Supported builders:
:$ cd 12/ # This directory $ make 12.0-20170602-zfs PROVIDER=vmware-iso # EXTRA_OPTS="-var headless=false -debug" $ vagrant box add --name FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-vmware --provider=vmware_desktop $ cd ~/src/FreeBSD/my-work-dir # Must be in a different directory to run `vagrant init` $ vagrant init -m FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-vmware $ vagrant init --output Vagrantfile.example FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-vmware $ vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion --destroy-on-error $ vagrant ssh $ vagrant suspend $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant box remove FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-vmware
:$ cd 12/ # This directory $ make 12.0-20170602-zfs PROVIDER=virtualbox-iso EXTRA_OPTS="-var headless=false -debug" $ vagrant box add --name FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-virtualbox --provider=virtualbox $ cd ~/src/FreeBSD/my-work-dir # Must be in a different directory to run `vagrant init` $ vagrant init -m FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-virtualbox $ vagrant init --output Vagrantfile.example FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-virtualbox $ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox --destroy-on-error $ vagrant ssh $ vagrant suspend $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant box remove FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170602-r319481-virtualbox
Supported builders:
:$ cd 12/ # This directory $ make 12.0-20170526-zfs PROVIDER=vmware-iso # EXTRA_OPTS="-var headless=false -debug" $ vagrant box add --name FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-vmware --provider=vmware_desktop $ cd ~/src/FreeBSD/my-work-dir # Must be in a different directory to run `vagrant init` $ vagrant init -m FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-vmware $ vagrant init --output Vagrantfile.example FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-vmware $ vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion --destroy-on-error $ vagrant ssh $ vagrant suspend $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant box remove FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-vmware
:$ cd 12/ # This directory $ make 12.0-20170526-zfs PROVIDER=virtualbox-iso EXTRA_OPTS="-var headless=false -debug" $ vagrant box add --name FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-virtualbox --provider=virtualbox $ cd ~/src/FreeBSD/my-work-dir # Must be in a different directory to run `vagrant init` $ vagrant init -m FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-virtualbox $ vagrant init --output Vagrantfile.example FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-virtualbox $ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox --destroy-on-error $ vagrant ssh $ vagrant suspend $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant box remove FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-zfs-20170526-r318945-virtualbox