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Updating Your Device

jempabroni edited this page May 14, 2022 · 82 revisions

WARNING applying an update incorrectly will wipe all your secret data. If you are applying a SoC update be sure to stage your update and then use Precursor itself to provision your existing secrets into the updated files. Do not do the "factory reset" path.

There are two methods for doing an update:

  • Hardware & kernel developers should use Failsafe
  • Application developers and users should use USB

Releases can be found here:

See technical details for insight into how updates work: there are two FPGAs inside Precursor, each with different update paths.

USB Updates

Precursor supports firmware updates over USB, assuming you have not spoiled the base FPGA and firmware images (if you have, see the "Failsafe Method"). This method is preferred for end users.

I Don't RTFM. Give me the Latest Xous!

I just got my device and want the fastest path:

  • ⚠️ Be sure to use a good, firmly engaged USB cable. USB failures during factory reset may leave the device in a state where the "failsafe" update method is mandatory.
  • Run sudo pip3 install pyusb progressbar2 to get the python dependencies.
  • From the tools directory in the xous-core repository, run -s (on Linux/macOS) or factory_reset.ps1 (on Windows). This will wipe all keys and stored data.
    • You may specify a locale with an additional argument of -l LOCALE (on Linux) or simply LOCALE (on Windows). LOCALE may be one of en, ja, zh, and en-tts.
  • Then, on the Precursor device, run ecup auto. This will update the EC. Failure to do this will lead to problems with the connection manager.

I have been using my device and don't want to lose data:

  • Run -s (on Linux) or update_release.ps1 (on Windows).
    • You may specify a locale with an additional argument of -l LOCALE (on Linux) or simply LOCALE (on Windows). LOCALE may be one of en, ja, zh, and en-tts.
    • Assumes you've already initialized your root keys
    • You will need to run "Install gateware update" from the main menu on the Precursor device to overlay your existing root keys into the update.
    • You will need to run ecup auto as well, if there is an EC update in the latest release. If you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to run it.
    • This will pull the latest "stable" CI binaries and stage them on your Precursor device over USB.
    • You may need to set up Python dependencies and udev rules

Trouble running the script? Can't figure out a dependency? Running Windows? Need to update the EC? Read on.


The SoC FPGA can be updated directly by USB, while the EC FPGA requires a two-stage update which is mediated by the SoC FPGA.

There are two components to the SoC FPGA: the gateware, and the firmware. The gateware is the FPGA bitstream itself. Re-imaging this can radically reshape the capabilities of your device, and also brick it if you do it wrong.

The good news is that the gateware is not "execute in place" (XIP), so a botched gateware update will not take hold until your next cold boot (e.g. pushing paperclip into the hole on the right hand side, issuing a cold boot command, or the battery dying altogether). Since the USB update process is coordinated entirely by hardware inside the FPGA, so long as the firmware hasn't crashed the Wishbone bus controller, you can redo a botched firmware update. Note that if your device is not responding over USB, it's more likely that you need to unplug and replug it back in to re-enumerate, rather than do a cold boot!

Installing the USB Updater:

Maintainer's note: this is a mirror of the file found in betrusted-ec. This is not the main copy and may be stale. is the script for copying firmware packages from a host onto a Precursor device. It can be found in the tools directory of both the betrusted-ec and xous-core repos.

Installation: Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

  • sudo pip3 install pyusb progressbar2 (you need pyusb and progressbar2 in the sudo environment)
  • you probably need to run as sudo: sudo ./ [args] to access the USB port; add the appropriate command line arguments

In order to get xtask to work (it calls you will need to add a udev rule. Under Ubuntu 18.04LTS, it looks something like this:

  1. Add a file called 99-precursor-usb.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ with the following content as a single line terminated by a carriage return: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5bf0", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"
  2. Run sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
  3. If the device was plugged in, you'll have to unplug it and plug it back in again for the new rules to take effect.

We would appreciate any improvements/suggestions for alternate Linux distros. udev rules seem very distro-specific and change with time.

If you are using a Raspberry Pi, the following script to install a udev rule has been tested to work on Rasbpian:

mkdir -p /home/pi/code
cd /home/pi/code
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-venv python3-wheel libusb-1.0-0
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install pyusb progressbar2
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-precursor.rules
ATTR{idVendor}=="1209", ATTR{idProduct}=="5bf0", SYMLINK+="precursor%k", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev"

If you log out and log back in again, you will need to activate the venv before running the updating script:

source venv/bin/activate  # use this to enter the venv
./ ...
deactivate  # use this to leave the venv

Installation: Windows 10

  • You will need to install python3 from the Windows App store if you don't already have it
  • Run pip3 install pyusb progressbar2 from a Powershell
  • use zadig to remap Precursor pvt2's Windows driver to libusb-win32
  • Run python3 .\ [args] from a Powershell; elevated privs are not necessary after using zadig.

