Windows: check if cmd.exe AutoRun may cause any problems #8865
Windows-specific issues and feature requests
We're not considering working on this, but happy to review a PR. (No assignee)
Issues or PRs that are stale (no activity for 30 days)
Issues for the Bazel OSS team: installation, release processBazel packaging, website
type: feature request
Description of the problem / feature request:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
defines a command string that cmd.exe runs upon startup.If Bazel or Starlark rules run
files orcmd.exe
commands, those may be affected.We should check for this error and fix in Bazel.
See tensorflow/tensorflow#30416 (comment)
Related: #2190
What operating system are you running Bazel on?
Windows 10
What's the output of
bazel info release
?bazel 0.28.0
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