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base repository: daid/EmptyEpsilon
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: EE-2016.06.02
Choose a base ref
head repository: daid/EmptyEpsilon
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: EE-2016.06.23
Choose a head ref
Showing with 9,326 additions and 20,411 deletions.
  1. +48 −1
  2. +4 −0 CMakeLists.txt
  3. +11 −2 EmptyEpsilon.cbp
  4. +34 −25
  5. +836 −285 logs/index.html
  6. +0 −9,789 logs/jquery.js
  7. +5 −0 logs/jquery.min.js
  8. BIN resources/alert_overlay.png
  9. BIN resources/gui/BackgroundGradient.png
  10. BIN resources/gui/BackgroundGradientOffset.png
  11. BIN resources/gui/BackgroundGradientSingle.png
  12. BIN resources/gui/ProgressbarFill.png
  13. +6 −0 resources/gui/colors.ini
  14. BIN resources/shield_down.wav
  15. BIN resources/shield_up.wav
  16. BIN resources/vocal_self_destruction.wav
  17. +2 −2 scripts/comms_ship.lua
  18. +1 −0 scripts/scenario_00_basic.lua
  19. +1 −0 scripts/scenario_01_waves.lua
  20. +3 −1 scripts/scenario_02_beacon.lua
  21. +4 −1 scripts/scenario_03_edgeofspace.lua
  22. +4 −1 scripts/scenario_04_gftp.lua
  23. +1 −0 scripts/scenario_05_surrounded.lua
  24. +1 −0 scripts/scenario_06_battlefield.lua
  25. +309 −0 scripts/scenario_07_quick_basic.lua
  26. +804 −0 scripts/scenario_08_atlantis.lua
  27. +1 −0 scripts/scenario_10_empty.lua
  28. +6 −1 scripts/scenario_pvp.lua
  29. +12 −1 scripts/shipTemplates_Corvette.lua
  30. +1 −1 scripts/shipTemplates_Frigates.lua
  31. +3 −3 scripts/tutorial.lua
  32. +23 −0 scripts/utils.lua
  33. +10 −4 src/ai/ai.cpp
  34. +52 −0 src/beamTemplate.cpp
  35. +15 −4 src/beamTemplate.h
  36. +0 −6 src/epsilonServer.cpp
  37. +0 −3 src/epsilonServer.h
  38. +1 −1 src/factionInfo.cpp
  39. +1 −1 src/factionInfo.h
  40. +12 −1 src/gameGlobalInfo.cpp
  41. +6 −1 src/gameGlobalInfo.h
  42. +117 −61 src/gameStateLogger.cpp
  43. +5 −0 src/gui/colorConfig.cpp
  44. +6 −0 src/gui/colorConfig.h
  45. +1 −0 src/gui/gui2_advancedscrolltext.cpp
  46. +2 −2 src/gui/gui2_element.cpp
  47. +25 −0 src/gui/gui2_entrylist.cpp
  48. +4 −0 src/gui/gui2_entrylist.h
  49. +7 −0 src/gui/gui2_overlay.cpp
  50. +2 −1 src/gui/gui2_overlay.h
  51. +8 −1 src/gui/gui2_progressbar.cpp
  52. +1 −0 src/gui/gui2_progressbar.h
  53. +1 −0 src/gui/gui2_resizabledialog.cpp
  54. +4 −0 src/gui/gui2_selector.cpp
  55. +8 −0 src/gui/gui2_slider.cpp
  56. +1 −0 src/gui/gui2_slider.h
  57. +7 −9 src/hardware/dmx512SerialDevice.cpp
  58. +1 −1 src/hardware/dmx512SerialDevice.h
  59. +1 −1 src/hardware/hardwareMappingEffects.cpp
  60. +49 −9 src/hardware/serialDriver.cpp
  61. +15 −1 src/main.cpp
  62. +1 −0 src/main.h
  63. +77 −23 src/menus/autoConnectScreen.cpp
  64. +4 −3 src/menus/autoConnectScreen.h
  65. +1 −2 src/menus/joinServerMenu.cpp
  66. +6 −1 src/menus/mainMenus.cpp
  67. +84 −82 src/menus/serverCreationScreen.cpp
  68. +138 −22 src/menus/shipSelectionScreen.cpp
  69. +6 −1 src/menus/shipSelectionScreen.h
  70. +42 −1 src/playerInfo.cpp
  71. +3 −0 src/playerInfo.h
  72. +1 −1 src/repairCrew.h
  73. +67 −0 src/scenarioInfo.cpp
  74. +22 −0 src/scenarioInfo.h
  75. +2 −2 src/screenComponents/alertOverlay.cpp
  76. +1 −1 src/screenComponents/combatManeuver.cpp
  77. +78 −24 src/screenComponents/commsOverlay.cpp
  78. +6 −0 src/screenComponents/commsOverlay.h
  79. +6 −8 src/screenComponents/databaseView.cpp
  80. +1 −1 src/screenComponents/frequencyCurve.cpp
  81. +6 −4 src/screenComponents/jumpControls.cpp
  82. +61 −4 src/screenComponents/mainScreenControls.cpp
  83. +4 −0 src/screenComponents/mainScreenControls.h
  84. +12 −11 src/screenComponents/missileTubeControls.cpp
  85. +55 −0 src/screenComponents/onScreenKeyboard.cpp
  86. +18 −0 src/screenComponents/onScreenKeyboard.h
  87. +11 −7 src/screenComponents/radarView.cpp
  88. +85 −0 src/screenComponents/shipsLogControl.cpp
  89. +21 −0 src/screenComponents/shipsLogControl.h
  90. +275 −0 src/screens/cinematicViewScreen.cpp
  91. +58 −0 src/screens/cinematicViewScreen.h
