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osmm is a Python package for oracle-structured minimization method, which solves problems in the following form

where x is the variable, and W contains data and parameters that specify f. The oracle function f( ,W) is convex in x, defined by PyTorch, and can be automatically differentiated by PyTorch. The structured function g is convex, defined by CVXPY, and can contain constraints and variables additional to x.

The variable can be a scalar, a vector, or a matrix. It does not have to be named as x in the code.

osmm is suitable for cases where W contains a large data matrix, as will be shown in an example later when we introduce the efficiency.

The implementation is based on our paper Minimizing Oracle-Structured Composite Functions


osmm requires

To install osmm, first clone the repo, and then from inside the directory run

python install

It may require root access, and if so, please use sudo. CVXPY will be automatically installed by it (if not installed already), but PyTorch won't and will need to be additionally installed.


Construct object. Create an object of the OSMM class. For example

from osmm import OSMM
osmm_prob = OSMM()

Define f by PyTorch. An OSMM object has an attribute f_torch, which has the following attributes that define f.

  • f_torch.function must be a function with one required input, one optional input, and one output.
    • The first input (required) is a PyTorch tensor for variable x.
    • The second input (optional) is a PyTorch tensor for W and must be named W_torch. It is only needed when there is a data matrix in the problem.
    • The output is a PyTorch tensor for the scalar function value of f.
  • f_torch.W_torch is a PyTorch tensor for W. The data type for f_torch.W_torch should be set as float by dtype=torch.float.

To explain the above let us see the following example. Suppose that we have had an OSMM object osmm_prob.

import torch
import numpy as np
n = 100
N = 10000

def my_f_torch(x_torch, W_torch):
    objf = -torch.mean(torch.log(torch.matmul(W_torch.T, x_torch)))
    return objf

# Set the attributes.
osmm_prob.f_torch.function = my_f_torch
osmm_prob.f_torch.W_torch = torch.tensor(np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.5, size=(n, N)), requires_grad=False, dtype=torch.float)

Define g by CVXPY. An OSMM object has an attribute g_cvxpy, which has the following attributes that define g.

  • g_cvxpy.variable is a CVXPY variable for x.
  • g_cvxpy.objective is a CVXPY expression for the objective function in g.
  • g_cvxpy.constraints is a list of constraints contained in g.
import cvxpy as cp
my_var = cp.Variable(n, nonneg=True)
my_g_constr = [cp.sum(my_var) == 1]

# Set the attributes 
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.variable = my_var
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.objective = 0
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.constraints = my_g_constr

Solve. An OSMM object has a solve method. The solve method has one required argument, which gives an initial value of x. It must be a scalar, a numpy array, or a numpy matrix that is in the same shape as x, and it must be in the domain of f. The solve method returns the optimal objective value. A solution is stored in the value attribution of the corresponding CVXPY variable.

init_val = np.ones(n)
result = osmm_prob.solve(init_val)
my_soln = my_var.value

Solve methods

Default method. The default is a low-rank quasi-Newton bundle method which works for the general problem introduced at the beginning.

Other methods. The osmm package also supports usage of a low-rank plus diagonal approximated Hessian that is based on eigenvalue decomposition of the exact Hessian, when the objecitve function f has the following form

where F_i is a convex scalar function, and has second-order derivative which is not everywhere zero. To use this approximation, a PyTorch description of the elementwise mapping F=(F_1,...,F_N) from R^N to R^N is needed.

def my_elementwise_mapping_torch(y_scalar_torch):
    return -torch.log(y_scalar_torch) / N

It is passed in by setting the f_torch.elementwise_mapping attribute.

osmm_prob.f_torch.elementwise_mapping = my_elementwise_mapping_torch

Then when calling the solve method, to use the approximation based on eigen-decomposition of the exact Hessian, run

osmm_prob.solve(init_val, hessian_mode="LowRankDiagEVD")

To use exact Hessian, simply set argument hessian_rank=n in the above.


1. Basic example. We have shown the code step by step in the above for a Kelly gambling problem

where x is an n dimensional variable, and w_i for i=1, ..., N are given data. The objective function has been treated as f, the indicator function of the constraints has been treated as g, and the data matrix W = [w_1, ..., w_N].

