2013-12-12-term_sheet_for_convertible_note.html 2013-11-03-convertible_loan_agreement.html 2013-12-01-purchase_agreement_for_convertible_note.html 2013-11-03-resolution_of_transfer_of_shares.html 2013-11-03-share_transfer_instrument.html 2013-11-03-shareholders_agreement.html 2013-11-14-consulting_agreement.html
create Google Spreadsheets API interface to read cap table
create Google Spreadsheets API interface to read key/value config
user-facing documentation to edit cap tables
import each document in the Y Combinator Series AA series
import each document in the Y Combinator SAFE series
read the SAFE primer
import each document in the Techstars model docs series
import JFDI’s Founder Agreement
import JFDI’s
- parties. infer jurisdiction from company location.
- amount.
- valuation. (enter the cap table.)
- discount
- type of security
- visualization of the terms and implications for each party
- easily try a different security type
- help to filter the range based on which are acceptable to investors.
that people can just import, similar to the OAuth library.
that doesn’t import a library.
[#C] figure out how to do PDF form elements so that EchoSigners can check various boxes and enter text amounts.
refactor the signature page and cover page so that all parties are automatically represented by default.
preemptive rights response form inspired by the example set by crayondata. need to do form response logic.
concatenate PDFs doesn’t quite do the right thing – ensure individual docs don’t each get the full set of recipients
improve schema management – we should be able to create a new startup, a new agreement, etc faster, with correctly populated templates.
because we are aware of the schema we should autopopulate the sheet with those variables, and only those variables, that are expected in the xml. we have previously done a little work in this direction, titled something like introspector.
this linter should verify, just before a run, that all the variables that an XML expects are available from the spreadsheet
clean up the overlap between the new share class creation variables and the new share issue variables.
figure out a better way to track the agreement dates (TODAY vs the actual signed date in the spreadsheet.)
collapse multiple hats to a single signer – if the same email address is signing in multiple roles, give them the same esnum
right now we send two emails and they are confusing.
proceeds from the issuance of TGA shares shall be used solely to purchase additional shares in TradeGecko
the TGA class shall be firewalled from the rest of JFDI.2014 and enjoy no voting, notification, or preemption rights vis-a-vis the regular RCPS and Ordinary Shares, though of course any rights that TGA holders hold by virtue of their membership in the company via other classes of shares shall not be affected.
similarly the RCPS and other shareholders shall be firewalled from the TGA series except as required by law
certain votes at the director’s discretion will be referred to the TGA shareholders who will vote within their share class
to represent the interests of our shareholders with respect to TradeGecko we resolve to issue a new class of shares, “TGA”, with the properties described in the attached Schedule of proposed amendments to the articles of association
pursuant to the JFDI.2012 subscription agreement which states that preemptive rights may be transferred to RCPS shareholders on commercial terms,
this is basically done – we have this docset ready.
[#A] if the controller defines a form here and a form there do those forms’ onsubmits find the right sheet to update?
[#A] reformat all of Table A into the articles of association so we have something that’s submissible to banks and so on
[#A] review articles of association from 2013B and see if there are significant omissions in our 2015a version.
CANCELLED the issue of F shares also needs a preemptive waiver workflow for any shareholders who are not founders.
no they don’t – 115.9 covers this.
there are potential complications regarding foreign ownership of Indian companies. for now i have added text to the shareholder agreement to protect new Investors’ interests.
[#A] setup a workflow for each new company for the directors to authorise the issue of the convertible note to JFDI.
the issue of securities to JFDI needs to be preceded by section 161 workflow, with resolutions of directors and members. maybe this only happens at time of conversion or exercise. but better to get it out of the way now.
one of these workflows can be inside the regular Incorporation and the other will have to be separate because they both use the same variables.
update the creation of class f agreements for those teams that have already incorporated. create new sheet for those. create ROLES rows.
- Taembe.com
- Bakipa
- BoxGreen
see JFDI.BOOTCAMP.pdf from JFDI.2012 – this text should go inside the Memo