- Moving to a header and source library for improved compile times
- Reducing the number of templated and instead overloading float and double
- Needed to remove constexpr for Arduino compatibility
- Made constexpr
- Updated google test to latest release
- Updated include guards
- Moved airdata specific constants to the airdata library
- Added millibar
- Updated minimum CMake version to 3.14 to support FetchContent_MakeAvailable
- Improved resolution of PI
- Updated preprocessor directives to more easily define when Arduino IDE is used
- Updated README to better detail the Arduino support
- Fixed Arduino keywords.txt
- Updated directory structure to support Arduino in addition to CMake builds
- Added an Arduino example
- Updated README
- Added hectopascals unit to convpres
- Added atmospheric constants
- Added gravitational acceleration constant
- Switched to namespace bfs
- Switched to MATLAB equivalent conversion functions: convlength, convvel, convacc, convang, convangvel, convangacc, convforce, convmass, convdensity, convpres, convtemp
- Added rad2deg and deg2rad
- renamed from global_defs to units, which more appropriately describes the library function
- updated contributing
- updated CI/CD to include line length limits
- modified units.h to remove "global" namespace
- updated example, test, and readme
- Updated contributing
- Updated license to MIT
- Added Gauss to uT and uT to Gauss conversion
- Initial baseline