Tavajjoh : IN Noskheye Finglish Az Tarjomeye Farsie Hamin Matne Va Kheyli Az Vazhe Ha Be Shekle Englishe Khodeshoon Neveshte Shodan Chon Tarjomashoon Chize Jalebi Az Aab Dar Nemiad
Sakhte. Hamishe Anjam Dadane Kari Baraye Avvalin Bar Sakhte. Makhsoosan Vaghti Dari Mosharekat Mikoni, Eshtebah Kardan Kare Rahati Nist. Amma Open-Source Tamaman Darbareye Mosharekat Va Ham Karie. Ma Mikhastim Rah Ro Sade Konim Ta Contributer Haye Jadide Open-Source Betoonan Baraye Avvalin Bar Yad Begiran Va Mosharekat Konan
Khoondane Maghale Va Didane Tutorial Ha Mitoone Komak Kone, Amma Chi Az Vaghan Anjam Dadane Kar Ha Bedoone Kharab Kari Behtare ? Hadafe IN Proje Mohayya Kardane Yek Rahnama Va Sade Kardane Rahe Taze Kar Ha Baraye Avvalin Mosharekat.eshoone . Yadetoon Bashe: Harchi Relax Tar Bashi, Behtar Yad Migiri. Age Donbale IN Hasti Ke Avvalin Contribute Ro Anjam Bedi, Faghat Ghadam Be Ghadam Rahnamaye Zir Ro Donbal Kon. Ma Behet Ghol Midim, Gharare Khosh Begzare :D
IN Ro Dar Zaban Haye Dige Bekhoonin.
Age Rooye Computeret GIT Nadari,Nasbesh Kon Install It.
IN Repo Ro Ba Click Kardan Rooye Dokmeye Fork Az Balaye Safhe Fork Kon. IN Ye Copy Az Repository Miare Too Accountet
Hala Repo Ro Roo Computeret Clone Kon. Click Kon Roo Dokmeye Clome Va Bad Click Kon Rooye Icone *copy to clipboard*Terminal Ro Baz Kon Va Dastoorate Zir Ro Vared Kon:
git clone "url you just copied"
Jayi Ke "URL You Just Copied" ( Bedoone Alamate " Vojood Dare ) URL IN Repository Ke Too Marhaleye Ghabli Didi Vojood Dare
Baraye Mesal:
git clone https://github.com/this-is-you/first-contributions.git
Jayi Ke this-is-you
Hast Bayad Username Githube Ro Benevisi. Too IN Marhale Dari Mohtaviate Repositorye first-contributions
Ro Copy Mikoni Too Computeret
Too Cpmputeret Boro Directorye Repository ( Albate Age Hanooz Dakhelesh Nisti )
cd first-contributions
Hala Ba Estefade Az Dastoore git checkout
Ye Branch Besaz:
git checkout -b <add-your-name>
Baraye Mesal:
git checkout -b add-alonzo-church
( Lazem Nist Avvale Esme Branch Vazheye "add" Ro Benevisi. Amma Az OON Ja Ke Dari Esmet Ro Be List Ezafe Mikoni Kare Manteghi-e Hast)
Hala File Contributors.md
Ro Too Text Editor Baz Kon, Esmet Ro Ezafe Kon, Va Bad Save Kon. Age Beri Dakhele Directorye Proje Va Dastoore git status
Ro Bezani, Taghirat Ro Mibini. Va OON Taghirati Ke Dakhele Branchi Ke Sakhti Ro Ba Dastoore git add
Ezafe Kon
git add Contributors.md
Hala Taghirat Ro Ba Dastoore git commit
Commit Kon :
git commit -m "Add <your-name> to Contributors list"
Be Jaye <your-name>
Esme Khodet Ro Benevis.
Ba Dastoore git push
Taghiratet Ro Push Kon:
git push origin <add-your-name>
Be Jaye <add-your-name>
Esme Branchi Ke Sakhte Boodi Ro Benevis.
Age Beri Too Repository Roo GitHub, Dokmeye Compare & pull request
Ro Mibini. Roosh Click Kon
Hala Darkhate Pull Ro Submit Kon
Be Zoodi Man Tamame Taghiratet Ro Be Branche "Master" Ezafe Mikonam. Be Mahze IN Ke Taghirat Submit Shod Email Daryaft Mikoni
Mosharekatet Ro Jashn Begir Va Ba Follower Ha o Doostat Be Eshterak Bezar web app.
Dar Soorati Ke Soal Dashti Ya Komak Khasti Mitooni Be Teame Slacke Ma Bepeyvandi Join slack team.
Hala Bia Too Proje Haye Dige Mosharekat Konim. We Ye Listi Az Proje Hayi Ba Moshkelate Sade Gerd Avari Kardim Ke Mitooni Az OON Ja Shoroo Koni. the list of projects in web app.
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