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DC Tabular Application Profiles (DCTAP) Cookbook

tags: dctap

NB: This is a work in progress! The document draft can be found at This version is dated July 6, 2023.

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The Dublin Core Tabular Application Profile has been designed purposely as a simple core of application profile requirements. Like the Dublin Core Metadata Terms, the DCTAP should be seen as a starting point that may be sufficient for some simple applications but may also need to be extended to meet the needs of others. There are no intended limitations in the DCTAP design that would hinder extension.

This document presents some examples of extensions that may help users of DCTAP create their own extensions. Sections of this document and the solutions provided may change as we learn more about uses of the DCTAP.

Some DCTAP basics

Relation of DCTAP entries to base vocabulary

It is a rule that DCTAP should use vocabulary terms that have been already been defined outside of the application profile. While this reuse of a defined term may further constrain the term's built-in constraints, it is very important that the reuse not conflict with those constraints. As an example, an RDF property that is defined with a range of a specific node should not be re-defined in a DCTAP as taking a string value. Such a usage would be flagged as an error in a validation program.

The exception for property labels

Properties are typically given labels in the vocabulary where they are defined. While the label is a part of the vocabulary definition, labels are not definitional for the property and multiple labels are allowed. A profile in DCTAP may also provide its own labels for properties, though such labels are valid only for the profile and do not change or override the globally valid label defined in the vocabulary.

All DCTAPs have at least one shape

The simplest DCTAP can be just a list of properties and perhaps some key constraints on those properties. Such a profile could be seen as representing a "flat" metadata model. A "flat" DCTAP that does not make use of shapes is still considered to have one default shape implicit in the list of properties. This does not have an effect on the model being defined, but may be used as a convenience in programs that process the DCTAP as input to further functions.

The table

DCTAP is a table with columns. Twelve column types are defined in DCTAP, and a table will use onlh those columns that are needed for the profile. Because the table is intended to be human-readable as well as machine-readable, there are a few options that can be allowed to enhance readability, in particular in tables that make use of shapes. Each row in the table that is associated with a shapeID is a member of that shape:

shapeID shapeLabel propertyID propertyLabel valueDataType mandatory repeatable
authorShape Author foaf:name Author name xsd:string TRUE FALSE
authorShape Author foaf:mailbox Email xsd:string FALSE FALSE
authorShape Author foaf:accountName User Name xsd:string FALSE FALSE
publisherShape Publisher sdo:name Publisher name xsd:string TRUE FALSE
publisherShape Publisher sdo:location Publisher place xsd:string TRUE FALSE

It could be assumed, however, that a shapeID does not need to be repeated on each row, and that all of the subsequent rows are members of that shape. The shapeLabel associated with the shapeID also can be left blank on all but the first row identifying the shape:

shapeID shapeLabel propertyID propertyLabel valueDataType mandatory repeatable
authorShape Author foaf:name Author name xsd:string TRUE FALSE
foaf:mailbox Email xsd:string FALSE FALSE
foaf:accountName User Name xsd:string FALSE FALSE
publisherShape Publisher sdo:name Publisher name xsd:string TRUE FALSE
sdo:location Publisher place xsd:string TRUE FALSE

If it is desired for readability, the shapeID and shapeLabel can be on a row preceding the statements that are members of the shape.

shapeID shapeLabel propertyID propertyLabel valueDataType mandatory repeatable
authorShape Author
foaf:name Author name xsd:string TRUE FALSE
foaf:mailbox Email xsd:string FALSE FALSE
foaf:accountName User Name xsd:string FALSE FALSE
publisherShape Publisher
sdo:name Publisher name xsd:string TRUE FALSE
sdo:location Publisher place xsd:string TRUE FALSE

Extending DCTAP

There are two primary types of extensions for the DCTAP. The first is to add columns in the table for elements that are not included in the base specification. An example could be for a profile that will specify a maximum length for some data elements. The second is to add capabilities to the values that are defined for the cells of the basic table. This could mean defining ones own valueConstraintType or allowing multiple values in some cells in the table.

Specific cardinality

(Issue #50)

The DCTAP has two cardinality columns that take only the boolean values of "true" or "false" (or "1" or "0" ): mandatory, and repeatable. In words, mandatory means there must be at least one; repeatable means that there can be more than one.

These columns do not allow you to encode requirements like: "there must be at least two of these" or "there can be only as many as 5". These types of requirements are generally written as numeric values, such as "2,5". Because this form of cardinality declaration is not included in the DC TAP it will require the addition of the desired number of extended columns to hold the information.

Using columns, for those who prefer to store these elements as two separate elements, two extended columns will be needed. For those who prefer a compact version with both minimum and maximum in a single expression, only one added column will be needed. In either case, as these are undefined in the base specification, the heading of these extended columns is not pre-defined. The examples below use headings that are solely suggestive of the functions.

