All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update
- Changed base image from 3.13-alpine3.20 to 3.13-alpine3.21
- Changed base image from 3.12-alpine3.20 to 3.13-alpine3.20
- Add 'network' to apparmor to fix the issue with Debian 12 and HA Supervised, closes #20
- Bump pyyaml from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
- Changed base image from 3.12-alpine3.19 to 3.12-alpine3.20
- Bump paho-mqtt from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
- Fixed an issue which prevented the addon to get the username and password from Home Assistant, closes #17
- Added logging to see authentication issues for MQTT
- Improved handling an empty 'measurement.yaml' file
- Added a check to prevent 'NoneType' is not iterable errors
- Removed sys from imports as no longer used
- Added more logging information to the log for the addon and for the Python script
- Added support for MQTTv5
- Bump paho-mqtt from 1.6.1 to 2.0.0
- Added 'mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION1'to Client() to support paho-mqtt 2.0.0
- Changed base image from 3.12-alpine3.18 to 3.12-alpine3.19
- Added codenotary signing
- Remove args from build.yaml
- Changed base image from 3.11-alpine3.18 to 3.12-alpine3.18
- Bump some args versions
- Updated requirements.txt to fix #9
- Changed base image from 3.10-alpine3.17 to 3.11-alpine3.18
- Changed base image from 3.9-alpine3.16 to 3.10-alpine3.17
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed permissions issue introduced in 0.3.12
- Changed example YAML code for Home Assistant to show a different use case as well (thanks @wiljums)
- Changed example YAML code for Home Assistant to add support for the water meter in the Energy Dashboard (requires Home Assistant 2022.11 or higher)
- Changed example YAML code for Home Assistant because of new MQTT scheme
- Changed file permissions to make scripts executable
- Bump version to 0.3.8
- Bump version to 0.3.7
- Updated base image from v3.14 to v3.16
- Made changes to support S6-Overlay v3
- Added URL to Github repository
- Moved installation instructions back to
- Added for documentation
- Added apparmor.txt file for increased security
- Removed dailystat from s0pcm_config.conf, this means we no longer get a CSV file with the daily count
- Fixed a bug that caused the add-on to fail after rebooting Home Assistant (#3)
- Changed data store folder to /share/s0pcm to make it persistant (not sure if this is the best way...)
- make it possible to use the 5 meter version as well
- Initial local test version
[Unreleased]: [0.2.0]: First version on Github [0.1.0]: Local first test