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File metadata and controls

84 lines (55 loc) · 2.3 KB

Rosbag RViz Panel


This package provides a custom RViz panel for playing rosbags with enhanced functionalities. The panel allows users to play rosbags forwards or backwards, adjust play speeds, while also displaying some relevant information such the date of the messages or the total size of the bag. Additionally, it features a custom progress bar that users can interact with.

Alt Text


  • Play Controls: Play or pause the data at will.
  • Speed Adjustment: Change the play speed, from -10x to 10x.
  • Information Display:
    • Timestamp of the current playhead location.
    • Date and time of the current playhead location.
    • Number of seconds the current playhead location is from the beginning of the bag.
    • Playback speed.
    • Total size of the bag.
  • Interactive Progress Bar: Users can interact with the custom progress bar to navigate within the rosbag.

Dependencies installation

Build essentials and cmake

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake


sudo apt-get install qt5-default

ROS (Robot Operative System)

Follow up your ROS distro installation guide: Melodic or Noetic

(Optional) Clang-Format 16

sudo add-apt-repository 'deb llvm-toolchain-focal main'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install clang-format-16


  1. Clone this repository into your ROS workspace and compile it using cmake:

    mkdir -p your_ros_ws/src && your_ros_ws/src && git clone
    cd .. && catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  2. Source the workspace and launch RViz:

    source devel/setup.zsh && rviz
  3. Add the custom panel to your RViz layout:

    • Click on the "Panels" tab in RViz.
    • Select "Add New Panel" and choose it from the list.
  4. Load a rosbag using the controls in the custom panel.

  5. Interact with the progress bar to navigate within the rosbag.

Help / Contribution


  • Found a bug? Create an ISSUE!

  • Do you want to contribute? Create a PULL-REQUEST!