  92. +21 −4 src/screens/crew1/singlePilotScreen.cpp
  93. +6 −4 src/screens/crew1/singlePilotScreen.h
  94. +1 −1 src/screens/crew4/engineeringAdvancedScreen.cpp
  95. +9 −2 src/screens/crew4/operationsScreen.cpp
  96. +2 −2 src/screens/crew4/operationsScreen.h
  97. +29 −18 src/screens/crew4/tacticalScreen.cpp
  98. +3 −0 src/screens/crew4/tacticalScreen.h
  99. +100 −7 src/screens/crew6/engineeringScreen.cpp
  100. +10 −0 src/screens/crew6/engineeringScreen.h
  101. +9 −3 src/screens/crew6/helmsScreen.cpp
  102. +3 −0 src/screens/crew6/helmsScreen.h
  103. +18 −7 src/screens/crew6/relayScreen.cpp
  104. +5 −0 src/screens/crew6/relayScreen.h
  105. +24 −9 src/screens/crew6/scienceScreen.cpp
  106. +5 −1 src/screens/crew6/scienceScreen.h
  107. +10 −3 src/screens/crew6/weaponsScreen.cpp
  108. +4 −1 src/screens/crew6/weaponsScreen.h
  109. +1 −2 src/screens/crewStationScreen.cpp
  110. +21 −2 src/screens/gm/chatDialog.cpp
  111. +6 −1 src/screens/gm/chatDialog.h
  112. +66 −8 src/screens/gm/gameMasterScreen.cpp
  113. +5 −1 src/screens/gm/gameMasterScreen.h
  114. +33 −2 src/screens/gm/tweak.cpp
  115. +5 −0 src/screens/gm/tweak.h
  116. +29 −2 src/screens/mainScreen.cpp
  117. +2 −0 src/screens/mainScreen.h
  118. +1 −2 src/screens/topDownScreen.cpp
  119. +1 −2 src/screens/windowScreen.cpp
  120. +33 −1 src/shipTemplate.cpp
  121. +9 −0 src/shipTemplate.h
  122. +1 −1 src/spaceObjects/artifact.cpp
  123. +32 −0 src/spaceObjects/cpuShip.cpp
  124. +5 −2 src/spaceObjects/cpuShip.h
  125. +132 −33 src/spaceObjects/playerSpaceship.cpp
  126. +11 −0 src/spaceObjects/playerSpaceship.h
  127. +2 −0 src/spaceObjects/scanProbe.cpp
  128. +0 −2 src/spaceObjects/scanProbe.h
  129. +11 −3 src/spaceObjects/shipTemplateBasedObject.cpp
  130. +8 −2 src/spaceObjects/shipTemplateBasedObject.h
  131. +9 −1 src/spaceObjects/spaceObject.cpp
  132. +3 −1 src/spaceObjects/spaceObject.h
  133. +113 −20 src/spaceObjects/spaceship.cpp
  134. +49 −7 src/spaceObjects/spaceship.h
  135. +15 −3 src/spaceObjects/spaceship.hpp
  136. +90 −10 src/spaceObjects/spaceshipParts/beamWeapon.cpp
  137. +12 −0 src/spaceObjects/spaceshipParts/beamWeapon.h
  138. +1 −1 src/spaceObjects/supplyDrop.cpp
  139. +1 −1 src/spaceObjects/warpJammer.cpp
  140. BIN www/favicon.ico
  141. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_bold-webfont.eot
  142. +1,925 −0 www/fonts/bebasneue_bold-webfont.svg
  143. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_bold-webfont.ttf
  144. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_bold-webfont.woff
  145. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_bold-webfont.woff2
  146. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_regular-webfont.eot
  147. +1,925 −0 www/fonts/bebasneue_regular-webfont.svg
  148. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_regular-webfont.ttf
  149. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_regular-webfont.woff
  150. BIN www/fonts/bebasneue_regular-webfont.woff2
  151. BIN www/fonts/montserrat_regular.ttf
  152. BIN www/images/bg.jpg
  153. BIN www/images/logo.png
  154. BIN www/images/ui-bg_diagonals-medium_10_000000_40x40.png
  155. BIN www/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_40_ffc73d_40x40.png
  156. BIN www/images/ui-bg_flat_0_000000_40x100.png
  157. BIN www/images/ui-bg_flat_0_313131_40x100.png
  158. BIN www/images/ui-bg_flat_0_ffffff_40x100.png
  159. BIN www/images/ui-bg_flat_30_cccccc_40x100.png
  160. BIN www/images/ui-bg_flat_50_5c5c5c_40x100.png
  161. BIN www/images/ui-icons_000000_256x240.png
  162. BIN www/images/ui-icons_0b1e8e_256x240.png
  163. BIN www/images/ui-icons_a83300_256x240.png
  164. BIN www/images/ui-icons_cccccc_256x240.png
  165. BIN www/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
  166. +858 −32 www/index.html
  167. +13 −0 www/jquery-ui.min.js
  168. +0 −9,789 www/jquery.js
  169. +5 −0 www/jquery.min.js
49 changes: 48 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,14 +2,41 @@

