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Navigation: DEDIS :: Cothority Template :: App

App Template

The template app is a good starting point to learn how to add a service into a conode, and then talk to it.

We will look at the app, which is a client that talks to the server (one conode). Then we'll see how to start the server and interact with it. The protocol running inside the server is discussed in Protocol. Finally we will see how to use the script to do integration testing.

The app

First look at the app.go file in this directory. It defines a command-line interface that accepts a debug level. In this example, there are two commands:

  • time - measures the time needed to contact all nodes in a tree
  • count - returns how many requests have been made so far

Both commands take as an argument the group-definition file that defines which nodes to contact.

We use the urfave/cli package to define the different commands. In this template, a standard-flag of -d is added that takes a debug-level to change the output of our app during debugging. If you need more commands, you can simply add more of the Name/Action. More options are available from the CLI package, see the GoDoc documentation on it, linked above.

func main() {
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:      "time",
			Action:    cmdTime,
			Name:      "counter",
			Action:    cmdCounter,

The command

The cmdTime and cmdCounter are very similar, so let's look at one, the cmdTime:

// Returns the time needed to contact all nodes.
func cmdTime(c *cli.Context) error {
	log.Info("Time command")
	roster := readGroup(c)
	client := template.NewClient()
	resp, err := client.Clock(roster)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("When asking the time:", err)
	log.Infof("Children: %d - Time spent: %f", resp.Children, resp.Time)
	return nil

Here, we make a new client and use it to execute the Clock method in the server.

A cothority server has one or more services loaded into it at compile time via package import. In this case, we'll be compiling the server to include our one service, with the Clock and Count methods in it.

For more information about how a service is written, see Service.

Running it

If you just try to build the app with go build and then run it with ./app time, you will find that you still need to give the group-file as an argument.

The easiest way to run the status app is to use the script. This script takes care of incorporating our service and protocol into a cothority-skeleton so that it will be run and can be contacted from the outside.

To see how this works, run ./ -nt (-nt: "no temp directory"). This will create a directory called build.

In the build directory, you will see that the created a conode-binary that can be run to offer the service we just wrote. For simulations, three conodes are defined in co1, co2, co3 and their respective definition in coX/public.toml. The script automatically generates public.toml containing the first two conodes. It looks something like:

  Address = "tcp://"
  Public = "wxbIMiZ6eOdpYjL8K5xAwVQlCXGPvVYAsc5v8sWlxtI="
  Description = "New Cothority 1"
  Address = "tcp://"
  Public = "dUKrAmIqz8WcDW5MRLf4+iVcKPl45hq1MdjBQiV/mok="
  Description = "New Cothority 2"

The public keys will differ in your case. If you want to run the cothorities manually, you will have to give the correct configuration, like:

./conode -c co1/private.toml -d 3

Here -d 3 specifies additional debugging-output. In a second window, run:

./conode -c co2/private.toml -d 3

To run a request, in a third window, type:

./app -d 3 time public.toml

The app client executable starts, chooses one of the servers from public.toml, contacts it and requests it to run the Clock method. In response, the service in the conode generates a n-ary tree with 2 children per node covering the entire roster. It starts the protocol running on that tree. The protocol in our case floods a message down to each child, and every child replies with either 1 (leaf node) or the count of the replies it gets. Eventually the answer arrives at the originating conode, and it is returned to the client, along with the amount of time it took.


The test

As we do pre-test-driven development in DEDIS, we propose you start with writing the integration-test in a bash-file that reflects what you really want to do with the app.

The script will build your app and conode (with your services and protocols included) every time you run it. If you want it to use a cached copy from the previous build, give it the -nt argument. If you want to force a build, give it the -b argument.

Looking at, you see the main-function:

    test Count
    test Time

The most important lines here are the test .*-lines that indicate what tests to run. test Time will run the cleanup function from, and then call the local function called testTime.

Here is a good place to think about your app and reflect how a user should interact with it. If it is difficult to write this integration-test for your app, probably a user will also have difficulties with your app. So keep it simple and clear!

Let's look at the testTime-function:

    testFail runTmpl time
    testOK runTmpl time public.toml
    testGrep Time runTmpl time public.toml

First we check that the app fails when asked to report the time without a public.toml file. testFail runs the command and checks that the exit-code is different from 0. In bash, an exit-code of 0 is success, which is different behavior than in C, where 0 often means false.

Then we check that the app runs when given a public.toml file using testOK.

Finally we check that the binary returns a Time-string when asked about the time.


This text is based on a first version written by Matthieu Girod - thank you very much!