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ODrive controller interface for my robot control stack. This project provides ODrive state and control interfaces over NATS ( that can be published to for control, and subscribed to for state. This project is stateless, and presents all connected controllers as individually addressible interfaces that are discoverable over NATS.

Raspberry Pi Setup

Please follow the Getting Started guide for your ODrive controller(s) here: The instructions found in the ODrive Getting Started guide for Linux will get your Python 3 environment setup and ready to install the rest of the requirements for this project.

Create udev rule to allow non-Root users to use the ODrive controllers via USB

Create file /lib/udev/rules.d/50-odrive.rules with the following content and then reboot your Raspberry Pi.

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0d32", MODE="660", GROUP="dialout"

Create a user to run all of the robot processes

Create a new user, or just apply these groups to your existing user.

adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login --gecos "" robot
usermod -a -G dialout,gpio,i2c,spi robot 

Install robot-odrive dependencies

pip3 install asyncio-nats-client

Test run

sudo -u robot python3