2. Matrix variable. osmm accepts matrix variables. Take the following allocation problem as an example

where A is an m by d variable. The d dimensional vector s, the positive scalar t, and the m dimensional vectors p_i and d_i are given. The l1 norm notation is the sum of absolute values of all entries. The first term in the objective function is f, the regularization term plus the indicator function of the constraints is g, and the data matrix W = [(d_1, p_1), ..., (d_N, p_N)].

import torch
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
from osmm import OSMM

d = 10
m = 20
N = 10000
s = np.random.uniform(low=1.0, high=5.0, size=(d))
W = np.exp(np.random.randn(2 * m, N))
t = 1

def my_f_torch(A_torch, W_torch):
    d_torch = W_torch[0:m, :]
    p_torch = W_torch[m:2 * m, :]
    s_torch = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False)
    retail_node_amount = torch.matmul(A_torch, s_torch)
    ave_revenue = torch.sum(p_torch * torch.min(d_torch, retail_node_amount[:, None])) / N
    return -ave_revenue

A_var = cp.Variable((m, d), nonneg=True)

osmm_prob = OSMM()
osmm_prob.f_torch.function = my_f_torch
osmm_prob.f_torch.W_torch = torch.tensor(W, dtype=torch.float)
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.variable = A_var
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.objective = t * cp.sum(cp.abs(A_var))
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.constraints = [cp.sum(A_var, axis=0) <= np.ones(d)]

result = osmm_prob.solve(np.ones((m, d)), verbose=True)

3. Additional variables in g. osmm accepts variables additional to x in g. Take the following simplified power flow problem as an example

where x is an n dimensional variable, and u is an m dimensional variable. The graph incidence matrix A, the n dimensional vectors d_i and s_i, and the positive scalars u_max and x_max are given. The objective function corresponds to f. Minimization of the indicator function of the constraints over u gives g, so u is an additional variable in g. The data matrix W = [(s_1, d_1), ..., (s_N, d_N)].

import torch
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
from osmm import OSMM

n = 30
full_edges = []
for i in range(n - 1):
    full_edges += [[i, j] for j in range(i + 1, n)]

m = len(full_edges) // 2
connected_edges = np.random.choice(range(len(full_edges)), m, replace=False)
A = np.zeros((n, m))
for i in range(m):
    edge_idx = connected_edges[i]
    A[full_edges[edge_idx][0], i] = 1
    A[full_edges[edge_idx][1], i] = -1

x_max = 1
u_max = 0.1
N = 1000
W = np.zeros((2 * n, N))
W[0:n, :] = np.exp(np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ones(n), np.eye(n), size=N)).T
W[n:2 * n, :] = -np.exp(np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n), np.eye(n), size=N)).T

x_var = cp.Variable(n)
u_var = cp.Variable(m)
constrs = [A @ u_var + x_var == 0, cp.norm(u_var, 'inf') <= u_max, cp.norm(x_var, 'inf') <= x_max]

def my_f_torch(x_torch, W_torch):
    s_torch = W_torch[0:n, :]
    d_torch = W_torch[n:n * 2, :]
    return torch.mean(torch.sum(torch.relu(-d_torch.T - s_torch.T - x_torch), axis=1))

osmm_prob = OSMM()
osmm_prob.f_torch.function = my_f_torch
osmm_prob.f_torch.W_torch = torch.tensor(W, dtype=torch.float)
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.variable = x_var
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.objective = 0
osmm_prob.g_cvxpy.constraints = constrs

result = osmm_prob.solve(np.ones(n), verbose=True)

For more examples, see the notebooks in the examples directory.


osmm is efficient when W contains a large data matrix, and can be more efficient if PyTorch uses a GPU to compute f and its gradient.

Let us continue with the Kelly gambling example above. We compare the time cost of osmm with CVXPY on a CPU, and show that osmm is not as efficient as CVXPY when the data matrix is small with N=100, but is more efficient when the data matrix is large with N=30,000.

import time as time

N = 100
W_small = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.5, size=(n, N))
osmm_prob.f_torch.W_torch = torch.tensor(W_small, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, dtype=torch.float)

t1 = time.time()
opt_obj_val = osmm_prob.solve(init_val)
print("N = 100, osmm time cost = %.2f, opt value = %.4f" % (time.time() - t1, opt_obj_val))
# N = 100, osmm time cost = 0.19, opt value = -0.0557

cvx_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(-cp.sum(cp.log(W_small.T @ my_var)) / N), [cp.sum(my_var) == 1])
t2 = time.time()
opt_obj_val = cvx_prob.solve(solver="ECOS")
print("N = 100, cvxpy time cost = %.2f, opt value = %.4f" % (time.time() - t2, opt_obj_val))
# N = 100, cvxpy time cost = 0.09, opt value = -0.0557

