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File metadata and controls

68 lines (50 loc) · 3.55 KB

Specifications for the Rails Assessment



  • Using Ruby on Rails for the project

  • Include at least one has_many relationship (x has_many y; e.g. User has_many Recipes)

    Book has_many :reviews Reader has_many :reviews

  • Include at least one belongs_to relationship (x belongs_to y; e.g. Post belongs_to User)

    Review belongs_to :book Review belongs_to :reader

  • Include at least two has_many through relationships (x has_many y through z; e.g. Recipe has_many Items through Ingredients)

    Reader has_many :books, through: :reviews Book has_many :readers, through: :reviews

  • Include at least one many-to-many relationship (x has_many y through z, y has_many x through z; e.g. Recipe has_many Items through Ingredients, Item has_many Recipes through Ingredients)

    Reader has_many :books, through: :reviews Book has_many :readers, through: :reviews

  • The "through" part of the has_many through includes at least one user submittable attribute, that is to say, some attribute other than its foreign keys that can be submitted by the app's user (attribute_name e.g. ingredients.quantity)

    Review.book_review (User submits their own review, meeting the user submittable attribute) Review.star_rating (select 1-5, either collection select or check boxes) Review_status (select from “want to read”, “currently reading”, “read”, either collection select or check boxes)

  • Include reasonable validations for simple model objects (list of model objects with validations e.g. User, Recipe, Ingredient, Item) Reviews- minimum and max length, star rating and status required Reader - username, email (uniqueness and presence), password length Book - title uniqueness, author presence

  • Include a class level ActiveRecord scope method (model object & class method name and URL to see the working feature e.g. User.most_recipes URL: /users/most_recipes) Scoped book index by genre Book.genre
    Scoped reviews index by book_id Review.by_the_book Scoped Books by Five Star reviews and made a view under Books called five_star /five_star

  • Add route to scope method

  • Include signup (how e.g. Devise) /signup

  • Include login (how e.g. Devise)/login

  • Include logout (how e.g. Devise) destroy method in sessions controller

  • Include third party signup/login (how e.g. Devise/OmniAuth) Login with Google is implemented, & Login with Facebook is implemented

  • Include nested resource show or index (URL e.g. users/2/recipes) reviews are nested under books, books/1/reviews (index route) reviews are nested under readers, readers/1/reviews (index route)

  • Include nested resource "new" form (URL e.g. recipes/1/ingredients/new) books/2/reviews/new reviews are nested under books, books/12/reviews/new

  • Include form display of validation errors (form URL e.g. /recipes/new) error messages are in the views (example: the partial _reader.html handles error messages for new and edit pages for readers)


  • The application is pretty DRY abstracted find_by into private methods in each controller, and used partials
  • Limited logic in controllers abstracted find_by into private methods in each controller, made helper methods for logged_in?, current_reader, and authorized in application controller
  • Views use helper methods if appropriate
  • Views use partials if appropriate Partials for _reader, _book, and _review forms, partial for layout _header, made _errors partial to render errors in the appropriate views.