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File metadata and controls

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These helm charts are intended to work with AWS, but can be modified to work in other cloud platforms to support various features (like secret management, managed Kafka).

All images used in these charts are under the Confluent Community License or Apache 2 License. See for more information.

Kafka Brokers


This helm chart deploys Kafka brokers and Zookeeper alongside Schema Registry by default. StatefulSets are used with persistent volumes for both components.

If using this chart for the brokers, it can be combined with AWS Route 53 to expose the brokers outside the kubernetes cluster. For example:

  1. Create a private hosted zone in Route 53 with a domain (ex.
  2. In the helm values for the kafka chart :
  • Set the loadbalancer.enabled to true
  • Set the loadbalancer.externalDNS to the domain from above
  • Choose a port other than 9092 and set it to loadbalancer.externalPort (9092 is used inside the cluster and separate advertised listeners cannot use the same port)
  1. Once the load balancers for the brokers have been created, create CNAME records in the hosted zone for the brokers in the format kafka-#.externalDNS and point it to the respective load balancer internal DNS:

However the recommended approach is to use AWS MSK for the Kafka brokers and just use this chart for Schema Registry, KSQL Server, Kafka Connect, Kafka Rest proxy, and Kafka proxy as needed. There are 2 options to specify the MSK brokers for the different helm charts:

  1. In kafka.bootstrapServers
  2. In kafka.secret

The Schema Registry, KSQL, Connect, and Rest proxy charts include these 2 options (For Rest Proxy its cp-kafka). To use a secret:

  • set kafka.secret.enabled to true
  • set to the name of the kubernetes secret
  • set kafka.secret.key to the key containing the bootstrap servers

The Kafka proxy currently requires a secret to pass the brokers. This will be changed to support passing directly in the future. The secret name must be kafka-brokers and the keys must be broker_1', broker_2, and broker_3` but this can be changed in the file.

To apply, run:

kubectl apply -f misc/proxy.yaml --namespace kafka


To setup Conduktor Console:

  1. Install Docker Desktop and make sure its running
  2. Run docker compose up -d

The console will be available at localhost:9092 in your browser

Use host.docker.internal instead of localhost when configuring the cluster brokers, schema registry, connect, etc.


There is a helmfile to deploy the kube-prometheus-stack for monitoring. Assuming the namespace in kubernetes with the Kafka components is named kafka the helmfile, the helmfile will deploy a service monitor in that namespace to sync JMX metrics for Kafka Connect in Prometheus. There is also an option to add an additional scrape config for MSK brokers in prometheus.prometheusSpec.additionalScrapeConfigs[Secret]. See the template for an example. MSK uses ports 11001 and 11002 to expose JMX metrics.

The helm chart also includes Grafana. The default admin password is available in grafana.adminPassword.

To add the helm chart, run:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update

To install the helm chart, run:

helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --values misc/kube-prometheus-stack.yaml --namespace prometheus

The chart should be installed in a namespace called prometheus.


Grafana dashboards are available in the grafana-dashboard folder. The main ones are

The open source version is still there but it uses cp_ metrics so its incompatible with standard naming.

There is a template for creating a contact point in Grafana. Change the default notification policy to use it instead of the default contact point.

The logic for a kafka connect monitoring alert rule is also in a template.

Secret Management

To make managing kubernetes secrets easier, the External Secrets Operator (ESO) is recommended. It supports syncing secrets from AWS Secrets Manager to kubernetes.

To add the helm chart, run:

helm repo add external-secrets
helm repo update

To install the helm chart, run:

helm install external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets --namespace external-secrets

This installs the operator in the external-secrets namespace.

The CRD templates can be modified based on region and required components. The existing templates include secrets for MSK, Kafka proxy, and additional prometheus scrape config.

To install the cluster secret store, run:

kubectl apply -f misc/secret-store.yaml

To install the cluster external secret, run:

kubectl apply -f misc/external-secret.yaml

To do:

  • Move the Kafka proxy to a sidecar container for the kafka stateful set/schema registry deployment so it doesn't have to be deployed separately and support passing brokers directly