## [Unreleased]
### Added
- combat manuever controls for the tactical screen

### Changed
- move ops communication buttons to avoid overlapping the radar
- synchronize the science zoom slider behavior with the mouse wheel zoom

### Fixed
- hardware blick effect, could not set on\_value
- prevent ops communication buttons from appearing in the database view

## [2016-06-02]
### Added
- example of HTTP API
- basic log viewer using HTML and Javascript
- combat manuevers controls for single pilot screen
- SIL OFL for _Bebas Neue_
- toggle GUI visibility with <kbd>H</kbd> and camera locking with <kbd>L</kbd>
- top-down controls for zooming and panning
- selector for picking a players ship to lock onto
- button to copy a scenario script to clipboard
- buttons to create an asteroid or supply drop for the game master
- missile tube indicators for helm
- raw scanner overlay for science probe view
- button to the science station to open the database to the selected ship
- icon for the HVLI
- window title to cmake file
- option to toggle music
- faction communications for _Ktlitans_
- status requests respond with missile counts
- basic pack logging

### Changed
- engineering ship room image #271
- tweaks to the panel UI (see [4c96062155cd33433ff5b40a8c3fbb12b1815af1](
- damage is done to a single sytem instead of 5 random systems
- combat maneuvering is now two dimensional allowing boosting and strafing at the same time
- improved the weapons UI when the shield frequency feature is disabled
@@ -18,7 +45,12 @@
- database screen div distance
- moved music to the clients
- ship and station communication scripts

### Fixed
- communications button on single pilot screen
- logging on stations
- game state log entry being converted to bool
- _Edge of Space_ scenario was modifying the player ship incorrectly
- small fixes to the game state logger
- Fix system <-> shield link when there are more than 2 shields

@@ -40,6 +72,7 @@
- strike craft to replace strikeship and advanaced striker
- light transport frigate to replace the Tug
- extra set of 3d models for use as frigates

