- Archivo (repo) by Hector Gatti / Omnibus—Type; see also Archivo Narrow and Archivo Black
- Barlow (repo) by Jeremy Tribby
- Bebas Neue(repo) by Ryoichi Tsunekawa
- Cooper Hewitt (repo)NO-RO by Chester Jenkins
- Gidole (repo) by Andreas Larsen
- Inter UI (repo) by Rasmus Andersson
- Libre Franklin by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida
- LunchtypeNO-RO by Stefan Wetterstrand
- Overpass
- Sporting Grotesque (repo) by Lucas Le Bihan
- Work Sans (repo) by Wei Huang
- Libre Baskerville (repo) by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida
- Libre Caslon Text and Libre Caslon Display by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida
- ET Book (repo) by Dmitry Krasny, Bonnie Scranton, and Edward Tufte
- BluuNext (repo) by Jean-Baptiste Morizot
- CharterNO-RO1 by Matthew Carter
- IBM Plex (repo)
- Reforma by PampaType
- Recursive Sans & Mono by Arrow Type
- Beautiful Web Type
- awesome-fonts
- Use & Modify (See this issue for fonts not included on the website)
- Fontshare
NO-RO Glpyh set does not include Romanian diacritical marks. 1 see Charis as an alternative.