- Check the installer is close to the size of the last release
- Check signature:
- If macOS, using
binary runspctl --assess --verbose
for the installed version and make sure it returnsaccepted
- If macOS, using
binary runspctl --assess --verbose
for the installed version and make sure it returnsaccepted
- If Windows right click on the
and go to Properties, go to the Digital Signatures tab and double click on the signature. Make sure it says "The digital signature is OK" in the popup window
- If macOS, using
- Verify that both
forward tobrave://
(run through several internal pages)
- Navigate to
and confirm you are redirected tobrave://settings/shields/filters
- Filter lists
- Type "cookie" into the "Filter lists" search box, and verify that the list is filtered down to just the
Easylist-Cookie List - Filter Obtrusive Cookie Notices
- Enable the
Easylist-Cookie List
and refresh the page - Expand the regional filter lists and verify that the cookie list is still enabled
- Type "cookie" into the "Filter lists" search box, and verify that the list is filtered down to just the
- Add custom filter lists
- Enter
intoEnter filter list URL
and pressAdd
- Ensure that the
Custom lists
table appears, with the newly added entry;Last updated
should be now (e.g.0 seconds ago
) - Refresh the page after a few seconds and ensure that the
Last updated
time reflects the time that has passed - Use the dropdown next to the entry and verify that all options (
Update now
,View source
) are shown- Pressing the
Update now
button should update the timestamp appropriately -
View source
should open the text of the filter list -
should delete the entry from the list and hide the table once again
- Pressing the
- Enter
- Create custom filters
- The
Create custom filters
section should be visible with a text box andSave changes
button - Adding text to the box, pressing
Save changes
, and refreshing the page should result in the same text appearing in the box after the reload
- The
- Verify that you can import
from Google Chrome - Verify that you can import
from Firefox - Verify that you can import
from Microsoft Edge - Verify that importing bookmarks using
Bookmark HTML File
retains the folder structure on a clean profile
- Verify you can block a page element using
Block element via selector
context-menu item - Verify selecting
Manage custom filters
in a NTP - Verify removing the rule from
reflects the change on the website, after reload
- Verify pdfium, Torrent viewer extensions are installed automatically on fresh profile and cannot be disabled (they don't show up in
) - Verify older version of an extension gets updated to new version via Google server
- Verify that
links and.torrent
files correctly open WebTorrent and you're able to download the file(s)- Tip: Free torrents available via https://webtorrent.io/free-torrents
- Load
. Click onProceed using Infura server
. Confirm no IPFS interstitial page is shown. Verify the content is loaded via public gateway.
- Verify that installing https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus-free-ad-bloc/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb from CWS displays the
Brave has not reviewed the extension.
warning via the "Add Extension" modal
- Under
toggle "Enable NoScript" on. Be sure to turn off any other extensions listed here if they are on.- Navigate to https://underpassapp.com/StopTheScript/noscript.html and confirm that the page says "JavaScript is disabled".
- Confirm you can open the extension's panel without any errors.
- Under
toggle "Enable uBlock Origin" on. Be sure to turn off any other extensions listed here if they are on.- Navigate to a site which contains ads and toggle shields off. Reload the page and confirm ads are still blocked.
- Confirm you can open the extension's panel without any errors.
- Confirm panel reflects that items are blocked as expected.
- Under
toggle "Enable uMatrix" on. Be sure to turn off any other extensions listed here if they are on.- Navigate to a site which contains ads and toggle shields off. Reload the page and confirm ads are still blocked.
- Confirm you can open the extension's panel without any errors.
- Confirm panel reflects that items are blocked as expected.
- Under
toggle "Enable AdGuard" on. Be sure to turn off any other extensions listed here if they are on.- Navigate to a site which contains ads and toggle shields off. Reload the page and confirm ads are still blocked.
- Confirm you can open the extension's panel without any errors.
- Confirm panel reflects that items are blocked as expected.
