# 100 Days Of Code - Log I use the [r1-log](r1-log.md) format instead. ### Day 0: February 30, 2016 (Example 1) ##### (delete me or comment me out) **Today's Progress**: Fixed CSS, worked on canvas functionality for the app. **Thoughts:** I really struggled with CSS, but, overall, I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. Canvas is still new for me, but I managed to figure out some basic functionality. **Link to work:** [Calculator App](http://www.example.com) ### Day 0: February 30, 2016 (Example 2) ##### (delete me or comment me out) **Today's Progress**: Fixed CSS, worked on canvas functionality for the app. **Thoughts**: I really struggled with CSS, but, overall, I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. Canvas is still new for me, but I managed to figure out some basic functionality. **Link(s) to work**: [Calculator App](http://www.example.com) ### Day 1: June 27, Monday **Today's Progress**: I've gone through many exercises on FreeCodeCamp. **Thoughts** I've recently started coding, and it's a great feeling when I finally solve an algorithm challenge after a lot of attempts and hours spent. **Link(s) to work** 1. [Find the Longest Word in a String](https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/find-the-longest-word-in-a-string) 2. [Title Case a Sentence](https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/title-case-a-sentence)