Sometimes you don't want to run a Docker image, so you can follow these instructions to clone the Rdio Scanner GitHub repository.
Make sure your operating system is fully updated and that the prerequisites are installed. Also make sure that you have enough memory to compile the Angular web application.
- build-essential on Ubuntu or its equivalent specific to your Linux distribution
- curl
- ffmpeg
- git
- Node.js LTS or higher (get it here if your distro doesn't have the required package)
- npm
- openssl
- python (python is required to compile sqlite node package)
- SQLite 3
$ which curl ffmpeg gcc g++ git make node npm python sqlite3
Ubuntu distro provides an old Node.js package. Make sure to use at least the current LTS version. Use the link above to get the latest LTS version.
$ git clone
Cloning into 'rdio-scanner'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1384, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1384/1384), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1284/1284), done.
remote: Total 1384 (delta 752), reused 112 (delta 24)
Receiving objects: 100% (1384/1384), 1010.15 KiB | 4.83 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (752/752), done.
$ node run server
Server is running at
You can also configure systemd to start the server, see the file docs/examples/rdio-scanner/rdio-scanner.service for an example.
Read the this document docs/
If new commits have been pushed to the Rdio Scanner GitHub repository, you can easily update like this:
$ node update
Pulling new version from github... done
Updating node modules... done
Building client app... done
Please restart Rdio Scanner
Besides resetting the administrator password from the administrative dashboard, you can also reset the administrator password from the command line.
$ node server reset-admin-password newpassword
Admin password has been reset.
If you do not specify a password after the reset-admin-password
command, the default password will be configured, which is rdio-scanner
Load a talkgroups file into a system:
$ node server load-rrdb
USAGE: load-rrdb <system_id> <input_tg_csv>
Load a trunk-recorder talkgroups file into a system:
$ node server load-tr
USAGE: load-tr <system_id> <input_tg_csv>
Generate random UUIDs
$ node server random-uuid
$ node server random-uuid 5
Remember that Rdio Scanner must be supplied with audio files from a recorder. Either you use a dirWatch
to monitor a folder, or you use the API with an upload script
. See the examples folder for some examples.
Need help? Go to the Gitter Rdio Scanner Lobby.
Happy Rdio scanning !