N = 30000
W_large = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.5, size=(n, N))
osmm_prob.f_torch.W_torch = torch.tensor(W_large, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False)

t3 = time.time()
opt_obj_val = osmm_prob.solve(init_val)
print("N = 30,000, osmm time cost = %.2f, opt value = %.5f" % (time.time() - t3, opt_obj_val))
# N = 30,000, osmm time cost = 1.12, opt value = -0.00074

cvx_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(-cp.sum(cp.log(W_large.T @ my_var)) / N), [cp.sum(my_var) == 1])
t4 = time.time()
opt_obj_val = cvx_prob.solve(solver="ECOS")
print("N = 30,000, cvxpy time cost = %.2f, opt value = %.5f" % (time.time() - t4, opt_obj_val))
# N = 30,000, cvxpy time cost = 39.02, opt value = -0.00074

Optional arguments and attributes

Another attribute of OSMM.f_torch is W_validate_torch, which is a torch tensor in the same shape as W. If W contains a sampling matrix, then W_validate_torch can be used to provide another sampling matrix that gives f(x, W_validate), which is then compared with f(x, W) to validate the sampling accuracy. Default is None.

Optional arguments for the solve method that can change the algorithm used are as follows.

  • hessian_rank is the (maximum) rank of the low-rank quasi-Newton matrix used in the method, and with hessian_rank=0 the method becomes a proximal bundle algorithm. Default is 20.
  • gradient_memory is the memory in the piecewise affine bundle used in the method, and with gradient_memory=0 the method becomes a proximal quasi-Newton algorithm. Default is 20.
  • hessian_mode either takes "LowRankQNBundle", which is default, or "LowRankDiagEVD", which can be applied only if f has a specific form as aforementioned.
  • bundle_mode either takes "LatestM", which is default and uses the latest cutting-planes in the bundle, or "AllActive", which retains all active cutting-planes for the bundle.
  • solver must be one of the solvers supported by CVXPY. Default value is 'ECOS'.
  • verbose is a boolean giving the choice of printing information during the iterations. Default value is False.

Optional arguments for the solve method which are less frequently adjusted are as follows.

  • max_iter is the maximum number of iterations. Default is 200.
  • check_gap_frequency is the number of iterations between when we check the gap. Default is 10.
  • update_curvature_frequency is the number of iterations between when the Hessian is updated. Default is 1.
  • use_cvxpy_param is a boolean giving the choice of using CVXPY parameters. Default value is False.
  • store_var_all_iters is a boolean giving the choice of whether the updates of x in all iterations are stored. Default value is True.
  • exact_g_line_search is a boolean indicating if exact g evaluation is used in line-search. Default value is False.
  • The following tolerances are used in the stopping criteria.
    • eps_gap_abs and eps_gap_rel are absolute and relative tolerances on the gap between upper and lower bounds on the optimal objective, respectively. Default values are 1e-4 and 1e-3, respectively.
    • eps_res_abs and eps_res_rel are absolute and relative tolerances on a residue for an optimality condition, respectively. Default values are 1e-4 and 1e-3, respectively.


The optimal objective is returned by the solve method. A solution for x and the other variables in g can be obtained in the value attribute of the corresponding CVXPY variables.

More detailed results are stored in the dictionary method_results, which is an attribute of an OSMM object. The keys of the dictionary are as follows.

  • "objf_iters" stores the objective value versus iterations.
  • "lower_bound_iters" stores lower bound on the optimal objective value versus iterations.
  • "total_iters" stores the actual number of iterations taken.
  • "objf_validate_iters" stores the validate objective value versus iterations, when W_validate is provided.
  • More detailed histories during the iterations are as follows.
    • "var_iters" stores the update of x versus iterations. It can be turned off by setting the argument store_var_all_iters=False.
    • "time_iters" stores the time cost per iteration versus iterations.
    • "rms_res_iters" stores the RMS value of optimality residue versus iterations.
    • "f_grad_norm_iters" stores the norm of the gradient of f versus iterations.
    • "q_norm_iters" stores the norm of q versus iterations.
    • "v_norm_iters" stores the norm of v versus iterations.
    • "lam_iters" stores the value of the penalty parameter versus iterations.
    • "mu_iters" stores the value of mu versus iterations.
    • "t_iters" stores the value of t versus iterations.
    • "num_f_evals_iters" stores the number of f evaluations per iteration versus iterations.
    • "time_detail_iters" stores the time costs of computing each of the following once versus iterations, the value of f, the gradient of f, the tentative update, the lower bound, and the curvature.


To cite our work, please use the following BibTex entry.

  author  = {Shen, Xinyue and Ali, Alnur and Boyd, Stephen},
  title   = {Minimizing Oracle-Structured Composite Functions},
  journal = {arXiv},
  year    = {2021},