A script/RESTful API to compute an approximation of the reputation gained by a Stack Overflow user up to a given date.
The script can be tested online at this address (Be patient, it may take a few seconds). Furthermore, you can use it as a web service in your own app. Check the RESTful API documentation page for more.
NOTE: You will need to install Git LFS extension to check out this project. Once installed and initialized, simply run:
$ git lfs clone https://github.com/collab-uniba/SO_reputation.git
The extracted reputation is only an estimate (with a ~10% error). The following rules are not considered:
- Suggested edit is accepted: +2 (up to +1000 total per user)
- Bounty awarded to your answer: + full bounty amount
- One of your answers is awarded a bounty automatically: + half of the bounty amount (see more details about how bounties work)
- Example you contributed to is voted up: +5
- Proposed change is approved: +2
- First time an answer that cites documentation you contributed to is upvoted: +5
- You place a bounty on a question: - full bounty amount
- One of your posts receives 6 spam or offensive flags: -100
Please, cite the following works if you intend to use our tool for your own research:
F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli. “Moving to Stack Overflow: Best-Answer Prediction in Legacy Developer Forums.” In Proc. 10th Int’l Symposium on Empirical Softw. Eng. and Measurement (ESEM’16), Ciudad Real, Spain, Sept. 8-9, 2016, DOI:10.1145/2961111.2962585.
author = {Calefato, Fabio and Lanubile, Filippo and Novielli, Nicole},
title = {Moving to Stack Overflow: Best-Answer Prediction in Legacy Developer Forums},
booktitle = {Proc. 10th ACM/IEEE Int'l Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement},
series = {ESEM '16},
year = {2016},
isbn = {978-1-4503-4427-2},
location = {Ciudad Real, Spain},
pages = {13:1--13:10},
articleno = {13},
numpages = {10},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2961111.2962585},
doi = {10.1145/2961111.2962585},
publisher = {ACM},
F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, M.C. Marasciulo, N. Novielli. MSR Challenge: “Mining Successful Answers in Stack Overflow.” In Proc. 12th IEEE Working Conf. on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2015), Florence, Italy, May 16-17, 2015.
author = {Calefato, Fabio and Lanubile, Filippo and Marasciulo, Maria Concetta and Novielli, Nicole},
title = {Mining Successful Answers in Stack Overflow},
booktitle = {Proc. 12th Working Conf. on Mining Software Repositories},
series = {MSR '15},
year = {2015},
isbn = {978-0-7695-5594-2},
location = {Florence, Italy},
pages = {430--433},
numpages = {4},
url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2820518.2820579},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
If you want to run your script locally or deploy the web service on your own server, you need to setup a MySQL database. From this point forward, we assume that you have already imported the SO dump to a local MySQL db (there are several scripts that you can easily adapt to your purpose; see here and here, for example).
- Java 8+
Go to the scripts/db-setup/
folder and run in batch mode the sql script setup.sh
$ sh setup.sh
NOTE: Before running, edit the first lines of the file to change the following information:
This script will create several table/views and indexes to speed up the querying process, plus some CSV files, named Question_Answer_?_(asc|desc).csv
and Posts_Votes?_(asc|desc).csv
These CSV files are needed by the web service, therefore, whenever you create or update the SO database, you should copy/move them to the subfolder webservice/StackOverflowRESTfulWebService/WebContent/WEB-INF
where you deployed the reputation web service.
The scripts referenced in this section must be edited prior to execution, in order to customize the following variables:
- MySQL username
- MySQL password
- SO database name
- Python 3
- PyMySQL version 0.7.9
From comand line run:
$ python reputation.py
Need CSV files
- Java 8+
- Akka version 2.1.4
- OpenCSV version 3.9
From comand line:
$ java -jar Akka-script-final.jar [UserId1] [date1] (...[UserIdN] [dateN]) -1
is an integer representing a user iddateX
is a string representing a date in the format YYYY-mm-dd
From comand line:
$ java -jar Akka-script-test.jar [n] [date].
is an integer representing the first n users in the dumpdate
is a string representing a date in the format YYYY-mm-dd
Documentation is available here.
- Java 8
- OpenCSV version 3.9
- Jersey version 1.17.1
- Jackson version 1.9.10
- Tomcat 8+