- Test that you can print a PDF
- Test that PDF is loaded over HTTPS at https://basicattentiontoken.org/BasicAttentionTokenWhitePaper-4.pdf
- Test that PDF is loaded over HTTP at http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf
- Verify
Widevine Notification
is shown when you visit Netflix for the first time - Test that you can stream on Netflix on a fresh profile after installing Widevine
- Verify
Widevine Notification
is shown when you visit HBO Max for the first time - Test that you can stream on HBO Max on a fresh profile after installing Widevine
- If macOS, run the above Widevine tests for both
- Check that https://browserleaks.com/geo works and shows correct location
- Check that https://html5demos.com/geo/ works but doesn't require an accurate location
- Check that loading
causes the new tab to crash - Check that
lists theUploaded Crash Report ID
once the report has been submitted - Verify the crash ID matches the report on Backtrace using
_rxid equal [ value ]
- Verify that HTTPS Everywhere works by loading http://https-everywhere.badssl.com/
- Turning HTTPS Everywhere off and Shields off both disable the redirect to https://https-everywhere.badssl.com/
- Verify that toggling
Trackers & ads blocked
works as expected - Visit https://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/s/phishing.html, verify that Safe Browsing (via our Proxy) works for all the listed items
- Visit https://www.blizzard.com and then turn on script blocking, page should not load.
- Test that 3rd party storage results are blank at https://jsfiddle.net/7ke9r14a/9/ when 3rd party cookies are blocked and not blank when 3rd party cookies are unblocked
- Test that https://mixed-script.badssl.com/ shows up as grey not red (no mixed content scripts are run)
- In
, choose a DNS provider from the providers listed under Use secure DNS, loadhttps://browserleaks.com/dns
, and verify your ISP's DNS resolvers aren't detected and shown; only your chosen DoH provider should appear. - Open a New Private Window with Tor, load
, and verify your ISP's DNS resolvers aren't detected and shown.
- Visit https://fmarier.github.io/brave-testing/query-filter.html in a Private window and run the tests as directed
- Visit https://ssl-pinning.someblog.org/ and verify a pinning error is displayed
- Visit https://pinning-test.badssl.com/ and verify a pinning error is not displayed
- Test that https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/ doesn't leak IP address for each option under
Settings -> Privacy and Security -> WebRTC IP handling policy
- Verify when you enable Rewards from panel or
, Ads are enabled by default - Verify Ads UI (panel, settings, etc) shows when in a region with Ads support
- Verify Ads UI (panel, settings, etc) does not show when in a region without Ads support. Verify the Ads panel does show the 'Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region.' message.
- Verify when the system language is English, the Browser language is French, and you are in one of the supported regions, Ad notifications are still served to you.
- Verify you are served Ad notifications when Ads are enabled
- Verify ad earnings are reflected in the rewards widget on the NTP.
- Verify when Ads are toggled off, there are no Ad messages in the logs
- Verify when Rewards are toggled off (but Ads were not explicitly toggled off), there are no Ads logs recorded
- Verify view/click/dismiss/landed ad notifications show in
- Verify pages you browse to are being classified in the logs
- Verify tokens are redeemed by viewing the logs (you can use
to shorten redemption time) - Verify Ad is not shown if a tab is playing media and is only shown after it stops playing
- Verify that none of the reward endpoints are being contacted when a user visits a media creator (
) and hasn't joined rewards- Verify that
are not being contacted
- Verify that
- Verify you are able to create a new Rewards profile and are in the unverified state by default
- Verify when you visit a creator in this state the panel shows a prompt to connect a custodian and no BAT information (earnings, balance, etc) is displayed
- Verify when you view the NTP widget in this state it shows a prompt to connect a custodian and no BAT information (earnings, balance, etc) is displayed
- Verify when you visit brave://rewards in this state there are no Auto Contribution, Tipping, or summary panels on this page
- Verify you can toggle notification ads off/on from the "Manage Brave Ads" panel on brave://rewards
- Verify you are able to connect a custodian
- Verify Rewards balance shows correct BAT and USD value on brave://rewards, panel, and NTP widget after you connect
- Verify when you click on the BR panel while on a site, the panel displays site-specific information (site favicon, domain, attention %)
- Verify BR panel shows message about an unverified creator
- Verify "Send Contribution" button is grayed out on the panel for an unverified creator and the tip banner cannot be accessed
- Verify tip banner shows message about a creator with a different custodian
- Verify you are able to tip a creator who has the same custodian as you
- Verify you are able to perform an auto contribution
- Verify if you disable auto-contribute you are still able to tip creators