Using two columns

shapeID shapeLabel propertyID propertyLabel minOccur maxOccur
BookShape Book dct:subject Subject 1 3

Using one column

shapeID shapeLabel propertyID propertyLabel Occur
BookShape Book dct:subject Subject 1,3

Note that the use of minimum and maximum cardinality is in most cases not compatible with the use of mandatory and repeatable. Only one of these ways of expressing cardinality should be used in a TAP.

Minimum/maximum values


The DCTAP valueDataType can be a numeric value such as an integer or a formatted date. It is not uncommon for values such as these to be limited in their lower and/or upper bounds. In a profile for metadata that describes an educational program, there can be an obvious limitation on the ages of the pupils. The rule would be, for example, that students in any class may not be younger than 6 years of age, or older than 18 years of age. Or an inventory system for a business may put limits on a data element for "date of sale" to catch typos.

Either of these value constraints may be used alone if only a lower or upper bound is needed.

propertyID propertyLabel valueConstraint valueConstraintType
ex:date Date 2022/01/01 min

One approach to providing minimum and maximum values is to extend the value space for the valueConstraintType to include terms such as "min", "max", "minInclusive", "maxInclusive" (these terms follow the vocabulary used by XML schema, SHACL, ShEx, and other standards). The entry in the valueConstraint cell is then interpreted accordingly. For example if the valueConstraintType is "min" and the valueConstraint is "6" then the value must be over 6; or, if the valueConstraintType is "minInclusive" and the valueConstraint is "6" then the value must be 6 or over.

propertyID propertyLabel valueConstraint valueConstraintType
ex:age Age 6 minValue
ex:age Age 18 maxValue

See section XX for an explanation on how to interpret the constraints expressed in rows to clarify situations like this.

This approach of using the valueConstraintType has the advantage over an alternative of adding columns for each type of constraint (min, max, etc) that it does not lead to wide tables with many, sparsely populated columns, requiring much horizontal scrolling.

Another way to achieve designating a minimum and maximum value without repetition of the row is by using terms such as "range" and "rangeInclusive" as the valueConstraintType. Note that it is necessary to agree with users on the separator to be used between the upper and lower bound in the valueConstraint column.

propertyID propertyLabel valueConstraint valueConstraintType
ex:age Age 6-18 range

(Note: there's the problem of "if" - "if class is primary, then age range is 6-12; if class if middle, then age range is 11-15" etc. The table format doesn't give you a way to create branches based on "if" operations.)

Minimum/maximum string lengths


Sometimes it is desirable to limit the length of a string, for example to avoid overly long or too short descriptions.

One approach for doing this is to have a valueConstraintType such as minLength and maxLength (these terms follow the vocabulary found in the SHACL and XML Schema standards). The entry for the valueConstraint is then interpreted as the appropriate limit on the character length. For example, to limit descriptions to 512 characters:

propertyID propertyLabel valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dc:description Description 512 maxLength

Defining order of properties

It may be desirable to define an order of properties in the metadata. A table stored as a file of Comma Separated Values (CSV) is itself in a fixed order, but if this order is not sufficient then a column for the enumeration of the order could be added to the tabular profile. (Issue #15) This only is workable within a single shape. Ordering across shapes would add a complexity in the logic of parsing the file.

Here is an example of this from BIBFRAME:

shapeID shapeLabel propertyID propertyLabel orderNo
ISBN ISBN rdf:type Class 1
sp:hasResourceTemplate Profile ID 2
rdf:value ISBN 3
bf:qualifier Qualifier 4
bf:note Note 5
bf:/status Incorrect, Invalid or Canceled? 6

For validation, order of properties can be checked with both ShEx and SHACL for RDF data. Here is an example from the SHACL documentation.

Define ordered values

Without some extra effort, statements in RDF are not ordered. Where a metadata statement is repeatable but order of the statements is meaningful, it may be desirable to indicate in the profile which properties must be created and maintained in order. Depending on the needs of the applications, this can be done as:

  • logic within the application, where order is always enforced for a specific property
  • a note, where the main purpose is to inform those creating the metadata
  • an added column for ordered with a binary value, where this needs to be conveyed to any downstream applications

Namespace declarations

When using IRIs as identifiers in the cells of a tabular profile it is common to shorten the IRI by providing a local name (a prefix) that represents the base of the identifier (a namespace), such that:

dct:subject =
foaf:name =

Although there are some conventions of short names for frequently used vocabularies, it is always preferable to provide users of your data with your chosen practice so that expansion of the shortened IRIs will be correct. The actual format of the declaration of prefix and namespace varies by programming language although the basic content does not vary. A table could accompany the tabular profile with the basic information, and applications processing the profile could incorporate this information in the format they require. The proposed format for a table of prefixes and namespaces is:

prefix namespace

Other methods may be used to convey this essential information in a way that is compatible with your expected programming environment.