Users have reported trouble navigating the Zadig UI. Here is a guide:

zadig screenshot

  1. Select "Precursor pvt2" from the large pull-down box. Click the "Edit" checkbox if the menu is blank or unselectable.
  2. Select the driver to be "libusb-win32", using the red highlighted arrows, as shown in the right text box. You can ignore the text in the left box.
  3. Click the "Install Driver" (or "Reinstall driver") button (highlighted in green) once these settings are made. This step can take several minutes.

Installation: macOS

Follow the Linux instructions. Tested on macOS Monterey 12.3 with Python from Homebrew without issue.

Performance Note

Systems using an AMD Ryzen chipset run about 5x slower than others (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Intel chipsets). This holds true across Linux/Windows OS. The effect has been confirmed on both B450 and B550 Socket AM4 motherboards. It seems to be linked with full-speed packet rates being throttled on AMD motherboards by the chipset, but TBD. Write speed is ~8.5kiB/s on AMD, vs ~44kiB/s on Raspberry Pi.

Usage (or update_ci.ps1/update_release.ps1 on Windows) is a shell script that (a) checks the CI server for either the latest bleeding-edge or the latest stable release, and (b) stages the most typical artifacts you need to update the device. You must pass it the argument of -s or -b, for stable or bleeding-edge, to select which release train you want to try, and afterwards you need to run install gateware update from the menu to get the SOC data to take hold (assuming you've provisioned the root keys). If the EC has changed as well in the latest update, you should run ecup auto to update all the EC artifacts.

You may also pass an optional argument of -l LOCALE (on Linux) or just LOCALE (on Windows) to specify which language you prefer for the OS UX. Note that LOCALE support is extremely Beta right now, so there will be some rough edges.

For a more fine-grained, command-line oriented update, is what you want.

The updater encodes the offsets of every binary location in the script. When these locations shift, then the updater script should no longer be used for a given Precursor revision.

usage: [-h] [--soc [SoC gateware file]] [-s [SoC gateware file for staging]] [-l [loader file]] [-k [kernel file]] [-e [EC gateware package]] [-w [WF200 firmware package]] [--audiotest [Test audio clip]]
                     [--peek ADDR] [--poke ADDR DATA] [--check-poke] [--config] [-i IMAGEFILE ADDR] [--verify] [--force] [--bounce]

Update/upload to a Precursor device running Xous 0.8/0.9

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --soc [SoC gateware file]
                        'Factory Reset' the SoC gateware. Note: this will overwrite any secret keys stored in your device!
  -s [SoC gateware file], --staging [SoC gateware file for staging]
                        Stage an update to apply
  -l [loader file], --loader [loader file]
  -k [kernel file], --kernel [kernel file]
  -e [EC gateware package], --ec [EC gateware package]
                        EC gateware
  -w [WF200 firmware package], --wf200 [WF200 firmware package]
                        WF200 firmware
  --audiotest [Test audio clip]
                        Test audio clip (must be 8kHz WAV)
  --peek ADDR           Inspect an address
  --poke ADDR DATA      Write to an address
  --check-poke          Read data before and after the poke
  --config              Print the descriptor
                        Manually specify an image and address. Offset is relative to bottom of flash.
  --verify              Readback verification. May fail for large files due to WDT timeout.
  --force               Ignore gitrev version on SoC and try to burn an image anyways
  --bounce              cycle the device through a reset


You can try reading a sync word out of the ROM to see if is working correctly. It's located at 0x20000008, and it's always 0x665599aa (this is the Xilinx FPGA bitstream sync word), as follows:

% python3 ./ --peek 0x20000008

Linux users can use lsusb to see a device with an entry similar to Bus 003 Device 071: ID 1209:5bf0 InterBiometrics to confirm it's plugged in and working correctly.