- Verify if auto-contribute is disabled AC does not occur
- Verify that there is no "Disconnect" option once connected to a custodian
- Verify that you are able to reset rewards
- Verify that after rewards are reset, you are now in the non-opted in state
- Verify you can re-join rewards and the panel, brave://rewards page, and NTP widget are now in the unverified state
- Verify individual
Social media blocking
buttons works as intended when enabled/disabled by visiting https://fmarier.github.io/brave-testing/social-widgets.html - ensure that you can log in into https://www.expensify.com while
Allow use of third-party cookies for legacy Google Sign-In
is enabled - ensure that once
Allow use of third-party cookies for legacy Google Sign-In
has been disabled, you can't log in into https://www.expensify.com
- Verify you are able to create a sync chain and add a mobile/computer to the chain
- Verify you are able to join an existing sync chain using code words
- Verify the device name is shown properly when sync chain is created
- Verify you are able to add a new mobile device to the chain via QR code/code words
- Verify newly created bookmarks get sync'd to all devices on the sync chain
- Verify existing bookmarks on current profile gets sync'd to all devices on the sync chain
- Verify folder structure is retained after sync completes
- Verify bookmarks don't duplicate when sync'd from other devices
- Verify removing bookmark from device gets sync'd to all devices on the sync chain
- Verify adding/removing a bookmark in offline mode gets sync'd to all devices on the sync chain when device comes online
- With only two devices in chain, verify removing the other device resets the sync on b-c as well
- Visit https://check.torproject.org in a Tor window, ensure it shows a success message for using a Tor exit node
- Visit https://check.torproject.org in a Tor window, note down exit node IP address. Do a hard refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R/Cmd+Shift+R), ensure exit IP changes after page reloads
- Visit https://check.torproject.org in a Tor window, note down exit node IP address. Click
New Tor connection for this site
in app menu, ensure the exit node IP address changes after page is reloaded - Visit https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion, https://brave4u7jddbv7cyviptqjc7jusxh72uik7zt6adtckl5f4nwy2v72qd.onion/, and https://search.brave4u7jddbv7cyviptqjc7jusxh72uik7zt6adtckl5f4nwy2v72qd.onion/ in a Tor window and ensure all pages resolve
- Visit https://browserleaks.com/geo in a Tor window, ensure location isn't shown
- Verify Torrent viewer doesn't load in a Tor window
- Ensure you are able to download a file in a Tor window. Verify all Download/Cancel, Download/Retry and Download works in Tor window
- Go to http://samy.pl/evercookie/ and set an evercookie. Check that going to prefs, clearing site data and cache, and going back to the evercookie site does not remember the old evercookie value
- Verify that
(Brave) matcheschrome://gpu
(Chrome) when using the same Chromium version
- Verify that Brave is only contacting
endpoints on first launch using eitherCharles Proxy
(or a similar application)- Verify that opening a NTP doesn't trigger any outbound connections related to widgets without user interaction
- Remove the following component folders and ensure that they're being re-downloaded after restarting the browser:
(AdBlock) -
: (Sponsored New Tab Images) -
Safe Browsing
- Restart the browser, load
, wait for 8 mins and verify that no component shows any errors
Note: Always double check brave://components
to make sure there's no errors/missing version numbers
- Temporarily move away your browser profile and test that a new profile is created on browser relaunch
- macOS -
~/Library/Application\ Support/BraveSoftware/
- Windows -
- Linux(Ubuntu) -
- macOS -
- Test that both windows and tabs are being restored, including the current active tab
- Ensure that tabs are being lazy loaded when a previous session is being restored
- Make sure that data from the last version appears in the new version OK
- Ensure that
lists the expected Brave & Chromium versions - With data from the last version, verify that:
- Bookmarks on the bookmark toolbar and bookmark folders can be opened
- Cookies are preserved
- Installed extensions are retained and work correctly
- Opened tabs can be reloaded
- Stored passwords are preserved
- Sync chain created in previous version is retained
- Social media-blocking buttons changes are retained
- Custom filters under brave://settings/shields/filters are retained
- Custom lists under brave://settings/shields/filters are retained
- Rewards
- BAT balance is retained
- Auto-contribute list is retained
- Both Tips and Monthly Contributions are retained
- Panel transactions list is retained
- Changes to rewards settings are retained
- Ensure that Auto Contribute is not being enabled when upgrading to a new version if AC was disabled
- Ads
- Both
Estimated pending rewards
&Ad notifications received this month
are retained - Changes to ads settings are retained
- Ensure that ads are not being enabled when upgrading to a new version if they were disabled
- Ensure that ads are not disabled when upgrading to a new version if they were enabled
- Both