### Changed
- use the new ship templates in the scenarios
- alert overlay is more minimal
@@ -56,6 +89,7 @@
- relay can drag waypoints to change their position.
- limit waypoints to 9
- use pngcrush to reduce file sizes

### Fixed
- repair things not showing up in the tutorial
- hardware event Docking
@@ -76,6 +110,7 @@
- commented the scenario code
- freighters
- clicking on no target will unselect the current target in the weapons console

### Changed
- moved the shield frequency configuration to weapons
- power management shows the actual and requested levels
@@ -84,8 +119,10 @@
- improved the link-to-science feedback on relay
- tutorial text
- reverse missile weapon rows

### Removed
- custom template in the PvP scenario

### Fixed
- broadcast & station selection button
- hacked ships communications pointing to old script in _Ghost from the Past_ scenario
@@ -101,8 +138,10 @@
- waypoint renderingo
- better use of forward declarations
- different icon for missile tube that can only launch mines

### Removed
- gui2.h *catch all* header

### Fixed
- science cannot select targets when probe view is active
- multiple communications to the same object at the same time
@@ -125,6 +164,7 @@
- draw the engine/tube/beam positions in the rotating model view when debugging
- allow the beam weapon energy and heat to be set per beam
- missile tubes have a direction

### Changed
- increase system power usage
- power and coolant take time to change
@@ -139,9 +179,11 @@
- station selection from row of buttons to a drop down
- transparent wormhole images
- higher resolution blackhole image

### Removed
- custom ship templates from the _Ghost from the Past_ scenario
- obsolete functions

### Fixed
- crash when models are ot found
- slight layout
@@ -174,6 +216,7 @@
- damage/power indicator for beam info
- engineering column icons
- show current frequency on the beam and shield curves in engineering

### Changed
- improve the dynamic layout of the ship selection screen for wide screens
- improve the dynamic layout of the serer start screen using the new column auto layout
@@ -184,6 +227,7 @@
- improve science radar positions on wide screens
- improve the layout of engineering controls
- system icons updated

### Fixed
- unfocusElement which only worked for the top level element of the tree
- possibly fixes keyboard related crashes
@@ -209,6 +253,7 @@
- joystick controls for 3/4 player tactical screens
- allow for direct and hex value entry
- per station settings for which weapons they supply

### Changed
- cursor blinks in text emptry field
- constrain resizable dialogs to the window
@@ -228,14 +273,16 @@
- images for regular/focused text inputs
- updated colors
- alpha transparency for UI elements

### Fixed
- text centering
- shield icon using speed icon
- inverted pause button
- create button visible through the cancel button on game master screen
- clicking outside the radar circle but inside its reactangle caused callbacks

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ set(SOURCES
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ set(SOURCES
@@ -123,6 +125,8 @@ set(SOURCES
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions EmptyEpsilon.cbp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<Option object_output=".obj/Debug/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option parameters="fullscreen=0 screen43=0 touchscreen=0 autoconnect=0 touchcalib=0 " />
<Option parameters="fullscreen=0 screen43=0 touchscreen=0 autoconnect=0 touchcalib=0 instance_name=DEBUG" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Add option="-DDEBUG" />
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<Option object_output=".obj/Release/" />
<Option type="0" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option parameters="fullscreen=0 screen43=0 touchscreen=0" />
<Option parameters="fullscreen=0 screen43=0 touchscreen=0 instance_name=RELEASE" />
<Add option="-O2" />
<Add option="-g" />
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/clipboard.h" />
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/collisionable.cpp" />
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/collisionable.h" />
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/dtoa/dtoa_milo.h" />
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/engine.cpp" />
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/engine.h" />
<Unit filename="../SeriousProton/src/event.cpp" />
@@ -585,6 +586,8 @@
<Unit filename="src/preferenceManager.h" />
<Unit filename="src/repairCrew.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/repairCrew.h" />
<Unit filename="src/scenarioInfo.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/scenarioInfo.h" />
<Unit filename="src/scienceDatabase.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/scienceDatabase.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/aimLock.cpp" />
@@ -621,6 +624,8 @@
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/missileTubeControls.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/noiseOverlay.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/noiseOverlay.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/onScreenKeyboard.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/onScreenKeyboard.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/openCommsButton.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/openCommsButton.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/powerDamageIndicator.cpp" />
@@ -649,6 +654,8 @@
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/shipDestroyedPopup.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/shipInternalView.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/shipInternalView.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/shipsLogControl.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/shipsLogControl.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/signalQualityIndicator.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/signalQualityIndicator.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/snapSlider.cpp" />
@@ -659,6 +666,8 @@
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/viewport3d.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/warpControls.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screenComponents/warpControls.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screens/cinematicViewScreen.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screens/cinematicViewScreen.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screens/crew1/singlePilotScreen.cpp" />
<Unit filename="src/screens/crew1/singlePilotScreen.h" />
<Unit filename="src/screens/crew4/engineeringAdvancedScreen.cpp" />
59 changes: 34 additions & 25 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,40 @@
![EmptyEpsilon logo](

