it to perform SSO between your app and your website as long as you open it inside your app using SFSafariViewController. This also means that any feature that relies on the persistence of cookies –like "Remember this device"– will work as expected.


SFSafariViewController does not support using Universal Links as callback URLs.

If you choose to use the SFSafariViewController Web Auth provider, you need to perform an additional bit of setup. Unlike ASWebAuthenticationSession, SFSafariViewController will not automatically capture the callback URL when Auth0 redirects back to your app, so it is necessary to manually resume the Web Auth operation.

1. Configure a custom URL scheme

In Xcode, go to the Info tab of your app target settings. In the URL Types section, click the button to add a new entry. There, enter auth0 into the Identifier field and $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) into the URL Schemes field.

Screenshot of the URL Types section inside the app target settings

This registers your bundle identifier as a custom URL scheme, so the callback URL can reach your app.

2. Capture the callback URL

Using the UIKit app lifecycle
// AppDelegate.swift

func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                 open url: URL,
                 options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any]) -> Bool {
    return WebAuthentication.resume(with: url)
Using the UIKit app lifecycle with Scenes
// SceneDelegate.swift

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
    guard let url = URLContexts.first?.url else { return }
    WebAuthentication.resume(with: url)
Using the SwiftUI app lifecycle
    .onOpenURL { url in
        WebAuthentication.resume(with: url)

2. How can I disable the logout alert box?

Screenshot of the SSO alert box

Since clearSession(federated:) needs to use ASWebAuthenticationSession as well to clear the shared session cookie, the same alert box will be displayed.

If you need SSO and/or are willing to tolerate the alert box on the login call, but would prefer to get rid of it when calling clearSession(federated:), you can simply not call clearSession(federated:) and just clear the credentials from the app. This means that the shared session cookie will not be removed, so to get the user to log in again you need to add the "prompt": "login" parameter to the login call.

    .parameters(["prompt": "login"]) // Ignore the cookie (if present) and show the login page
    .start { result in
        // ...

Otherwise, the browser modal will close right away and the user will be automatically logged in again, as the cookie will still be there.


Keeping the shared session cookie may not be an option if you have strong privacy and/or security requirements, for example in the case of a banking app.

3. How can I change the message in the alert box?

Auth0.swift has no control whatsoever over the alert box. Its contents cannot be changed. Unfortunately, that is a limitation of ASWebAuthenticationSession.

4. How can I programmatically close the alert box?

Auth0.swift has no control whatsoever over the alert box. It cannot be closed programmatically. Unfortunately, that is a limitation of ASWebAuthenticationSession.

5. How to resolve the Failed to start this transaction, as there is an active transaction at the moment error?

Users might encounter this error when the app moves to the background and then back to the foreground while the login/logout alert box is displayed, for example by locking and unlocking the device. The alert box would get dismissed but when the user tries to log in again, the Web Auth operation fails with the transactionActiveAlready error.

This is a known issue with ASWebAuthenticationSession and it is not specific to Auth0.swift. We have already filed a bug report with Apple and are awaiting for a response from them.


Clear the login transaction when handling the transactionActiveAlready error

You can invoke WebAuthentication.cancel() to manually clear the current login transaction upon encountering this error. Then, you can retry login. For example:

switch error {
case .failure(let error) where error == .transactionActiveAlready:
    // ... retry login
// ...

Clear the login transaction when the app moves to the background/foreground

You can invoke WebAuthentication.cancel() to manually clear the current login transaction when the app moves to the background or back to the foreground. However, you need to make sure to not cancel valid login attempts –for example, when the user switches briefly to another app while the login page is open.

Avoid the login/logout alert box

If you don't need SSO, consider using ephemeral sessions or SFSafariViewController instead of ASWebAuthenticationSession. See 1. How can I disable the login alert box? for more information.

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