We hope you've all weathered the storm. If you want to lend your tech skills, Aurelia has supplied links to groups where you can do that: http://nytechresponds.org. If you need a place to work there's also http://bit.ly/sandycowork
We'll be resuming csv this week, today, Tuesday, as it were, at the normal time of 645 at Think Coffee, Mercer + 4th.
Brian is flying in from MozFest Tuesday night where he was recently crowned a 2012 Knight News Fellow at the New York Times, what Joe Biden would call a bfd.
He even has his own tag on Nieman Lab http://www.niemanlab.org/tag/brian-abelson/
Read the article if you have a moment. The third to last graf before the "Injecting coding culture into newsrooms" section (ante-penultimate, if you will) is particularly good.
Join us, wont you?