Started as a Open source 'clone' of Spaceship Artemis - A bridge simulator. But has already deviated from the old spaceship artemis. It supports a game-master mode and multiple AI factions. We strive to get this working on all major platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac) but only windows support is guarenteed.

The game is built on top of the SeriousProton engine and uses SFML for most of the heavy lifting.

If there is anyone willing to contribute, we're mostly looking for awesome models, sound effects and music. The game will be tested regulary by some of our trusty colleagues.
Started as a cross-platform, open-source "clone" of [Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator](, **EmptyEpsilon** has already deviated from Artemis with new features and gameplay, including a Game Master mode and multiple AI factions. We strive to get EmptyEpsilon working on all major platforms (Windows, Linux, and OS X), but only Windows support is guaranteed.

The game is written in C++ with the [SeriousProton]( engine and uses [SFML]( for most of the heavy lifting.

Some general contributing rules.<br>
1. This project is a dictatorship. Yes it's open source, but we'd much rather spend time on building what we like then arguing with people. <br>
2. Be precise in your issues; Why do you post the issue, what do you expect, what is happening, why is your feature worth time, what operating system, etc. Issues that are not clear will be subject to rule 1. with extreme prejudice.<br>
3. Despite the above two, input/ feedback / people playing this game is very much valued. If you have ideas/suggestings/ want to donate beer, drop a line.<br>

Contributing (Donation)
If you don't have the skills to help coding / create models, but you do want to give something back, you can always donate a bit. All donations will go directly towards buying better assets for the game (in this case; more/better 3D models). You can find the instructions on;

Contributing (Coder)
If you are a coder and want to contribute, there are a few things to take into account. <br>
1. The code is a undocumented mess at this point. We're working on fixing that.<br>
2. We use the following convention; member values are seperated with underscores, classes are with HighCamelCase and functions with lowCamelCase.<br>
3. Use a single pull request to change a single thing. Want to change multiple things? Multiple requests.<br>

Contributing (Artist)
There is no clear goal where this game is going. This means that there is no formal game / art / asset design. If you have something that you would like to see in this game (or want to make something), drop us a line. We'd love to see what you can do and how this game can improve.
If there is anyone willing to contribute, we're mostly looking for awesome models, sound effects, and music. The game is tested regulary by some of our trusty colleagues.

Some general contribution rules:

1. This project is a dictatorship. Yes, it's open source, but we'd much rather spend time on building what we like than arguing with people.

2. Be precise when filing issues. Explain why you posted the issue, what you expect, what is happening, why is your feature worth the time to develop it, what operating system is affected, etc. Unclear issues are subject to rule 1 with extreme prejudice.

3. Despite the above two, we very much value input, feedback, and suggestions from people playing EmptyEpsilon. If you have ideas or want to donate beer, drop us a line.

### Donations

If you don't have the skills to help code or create models but want to give something back, you can always donate a bit. All donations go directly toward buying better assets for the game (in this case, more and better 3D models). You can find the instructions at <>.

### Coding

If you are a coder and want to contribute, there are a few things to take into account.

1. The code is a undocumented mess at this point. We're working on fixing that.

2. We use the following conventions:

- Member values use underscores to separate words (`zoom_level`).
- Classes use HighCamelCase (`GuiSlider`).
- Functions use lowCamelCase (`getZoomLevel`).

3. Use a single pull request to change a single thing. Want to change multiple things? File multiple requests.

### Art

There is no clear goal where this game is going. This means that there is no formal game, art, or asset design. If you have something that you would like to see in this game (or want to make something), drop us a line. We'd love to see what you can do and how you can help improve the game.