'use strict';

module.exports = function(grunt){


	// Configurable paths
	var config = {
		python: grunt.file.exists('./_env/bin/python') ? './_env/bin/python' : 'python',
		// colorful output on travis is not required, so disable it there, using travic'es env var :
		colorful_tests_output: ! process.env.TRAVIS,
		tmp: '.tmp',
		base: 'couchpotato',
		css_dest: 'couchpotato/static/style/combined.min.css',
		scripts_vendor_dest: 'couchpotato/static/scripts/combined.vendor.min.js',
		scripts_base_dest: 'couchpotato/static/scripts/combined.base.min.js',
		scripts_plugins_dest: 'couchpotato/static/scripts/combined.plugins.min.js'

	var vendor_scripts_files = [

	var scripts_files = [


		// Project settings
		config: config,

		// Make sure code styles are up to par and there are no obvious mistakes
		jshint: {
			options: {
				reporter: require('jshint-stylish'),
				unused: false,
				camelcase: false,
				devel: true
			all: [
				'<%= config.base %>/{,**/}*.js',
				'!<%= config.base %>/static/scripts/vendor/{,**/}*.js',
				'!<%= config.base %>/static/scripts/combined.*.js'

		// Compiles Sass to CSS and generates necessary files if requested
		sass: {
			options: {
				compass: true,
				update: true,
				sourcemap: 'none'
			server: {
				files: [{
					expand: true,
					cwd: '<%= config.base %>/',
					src: ['**/*.scss'],
					dest: '<%= config.tmp %>/styles/',
					ext: '.css'

		// Empties folders to start fresh
		clean: {
			server: '.tmp'

		// Add vendor prefixed styles
		autoprefixer: {
			options: {
				browsers: ['last 2 versions'],
				remove: false,
				cascade: false
			dist: {
				files: [{
					expand: true,
					cwd: '<%= config.tmp %>/styles/',
					src: '{,**/}*.css',
					dest: '<%= config.tmp %>/styles/'

		cssmin: {
			dist: {
				options: {
					keepBreaks: true
				files: {
					'<%= config.css_dest %>': ['<%= config.tmp %>/styles/**/*.css']

		uglify: {
			options: {
				mangle: false,
				compress: false,
				beautify: true,
				screwIE8: true
			vendor: {
				files: {
					'<%= config.scripts_vendor_dest %>': vendor_scripts_files
			base: {
				files: {
					'<%= config.scripts_base_dest %>': scripts_files
			plugins: {
				files: {
					'<%= config.scripts_plugins_dest %>': ['<%= config.base %>/core/**/*.js']

		shell: {
			runCouchPotato: {
				command: '<%= config.python %> CouchPotato.py',
				options: {
					stdout: true,
					stderr: true

		// COOL TASKS ==============================================================
		watch: {
			scss: {
				files: ['<%= config.base %>/**/*.{scss,sass}'],
				tasks: ['sass:server', 'autoprefixer', 'cssmin']
			js: {
				files: [
					'<%= config.base %>/**/*.js',
					'!<%= config.base %>/static/scripts/combined.*.js'
				tasks: ['uglify:base', 'uglify:plugins', 'jshint']
			livereload: {
				options: {
					livereload: 35729
				files: [
					'<%= config.css_dest %>',
					'<%= config.scripts_vendor_dest %>',
					'<%= config.scripts_base_dest %>',
					'<%= config.scripts_plugins_dest %>'

		// TEST TASKS ==============================================================
		env: {
			options: {

				concat: {
						'value' : './libs',
						'delimiter' : ':',

		// for python tests
		nose: {
			options: {
				verbosity: 2,
				exe: true,
				config: './.nosetestsrc',
				// 'rednose' is a colored output for nose test-runner. But we do not requre colors on travis-ci
				rednose: config.colorful_tests_output,
				externalNose: true,

			test: {

			coverage: {
					with_coverage: true,
					cover_package: "couchpotato",
					cover_branches: true,
					cover_xml: true,
					with_doctest: true,
					with_xunit: true,
					cover_tests: false,
					cover_erase: true,

		concurrent: {
			options: {
				logConcurrentOutput: true
			tasks: ['shell:runCouchPotato', 'watch']


	// testing task
	grunt.registerTask('test', ['env:test', 'nose:test']);

	// currently, coverage does not generate local html report, but it is useful and possible
	grunt.registerTask('coverage', ['env:test', 'nose:coverage']);

	grunt.registerTask('default', [