Updating the SoC FPGA

  1. Clone the xous-core repo. Change into the repository's root directory.
  2. Install by following the instructions above.
  3. [Optional] build Xous from scratch by running cargo xtask hw-image precursors/soc.svd. This will overwrite the pre-built binaries in the precursors directory, based on the FPGA gateware version checked into the xous-core repo.
  4. Plug your device into your computer via USB.
  5. Load your firmware by running cargo xtask burn-kernel, cargo xtask burn-loader, cargo xtask burn-soc.
  6. Apply your gateware update by selecting Install Gateware Update from the root menu of your Precursor device, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you only have the option to Initialize Root Keys, then you have not set any passwords, and you should use the "factory reset" path below.
  7. Sign your updated kernel and loader by selecting the Sign Xous update option from the main menu. This protects your update from further modification by signing with a key that is only known to your device.

Factory Reset the SoC FPGA

  1. Clone the xous-core repo. Change into the repository's root directory.
  2. Install by following the instructions above.
  3. [Optional] build Xous from scratch by running cargo xtask hw-image precursors/soc.svd. This will overwrite the pre-built binaries in the precursors directory, based on the FPGA gateware version checked into the xous-core repo.
  4. Plug your device into your computer via USB.
  5. Load your firmware by running cargo xtask burn-kernel, cargo xtask burn-loader, cargo xtask nuke-soc.
  6. Insert a paperclip into the hole on the right hand side of your device to load the flashed gateware, or do a coldboot by entering sleep coldboot in the shellchat application.

Updating the EC FPGA

EC Updates are done by Xous. However, the firmware itself needs to be staged into the Precursor device so that Xous may perform the update.

Therefore updates are a two-stage process. We refer to the host-to-Precursor copy as "staging", and the SoC-to-EC update as "updating".

  1. Clone the xous-core repo. Change into the repository's root directory.
  2. Install by following the instructions above.
  3. [Optional] build your firmware from scratch by running cargo xtask hw-image. This will overwrite the pre-built binaries in the precursors directory.
  4. Plug your device into your computer via USB.
  5. Stage the new firmware for Xous by running cargo xtask stage-fw and/or cargo xtask stage-wf200.
  6. On the Precursor device (not the host), type ecup all if you want to update everything, ecup fw to just update the firmware, and ecup gw if you just want to update the gateware. The update takes ~1 minute to do the "all". ecup wf200 will update the WF200 firmware blob.
  7. Once you have burned the new EC firmware, you need to issue the ecup reset command on the Precursor device to reset the EC and get the code and gateware to load.

Note that the EC is not XIP for either gateware or firmware, and so the reset is mandatory for any changes to show up. Also note that if you crash either the fw or gw update for the EC, you may not be able to update it again, and you'll have to fall back to the Failsafe Method to recover your device.

Click on the image below for a demo of what staging a firmware element might look like on an Ubuntu system:

Preview of EC staging

Watch the video below for how the actual firmware update happens on the Precursor device once the objects have been staged via USB:

Preview of EC updating


Note near the end of the video above, there is a brief glitch in the status bar, due to the EC reloading. This is normal; the glitch should last about 1-2 seconds.

If the firmware update was unsuccessful, instead of a brief glitch, you would get a different number in the status bar.

  • Gateware broken: something like "65536 -1%" prints in the status bar, as an unconfigured EC would just float the data line high and the SoC would interpret all 1's.
  • Firmware broken: something like "56797" might print on the status bar. This is 0xDDDD, which is the value sent by the SPI engine on the EC if the firmware doesn't load a response value in time.

In either case, you will have to plug in the debug cable and use the "Failsafe" method outlined on this page, because we rely upon a functional EC to update itself.

Failsafe Method

If you have a pre-release unit, you will want to use the Failsafe method to update your device. This is because neither the FPGA nor the firmware image have stabilized sufficiently for USB updates to be reliable. The "failsafe" method is exactly the method used in the factory to provision a blank device, and can recover a Precursor from almost any software misconfiguration.

I Don't RTFM. Point Me At a Script.

You'll want to run

  • Assumes you've already initialized root keys
  • Assumes you've already got the debug cable hooked up, and your Raspberry Pi configured
  • Assumes you know how to stage the firmware objects for updating

Confused? read on.


  • Precursor device
  • "Debug cable" (the brownish-yellow, 5cm long flexible printed circuit (FPC))
  • Raspberry Pi Debug HAT (the lavender-colored circuit board with a 40-pin header on the bottom)
  • Associated standoffs and screws (nylon hardware in the kit)
  • Raspberry Pi (not included)

Furthermore, these instructions assume you have not previously installed the anti-tamper RF shield over the trusted domain. If you have permanently installed the anti-tamper shield, well -- it was designed to make it impossible for you to install a debug cable.

