PROJECT_NAME = {{ project_name }} STATIC_DIR = ./$(PROJECT_NAME)/static default: lint test test: # Run all tests and report coverage # Requires coverage python makemigrations --dry-run | grep 'No changes detected' || \ (echo 'There are changes which require migrations.' && exit 1) coverage run test coverage report -m --fail-under 80 npm test lint-py: # Check for Python formatting issues # Requires flake8 $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }}/bin/flake8 . lint-js: # Check JS for any problems # Requires jshint ./node_modules/.bin/eslint -c .eslintrc '${STATIC_DIR}' --ext js,jsx lint: lint-py lint-js # Generate a random string of desired length generate-secret: length = 32 generate-secret: @strings /dev/urandom | grep -o '[[:alnum:]]' | head -n $(length) | tr -d '\n'; echo conf/keys/ # Generate SSH deploy key for a given environment ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f $*.priv -C "$*@${PROJECT_NAME}" @mv $* $@ staging-deploy-key: conf/keys/ production-deploy-key: conf/keys/ # Translation helpers makemessages: # Extract English messages from our source code python makemessages --ignore 'conf/*' --ignore 'docs/*' --ignore 'requirements/*' \ --no-location --no-obsolete -l en compilemessages: # Compile PO files into the MO files that Django will use at runtime python compilemessages pushmessages: # Upload the latest English PO file to Transifex tx push -s pullmessages: # Pull the latest translated PO files from Transifex tx pull -af setup: virtualenv -p `which python3.7` $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }} $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }}/bin/pip install -U pip wheel $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }}/bin/pip install -Ur requirements/dev.txt $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }}/bin/pip freeze npm install npm update cp {{ project_name }}/settings/ {{ project_name }}/settings/ echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE={{ project_name }}.settings.local" > .env createdb -E UTF-8 {{ project_name }} $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }}/bin/python migrate if [ -e project.travis.yml ] ; then mv project.travis.yml .travis.yml; fi @echo @echo "The {{ project_name }} project is now setup on your machine." @echo "Run the following commands to activate the virtual environment and run the" @echo "development server:" @echo @echo " workon {{ project_name }}" @echo " npm run dev" update: $(WORKON_HOME)/{{ project_name }}/bin/pip install -U -r requirements/dev.txt npm install npm update # Build documentation docs: cd docs && make html .PHONY: default test lint lint-py lint-js generate-secret makemessages \ pushmessages pullmessages compilemessages docs .PRECIOUS: conf/keys/