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195 lines (155 loc) · 10.3 KB
  • Start Date: 2016-07-07
  • RFC PR: #2
  • Moment Issue: #1754


Change all APIs so that all moments will be psuedo-immutable in Moment 3.


Many new-to-Moment users expect that Moment will return a new object from various methods that actually change the value of the original object. This expectation is consistent with the observation that Moment instances are Value Objects. Notably, this expectation seems to be strengthening over time, correlated with the rise of web application and UI frameworks that rely on reference equality checks to performantly determine whether a data structure has changed.

At the same time, Moment has been used to build millions of existing applications, all of which rely on the library's current API design. Many groups with existing codebases, especially those who already use Moment pervasively, strongly value the API stability that Moment has maintained over the years to date.

There is a plugin, Frozen Moment, that has attempted to address these issues. Unfortunately, as a third-party plugin it has limited visibility and less certainty about long-term support, so it's not a satisfactory solution for everyone wanting an "immutable" API. More significantly, there isn't a great way for a plugin to find out about the other Moment plugins that might be in use in any particular environment, which makes it difficult to use plugins while also using the immutable APIs.

We've talked with a few authors of widely-used plugins about these challenges, and heard that some plugin maintainers would prefer to support exactly one API (mutable or immutable) per version of their plugin -- in other words, if we're going to add an immutable API, they would prefer a hard cutover where the immutable API replaces the old mutable API rather than a solution where both APIs might co-exist simultaneously.

To address these concerns, we'd like to change Moment's public APIs to provide an immutable API (similar to the moment.frozen functionality from Frozen Moment). We'd also like to work with plugin authors to help them migrate to the new API.

We might also extend our build system to generate a 2.x-compatible version of Moment from the same codebase (by changing a few files from one build to the other) and use that functionality to support both APIs during a transitional period. This might most productively be expressed as a 3-6 month period of 2.x releases and simultaneous 3.0 "beta"/"preview" releases, leading up to a final 3.0 release and/or discontinuation of the existing 2.x release stream. During this period, and possibly for some time thereafter, we'd want new releases of the Moment Timezone plugin to maintain compatibility with both Moment 2.x and 3.x.

Users who prefer the current mutable API can stick with the very stable 2.x codebase, or they might build a plugin to implement a mutable API on top of our own immutable API (like Frozen Moment, but moving the opposite direction).

Detailed design

For Moment Users

All externally-facing APIs that currently modify the value of a Moment instance will instead return a new Moment. This includes many of the instance methods listed in the "Get + Set", "Manipulate", and "i18n" categories of our docs.

All externally-facing APIs that currently modify the value of a Duration instance will instead return a new Duration. (I believe this is just Duration#add and Duration#subtract.)

Set-selection functions (moment.max and moment.min) will return one of the original input instances, not a copy -- unless one of the inputs was invalid, in which case we'll return a canonical "invalid" moment that doesn't include any interesting information in _i.

For Moment Developers

I think we'll want to take a Frozen Moment-style approach to the implementation. If a method is going to mutate the instance then internally clone it before doing anything else, and then use the old mutable implementations of everything. When calling other functions internally, we should continue to call the internal mutable version of the API rather than the externally-facing immutable APIs. This approach will minimize the effort needed to develop v3.0 and minimize the performance hit from moving our users onto an immutable API. Because this will be a relatively small change to our codebase, this approach is also very useful if/when we want to build parallel v2.x/v3.0 releases while our users transition to the new APIs.

We'll want to update and add unit tests asserting the immutable nature of our external APIs, etc. I suspect this will require more effort than updating the core library code itself. I think we want to avoid maintaining two sets of tests, even temporarily -- avoiding additional pain and effort in testing is probably the best argument against doing parallel 2.x/3.x builds for a transition period.

How We Teach This

Because our own experience and a preponderance of Moment-related support requests suggest that new users would have fewer problems working with an immutable API, we will generally want to push new users to adopt 3.x ASAP. To that end, we'll want to carefully craft our 3.x release notes to help introduce existing users to the changes and explain what they'll need to do in order to prepare their codebases for the upgrade.

We also need to update our API reference documentation at to account for all these changes. We should maybe consider publishing an archived copy of the v2.x docs at a new URL when we update the "standard" docs to the 3.x API for the new release. On the other hand, the doc changes should be fairly minor, so maybe that's not a big deal (especially if the docs are clearly and pervasively marked as describing v3.x). I think we mostly just want to avoid having 2.x users rely on the 3.x docs and therefore create mutability bugs.

Finally, we'll need some targeted documentation explaining how and (especially) why plugin authors should update their plugins to work with the new version of Moment. We might consider submitting PRs to a few popular plugins to help them upgrade, and then link to those PRs from the documentation as examples of how other plugin authors can update their implementations.


  1. Some large existing codebases may find it difficult to upgrade from 2.x to 3.x, especially if they heavily relied on Moment's mutability.
  2. This feature has often been described as an "immutable" API, but we're not actually making the objects immutable — developers can assign and modify custom properties on these objects as much as they want. Indeed, "immutable" instances would still be mutating under the hood in certain situations (because some internal properties are lazily computed). This may be confusing for some developers and we will likely get questions about it.
  3. This will likely add a few bytes in file size to the core library, because the implementation approach is purely additive. Similarly, "mutation" methods will likely take slightly longer to run, due to the need to allocate memory and copy values into a new object. We may want to do performance testing to determine the exact level of impact here, but the effects should be very minimal and we don't expect many users to notice. In fact, users who always call #clone before mutating their moments may even see a slight improvement in overall code size and performance with the new approach, since they can now remove a lot of extraneous method calls.


As hinted in the Motivation section, if we don't do this (or something similar), then we're effectively asking the folks who keep +1'ing #1754 to build their own community around the existing third-party plugin, or to find or build another library instead of using Moment. This would not be the end of the world, but it would be a little frustrating since we agree that date-time objects should ideally be an immutable type.

To date, the current third-party Frozen Moment plugin has had much less reach than we might expect for a first-party solution. We might be able to close that gap somewhat by promoting the third-party plugin more heavily on, since it doesn't appear to be mentioned anywhere in the official documentation right now. This sort of cross-promotion scheme could achieve some of the same usage benefits while delegating much of the communication and maintenance burden for this functionality outside the core Moment team — at the cost of continuing with some additional perceived and actual risk (relative to a first-party solution) as to whether that plugin would continue to be maintained appropriately over the long term.

There is no technical reason why the current third-party plugin, or a new first-party plugin, could not grow to do everything that this RFC proposes. In fact, I will likely work to make that happen within the Frozen Moment plugin if this RFC is not adopted. But any plugin-based solution will be handicapped by the fact that users don't expect plugins to be able to override core API decisions like this, so they're less likely to find and adopt a plugin for this purpose (even if that plugin was well-publicized, etc).

I also hope that it will become easier to get other plugin authors to write compatible plugins (by using the registration system, etc) if these capabilities are in core, rather than "just" another third-party plugin.

Unresolved questions

  1. Should we remove moment#clone in 3.0? If not, I feel it should probably continue to return a new instance to minimize confusion -- unless we're keeping it solely to ease the pain of transition for existing codebases, in which case we should return the same instance and spew deprecation warnings for a planned removal in v4.0.
  2. Do we want to publish parallel 2.x/3.x builds for a while to ease the transition? If so, how do we label this, and how do we justify the timing for shutting off the 2.x compatibility builds?
  3. The documentation and publicity strategy for this release needs to be fleshed out further as we continue planning.