For correct interpretation of the tabular profile it is recommended that this information be made available with the profile.

Multiple values in a cell = OR

There are various situations where one may want to have multiple values in a cell that represent a choice of values, such as:

valueNodeType = IRI or BNODE valueConstraint = red or blue or green valueType = xsd:string or rdf:langString

Multiple value options in a single cell need to be delimited to distinguish them from a single value. Both the comma and the pipe character ("|") are commonly used delimiters that are highly visible within a string, but other characters may be used, with the caveat that the meaning of the characters used may need to be communicated to downstream users of the tabular profile. Note that comma characters are a special case in a CSV file, and commas used as multiple value delimiters need to escaped so that they are not confused with commas that separate columns. The CSV specification ( describes how to do this. However, most user-facing tools that are used to edit CSV files, such as spreadsheets, handle this more or less transparently, as do many code libraries for processing CSV files programatically, therefore it often is not necessary to escape the commas when using a table or spreadsheet program.

Multiple options in a cell should be processed in a logical "or" relation. Thus the cell with contents:




is processed as:

A or B or C

In metadata creation applications this is often referred to as a "picklist".


propertyID valueDatatype valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dct:subject xsd:string European History|Science|Fine Arts picklist
propertyID valueDatatype valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dct:subject xsd:string European History, Science, Fine Arts picklist

Not all columns can work well with multiple values. For example, one cannot have multiple values for the boolean elements of mandatory and repeatable. Likely uses of multiple values are: for labels (especially those using language tags to differentiate them); valueShape; valueConstraint; and valueDataType. Note that where multiple values are used one must be careful that this has not created ambiguity. For example, where there are multiple data types it may not be possible to also include a valueConstraint that would apply to only one of the multiple values.

An "OR" of properties

Multiple properties can be declared in a single cell where the metadata profile can accept either of the properties.

propertyID propertyLabel valueNodeType valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dct:creator, sdo:artist Creator IRI iriStem

The caution here is that both properties will be defined identically in the statement template. In the case above, both properties will have an IRI value taken from the list at If the different properties should have any difference in their description then they need to be separate statement templates on separate rows.

An "OR" of valueNodeTypes

There are cases where the preferred value for a property is an IRI but a fall-back if no IRI is available is to input a simple string. An example is when the dct:creator property will be preferred to be an IRI but lacking that the data creator should provide a string.

propertyID propertyLabel valueNodeType
dct:creator Author IRI, literal

This becomes problematic if the profile also wishes to clarify that the IRI should be taken from a defined list:

propertyID propertyLabel valueNodeType valueDataType valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dct:creator Author IRI, literal iriStem

Depending on how the DCTAP is processed for input or validation, this may result in ambiguity or an error if the value input is a literal. The literal value will not match on the valueDataType of an IRI stem. Placing the two different valueNodeTypes on separate rows will clarify the statement template in those two cases.

propertyID propertyLabel valueNodeType valueDataType valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dct:creator Author IRI iriStem
dct:creator Author literal xsd:string

Either/OR valueNodeType

In the immediately above example, no cardinality has been shown. The example works as it is if the property itself is optional (mandatory=false). If the property is mandatory, adding mandatory to either or both of the statement templates changes the requirements of the profile; it no longer allows either of the statement templates to be used.

If the intention of the profile is that there MUST be an author field, represented by dct:creator, but that field can be either an IRI or a literal, the DCTAP can accommodate that by defining the property as mandatory and the individual options as not mandatory.

propertyID propertyLabel valueNodeType valueDataType mandatory valueConstraint valueConstraintType
dct:creator Author TRUE
dct:creator Author IRI FALSE iriStem
dct:creator Author literal xsd:string FALSE


In this example, there are two properties given in propertyID. The profile requires that one of them, but not both of them, be present. The statement template with both properties is read as: (sdo:address OR foaf:email)= (mandatory=TRUE), meaning that one or the other must be present. The following rows describe the statement templates for each of them, giving their cardinality at that point in the DCTAP as mandatory=FALSE. Because each row in the DCTAP should be processed, the logic in this table is that of "either/or".

shapeID propertyID propertyLabel mandatory repeatable valueNodeType valueDataType note
Organization sdo:address foaf:email Contact TRUE TRUE (sdo:address OR foaf:email)=(mandatory=TRUE)
foaf:email Email address FALSE TRUE Literal xsd:string
sdo:address Postal address FALSE TRUE IRI BNODE

DCTAP and data validation

The DCTAP does not itself validate metadata. It is, however, designed to define rules that can be used to validate metadata. Remember that the DCTAP is a simple format and may not be able to define all of the validation requirements for a complex metadata format.

Below are examples of conversions of DCTAP instances to some common validation languages, and the adjustments to DCTAP that facilitate those conversions.