Installing the Cable

Open the Front Bezel

Remove the six screws on the bezel of the Precursor device using a T3 torx screwdriver. If you received a standard package from Crowd Supply, an appropriate screwdriver can be found inside the box.

The locations of the six screws are indicated in the image above.

There is an antenna cable on the right-hand side of the bezel, so you will want to open the device ad lay the bezel to the right hand side.

Remove the Keyboard

Remove the three screws that hold down the keyboard PCB plus overlay. The location of the three screws are indicated in the image below.

Once the screws are undone, lift the PCB out of the case by prying up from underneath the "F1" key on the top left, near the USB-C connector. This will cause a vertical header on the left hand side of the keyboard which to snap apart, thus freeing the keyboard.

Flip Open the FPC Connector Lock

There is a connector for the debug FPC that sits on the bottom edge of the Precursor.

There is a small, thin dark brown plastic piece on the rear edge of the connector. Flip the piece up using your fingernail or a similar non-conductive, somewhat pointed implement like a toothpick or a bamboo chopstick cut to a chisel tip.

Insert the FPC Debug Cable

Insert the Debug FPC cable such that the conductors are facing down, and the Precursor logo is facing up with the arrow pointed into the device. The cable should be square with the body of the connector: the biggest mistake you can make is to have the cable inserted off-square, which would cause adjacent pins to short out.

Note the depth of cable insertion, and the squareness of the cable's orientation relative to the connector body.

Lock the FPC Debug Cable

Flip the dark brown tab on the back side of the FPC connector down again, to lock the cable in place. This is done by pressing down with your finger.

Above is an image of a properly inserted and latched FPC debug cable.

Re-Assemble Device

Before reassembling the device you might wish to inspect your motherboard while you have the case open (if you have not done so already).

Follow the disassembly instructions in reverse order:

  • Attach the keyboard PCB
  • Add the three keyboard PCB screws
  • Flip the bezel over
  • Add the six bezel screws

Above is what the cable will look like, once it is installed.

Attaching to the Pi Debug HAT

Attach the Debug HAT to the Raspberry Pi as shown below. The image below assumes you have a Model B, if you have a Model A, check the pin 1 alignment.

If you purchased your device via Crowd Supply, some mounting hardware for the Pi HAT is included, consisting of nylon screws and standoffs. It's recommended you use the mounting kit to at least prop up the far edge of the Debug HAT, to relieve strain on the connectors.

Attach the Precursor to the FPC connector labelled "JTAG Debug" on the Pi HAT, as shown below. This connector is the same type as used on the inside of the Precursor device, so likewise, you will need to:

  1. Flip open the dark brown tab on the FPC connector using your fingernail or similar implement
  2. Insert the debug cable squarely. It helps to lay the Precursor device flat on the table next to the HAT to assist with squaring the cable; if it is off to an angle you will need to hold the cable in place for the next step.
  3. Press down on the dark brown tab on the FPC connector.

Above shows the finally assembled cable into the HAT.

Performing the Update

Provisioning is done by through scripts contained inside the repository. The README for the page documents how to use these commands, but as a quick preview, you will need to:

  1. Recursively clone betrusted-scripts (check the README for details). You will also need to clone and build fomu-flash if you plan to update the EC.
  2. Make sure your desired firmware update artifacts are in ../precursors relative to the betrusted-scripts repository. You can fetch the bleeding-edge image with, or the latest stable release with
  3. Power on the Precursor device
  4. Run the corresponding update scripts, based on your desired task:
  • if you're flashing Xous firmware, but want to keep your root keys. This will require a manual step to "install gateware update" after boot, to pull in your root keys.
  • if you want to start from a factory-clean state with no root keys
  • if you want to update the EC
  • if you want to update the WF200 firmware

If you're running a 64-bit kernel on your Raspberry 4, the default build of fomu-flash will fail with Unable to initialize GPIO. As a quick remedy, you can use a workaround.

Storing the Unused Cable

If you need to carry around your Precursor device with the cable installed, you can do this by taping the cable to the back of the device.

First, add a piece of non-conductive tape to the back of your device, roughly where the exposed metal ends of the cable will touch the back of the device when folded over.

Second, add a second piece of tape to hold the cable in place. This double-tape sandwich both products the conductive ends of the cable while ensuring there is no chance of accidental shorts against the metal back side of the case.

Note that if you have UART key injection turned on, you can get spurious characters showing up on your screen due to stray electrical fields interacting with the length of the cable. This feature can be disabled in software.