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81 lines (66 loc) · 3.96 KB

cocons 0.1.4

  • Documentation polished


  • GetNeg2loglikelihood, GetNeg2loglikelihoodTaper, and GetNeg2loglikelihoodTaperProfile now much faster (~35% faster)
  • cocoOptim:
    • new REML estimation for dense coco type.
  • now cpp functions cov_rns and cov_rns_taper include as special cases the well-known shapes when nu = 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5, yielding computational speed-ups.
  • now getCIs display names of covariate instead of index of Design Matrix.
  • now also checks for smoothness model and smooth.limits.


  • coco now accepts data.frame for locs argument, which is then converted to matrix.
  • getTrend now is called getSpatMean.
  • cocoPredict renamed output spatial mean vectors: trend is now called systematic, while mean is called stochastic.
  • cocoOptim :
    • reordering of arguments.
    • mle estimation method now called ml.
    • pmle estimation method now called pml.
  • getHessian :
    • mle to ml and pmle to pml.
  • getCIs now alpha argument reflects confidence level instead of 1-confidence level.


  • fix a bug for plotOptimInfo when handling pml or reml objects.

cocons 0.1.3

  • Vignette updates, watermark removed
  • Documentation polished
  • New holes_bm dataset with independent realizations and spatial trend


  • added a file with version updates / modifications / enhances / etc
  • automatized delta for method plot for coco class.
  • Better visualization for plot(cocoOptim object, type = "ellipse")
  • coco:
    • now it is not necessary to provide all models for each source of nonstationarity. Those not specified will be set to those referenced with a stationary 0-mean model (i.e. tilt = 0 , aniso = 0, nugget = -Inf (because of log-parameterization)). If 'smooth' is not specified, then it is set to 0.5.
  • cocoOptim:
    • "auto" option for ncores argument for cocoOptim, providing a convenient number of threads based on the number of parameters to estimate, available threads, and settings of the LBFGSB routine
    • "safe" argument, which prevents crashes due to ill-posed covariance matrices (Choelsky factorization error)
    • .cocons.check.convergence now checks and reports at which iteration ill-posed covariance matrices have been found during the optimization.
    • now "pmle" works with multiple independent realizations for coco types dense and sparse
    • safer parallel handling
  • getHessian more memory efficient
  • cocoSim:
    • if provided a fitted coco object, then pars argument can be NULL (default), and coco.object@output$par is used instead (and also type is set to diff).
    • more memory efficient
  • safer parallel handling for getHessian
  • polishing of neg2loglikelihood functions, leading to more efficient code
  • new and more polished internal functions to assess the validity of arguments (stopifnot() instead of if() stop())
  • getCondNumber optimized
  • small improvement over cpp functions


  • switched getPen as an internal function
  • method plot for coco objects shows rotation angle of the kernel w.r.t x-axis
  • GetSpateffects now provides angle w.r.t to x-axis
  • method "summary" for coco objecets (former "print" method)
  • more proper naming of objects inside functions
  • renaming of "cat.vars" to "skip.scale" + associated checks and optimization
  • getCondNumber removed, which can be replaced with kappa function from base R (i.e. kappa(getCovMatrix(coco.object),exact = TRUE))

cocons 0.1.2

  • improve overall help files
  • add examples for coco, cocoOptim, cocoPredict, and cocoSim
  • update Vignette
  • some bug fixes and overall code polishing
  • smooth_limits from info from the coco function is now called smooth.limits to match the style of other arguments (no backward compatibility)
  • new names for C++ sparse covariance functions
  • add warnings of non-convergence of the LBFGSB for cocoOptim
  • bug fixes for coco "methods"
  • less redundant code